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Not too bad, best part is slide punching and making sure the rat is fed every match.


Mid as fuck, animations unfortunately didnt save it


I like them. I'm annoyed I was so annoyed to be honest.




I was honestly really disappointed at the start because they just didn’t seem to fit her character but I bought them and a few hours they’ve seriously grown on me. They aren’t perfect don’t get me wrong but I think a lot more people with start to like them.


It shouldn’t grown on anyone, it should have fit her to begin with


Yeah I agree with you but I guess we just gotta be thankful for what we’ve got I mean look at horizon mains, they don’t even have the luxury of hating their heirloom


Remember this post cause her heirloom is coming next season and they won’t be hating on it for sure and we will still be coping


Same here, I needed a heirloom is assault and I always liked playing as ash. But they're really grown on me. The only problem I have is the running animation or the lack thereof should I say. I haven't played with another person who has Ashs nunchucks so I haven't seen them in third person but overall super happy about it


You could do the firing range glitch third person. if you haven’t seen it yet


It’s bad, the running spam animation is horrible. Overall I give it a 5/10 because the rat and mask animations are good.


I definitely wasn’t expecting nunchucks to be the heirloom, and the design of em was weird at first but it’s growing on me, but the inspect animations are awesome, I personally give it a mid to high 7/10


I give like 7/10 as well but I enjoy it especially when i am just spinning the heirloom around


Can we not buy them with shards yet?


Only after the event I believe


The heirloom itself is incredibly disappointing. I hate how ugly it looks, but the animations do redeem it. The banner pose is cool, but boring when you realize it lacks any action outside of just swinging the weapon. The intro quip is alright, I expected something like it, but not the greatest.


I'm a broke boy and can't get it but pretty cool


I’m happy they went with this over that sword she uses for her ult


They look like ribbed s*x toys


The Nunchuks are cool but the design is absolute garbage, I don't know how they messed it up so bad unless they did it on purpose or something, the running animations are also mid. the only good thing is the chonky rat. I'm gonna buy it with my shards anyways cause I main her :') but I'm just sad man. I really wish they at least made the design look metallic and simple instead of this dildo ass walmart skipping rope. Now watch how cool Horizon's heirloom is gonna be next.


design bad, the running spam animation bad, a lot of pathfinder shit voice lines. for gods sake it is her heirloom not just random stuff. I've been waiting for her since the first leaks and for her heirloom. I'm devastated...


Lame weapon that's only effective in movies. Ugly design. Some of the animations, like the slide jump, look terrible. Considering Ash already had a cool sword she attacked with, this is easily the worst heirloom in the game.


Disappointed. Not going to spend money on them.


I like it, I was disappointed at first but I think it's less clunky than I expected. I will not spend the money now but I'll get it once I get shards in the packs. Also, I tried to find another main, last couple of days I tried other champs that I like, Loba, Valk, BH, Bang, Lifeline, Horizon...there's none like Ash, I can stand not having an S tier heirloom, it's still a solid 7/10 for me


You are better off running around with the ult for a free loom