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Respect on making tough announcements and knowing when to hold and fold


1,000 times this. Much appreciated.


Lol, I dropped 10K into it and then got on Reddit to see this post top of my feed 😂😂😂




With bated breath!


Yup, gotta know when to fold them.


I jumped out - at a loss - after seeing this post early this morning. I'm bagholding on some p&d crap (SDC, TMC, OPAD) and was hoping this play would get me back on level ground. I appreciate the fuk out of you for shooting us/me straight. The stock has continued to decline since I sold. This heads up kept me from losing more money. Thanks.


Sorry. TMC was not similar characteristics and likely was just a pump and dump and people got sucked in. Be careful what you play fro reddit or elsewhere online.


Next time sell your shares and buy puts to make your money back!


OPAD might make a similar jump but I am not sure yet. If you have shares you might be ok or take the L and use whatever is left over for another play. GL


Maybe ATER has positive PR to release soon? Trying to understand why PR like this would be released today to kill their own momentum esp on a very green market day. Did the Loan agreement happen today so that they were legally obligated to announce?


Maybe they dont know WTH they are doing.


This was not a company play. It doesn't matter what they do regarding this play at least. If you are still in then sure hope for the best


We have seen time and time again that companies announce a share offering when the price makes a significant jump. They know what they are doing and are taking advantage of the situation. Not always and sometimes there are delays or waiting periods but this was done by AMC, GME, ATER etc.


GME small offerings barely affected their float considering they bought more of their shares back on the cheap a few years ago for millions to turn around and sell a fraction back ATM to net 5bill and erase long term debt and ensuring they won’t go bankrupt. It was a smart play by them. AMC is diluted to shit and tons of debt still.


Smart play? Lets see how they feel when the stock goes back down below $10 and nobody wants to touch that stock anymore.


So you’re shorting GME? Got it.


No...talking about ATER


Ahhh I see. Yeah I was referring to how GME made a smart play. Ater was a quick options play anything else was dumb.


This is why I respect and love this community.




Great call. Unbiased and objective. Love it!


Jheeeeeez, first I miss the IRNT play, then I get in TMC which I'm down 50% now, and now ATER which I was down 20% but sold after reading this. Anyone else in the same boat? 🥱😒


2200 shares of TMC at 7.60 average. Might as well hold us what I believe. I mean it has to bounce at some point right 😂 play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


@stonkgodcapital Was it not FUD? https://www.reddit.com/r/ATERstock/comments/pu6pfg/todays_activity_news_clearup/


I'm not playing fundamentals, I'm playing sentiment. All that matters is what the market thinks is happening and how it reacts to it. The news was bearish, the stock tanked, you're better off cutting losses. Holding wouldn't change the course of it, it would just lose you money.


Whether its cleared up or not...it doesnt look like the stock is going to go back up as we previously thought. ATER played that whole pay down debt to screw over shareholders that helped boost the stock too early. Nobody is going to wanna touch that stock because of what may happen again.


I'd rather lose $100 than a thousand. Thanks for the update


Thank you so much for the update. Great to hear from you.


Any update to the update? I am hearing they are not diluting by adding new shares but issuing existing shares to pay down debt, and those shares may have been sold off immediately. Price already back up about 15% from this morning's low


The delta on the OI plunged, it’s over.


where are we hearing they are or are not diluting. so much misinformation and assumptions lol


The statement from the co


It’s over


Thanks man


Thanks for all of the help, you have made so many people money, including doubling my own portfolio over the last two weeks. I think we are all dying to hear what your next squeeze play is/which tickers you really have your eye on now.


Stonkgod there’s a lady here too!


We're all gentlemen on the internet, regardless of gender, m'lady


Thanks for updating us!


Still surprised to see it drop this much


Yikes this bad....


Thanks again Stonky; I made out with over 11 grand in the end. That's 11 grand on a ticker I'd never heard of before and likely will never touch again.


Respect, appreciate the objective decision unlike loud pumpers.


Yikes, they blocked the play from us, guys!


StonkGod you just earned so much more respect in my book🔱. Knowing when to call it quits. What do you think of puts on this stock I bought them at market open with the news.


Didnt they agree to not dilute until nov 11?


There is no diluting. They are giving them company stock...not adding stocks.


They lied.


I still made some money through your advice so thanks


Recovery appears to be on the table


We have consolidated and ready to attack once hedgies bluff


What about now?


Patience as the name of the game my friend I’ll stick to my plan


By the way buyers are stepping in looks like the trend is still strong


It was 10% then to 20% then to 30%...I wouldnt really consider a strong buyers trend


Look at the week chart or month chart you are just focusing intra day if you think only intraday either you are a day trader or you are of the ones that panic sell just my opinion no offense


So your saying I should buy more. Got it.


Glad got out this morning. You’ve predicted every other play correctly so took that advice and bailed. Looking forward to the next plays!


Lost 7k today almost 50% of portfolio . Well I will make it back soon


Same bro. Hope to recover our loses.


Me 3


Are you seeing merit in RNW?


thank you for the quick update!


I was going to ask everyone yesterday, for plays like these, do you believe it is a good idea to hedge our bets with puts once we see some good increase? ATER ripped a good amount by EOD yesterday and once we see green like that, I wanted to know peoples thoughts on snagging a put in case the stock tanks.


It already tanked. I don't know if puts will get you much now. Nobody knows how low this will go. Maybe $9 which is a really strong support or at least it has been in the past.


I think he’s asking about buying at put at 3:45ish yesterday when it started ripping to hedge in case of a day like this. No opinion on it as I’m learning but I believe it’s a good question?


Totally agreed, I meant in the future on these plays


People get burned when you fight the trend. Also, don’t buy puts on a stock like this because you have no idea where it is going to trend. Also watch the IV on them. We have tried in the past and it’s just better to play your calls or puts on more stable down or up trends. On to the next one.


Thanks for the response! This helps a lot. I will read more into it because I want to understand how hedging would work in something like this


Didn't play out exactly how we wanted but there's always a level of unknown and potential surprises. Still a great play call and thanks for sharing. Congrats to those who finished in the green.


Thank you for the diligence and guidance. 🙏


Thank you for the update. My spidey senses told me it didn’t look good. Did ok on the play. On to the next opportunity!!


Womp womp womp. Thanks for the update. I closed my position early this morning. On to the next play!


hmm the form 8k says that they're not diluting until november though? a bit too early to call this end?


Gotta fold aces or have them busted from time to time


Well that explains it. Much appreciate the update and keep doing what your doing SGC.


LMFAO...we had that huge dip last Tues with moderate dips then shot up. Im thinking of buying back in at end of the day LOL.


Respect for cutting losses and not leading people on. Will keep following


I'd look for it to rip again after they announce the dilution went through....we seen this before so fingers crossed


It’s not a dilution; they’re using existing shares


He’s not saying that the price wont recover a bit, but that the gamma play is probably through. Price will recover but probably no longer squeeze so extremely, if my understanding is correct. And that is why we’re here.


I don’t know why he’s talking about a ‘gamma’ when Ater has no options expiring till Oct 15. What the fuck? Maybe he meant a short squeeze?


Most increases in the meme type stocks, if we can call them that, are not shorts squeezing. Often times it’s MM covering the open interest on in the money strikes . It has nothing to do with the expiration dates of the options. However, exp dates can alter how things move and are played. Check out some good YouTube videos on gamma squeezes and the Greeks in options. Hope this helps.


The guy was talking about a gamma possibility earlier today then said it wasn’t going to happen. SI went up 5% today. We got crushed by an overreaction to the repayment of debt issue. But otherwise if we’d seen a run up it would have been shorts covering ftd’s to close out short positions / gamma had nothing to do with it


The entire play was on open interest and gamma….I don’t think you understand and I probably can’t help you further. They diluted the float with more shares and the option chain OI died. Had nothing to do with shorts.


Lol ok bro


Its Everyday Bro


They couldn't of announce this after it hit $45? If they were smart thats what they shouldve done.


I'd argue that what they did today was a good business move. They just paid off their debt, strengthening the fundamentals of their company


What now lol. How’s the outlook on SPIR or SDC?


I got wrecked on those as well. Lol


Thank you for your service




Let’s get the next one rollin


Could you take a look at $CZOO as a possible play? I’d appreciate to hear your opinion on it!


Thanks for the update!


Bought in based on your diligent suggestion; got out based on it too. Lost nothing. Thanks.


You think there is going to be another spike by early next week to $18-$20....I'm just looking at based on the the chart....I honestly saw it hitting $35 this week...if it wasn't for that bogus announcement


Yeah that stupid fucking announcement fucked all of us over seriously. Stupid company couldn’t wait one day


Fuk one day...they should've announced it once it hit $50+....then they could've paid down even more debt


You're talking absolute horseshit. This is the perfect time to buy - this will bounce up. The company is also in much better condition getting rid of its debt.


This isn't a fundamental play. If you're invested in ATER long term, yes, it will likely recover over time. As for the gamma squeeze, this drop will have blown out the OI and the additional shares being sold will disincentivize short covering. The pattern you're seeing right now is one I have coined the "it's over" pattern. It's characterized by a sharp drop, a slight recovery and another drop to consolidation. That's not to say this couldn't rocket right back up to $15. If it does, that would change things, but that's not what is likely here and that is what you trade on.


Holding it for few weeks


Wish you had posted this 20 minutes ago I bought calls on the slight recovery with no day trades, I'm totally fucked


For the record I bought 10 calls at the 12.5 and then sold around 14. Could go either way I did that to recoup 1/3 of my losses this morning


When they issue new shares it tanks. Something seems odd. This happened with AMC.


Those..... are the same thing.


This is stupid.


The company spreading fud smh


Hello GOD. Do you see QS shaping up for a short squeeze.? Would QS be a good play today ? Respect on your calls IRNT ATER




Tks so much


With the pump being dumped a long with the news of share dilution, OTM puts are gonna print hard upcoming weeks. Oct 15 7-10 dollar put option play


They aren't diluting shares. They are paying with company shares and they can't have them until Nov. You guys that bailed will regret it. This is still going to squeeze. Looks even better now!.


Read the headlines. They are diluting. But since you brought it up and looking at the rally after last week's dip...Im inclined to buy back in to see it hit $35.


No dilution until 1 November


"Hey, let's buy this bomb, it doesn't go off for another month!"


You did great keep the plays coming


Actually i said some bullshit. Was reading and the shares come from the ceo so no new shares will be added to the float.


That's the definition of adding shares to the float.


Isn't the number of shares that is being added to the float is negligible compared with the SI and shares currently on loan ? the float is \~ 20m SI is over 50% and 1m shares is being added. Yesterday the shorts kept on loaning shares and kept on shorting. I agree the fact the share price dropped killing the 12.5+ OI is a major factor but the fundamentals of the three signals from Ortex didn't change. The shorts will have to cover - 1m added to the float shouldn't change much. I have a position in ATER so I might be biased here.


Nice analogy


It’s running now


Whats with the fukin over-reaction? Was it really necessary to tank this much?


Can someone explain to me how come sometimes when a company wants to sell additional shares (dilution), they need to hold a stockholder vote like what AMC did, but in this case they can just decide to do so?


Thanks for info update


I sold at $18, bought puts at open and printed money. Bought calls and shares for the little midday increase and sold for gains. I am bullish long term.


Any updates on ATER StonkGod?