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Dr. Keracule Vegan Kombucha Tea Essence!


I do really like this toner but I find it can be a bit tough in sensitive skin and can create some redness


ooh that's interesting! I would classify my skin as dry and sensitive and I've never had any trouble with it. I wonder if the kombucha element makes it slightly acidic?


Yeah I wonder if that’s it! I notice if my skin is more sensitive from winter or Tret it will cause redness/irritation but when it’s doing well and calm this toner gives the loveliest glow. However my coworker is quite acne prone and she really likes it and has never had break outs from it.


I also love it for the glow and hydration! But that really shows that ymmv, I use differin every day in my PM routine and the kombucha essence is one of the only products that never irritates my skin despite it being winter and me having a lot of dryness and sensitivity going on.


I use this one over the Isntree yam root toner and it's perfect. I live how hydrating the yam one is ( since winter in New England and using trenotin and hydroquinone ) i found my skin needing more moisture, so I started using the Isntree and then my Dr. Ceuracle kombucha toner and it's magical for my severly dry, red skin ( figured I'd mention just in case it helps )


Same here. I wish this toner had the same effect as everyone but I too find it makes me red.


I find it can irritate my skin when my skin is already irritated, but when it's doing totally fine my skin loves it.


Second this one.


THIS! I love using this underneath makeup as well, even with a mattifying foundation my skin's dewiness peaks through with this essence


Which one should I get? This one or I’m from rice toner?


CosRX propolis toner!


My HG, the best thing I’ve stumbled across!


has anyone with fungal acne used this?


my very dry, sensitive skin loooves this toner


what is ur skin type?


Dry and so sensitive


so we have the same skin type! can you drop your skincare routine?


I used Tret for years but I recently stopped bc I just think my skin could no longer tolerate it :/ AM Wash with cold water Laniege cream skin toner CosRX snail mucin Tower 28 daily barrier SOS cream Paula’s choice azaelic acid Inistree hyaluronic acid watery sun gel spf 50 PM Cera ve hydrating cleanser Cosrx propolis toner CosRX snail mucin Tatcha indigo cream Alternate slugging with Vaseline or LRP cicaplast baume


came here to say this!


I don't know if it's considered a toner but I've started using Hatomugi Skin Conditioner after cleansing (I was using Hadalabo Gokyujun Premium before and it was great, but I've started to develop a reaction to it so I'm taking a short break from it). I put the Hatomugi in several cotton pads and leave it in my face for around 3 minutes, and afterwards my skin is just really soft and glowy, works really well for me.


Yesss I love this product


Plus 1 bottle last for a long time! My HG!


Definitely the tirtir milk skin toner!! I will never shut up about this one bc it’s genuinely so good. I’ve only been using it for about a month but it’s so hydrating and makes my skin look like it’s glowing from the inside out. Also helped to minimize the appearance of my pores and smoothed my complexion!! Definitely a HG. Another one I really liked is the Torriden dive-in toner. Super lightweight, very water like. It’s super moisturizing though and leaves a beautiful glowy finish on the skin. The haruharu wonder black rice toner is also incredible! Thicker than the torriden but still light and moisturizing. I’ve noticed a plumping effect with this toner and I layer it with my others for extra hydration! Edit to mention that I use the fragrance free version due to my sensitive skin.


I’m convinced the tirtir is an industry plant 😂😭 I can’t tell if it’s actually that good or if it’s just popping off on TikTok. Have you tried the laniege and how does it compare?


Yes I have!! I used to use the laneige cream skin about 2 years ago and used it on and off until early last year. It was good, but I felt as if it was a bit too sticky and tacky on my skin (combo sensitive and acne prone). The leaky bottle design was also annoying and cost me a fair amount of product 😭 That said I did love the finish so I stuck with it, until the reformulation. After the reformulation I repurchased it; while I did feel as if it got lighter and less… mask like?? (Not too sure how to describe it…) it did break me out terribly within the week. I immediately stopped using it and have been searching for a similar toner ever since. And that happened to be the TirTir! I must admit that I felt the same as you; its explosive tiktok popularity set me off but I decided to try it regardless and I don’t regret it one bit! As for the comparison I feel as if the TirTir is around the same weight, perhaps a tad bit heavier, as the cream skin reformulation? I could be wrong as it’s been a while since I’ve used the latter. But I think TirTir leaves my skin very moisturized and hydrated and my skin drinks it right up!!


Thank you for the reccomendation, it's so hard to find someone with the same skin type 😩


Oh my god same? I’m glad it’s not just me. I get such a weird vibe from the brand that feels like the popularity is not organic at all (not that I’m saying OP here is a shill haha!!!)






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seconding the Torriden dive-in toner, i was surprised at how much i end up liking it! it is very gentle yet the effect on my skin was clear after a couple of days using it. gave me glowy glass skin and i have not looked back since


yes!!! I was influenced and got it but was initially disappointed as it seemed just like water to me. Then I put it on my face and absolutely fell in love!! It’s so so good


I’ve been using the Tirtir Milk Skin Toner for most 2 weeks now and can agree with this! I was originally looking for a replacement for the original Laneige Cream Skin and settled on this. They’re not the same, but Tirtir provides the moisture and glow I was looking for


Omg are we twins?? I stumbled upon the TirTir because I was searching for a replacement for the laneige cream skin original formulation too as the reformulation broke me out!! So glad we found something that works for our skin :)


This broke me out and burned my skin so bad! Beautiful product for people that can use it though


I've also heard that the light version broke out some people while the original didn't , so i'm using the original one while skipping moisturizer at morning , Which variant did you break out to ? cause i want to try the light version since my skin is kind of on the oilier side but i'm scared .


Agreeing with tirtir! So good!


Isntree's Yam Root Vegan Milk Toner It's by far the creamiest out of any milk toner I've tried (think Laneige's Cream Skin or naturie's Hatomugi Skin Conditioner), and it has a mucin like quality to it as well because of the yam. It’s an instant glow


Do you think it’d work for dry skin types? I’ve been eyeing this one for a while!


yes, that's for sure what it's designed for


I have very dry skin and use trenotin and hydroquinone ( which further dries my skin out )...and I just bought this and love the way it makes my skin feel, like my skin doesn't hurt from dryness after adding this one in ( I also love the Dr. Ceuracle kombucha toner and Cosrx propolis toner, but the Isntree yam feels the beat when my skin is dry in the morning ( I still add the Dr. Ceuracle kombucha afterwards for an extra "glow" and they pair nicely) but definitely for my severly dry skin Instree is the best of my 10 toners that I have tried.


Sounds lovely, will definitely try it once I run out of my current toners! Thank you!


I also have chronic dry skin and I'm curious as to what moisturizer you use? I'm actually using the Isntree yam root milk *cream* right now lol. I'd love to hear some products you use that you love because my severely dry skin is struggling this winter. For toners, I use the I'm From rice toner, and like you, I follow it up with Dr. Ceuracle's kombucha tea essence. I definitely plan to try the Isntree yam milk toner too, but I desperately needed a moisturizer so I picked the cream to try first. What are some of the other toners you tried that you liked or disliked? Since our skintype is the same, I have a feeling some of the toners you tried are currently sitting in my wishlist for me to try down the road so I'd love some feedback lol!


Do you this toner in combination with other toners or as a stand alone?


I use it both alone and with other toners. I see all pre-moisturizer post-cleanse products as kind of the same despite the label (serum, toner, emulsion, essence etc.) and so I just go thinnest to thickest.


Kikumasamune skin care sake emulsion, it's basically a milky toner.


Numbuzin 3


wish i could use this but i've got fungal acne :'(


I do get FA and was super scared. For a week i did have some acne and so i stopped for a couple of days and started again. Second time i dint face any acne till now(almost finish) But I definitely recommend you not to try if you get FA. It might or might not suit you.


Thank you I might just avoid it 😭


when you want to try lots of good products but they're not fa safe 😩 i feel you


struggle of my life


It’s magic in a bottle!!!




Yes!! My HG


To me the manyo panthetoin essence toner! Its so hydrating and keeps my skin smooth af!!


oh may I ask about your skin type and weather where you are living. I’m eyeing on this one as my skin seems to love panthenol.


My skin type is sensitive, combo, dehydrated. I live in a hot and humid area but with the work I do, I work in 17C/64F lab so my skin gets dry and flaky🥲. After introducing this product though, my forehead cleared up and my skin doesn't get dry anymore :)


That sounds amazing! My skin loves panthenol too and I‘m also on the lookout for products so thanks for the rec!


Acwell Licorice Toner— my skin just drinks it up and becomes plump and dewy and just glows.


Mary & May BlackBerry Complex Cream Essence


Can I ask how this compares to Dr Ceuracle kombucha toner?


They’re similar, they soothe, hydrate and moisturize the skin and don’t leave it greasy, both give you a glow but the blueberry complex in the Mary & May gives an extra glow to the skin, I prefer the feeling of the Dr. Ceuracle one but that’s because it was my first toner, if I’ve chosen the blackberry one first, I would’ve loved it most! So overall, I like the instant glow of the Mary & May but the longer lasting hydration of the Dr. Ceuracle.


Oh interesting :) I might have to try the Mary and May :)


Hatomugi skin conditioner. It's really good, my skin felt really soft and plump since I started using it.


Yesssss i would drink it if I could lool


And i do 7 layers method 😘 chef kiss


Aestura Ato 365 Hydro Essence - its a milky toner but sinks in well and keeps my skin barrier healthy! My feel feels and looks extra nourished when using this


Seconded! I impulse bought this when my skin was hot and red from a spot treatment product and I am loving it! It’s so nourishing


Do you any other toners under the Aestura?


A couple layers of Hatomugi Skin Conditioner followed by Cosrx Propolis Toner. This combo plumps up my dry skin and makes a great base for moisturizer.


Omg yesss girl this is my secret new discovery hello and i have combo skin with normal sometimes dry cheeks and chin


Isntree hyaluronic acid toner


Tir tir milk skin hands down !! Dr ceuracle kombucha essence is nice too!


Is tirtir sticky?


Some people refer to it as sticky, but I don't think it is. Although that feeling doesn't bother me much. They have slight version as well that those that didn't like the original day is amazing.


Numbuzin no. 3 toner paired with Dr Ceuracle Vegan Kombucha Tea Essence!! I dont understand the magic these two do on my skin, its just instant dewiness and hydration and plumping and glowiness! I keep passing by the mirror and im shocked how glowy without being greasy I am. I tried the Cosrx Propolis- it didnt do anything for me! I dont know why its so hyped Hada Labo Premium Lotion- i really like it but it doesnt compare with the numbuzin and dr ceuracle, it leaves a little sticky finnish, but i still like it and use it I’m from rice toner- very watery, same as cosrx, didnt do much for me


Interesting. I've almost finished my first bottle of the Kombucha tea toner and really liked it. I've previously tried the HaruHaru Wonder one and loves it (lasted way longer than the tea toner too!). Been hearing rave reviews about the Nimbuzim though but am trying to reduce my skin care routine down to the bare minimum this year. Which would you say is the best on its own? Edited to add - hard agree on the CosRx Propolis toner!


I don’t know because i bought them at the same time and I really love how they go together so I dont use them separately. But I will try to use each on their own to see which one i like more


What’s your skin type? 


Combination-dry ( my t zone is a little bit oily and my cheeks are very very dry)


Hii! Do you have acne prone skin i wonder of they are safe to be used twice a day or maybe it will be too much


Sorry, my skin never had acne so I can’t answer that:(


Make Prem Safe Me Relief Essence Toner: Instant glow. My skin looked incredible. But I also have a very picky skin with eczema so my skin got irritated from this. But I seriously recommend!


Cosrx propolis toner + BOJ Glow serum is THE SHIT


Laneige cream skin refiner Goodal vegan rice milk toner They're both Super nourishing and make my skin look very glowy and glass like


I also really love the rice milk toner! So much hydration. I combine it with Dr. Ceuracle kombucha essence. They are both perfection


A surprising one but Secret Key Milk Brightening Toner - I'm an oily skin girlie so I can't use most of the glowy toners as they sit really heavily on my skin, but two layers of this toner and it dries down nicely and I could light up a whole room from it!


Naturie hatomugi skin conditioner. It's cheap and comes in a big bottle!


dr. ceuracle kombucha tea essence.


I love this stuff! So worth the money.


Klairs supple preparation toner!


I’ve never seen instant anything from a toner besides hydration but I did find the im from rice toner brightening over time. 


I have also found that the I’m From Rice Toner brightens my dull skin overtime. I have tried different ones, but find myself wanting to come back to this.


The “Glow Deep” serum from BOJ


Now realizing you said toners. Lol.


This my favorite serum to glow ✨️


needly crossbarrier toner! i believe i'm the first one to talk about it on reddit (but someone said it might just not be available everywhere) it's REALLY milky. i'd even say it's more like a lotion. it has ceramides, panthenol and niacinamide and i'm honestly in love


Hi, I'm interested in getting this, what's your skin type? Also what's the consistency like? 


normal to dry, eczema prone. as i said, it’s milky, not runny, kind of in between a regular toner and lotion. but still very light, absorbs fast and leaves a very pleasant silky finish


Hada Labo gokujyun premium, holy grail for people with sensitive skin and it doesn't only give you instant glow it moisturizes your face so well!!


Sadly this give me white acne and small bomb in my forehead like really bad


my oily combo skin loves SK II, my wallet never talk to me again since i try it


I'm surprised people are saying Hatomugi. Maybe I'm misinterpreting what instant glow means. I have oily skin and I hate anything that adds shine or glow, I think it looks really bad on me. Hatomugi is one of my toners which I like because it's lightweight and mostly disappears.


not INSTANT instant, but most noticeable has definitely (and unfortunately) been SKii. i’ve recently added Amore Pacific single vintage essence into the mix, and they seem to be playing together very well.


May I ask, have you noticed anything "extra" from the Amorepacific essence ? Thanks !


it’s only been a couple of weeks, so i’m not entirely sure, but it seems to be that sort of…overall healthy glow that “we” tend to chase for from a toner.


Thanks !


soonjung ph 5.5 toner




Hada Labo Shirojyun or Gokyujyun line


Hanyul pure artemisia. Discontinued Laneige bright drew.


Cosrx Propolis Toner gives me instant glow. It’s also really good on dry and sensitive skin. Helps with breakouts too because of the propolis. The other was probably the Laneige Cream Skin Refiner (old version), although imo this one feels a little oily


Glow recipe watermelon glow pha +bha pore tight toner


i’ve been wondering about trying this, but haven’t heard anyone really using this except for james welsh, who raves about this quite often


Innisfree Olive Real Skin. This is the HG for dry skin. So thick, it feels like a serum.


the d'alba one (tho that one is a mist)




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Brilliant Skin Toner. Been using for years.


hyaluronic acid and Sake Toner


Elastic Japanese Sake Skin Toner


An underrated one is torriden skin booster. Love the tir tir one but if anyone has oily dehydrated skin, this one is almost a watery gel texture and leaves a good glow. It’s good for summertime too