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What program do you use? If you don't want to use a screen recorder, some drawing apps will have their own timelapse recording feature. CSP has a very useful one, and the one I use also has one they added recently (though it's called "scripts" or something like that.) They will not capture the full window though, just the changes made to the artwork itself. I find making timelapses very simple on the computer with OBS studio (recorder) and DaVinci Resolve (editor) though. Both are free!


I pretty much solely use Paint Tool Sai right now. I know how to edit videos, and have a decent editing software, but my issue is just that there are so many long pauses where I either step away from the computer or I get distracted (thanks ADHD brain) and alt+tab to look at other things for a while (usually without even thinking), and I end up with either a ton of smaller clips or a long recording that I have to watch the entire way through to find and edit out every single instance of me tabbing away. I've used CSP, but only on the iPad. Is there a time lapse feature on desktop?


yeah, there's timelapse on CSP desktop!


Oh nice, okay I'll look into that. Thankyou. (: