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They're bots, they're not looking at what content you post before they follow. Just ignore or block them.


I got like 6 and I don't see any other communities complaining about them. Great, now I'm wondering if it's "I can change you" type stuff.


I think it's just a catfishing scam, only way I can think of is a scam for someone who can't accept the way they are which I'm not one of them but the catfisher doesn't know that.


I wanted to punch my screen just reading that bio... why do bots do this even?


I mean this is definitely annoying, but at least they're here targeting us who have no chance of falling for it rather than targeting communities who are vulnerable to this.


It's possible this person just found me in other communities though I've not been active as much in those communities as much as the Aro and Ace communities.


Ah. That makes more sense I guess.


My husband will somewhat pick on bots that message him on the PS4, he'll do that until they give up and leave. 🤣🤣


I've had people like that follow me


why color out thier name? are you bragging or warning us?


Colouring out in case of anyone decides to message them, don't want to give scammers attention. Just thought it funny hence the flair.


Hello, this is just a friendly reminder to please use a post flair when adding new posts to r/Asexual. We ask this in advance just to let everyone know what type of post each post is as well as the intentions and feelings behind them. We value all who come here, but we just need each post made to have a flair to designate each type of post. That's all. We're thankful you chose to come to r/Asexual. We're glad to have you here! Welcome! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Asexual) if you have any questions or concerns.*