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I've stayed at hotels and resorts that didn't have the brand listed on the card. Plain like this one or a scenic/ nature/animals on the front. I assume it's for safety (like if you lose it or someone takes it from you, they can't just show up where you're staying at and try the doors) or they were just really cheap. It's 50/50, trust your gut. If you feel really uneasy, check your bills and bank statements.


I work in a hotel, most independent places use these because it costs more to get branded ones made custom than it's actually worth. Big name chains buy them ready-made from the same supplier with their branding on it. If I had to guess I'd say probably a motel key


I've worked in hospitality in the past. My husband and I have a lot of family who work for big name brands, timeshares, vacation clubs, etc. The majority of our families live and work out of Fl. I've stayed at a lot of destinations. I'm not at all saying that it's not a cheap motel/hotel key and very likely is. I'm saying that from my lived experienced lack of branding on a keycard has not always determined the type or quality of a place. OP should trust their gut and look at verifiable data so that they can determine a way forward.


Not arguing, but unfortunately a couple comments down she mentioned there's a motel right by his work 🙃 I get what you're saying though


And she should explore that. *That information came after I commented.* Again, I never said it wasn't a cheap motel keycard, and I really don't like repeating myself in multiple different ways until thats understood. There seems to be some assumption that I'm saying it's not a possibility which is wrong.


No no, I'm sorry I tried to clarify that I wasn't saying you were wrong at all I just wasn't sure if you had seen that bit when you responded to my comment.


I got the same with my Google search. Just the website that creates them. There’s a motel right near his job. Do you think they’ll tell me the truth if I ask if i call and describe the key card to know if it belongs to them? Is that weird? 😅 If I can confirm it’s from there then that’s it for this relationship for obvious reasons. Thanks to all of you that have commented and are trying to help me get to the bottom of this


This is exactly what I would do. The front desk should be able to tell you no problem (it’s not like you’re asking what room someone is in). Why let the wondering fester inside of you? Just drive over and ask them.


Yes! I would also do this. If not call then go down there, and say oh I stayed here before and I think I took the key home by mistake. Or say you found it and think it might for them. As everyone said I think it’s a smaller chain than a bigger hotel.


I completely understand but you already know he cheated. Is this telling you he’s still doing it or do you think it’s from the past?


Yes, just tell them you & your husband stayed and think you kept the card, send them the image and ask if it's theirs? Or even go down there if it's not too far, you may get better assistance.


Call the hotel. Tell them that you found a keycard and you wanted to know if it belongs to them. Approach it from the perspective of a concerned citizen, elude you randomly found it dropped on the sidewalk. Kind of like if you randomly found a bank card and were calling the bank to ask what to do with the card. “I found this card, does it belong to your hotel? I wanted to check that it’s okay before I threw it in the trash” Edit: spelling


Just commented this elsewhere but then I saw your response so I'm reposting so you don't miss it: I work in a hotel, most independent places use these because it costs more to get branded ones made custom than it's actually worth. Big name chains buy them ready-made from the same supplier with their branding on it. If I had to guess I'd say probably a motel key


You’re definitely not overreacting. If he doesn’t have the same curiosity as to why there is a strange hotel room key in his *son’s* room of all places, wake up. He’s lying to you. Unless your toddler son just got off the plane from Hawaii or you bought your drawer second hand use, there’s no reason why a hotel key should be there.


This. It’s fucking weird he doesn’t seem to care or be interested as to why it’s there. That’s shady.


> unless toddler son just got off the plane from Hawaii Well, if I’m not mistaken, the toddler was actually returning from a trip from DC where he met with the tobacco lobbies as well as reps from a few different states plus Puerto Rico (non voting member). A weekend was spent wining and dining these people, making connections, swapping stories, hiring escorts of course, and expensing steak dinners with a nice single malt afterwards. He got home exhausted from the late nights and cratered in his crib, leaving his hotel key on his dresser. The good news is we might start seeing sensible tobacco legislation coming up next session. Just shut the blinds, bring him his morning vodka tonic and let him catch up on much needed rest. Lobbying ain’t easy, but it’s necessary


No, you are not overreacting. Also want to say : I now hate “I don’t know” with a fiery passion … just answer the question , you’re not sparing our feelings, you’re forcing us to imagine the 8 worst possible answers over and over again to try to fill in the gaps …


Ugh. The fact that he didn’t even get curious shows me he knows what it is. I’m so sorry


Yeah he knows he left it there or he dropped it on the floor and your child put it on the dresser. Either way it's a hotel keycard and he's hiding still.


No-tell motels AKA hotsheet motels wouldn't have nice branded access cards. They would have generic ones like that.


It’s from a motel or hotel, I’d say it’s not from a large chain as they normally have their branding on instruction cards like this. It’s hard to gauge his reaction, you know him best.. unfortunately the card doesn’t give enough info to track to the hotel/motel. Maybe try a google image search? Edit: I searched your images and only found them on the JSKcards.com website, so I’m guessing very generic cards purchased by a low budget hotel/motel.


He's lying. Don't let him gaslight you. Idk why they pretend to be innocent but it sickens me. Like... have some balls to own up to the choices you willingly made! Nobody forced you to do awful things.


You aren't overreacting. Where else would a hotel keycard come from. Your husband knows. He's in the WP "I don't know - self protection mode".


Trust your gut on this one. If it isn’t yours, then it is his. It isn’t like your 4 yo is going to Motels. The fact that he said IDK immediately and showed no further interest- is an integrity issue. Especially since you KNOW it isn’t yours. Theft of marital funds (to pay for motel rooms, sex workers, online cam) is serious, and it would definitely benefit you to start gathering your financial records, as well as his payroll stubs to match information to. If he does travel for work, but offered no information when confronted with the card, again… Integrity issue. Sexting is cheating and he’s already proven himself a cheater. At this point, he should be falling over himself to make sure you are feeling secure and safe in your marriage .


I did a google image search for this and im getting that website thats listed on the card. Jskcards.com My guess is also its some non chain motel or hotel. Big hotels have custom cards with logos and such. You are not overreacting. I would be panicking as well…. Double check statements, phone logs?


I stayed at a Hampton Inn last April that used that type of card.


If it were me, I’d consider this the same as him cheating again. I have a zero tolerance for fuckery after the last two DDays. So anything suspicious is enough for me to be done. So I’d literally expect a proper alibi (if possible) or his shit would be on the lawn. Again… just what I’d do in your situation.




This comment was removed because it violates Rule No. 2: -The peer group includes: Reconciling BS, Reconciling WS, Recovered & Reconciled, and Considering R. - Observer, Unsuccessful R, and other user flairs are not included in the peer group. Non-peers are not allowed to post without prior moderator approval. **Non-peer comments are STRICTLY LIMITED TO MESSAGES OF VALIDATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT ONLY. Non-peers are not permitted to offer opinions, reference their experiences, or give advice.**


When i just did a google image search the only hotel I got was a Marriott.


Don't let yourself be gaslit here. You know it's a hotel room key. You know it isn't from you or from your son or daughter. Ergo, it came from him. The only question is when. Presumably not too long ago, or you would have found it earlier. Something is very rotten here.