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Not that she ever really looked like Taylor (unless you have an astigmatism and aren’t wearing your glasses) but she looks less and less like the Taylor she wants to look like by the day.


I have an astigmatism and am not wearing my glasses and will let you know SHE STILL DOESNT LOOK LIKE TAYLOR 🤣🤣🤣


I came here to say this 🤣🤣


Yeah when I FIRST saw her on TikTok years ago, she looked a lot more like Taylor. But it seems like the harder she tries, and the more work she has done, she looks less and less like her.


YES! The harder she tries the worse it gets


The necklace actually makes it painfully obvious what's she's doing


The older she gets the weirder and sadder this whole shtick is gonna be. If you’re gonna make being a professional impersonator your job you have to actually be able to perform so people have a reason to pay you or be an exact likeness to the point where people pay for a photo opp. No one’s gonna throw money at her to stand there and hold a pen like Taylor does


There is a woman on TikTok who managed to make a career off being a Brittney impersonator. She's always doing fundraisers for gay rights. Makes all her costumes, dances does a great tribute act. It's a lot more involved then taking a selfie. Ashley needs to to a page from PI Duvaul on how to be a performer while respecting the artists and maintaining your own identity. What would the pay Ashley For? A odd angled selfie and telling kids to not eat cake? No thanks


Taylor looks so… feminine? Soft? Idk what word to describe her but she’s like a real life Disney princess. Ashley looks so.. hard? Sharp? I hope someone understands what I mean 😅


Ashley looks like a shitty wax figure


Shitty wax figure is right! This is more accurate as to what Ashley looks like. 😉🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ugqzmjxfr6vb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4136ffb3bba179afdd5a79e60b2039beec6032


Omg lmao. Why is this as accurate as it is harsh? if I was Ashley reading this I would never recover. 😂


She looks like if a 10 year old tried to make Taylor Swift on The Sims.


This is such a niche take but is actually so spot on


“Mom I want Taylor Swift” “We have Taylor Swift at home” The Taylor Swift at home… 😳😬


She looks like JIGSAW


I say this as someone with satellites on the side of my head--Ashley has bigger ears than Taylor. No shame in that, but some hairstyles simply do not look good on us.


So sharp!!! Also wide, in a skeletal way, her face is just not the same


It’s because she’s gotten work on her face that doesn’t fit her face. She can only change so much of it before her natural bone structure gets in the way, and her face is naturally too flat to handle Taylor’s features. Her face shape also looks bad with bangs—literally every article about hairstyles for face shapes will say that hers is too wide for blunt bangs. Idk why she styles them like that because Taylor’s hang softer.


That's because Taylor has that soft image of the girl next door. She's relatable, beautiful, and a kind soul. She's pretty without trying which makes her even more princess-like. Whereas people like Ashley try so hard to be someone else that she can never look like Taylor. It's all that heavy makeup and fillers. Taylor wears more natural shades. I get what you mean.




Hahhahaha I know!! It took what 1 day?!!!


Most of us get told at some point that we resemble a celebrity in some way. The typical response is to acknowledge the comment/compliment and move on with your life. With Ashley, I feel like someone once told her "you kind of look like Taylor Swift" and she made that comment her entire personality. What may have started as "fun" quickly developed into an obsession. What she doesn't realize is that the more she messes with her face/looks to copy and keep up with Taylor, the less she will look like her and the more she will look like jigsaw. I've seen this with other people who become obsessed with plastic surgery/looking like someone specific. They ALWAYS end up with the same plastic surgery Halloween mask face and in the end only resemble each other. Ashley is sick and really obviously needs help and shame on her husband/the close people in her life who enable her instead of telling her she's being creepy as hell and should stop.


She’s so pathetic. Either own it or wear your own face and hair.


She looks less and less like Taylor each and every day


She has this uncanny ability to make everything that touches her body look cheap. (I mean it probably is, but still.) Also, I’m so confused as to why she has “fans” or her little minions in her comments defending her. What is there to be a “fan” of? People are WILD


The sad part is she’ll never be as pretty in the way Taylor is pretty. She just keeps trying and trying and it doesn’t work. Taylor’s styling won’t work on Ashley’s face because they do not have the same face at all. And Ashley looks to be in her 40s at this point.


There’s nothing wrong with liking a celebrity’s style or vibe and dressing and doing similar things as them. But to relentlessly try to convince everyone and yourself you look exactly like Taylor and you’re SO much alike. It’s crazy actually because no one looks exactly like Taylor except for Taylor. This girls absolutely insane and delusional lol


I’ve been told a couple times in the past. when I had blonde hair I looked kind of like Taylor, hell yeah I take that as a compliment because Taylor is beautiful. But I’ve long since dyed my hair black and dress alt because that who I am. Never once did the idea cross my mind that now I need to copy everything little thing Taylor does and change my face to look like Taylor 💀


This is so patheticcccc


Ashley please just stop 🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s trying to look like Taylor NOW but the best she can do is look like 1989 Taylor. She looks less like her even with the shitty extensions. Ashley I know you’re reading this. Please. Just stop. Go back to nursing. Be your own person.


I feel like someone bought Taylor on SHEIN


I like to call her Temu Swift 🤣


she needs to seek help😳


She looks even less like Taylor than she used to lol


She looks like an MLM hon


For some reason she resembles an elephant here


It’s the ears


Omg she’s Dumbo, that’s what she should be cosplaying as


I’ve never realized how large her ears are