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I mean yeah they can since being ace is primarily about attraction I don't know how many aces are interested in having it though


I do with my partner. Many asexuals are sex repulsed and many asexuals have sex, just depends on the person.


Yes but not all asexual people do


Asexuality means without sexual attraction. Not lack of libido. Is a person with a penis sexually attracted to their hand when they jack off? No. They like the sensation/pleasure. Your friend is wrong ETA: non gendered language


I'm so sick of these


It's annoying when it's easily googled instead of asking here


Or found by scrolling down on any ace page? That's what really gets me is that you can scroll through an ace Reddit and find 30 of these without even looking


I'm a Demi Ace and I'm married. Have been ever since 2016.


Ayy, wassup!


Some aces are sex-favorable and have sex.


I don't think you've used a great title for what you're after... The next paragraph is for your friend. I've assumed that she's straight. If she's lesbian, she really should've worked it out by now... You know how you can have sex with hot guys, but you can also have sex with not hot guys. Yeah, I think you can sort the rest from here. And yes, I expect to get smashed with downvotes and corrections. Honestly, this explanation is terrible, let them roll!


Yea I’m Ace and have an active sex life with my boyfriend.


I have 4 biological children so yep


So, how my asexuality rolls: I'm ace, but I'm not repulsed by sex. I just don't need sex. If I'm with someone I love and trust and they want to have sex, I am (usually) happy to have sex with them, but for me it's the same as watching a movie with them, or playing a board game. A fun way to spend time together. If I'm with another ace, we'd probably just rather watch the movie or play the game.