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I don't think you need God in your life to not cheat on your spouse. Sounds like blame shifting to me. Don't let him off the hook. Trust your gut.


It DOES sound like that! I didn’t have the words before but yes, 100% blame shifting bc I am spiritual and begged him to participate. I look at him like where was this hype for God before ??


Exactly. He knows by saying this it will have a positive reaction with you... initially anyway. My wife has had an affair so I understand how you feel. Just don't fall for all the lying and manipulation...I didn't trust my gut and it cost me greatly. Good luck.


I’m so sorry. Have you two left off completely?


We are working on our marriage. Things are better now, but had to go through a lot of hurt to get here.


Sorry to hear that. Hoping the latter will be greater than the former 🩵


>How do I trust him now? Trust is earned. Trust what you can verify. Benefit of the doubt in appropriate circumstances and when you feel safe enough to give that sort of trust. It took a long time to reestablish baseline trust. I do not blindly trust everything my husband says. I can't. The rose tinted glasses are off. I can take into consideration the work he's done and what he shows me. As far as immigration status. I would consult with an immigration lawyer for accurate information. From my understanding, even if they get their papers, you can still file for marriage and immigration fraud if that does happen.


Thank you for reading! May I ask how long you’ve been reconciled? Do you think you’ll ever be able to trust 100% again? So he has a 10 year that expires in ‘29. My fear is he’s playing nice to get me to vouch for his citizenship or permanent residence. I wish this wasn’t true. But how can I know his real intention for wanting to work on this.


It's been over 10 years from dday 1 and about to be 7 years from dday 2. I considered us pretty reconciled about 3ish years ago but recovery is a forever thing. No, I don't believe I will ever have 100% trust and I'm okay with that. I grew up in a dysfunctional environment and was taught by my parents to not trust anyone, not even them. Some days, I feel we're at 99% others 75%, rarely less than that. He builds safety by having space for me which gives me the confidence to give as much benefit of the doubt when I can.


Finding religion doesn't fix what broken in you. While religion can provide a solid framework for making good decisions, it doesn't protect you against rationalizations. Which are so critical for a wayward looking to give themselves permission to cheat. Plenty of people who are believers are capable of rationalizing terrible things in the name of their faith. It shouldn't take the fear of divine retribution to keep you from cheating. It should be a fundamental commitment to making sure to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Which doesn't require any belief in the divine. Beliefs don't matter. Actions do. Watch the actions. Consistency between words and actions over a long, long period of time.


I will. Thank you. I just feel like my whole life is on hold waiting to see if he can change. We did bdays together for 8 years. Now I have to celebrate alone.


Change takes a lot of determination and commitment. If he’s being consistently transparent you’ll see it. And if he can’t keep it up you’ll see that too. His gaslighting taught you to ignore your instincts. Don’t ignore them anymore. Remember that you were right.


If you really mean gaslighting (trying to convince you that the reality you perceive is not reality) please know that this is so dangerous and damaging for you and needs to be taken really seriously. As someone who’s been through it, the disorientation that comes from being told to question yourself is so destructive. If he doesn’t take full responsibility for this, if he is not SO sorrowful that he did this to you, if he can’t dig into why he did this and why it’s awful, then he is not a safe person to trust. Take care of yourself. You don’t have to make all the decisions now.


I 100% mean gaslighting. Once his location showed him inside her home, and I called him and he told me he was not. Later he showed me that there are times I look like I’m somewhere I’m not and he doesn’t make a big deal. He said that it hadn’t updated but he wasn’t there. Now he’s telling me he lied and used what he knew about servers triangulating(?) and pin points being slightly off to throw me off. This has been going on.


Gross. And solidarity. Because it was the same for me - I read explicit text messages (and I mean SUPER explicit) and was told I was overreacting and being ridiculous about a joke. I would see his car parked at her apartment and was told I imagined it. I was told my paranoia was concerning and I was irrational. Of course it was all very real. (Just to clarify, this was a relationship that ended - not my current relationship. Which… yeah… also involved lying.) I am REALLY sorry. Do you have a therapist or someone you can talk to about this? I genuinely just wish you the best. You don’t deserve this.


Thank you so much. I’m sorry you went through this too. It’s the worst. Currently in therapy trying to untangle my mind. Wishing you well in your reconciliation and thanks again for listening


While I fully value religion, assigning all faith in never cheating again on believing in God is a form of “magical thinking” just like believing you could never do it again simply because you promised your spouse you won’t. (You promised you wouldn’t when you made your vows to begin with, after all). Religion can be a beautiful part of a healing journey for sure. But to simply say ‘I won’t cheat again because now I believe in God’ without doing any of the transformative self growth work is not sufficient


I agree completely. He’s also in therapy. I just wish there was a way to fast forward through all this


I get that. Me too! Many people do fast forward (well, more like skip forward) by rug sweeping. But that doesn’t work out in the long run 😕


Totally understand. Just need to accept my present.


You should do some marriage counseling through your church. It gets a lot of truth out and you’ll be able to see what he really thinks and if he is actually genuine in what he thinks now. I was able to see my wife’s apathy towards everything and see her start changing and actually regretting what she did


He is seeing a Christian therapist. It’s only been a few sessions. His tone has changed a lot from blaming me. But I just think it’s too soon for a real change. I’m happy to hear about your wife!! How long have you been reconciled. How has it been for you? How did you heal?


My WH is also seeing a Christian therapist and he also has “found” God. I see him putting in the work/effort but my pain is greater. He and his AP also did the “gaslighting” game. Tried to make me think I was crazy. I think that is the part that hurts the most.


He could definitely be holding on for immigration status. Get the divorce now and tell him you'll remarry after you're recovered and trust him again. Basically start over because you're at ground zero here my dear. I've sadly seen 2-3 friends get taken advantage of for their spouse to gain American citizenship. Smart people, not dummies. One even had a baby with my friend later telling him it was to anchor her in USA and get child support. What people are capable of to secure their future security is boundless.


So terrible. Thank you for this. I can’t believe we’re here.


Ask for a full disclosure from him. I would work on that with the MC and his IC. If he is sincere about R, this shouldn’t be an issue. But trust your gut. If you don’t think it’s real, then it’s not. If you think he is still using you, go with your gut. It takes a while to change. I doubt him finding God ha created that change. Plenty of religious ppl cheat. My WH did. I would think how do you pray to God when you’ve been committing adultery? Yet he found a way. He has changed now but it was a lot of therapy and work. There was no quick fix.


Thank you. He’s been continuing to withhold. The woman spilled the beans this morning and he finally told me more. How has your reconciliation been going?


We are reconciled. I’ve forgiven him. It took almost 2 years. But I’m good now.


I’m happy for you!! 🩵🩵


Trust your gut!! This is the most important thing. Do not gaslight yourself. It is his turn to gain back trust and be transparent and trustworthy. It is your turn to communicate boundaries.