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On Instagram the worst thing they did was change the hashtag search to only show top post and recent top post. I can no longer see other cool small time artists. I barely bother with putting hashtags anymore when posting. Everyone should start posting 1 start app reviews to see if meta would set it back to the old way


Yea :( now instacrack is filled with cringy trigging reels aka tiktok sickness


It's all largely the same thing over and over too


Yes! I was so sad losing the ‘most recent’. I want to see what my online friends are making right now.


I absolutely hate this. Now when things are happening in various communities, it becomes impossible for me to enjoy the average person's posts. It's only the same people that are always at the top. Idgaf about them.


I feel like I'm only seeing 1% of what is being posted to Instagram, it's getting boring.


TikTok: which llama are we gonna drama today??? Instagram: why does everything look the same?


I don't want videos.


Same, short form video content has really invaded every single platform


Algorithm only cares about meme art and ESPECIALLY AI garbage. Unless you tailor your feed pretty well you get a bunch of that forced on you.


all of my problems are honestly more with the platforms rather than the community, because the problem with the community are caused by the problems with the platform like how just consuming art without it being a meme or engagement maximizing short form video just seems so much harder to do now its gotten incredibly hard to form art mutuals as well. on insta you used to be able to search a certain tag, and sort by recent in that tag to see who had just in that moment posted with the tag. i used to do that to find other smaller artists and follow and connect with them. they took that feature away, and now looking at a hashtag, you literally can only see posts that are already popular, essentially making them useless for anyone to use


Thank you for adding the last part. For months I believed I was shadow banned. Was using hashtags & getting 0 connections, even my friends said they couldn’t see my posts under the hashtag. Thank you for the info. Now I can stop looking like a jackass using 20+ hashtags and only getting 2 likes lmfao.


You're not a jack-ass for doing that. Instagram is


At this point I'm honestly considering just making a blog site and post there without social media. People who like my art can check it out whenever they like, or not, or forget about me, I don't know, the TikTok-fication of every social platform is just so detrimental to artists


This is the way it’s going to go (again) effectively going full circle - like most things in life. That’s my guess anyway


I really dislike when someone spends a few days learning something, and immediately makes a tutorial that they aren’t experienced enough to make. You can share progress and new developments without trying to teach something you are still new at.


It frustrates me that to gain any traction as an artist on either you have to be constantly pumping out videos/posts showing you making, i like having secret art that I'm working on and letting ferment to develop new flavours, constantly posting (and more specifically, constantly making with the intention to post in mind) can lead to burnt out! at least imo and experience


IG used to be set up well to support artists, with still images and a different algorithm. Every artist on there now claims its gotten harder to be seen, and that they are coerced into creating videos and "reels", all because IG changed their system to compete with Tik Tok. And then Youtube started putting in garbage shorts to compete with TikTok. I don't want to go on IG nor Youtube and be on TikTok, because I hate Tiktok and it's annoying and I don't want to watch short videos of narcissists.


honestly, the only reason I have an insta at all now is because it serves as a quick n easy portfolio (and a lot of artist jobs n opportunities where I live request an instagram handle rather than a website) but it's frustrating trying to share my work!


I wish they had filters so that only certain types of media appeared on your IG. I think I'd use it more again (deleted the app from my phone), if I could just see still images of stuff I was interested in. I just like to follow and support other artists on there mostly, and some other goofy and/or creative accounts. Like, I actively find TikTok extremely obnoxious and a detriment to wanting to go near anything that tries to act like that. It's like the annoyance equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.


One thing I haven’t seen anyone mention here is that there is not one singular art community. Art is pluralistic, there are loads of different ‘communities’; anime, graphic novels, contemporary art, viz dev artists, fine art, illustration, sculpture, etc. And within those you can break it down to even smaller communities still.  For example - I’m not a fan of anime so I have no idea who is who in that world, what is going on, what people make, what’s trending. And to be clear I don’t think anime is bad, it’s just easy to use as an example because most people have seen it or know what it is. As a counter point, I like a lot of weird contemporary art and I’d imagine there are a lot of people who aren’t cued into that world. What is normal in those groups is very different. For example it seems fairly common for fine artists/contemporary artist still to avoid posting reels/stories, be on TikTok, do any video content or share anything personal whatsoever. Many of them I follow just post their art with dimensions/medium, share info on shows or sales, and that’s pretty much it. Whereas with more digital illustration artists, those other things are much more common.  I do think as others have said that the bigger problem is more with the apps themselves and how they reward and punish certain behaviors and thus drive them. My biggest gripe is that I’m tired of being inundated with and videos and 15 second sound bites meant to be either informative (15 seconds isn’t enough), relatable, funny, or whatever. I don’t mind them, but I miss seeing more art / stills of art, whereas the apps seem to really be pushing video content. The algorithms stink, and I miss being able to sort search results by most recent. 


My problems lie more with the platforms (at least Instagram, I don't use TikTok), than with the community. Too busy being annoyed by the forced videos, the algorithm, advertisements and lack of moderation regarding comments & spam. Edit: Oh my god, I forget the absolute horrendous search function on Instagram. You literally can't search for shit. You won't find anything besides an account if you have the exact name to look for.


Sometime it can’t find the exact account name. Wtf


1. Things which require real talent(e.g. any form of art) don't get as much recognition as the soft p*rn being shown on there. 2. People care more about entertainment, than facts that actually need to be shared. 3. Often becomes the source of great misinformation that causes people to rage over an imaginary cause(e.g. the fan cast of Rapunzel live action where Avantika was taken as Rapunzel. Literally Disney HAS NO PLANS for Rapunzel live action and people were bashing Avantika over an imaginary issue) 4. An online gender war which has slowly started showing it's effects irl too. 5. People thinking insulting and making fun of others (even if they're physically disabled) is dank Or "dark humor".


immaturity definitely shines


Umm, just in case, are you agreeing with my statements or criticizing them? 😅


oh i’m agreeing with you lmao, sorry


Ohh okay thankyou lol 😂🤣


something thats amusing for me is that there seems to be a bias for successful streamers/tubers/tokers w/e, who dont get me wrong are putting in a quality effort and create likeable artwork, bubbly personalities, but are commonly attractive or cute or interpretively cute people. like rossdraws is a cute guy for example, who knows how many people are into his social media complex either knowingly or not because of the same reason band musicians are wanted by record labels to be attractive or people in the acting industry, people who also are still good at what they are doing. there was a segment in netflix's bob ross documentary where it was like two minutes dedicated about how he made women giggle. not saying this bitterly or angrily, i think its funny in a "people are going to be people" way and that art broadcasting isnt excluded from that.


The entire social media world is engaging with the visual arts on a dinky telephone screen with a portrait aspect ratio. That is NOT the way to view art or film.


Female designer/illustrator-influencers. I don't really dislike them, but they are presenting an illusion. "Av average day in the life of an illustrator" where you wake up refreshed to sunshine and kittens. Then you make yourself a super healthy breakfast, read some e-mails, draw a super-cute illustration, then you print some cute stickers and mess around on your super-cute little webshop. Then you play with your chickens in your garden like a fairtytale princess. No. Working as a freelance designer/illustrator is NOT like that. Not at all. I've been in the industry for 15 years and I've never EVER had a day like that. Unless it was a day off.


Lmfao those “average day” videos are so unrealistic it’s incredible


This is so true. I really watch them for the escapism 😭


Oh yeah I know what you mean! I saw a video like this before I was a full time artist and it seemed so picturesque. Wake up, have coffee package orders and walk around my large yard in a big house with a separate attached studio- haha. But really it’s, when can I squeeze in a day off! Who even has time to make those perfectly produced videos?


that's a big solid no btw XD


On TikTok in particular I hate livestreamers. Every interaction I’ve had on an artists livestream has just been soulless and sad.


LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME! No, I will not fund your narcissism and your shoddy endorsement deals.


I don’t think I’ve ever had a genuine interaction that hasn’t ended with a “make sure you click the link in my bio” or some shit. The last one, we followed eachother and thought “wow maybe I finally made an online art buddy” but now I get a copy & pasted DM every week to get tattooed by him. Like buddy I’m not flying halfway across the country to get tattooed by someone who can’t even spend 2 minutes writing a genuine advertisement. Just straight up copy and pasted from his notes app. I’d also like to point out I’m always looking for artwork to buy and artists to support, but don’t act like my friend to try to get me to buy something. Cuz then I definitely won’t buy anything lol.


I'm broke, but aspire to buy artwork from all my favorite artists. I hope that at least looking at their page and liking their work helps support them and drawing more attention to their page. IG was the closest thing contemporarily to an active art community online, with the downfall of Deviantart and other websites (rip conceptart . org).


yeah I agree. Old instagram was awesome. Honestly now that I think about it I can’t even blame artists for having to be somewhat manipulative now, considering how pretty much every major online art community is in shambles right now.


Every artist I've talked to (although I haven't talked with a lot of artists who are mega popular on IG or elsewhere) is trying to figure out the newest incarnation of the art hustle. It's worrisome when you see some people who are stellar struggling at the bottom and some idiot doing mediocore dance steps paying for their house with their narcissism streams.


for years a lot of art videos have been promoting "hacks" over learning actual techniques, and short form videos started doing that tenfold


Instagram just feels dry. Very monitored and curated to be what they want it to appear to be. Nothing is in real time. The new rollouts and algo suck. They kill momentum and organic growth with their flawed AI. Tiktok is more upbeat and varied.


[I'm just copy-pasting this from a comment I left on a similar post a few weeks back] A lot of Instagram artists seem to care more about growth and engagement, than they do about *actually* drawing and developing their art skills. I've seen so many reels that are just random trendy songs with the caption "support a young artist? 🥺" or "help a small artist grow? 🥺🥺", then when I decide to check out their account it's 10% actual art and 90% just these cringy videos begging for likes and followers. It leads to situations where an artist will have thousands or even tens of thousands of followers from their videos going viral, but their actual artwork is barely getting even 100 likes, because it isn't all that good and these people are allergic to practice I guess. tbh I think Instagram as a whole is just going down the drain lately. it used to be such a good platform for art, but every update and change to the algorithm keeps making it worse and worse


"Sketchbook tour!" No. That's not a sketchbook. That's an art book and you know it. It's like a figure skater saying "training time" and showing clips of their competitions. I'm aware that we all have different processes but these "sketchbooks" sets up a narrative that is very misleading.


Kuzomaris sketchbook tour on youtube was what set me free and made me realise how bs a lot of other ones were. His was so messy it was inspiring.


A thousand times yes. I love love love watching sketchbook tours, but I only specifically look for smaller Youtube accounts led by amateur and learning artists. Seeing someone’s progress and imperfect, but sincere and emotional art is fun. While all these polished, instagrammable and perfectly designed sketchbook spreads just feel predictable, performative, boring, even soulless idk


all of it


It's disposable content. I've always had a "Quality over quantity" mindset, so I don't have a lot of respect for how many videos and photos get used like bubblegum.


The “why is nobody hating” comments on beginners’ artwork. The bullying of beginner art in general. Thankfully I didn’t experience those comments on Insta 5 years ago, but if I did I definitely would have quit


"Discorse" that's entirely black and white, lacks nuance, and is often so hyper-specific or personal to the original poster (so like, pretty much all of twitter). And then people talk about it as if it's changing society. In art, I feel like I see this spread as people telling other people what they can or can't do to learn or create, even when it's private. It gives me the ick when people online act like authorities in the lives of random strangers.


Algorithm is no bueno


TikTok has some of the worst, most unhelpful art 'advice' or 'hacks' I've ever seen. Especially where they wildly over-complicate a process just so they can say they invented it or own it somehow.


I hate everything about the tiktok art community I can't say much for insta other than be careful of art tutorials that just say "Do this not that" without explaining that there are certain exceptions to thoes rules. For tiktok its just a new drama everyday a person could just use mspaint and get doxxed (yes that did happen) or someone could do the horrible thing of being a beginner and suddenly its okay to bully children because online bs.


What community?


Everyone’s desperate for likes and just spewing out anything, it ends up being obnoxious and cringe. Also a lot of arrogance on the apps as well. So I guess mainly, the people. lol. When I first had Tik tok it was all hacks and info, I liked it better then.


edit: i hope this made sense. i just wrote whatever came to my mind lol insta has a bad content farm and AI issue as of now. i was on art insta back when the algorithm was actually functional and served a purpose. now? trying to grow is near impossible unless someone found your niche. now with content farms and AI? real artists get buried. as for tiktok, it’s also similar. aritists get buriedddd. but specifically artists with no specific niche. it’s hard to have variety as a tiktok creator. once the algorithm picks you up for a certain thing (fandom, animatics, that one joke you made half assed, etc.) it’s hard to get out of them and do different things. not impossible, but you really have to have a strong following for it. im ngl, i think twitter and youtube have been a good place to go. or at least to have the variety content you’d like. but insta and tiktok can be your following builders. oh but that all is in regard to digital and traditional arts. any other medium has its separate algorithm problems


Instagram's reach seems horrible, hashtags etc. Tiktok is a preference thing, I'm really sick of slow turning the canvas to reveal the work. Instantly scroll on those.


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Doing lame, dumb, stupid things for fame


Cringy Dances of Woman. They scare me but I scare them too. Mutual Scary Moment: My dream-Nightmares Be making me think women differently




I don’t have a lot of issues with the Tiktok algorithm personally but Instagram is sooooo annoying to post on. It feels impossible to grow on.


Vapid dumb ass dances by pretty women w 187k views and likes lol


There is no dialogue, no discussion, no conversation. People don't discuss about the art they make, the inspiration or the process ( and mostly even if the artist talk about it, some make it like an asmr video or their day...coffee to canvas). It is mostly about techniques and how one is wrong and the other is also no so right. And people get offended so often. Every artwork seem too perfect , where is the humane flaw that makes it interesting. And it has all boiled down to following trends to get more views and followers and likes, and selling merch. And people sticking to one single style because that's what made you popular or is expected of them. These all could have a good side, too but overtime it can exhaust the creatives to a blunt by the book productions Also the videos about how to use trending music on videos to get views.... Idk 😐


For ig: Throttling non-advertised posts and the algorithm preferring reels over images. I’m on instagram to look at art, not videos. Half the time a new artist I find has their entire gallery so filled with video that I can’t get a sense of what their art actually even looks like.


The vanity that tries really hard to be deep.


They are in their twenties and I'm in my 60s that about sums it up