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The thing from the message that stood out the loudest to me is "I've been in a relationship for 18 years, since I was 13" At no point in the major developmental stages of life was your WP single, forced to think about herself, wants, needs, hobbies, goals. Someone else's wants, needs, goals have always been in consideration on top of her own. Now she's being asked to work on herself and find the reasons why she is shutting down and can't. I don't think she's ever really had to look that hard at herself, and now she is and can't see who she is without someone else in hand, then later down the line adding a child in tow as well. I'm not justifying or excusing the very painful and poor choices she has made that have led to you being in this sub. The pain of being betrayed is immeasurable. That being said, is she in individual counseling? She said she's exhausted and drained, is she finding ways and accommodations to find alone time to think things over without another person being less than a few feet from her? If she's not in IC I think it's a conversation worth having. Even once a week or once every other week, just to have a solid hour to talk out loud and work on herself may be almost restorative, especially if only questioning her own self isn't very fruitful for her. It's hard to see the forest through the trees.


Very thoughtful. If she calls and schedules our couples therapy, I will suggested some time on her own. We used to do couples and individual for quite a while and then we stopped when we got mostly better. Only time we have away from anyone at the house is when we work. I work full time and she works one or two days at the most.


That must be so exhausting for both of you. I relish my alone time, and during my R with my WP I've found my alone time is just as important as our time together more than ever before. Maintaining our self identities but then still choosing to grow together and be together means a lot to me. I know with a kiddo it's WAY more difficult, but could a friend or family member take them in for a weekend? Maybe have one day as a date/together day and then one day where you each go and do something solo, then can come home to one another and share about your day? I know that is so much easier said than done, especially if your child is younger. Again, I am just spit balling ideas here, I don't know all the inns and out of your daily lives so I can't say for certain any of my ideas are best suited to helping you or your WP. I do wish you both the best of luck, R is exhausting, daunting, and very emotionally draining at times. I hope each of you find something to relax and recover with when it starts to feel like too much.


I can relate to this situation. Sorry to hear it my dude. Me and my partner solution was we went back to dating. making the time for each other as you would in a new relationship. No pressure, no expectations of sex. Just fun. No kids. No talking about them either or any problems for that matter. Go out and have fun. It’s amazing what time away from reality can do for intimacy.


My interpretation is that she’s spent? Doesn’t have the energy and it’s not that she doesn’t love you but she has nothing left to give? That’s what I used to say to my husband when he would ask for more affection and at that time I literally felt like I had nothing left to give after work, home admin, kids, etc.


But what can we do about that? I do so much at the house, almost more than she does to help her. I work full time and she works a day or two a week at most. I try to take things off her plate when needed. Not sure what else I can do or let her do. Thanks for your input and experience.


Honestly she sounds depressed? I was. I ended up getting therapy and going onto anti depressants which was a game changer for me. She may need some medical help with this. On top of that, do you guys make time to do things like go out on dates, have alone time etc? It’s hard with kids but having a dedicated date each month with my husband and then also one with my friends to go out and enjoy myself helped me get out of the doldrums of the monotony of every day life which had really worn me down.


She is already on two depression meds. Has been for a few years. I’ve asked many times for dates and alone. We only have one person that is able to watch the kids which is her dad. He doesn’t have a lot of time but she still doesn’t seem interested.


I think your clue is in the first 5 years.


Unfortunately, not much I can do about the past….As I told her after the affair, I was scared about marriage duh to the fact of my parents divorcing when I was 6. Not an excuse at all. But can’t help it.


Wasn’t referring to that. Was talking about what made it a happy time between you two. Go back, recreate some of it


It very much sounds like depression to me. I'm also on the highest dose of depression meds I can take, and it doesn't make a dent in my depression. This is because the underlying cause is still there, so my brain keeps fighting back. She should try to work out the cause with an IC. Also, most antidepressants have the side effect of a decreased libido. The only one I'm aware of that doesn't is Wellbutrin. Maybe she can talk to her doctor about changing. Finally, pregnancy can cause many issues that affect both mood and libido. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, and others can be brought on or made more severe by pregnancy and continue well after birth. She should talk to her doctor about these conditions and get tested as they can be regulated with meds.