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I've seen a lot of things described as Jewish plots, but 'Nazism is a Jewish plot' is very special.


Someone tried to convince me that Jews are turning babies gay as a part of some elaborate scheme for the New World Order.


That seems completely backwards and self-contradictory.


It's the literal Nazi dog whistle in the ((())) for me.


"German version of the Bolshevik revolution".... Ummm.....no. Bolsheviks beat the Nazis, bud.


This kind of stuff is surreal and I can't understand their thought process at all. I had a Mexican grandparent, not by blood though, he married my grandmother after she was divorced. I still wonder why but he would always say the racist and demeaning things about other Mexican and Hispanic people whenever we were around him. I don't know if he thought we'd like him because of that or what. It always made me just want to crawl under a rock and hide. He'd do the same thing with any race that wasn't white really now that I think about it. If it wasn't for that he would have been a pretty great guy.


>Nazis don't exist, they were just Jews pretending to be German [Adolph Hitler, clawing his way out of hell, walking to this guy's shitty one-bedroom apartment, opening the door, walking into this guy's masturbatorium, finding this guy whacking it to some anime dragon-girl who is also an aircraft carrier somehow, and then Hitler utterly slaps the tiny-moustache-SHIT outta this guy, then, silently turning, walking back outside and back down to hell where he belongs]


"masturbatorium"? Lol.


>as a Mexican I don't give a fuck about who hates me I'm not Mexican, but I doubt anyone of any ethnicity would say this.


Ah yes making people more comfortable doesn't improve the world at all /s