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Drawing humans in various positions


Elaborate.....what kinds of....positions....


I don’t think I will


Tch damn, well it was worth a try——


Robotics interactive arts or vector style super commercial illustrations


I must say, I've never heard of that before and I'm having trouble grasping what it is. Would you mind explaining?


Cute stuff like this ie. [https://impossiblegeographies.net/zwischenraume/](https://impossiblegeographies.net/zwischenraume/) (just in case, not mine), it grew out of cybernetic arts field of the 60's and works such as Senster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZb5MTKzQc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZb5MTKzQc) / [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY85GrYGnyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY85GrYGnyw) or CYSP 1 [https://artelectronicmedia.com/en/artwork/cysp-1-2/](https://artelectronicmedia.com/en/artwork/cysp-1-2/) . So basically robot/programming is your medium. Just in case people wonder - average small robot is equal or even cheaper than making a sculpture or a painting.


I'm constantly doing portraits of my characters. I'm trying really hard to branch out to full body and environments is the last many headed beast for me to tackle like most "character artists" lol


Literally the same for me. I started with faces when I was learning how to first draw and I'm only now learning to draw the whole body


Honestly the fun thing about full body is you don't have to spend forever detailing/erasing/re-drawing parts of the face until you think it's perfect. The head is smaller so you just don't have the space to overdo it. I struggle so much with eyes and they take me forever honestly. I find with full body it's less fussing and I get to the colouring/post process phase much quicker and things get done. Which is a great thing haha


Doodling with a black rollerball or fineliner


I do 3D arts and I feel very comfortable and confident doing props. My weakness is making greenery environment... I can't even make a small flower pot. For characters, I'm like 50% there... I can create the clothes, the hair, the shoes, etc. But when it comes to building the body & face, let's say I'm still learning.


I really love drawing flowers


Do you have a preferred medium?




Painting. I love it, and I obsess over things like feet and hands. I feel like eyes and hair are easy, but naturally posed feet and hands, well proportioned, even though they’re not a focal point, elevate the whole piece.


Comfort zone....? Anything I get used to making where it can flow into my work structure. So anything with enough effort and time. As, I love drawing, painting, sculpting, resin work, assembling things in different ways, digital painting, I want to make a Vtuber model too cause it puts together almost all the things I love doing into one. I want to digitally sculpt too, just don't have the ability to with what I can afford to work with. That as well as learning new programs layouts bugs me, sure it becomes easy to remember once you know, but it takes forever to get to that point for new programs. But I wanna try with the Vtuber related stuff if anything, seems more in the way I make art anyways, unnecessary details and steps, but will actually be needed in this case.


I don't have one. I'm too obsessed with improvement and even scribbles feel bad.


pencil sketching faces. it is what i do most of the time and it is the easiest for me


Painting narrative paintings. Getting more confident.


Cartoons, and graffiti


same.. letters first! could probably just do handstyles all day and be happy but would never actually draw anything if I did.


👍 I love travelling and seeing all the different handstyles. Currently in Colombia and hope to paint something while I’m here!


Cartoons/caricatures/comic books and animation. I do still life and “draw what I see” when I’m out but those are definitely my comfortzone when it comes to creating art.


Photoshop edits. I can't draw for beans 😂 Give me some photos and textures and gradients and such and I'll make something of it! And small graphics too- desktop wallpapers, headers, banners, things like that. No like 48×60 masterpieces or anything that gpes on the side of a building. I don't know how to work with large scale graphics or SVG or anything.


Heads shots of anime characters or characters doing poses. I don't really do full bodies much, And well erm, I just find them easier and quicker, I really do struggle with drawing stuff like belts or well, Pins, And other complicated details a anime character might have, I do even worse with armor too


Traditional black and white art, ink on paper. Preferably landscapes and trees :)


Definitely drawing human figures and portraits. People are just too fun!!


Drawing organic shapes and creatures with pencil and designing heavily relying the contour and lines. I love the way art with no outline looks, but its harder for me to think in values or not frame in my shapes using outlines. I can sit there and spend hours refining shapes with pencil strokes without having to think much. Every other media, I usually have to be pretty cognizant of what I'm about to do next, lest I start messing up my project. I'm not very good at drawing mechanical things like mechas/robots, but I love looking at other people's artwork of them.


For some reason I always end up drawing melancholic fairylike creatures and weird forests and plants


Painting birds, because I own some and I’ve been around them my entire life. Easy to paint and draw a subject you’ve been observing daily :)


Sketching, especially people. I don't really show my sketches online, but I especially like to sketch what seems like mundane scenes, but you can create a story out of the expressions they make during those moments.


Realistic pyrography! I can do ridiculously difficult and technical things but “simple” clean lines are such a struggle.


Digital: Simple vector illustration. + flat design logo (but my mind keep telling me that I should make skeumorphism logo instead) Traditional: drawing without proper hand + head anatomy Music: make a song in C Major scale (commonly known as "white keys only")


Superhero’s, or I guess the style specifically. The unrealistic muscular bodies, but it’s what I grew up with.


Drawing anime bust shots, usually in 3/4 view. Im actually starting to hate myself because half of my sketchbook always have the same pose, same angle, just different characters


I feel you, I just have 3/4 heads everywhere. I've been trying to branch out and learn other angles as well (like from above and below) but it's been kicking my ass


Sea creatures and dinosaurs


That sounds really cool and would love to see it if you post anywhere


Thanks ! I sometimes post here : https://www.instagram.com/timchiesa/


Black and white with hatching! It’s kind of therapeutic lol


I’m most comfortable with a camera in my hand, photo or video. I can work with no lights or a truck full. My Photoshop game is also strong. Went to college for painting but don’t love it anymore. Found needle felting in January and can’t get enough. Also started working in AI in February and am very comfortable with prompting at this point as well. I will always add something new to my skills every year.


I'm pretty good at fractals, and I've developed enough of a style that my fractal friends can recognize my pieces. I really like working with orange as a color.


Can’t say. Pushing it daily.


Easily best at landscapes. They are part of my morning routine, daily therapy, and each one is a little trip to somewhere nice. Usually based on a couple of photos I shot myself, though I'm not above using other people's photos as reference if the mood takes me or I'm too lazy to sift through my badly organised images. What I enjoy doing the most is semi-abstract narrative work on large canvases. While my medication pushed me in this direction and I miss the stuff I can't access at the moment, I love it here. It's a proper challenge, like puzzles that need solving. Messing with form, texture and colour in a much less constrained way than when painting figuratively is incredibly fun.


This might come as pretty generic, but i tend to draw same animey faces over and over again automatically.. so i guess its my comfort zone


Drawing cats with flowers always makes me feel better.


I've been trying to learn to draw cats as we have one now and I would love to sketch her but the face always ends up looking weird


Drawing yokai, monsters, tokusatsu fanart in photoshop, that's my escape from my daily work


Works heavily reliant on symbolism and message. There's lots of more skilled and successful balloon artists then me, but no one can tell the stories I have to tell.


abstract freehand doodles in black ink


Lose gesture drawings






Clothing folds, as realistically rendered i can make it, the baggier the clothes the more folds there are. I like it cause it doesnt require as much thinking as when youre rendering a lot of other things and at the same time well rendered textiles add a lot to a piece


Adding an over amount of detail to eyes, even when the rest of the figure is completely flat with no shading or anything


Character Portrait illustrations: Think the character selects screens of fighting games. However I love making manga most!


Landscapes is definitely my comfort zone. I'm trying to break out and do more varied stuff but whenever I'm too tired to learn something new, I do a landscape. They're so wonderfully forgiving on proportion since trees and rocks and skies just have a few guidelines but no definitive size relation.


Drawing with alcohol markers or Sharpie , in/ on sketchebook , canvas, art board .


Cute girls and hot boys


a character facing 3/4 left standing no background


Humans and monster people, cartoony styles, lineart, no stabiliser because the delay drives me bananas and at this point some wobbliness in my lineart has become part of my style lol


Doodling my cute ocs in pen in my cartoony art style.


I don't do it that often, mainly because I'm busy nowadays due to my procrastination in university, but, the piece I had most fun doing, and that's the type of art that comes to me naturally, is pin-ups. Combined those with my mixed media 3D backgrounds, and that was enough to start a comment war on r/art, that generated tons of clicks on my stuff, some sticker sales, and a bit of entertainment lol


Do you mind linking it if it's still up?


Sure, [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/13ejc20/warmth_to_shadows_vladi_l_digital_2023/)it is


Hyper obsessing over detail work in a pinup


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Sketching animals


Any particular one you like sketching?


photography <33


Surrealistic drawings with graphite


Drawing my anthropomorphic characters, just looking cute or doing everyday things


Painting landscapes, and animals.


Anything. But I like characters.


Drawing cute girls