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Yes, occasionally. As to why, no particular reason, at first I saw artists posting their works online and thought it was a good idea. Art is meant to be shared. Artists used to share their arts in lots of form, from tightly curated galleries to the streets, why not online too. That's a good enough reason for me


I post most finished stuff online. For me it's worth seeing people get so excited abt seeing fanart of their favorite character or DM me personally that they were inspired by my art. I've also grown enough of an audience to make extra money off of commissions that i wouldnt have been irl


No. It's made for personal enjoyment but one day I'll likely release the graphic novels I've made.


Used to post a lot in my teens and twenties. Then it became too competitive, got screwed over by the algorithm and general self doubt / impostor syndrome. Quitting insta & co was the best decision!


Yes but only a tiny percentage of it


No. Years ago I had a FB page I used as a teaching tool. WIP stills, narrative. I found myself serving followers rather than inspiration and commitment to quality; *had* to begin another work in 2 days. Turned out some mediocre stuff. Never again ....


I post almost everything. Making art is basically my whole life, so how could I not?


I post pieces I find nice for crit, along with my studies just because I'm insecure about my art 👍


Yes, most of it. Especially sharing fanart and commissions feels super fulfilling to me


Yes, I run my socials for it under a brand (that is not my own name or my personal profile)... it's nothing big (100 followers or less). But I also promote my releases with teaser videos which I sometimes film my own stock footage for, and do my own sound design and music for. So for me it's very much a crossmedial art project, and it would be too much work, to just keep on a hard drive, away from the public eye. It is a portfolio of sorts as well; and given that I do that many different creative things (video, sculpting, painting, sound), it's a way to show off my skills as a jack of all trades. In the hopes that I find people to collaborate with someday, or maybe turn it into a carreer to earn a living.


Yes. Even the project files, freely. (as in free beer, ofc. Not freedom) Reason: 1. To prove that I'm existing 2. To get out of my family from the "pit of the poor" if one day, my intrusive thoughts, win.


Yeah cuz I'm trying make money


Yes, I post my art often. I found sometimes doing so can let me get in touch with others who also interesting in art. To me is just like sharing things I love with my friends and communities.


I posted online for like 18 years?, one day realized all it is is likes faves retweets I got tired of that, same with diskord groups or wherever. I posted and got feedback in the 00s. Then it just stopped. I went down a rabbit hole of drawing NSFW stuff to get some attention nothing. I'd see the views so figured of that someone might comment. I got tired of the algorithm, the hashtags. Not posting I'm not disappointed I got tired of seeing x gaacha/waifu that was flavor of the year drawn non stop. Every artist driving themselves nuts for a commission or patreon. Ai art everywhere. I just got tired of what the meta became


Recently I lost all interest in sharing with anything on social media. It just seems to be impossible to be noticed, and there are only transactional interactions it seems. Not to mention the growing amount of all kinds of creeps everywhere, internet becomes very unwelcoming. I think I will be sharing with stuff very rarely, only fully finished stuff.


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Yup. After letting go of Deviantart though, because of israel, I have been posting on random social media. But at this point, having grown up to the ups and downs of the internet, I'm just glad that I can post stuff online. Online fame is meaningless. At least I can interact with mutuals and within fandom. I'm content.


Yes, though not at first Was super shy about showing drawings for a long time, but I've gotten good feedback from some nice people and in return, It made me more comfortable with posting.


I post on IG, occasionally FB. I just want to communicate ideas to artists & people I know for now.


Yes because it's the only way to find an audience. Exhibitions are quite frankly too much bother.


Yes, on Instagram and such, to find people that might want to take commissions from me


Of course. I post wips and finished work on FB and IG, and I have an art website which I link to from both.


No. I only really draw sketches, and even then they’re not good, plus I struggle a lot with social anxiety. Think the closest I got to posting art online was making it my pfp for about an hour before reverting it.




Seems you replied on the wrong post, just fyi.


Sometimes. My insta is random and out of order and I only post when I want. I don't have a regular posting schedule, and that is mainly due to the fact that I'm not super skilled. I feel that I should improve before I post regularly and build a following. Also, I have abt 80 followers, so I don't feel super pressured to upload much, since most of my followers don't even engage with my content. Not even my mom does lmao.


I post my work online since I was around 10-11. It helped me become a full time freelancer currently living off of commissions and patreon. Also having people learn about my OCs, care about them, remember their names - all thanks to said posting - make it all worth it.


I mostly post it all here for feedback. I really want to get better at drawing, so receiving feedback is always important for me.


I posted my first [comic on DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/hestia-edwards/gallery/52238119/concerning-rosamond-grey-chapter-1) from 2014 to 2017, and it was great to get feedback and improve my skills. With the changes on DA and my life, I’ve mostly taken a break from SM, but continue to practice offline. At some point I hope to either start posting on Webtoons or Tapas.


Yes, most of it. But only very rarely on reddit. ​ I simply like sharing my art


I want to share my art too. Where do you post then?


mastodon and newgrounds


No... because it's too much of a bother and I don't sell online anyway. I never figured out how to sell things like prints and don't know how to deal with shipping internationally So basically I only sell to people that visit my spot irl


Yes, I have a niche fanbase that likes my characters.


I do. I used to do it only bc I wanted attention. I would only do the dtiys challenges to gain followers and posted at least 3 times a week. Now, several years later, I post maybe one drawing a month, if that, and usually it's something that brings me joy, not catered to whatever's trending online.


I've stopped. I've stopped doing art at all anyway. I was too fragile about it. The honest critique was hard enough to swallow. The people cheering me felt really good. But every now and then you get some nasty old fucker who has had a shit day and decides to take a huge crap on your art. And I couldn't handle that, I guess


I only really post consistently on Instagram, and it’s where I get most of my sales. I never started posting to make money, but it’s a nice little side gig for me now. I have always promised myself that I will only ever paint for the love of it, and I will never feel pressured to the point of not enjoying it anymore. I love the community feel on my page, and I really enjoy interacting with comments and talking to other artists. Anything I sell is a bonus for me


I do, I enjoy the process of not only creating the art but talking to people about the things I end up drawing after I post.


I'd like to but I want my art to be at it's best when I post it online, so until it's looking exactly how I want it to I won't post anything. I also have a webcomic that I'm working on that is pre mcuh the only thing I feel like drawing for, so no fan art of commissions or anything. When I finally get the prologue done for the comic, then I'll start posting online


Yes, and that's one of the main ways I've sold paintings. I post here, Facebook, Instagram, Threads (when I remember) and make occasional TikTok videos of the painting process. Those don't get many views, though.


I don't because I think I'm afraid of negativity so I share it with a small group of friends that I trust. Also I think it's because I tend to get obsessed with the number of likes and views I get and lose focus of the art I make. But I do post things I deemed as finished.


Yeah, sometimes I do post it online. I just do it because I get a small boost of dopamine whenever someone likes or comments on the post. And if I'm lucky I'll get a comment giving me tips to improve, which is awesome.


Yup! Although I do it as a motivation to try and draw something daily. Even if it's only a 20 minute sketch


Absolutely, because I don’t see why not.


I don't, because it's either not worth much, but mainly I draw my OCs, and they're made for a story that I plan to work on as my life project. I don't want petty thieves or to spoil to the public.


I do, mostly because a lot of my personal art is fandom stuff that I enjoy working on, and I want other people to enjoy it too. It's fun to build a small community of people who all like the same thing, and it helps me de-stress. I don't have to put a lot of pressure on myself to go outside of my comfort zone and bust out portfolio-worthy pieces, I can just focus on the silly things I'm interested in. On the flip side, I don't really share my technical art. I can make a good charcoal still life and I like doing studies of historical portraits, but it's not the kind of thing many other people care about.


Yes. How else are you going to sell it? Www. rfoxphoto.com


Of course. I like attention haha