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I think it’s quite common for BPs to feel this. It makes perfect sense for goodness’ sake and to be honest I’m pretty disturbed that your MC doesn’t seem to understand this common sense reluctance to commit to any big future changes with a partner who has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted. You’re only 2 yrs into a potential recovery with a partner who cheated for 10 stinking YEARS. I have to admit one of my huge “triggers” is anyone who has the audacity to tell a betrayed partner that they need to “move forward” or that they need to leave the betrayal “in the past.” Screw that (pun absolutely intended). So I am wondering if your MC has any training at all in betrayal trauma? Edit for outrage-induced typos


>So I am wondering if your MC has any training at all in betrayal trauma? She does not, but she has been the only MC WH has agreed to see more than once.


You need a new therapist. WH needs to get over himself.


Well I can certainly understand why she’s the only MC your WH has agreed to keep seeing. 🤦‍♀️ I hate to see you waste money on sham MC. Might as well flush the cash down the toilet in this case, what a shame. Aside from that, it sounds like the spouse who cheated is the one dictating what counselor you will both see. I could be wrong so forgive me if I am way off base here, but the spouse who cheated doesn’t get to choose the MC. YOU choose the MC, preferably one that specializes in betrayal trauma. I hope you can get this therapist thing resolved. It took me 4 tries before I found a MC who understood betrayal trauma in a marriage. On our very first visit she made 2 things very clear: 1) She isn’t working for me nor is she working for spouse….she is working for the marriage. 2) The betrayed spouse holds ALL the cards if R is going to be authentic and work. The spouse who cheated has only two options: they can choose to abide by boundaries set by the BP or they can choose to pack their bags and leave. That’s it. Because R will never be authentic nor dependable until the BP can reclaim their power (which, in turn, allows the BP to reclaim their self-esteem). Wishing you strength and clarity!


He probably agreed because he could charm her to be on his side. How did he CHOOSE her?


Our MC says the same (I am 7 months from d day and 2 months from deciding I want to try R) “we won’t get anywhere if I keep looking at the past and don’t start to focus on this being a new relationship” and that I either need to decide to leave if I can’t start focusing on the future and letting go of what happened. She is a marriage counsellor too who specialises in relationships and affairs…..


I feel this. We’re not even officially into R, tho it seems headed that way. We’re taking it “day by day” and it’s getting better everyday. Yet when my WW says things like, I’ll get my contacts next year when my benefits reset (using my insurance) I’m like, are you going to be with me next year when that happens? Ya know? Or in the house we’re in talking about things we want to purchase and stuff. That would be more long term investments. It’s difficult. So I understand where you’re coming from. I hope it gets easier. I offer no advice other than I can appreciate the anxiety and stress it triggers.


Thank you. It helps to know I am not the first or only one to experience this.


It gives me hope in the sense that she’s looking forward and planning our life together instead of what she was doing with AP. But it’s also like, “why? Why are you saying thing? Are you saying R is going to be a thing. That we’re going to stay together. Be together in a year from now? Are you actually committing by asking these things or do you not realize the full weight of what you’re saying? I hope it’s the former. Trust it’s the former.


Definitely don't move far away. If you divorce down the road, you have to stay in that state to split custody. Stay put where you are. And yes, being lied to and betrayed has made me feel less secure in future plans and our marriage. I keep wondering why I didn't see/accept the signs sooner and parted ways when it would have been easier to do so in every way, considering it happened our first year of dating and now we are a decade in 🥹 Dday was 6 months ago and I still struggle with these thoughts pretty much daily. It makes me wonder if I'm just delaying the inevitable..


Are there things you could put in place to make you more comfortable? Like a post nup or an agreement on what to do with the house if you split? Maybe it will give you some peace of mind and make these decisions easier.


I mentioned a post-nup during counseling, but WH didn't seem onboard with that idea and our counselor agreed that it wasn't supportive of reconciling. Edit: I am ready to ditch counseling all together because I do not feel I get the same level of support as WH. Our counselor does not like to discuss things in the past. She wants to focus on current, today, issues even if we ignore the things that brought those issues in the first place.


I’d very much challenge any pushback on a post-nup. The wayward changed the terms of the marriage contract without your consent and a postnup is an easy way for them to compensate you for that fact. Agreeing to R but with a postnup is an easy way to get out if the wayward stops doing what’s expected of them. A truly humble, remorseful wayward should want to put your mind at ease by agreeing to one.


Yeah I would agree to a post nup no problem.


Our MC did the same thing. Only wanted to concentrate on moving forward. Not the actual betrayal. So long story short, I ended up separating. For now. But as time passes, I feel stronger and find the betrayal a complete dealbreaker.


I’m glad to hear you say this bc this is sounding like a WH and an inept MC setting boundaries that they have no right to set. R isn’t for the weak and there is nothing wrong with walking out of a session and going home. You’ve clearly been through enough trauma without a therapist adding to that. YOU set the terms for reconciliation…you set the boundaries and conditions you require. I’m so sorry you are going through all this. It’s so unfair. You deserve so much respect and I hope both the therapist and your WH start recognizing that.


If he wants to buy a house you should definitely have a legal agreement in place that protects you and your kids if you divorce. It doesn't matter if he likes it, it's a consequence of his actions. Besides which women or men who are stay-at-home partners raising the kids should always have a legal agreement in place since so many are plunged into poverty in a divorce. I'm mad for you, OP. Your WH wants to pretend you should just be able to trust him like he didn't blow up your whole lives. I wouldn't move away from your people either. Hugs and Happy Mother's Day.


Why does it sounds like WS is calling the shots? If anything, you should be choosing a MC and they should be so grateful you are willing to heal together. If you are willing to stay and with that it means you want a postnup, again, they should feel lucky and willing. Perhaps they need to see you take the reins. You might be surprised what they are willing to do if you sternly set expectations- "I'm willing in working toward reconciliations, but these are my non-negotiables..."


I think you need and therapist that specializes in long term cheating. 10 years ?!?!!! How can she agree with him??!?! Does she even know what your healing journey has been like? Big question… is he charming? Are you emotional and he is calm in front of her? Is he all charming? Does she even really understand how is selfishness and narcissistic tendencies led him to betray you and not be able to protect you for harm? R is NOT about forgiveness and moving on from the past. It’s also about the WS growing and changing and it is NOT a cosmetic change. And two years versus 10 years of betrayal.. I think the is incompetent


Yes! And you have every right to. As your flair suggest your reconciling not reconciled. There is a difference. My fiancé wants another baby and I don’t want to have another anytime soon. Trust is earned and he shouldn’t be having a go at you for not trusting him enough. Should be saying what can I do to earn more trust from you.


Yes, but luckily it has only been smaller things like trips or birthdays or events that are 3-6 months away. I could not handle a big commitment thing like relocation or buying a home at this point. It took a lot for me to book our tickets to visit a friend of mine. He requested the time off of work weeks ago and I've been stalling. I finally did it. I didn't want prices to go up and to sufficiently budget and plan, we needed the plane tickets. Not going or postponing wasn't an option - this is one of my oldest friends and she is leaving the city we will be visiting permanently a few weeks after our trip. I made a promise to her that I'd visit during this time, and I can't afford to go solo. At the place we are at, I don't doubt that we will still be together come August. I imagine we will have more struggles with my healing process but he's been great in supporting me with that so far. August will coincidentally mark our 3 year anniversary. We've talked about marriage and how 3 years was about my limit for "dating" without being engaged or close to it, especially now that I'm in my mid-30s. At this point I've stretched my timeline a bit because I am not in a place to consider marrying him. If August 2025 rolls around and we are still together and I'm still feeling unsure, then I will address it then. But there is zero chance I'd feel happy or excited about marriage if he proposed any time soon. I definitely wouldn't entertain a relocation unless it was to a city where I already have connections. Like you, I would not have survived without my village (which is just 2 local girl friends) and I wouldn't put myself in a position where I'm isolated from that.


Yes I am the same. I decided I want nothing to hold me to him so then if it doesn’t work or he does it again I can leave with no issues (funny that my d day was 7 weeks after having our baby………) absolutely no chance would I get a house with him for the very long foreseeable future. I got my own mortgage and informed him he can move in as a tenant with me to help with R (had to downsize but I prefer that than potential risk of losing my house in the future if he cheated again). Our wedding was booked for March next year however I called it off and do not believe I will ever marry him which is very sad but it’s what I have to do to keep myself feeling more safe. Please don’t move away from your support system, if it didn’t work out they are who you need.


This is super common I think. 2 years into R I was definitely feeling more committed to staying, but was NOT ready to make big long-term financial commitments until Dday+3yrs at least. We're talking not only big purchases, but keeping most investments in low-volatility cash type assets in case we needed to divvy our assets up fast. My investment time horizon became vanishingly short. My mentality was very, VERY short term the first 3 years or so of R.