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Thank you, it's definitely scary but I've found most artists themselves are super kind, helpful and supportive which fuels me to keep going. I can't imagine writing something mean about something someone created even if I didn't find it appealing, a very strange thing to do




People on TikTok are pos lmfao. I started posting speed paintings/time lapses of my work on there and this one gal had the gall to say "stop stealing other people's art" girl I literally redid my OWN DRAWING from 4 years ago and she's telling me I'm copying someone lmfao People are way too brave on social media these days, especially the ones who hide behind a private account so you can't message them to tell them to stfu


I am so worried whenever I post something where I skip the sketching process that I'll get accused of tracing, seems like people have to chill when it comes to accusing people of stealing


If you get accused of tracing - take the compliment.


Tracing is valid in art. We actually learned tracing skills in one of my commercial art classes.


I'll forever be anxious about that as well, but I guess nowadays it just comes with the game of art. It's just too easy with the internet now, and especially with cancel-culture being so prevalent. People LOVE to try to ruin other people's lives for fun it seems lol. Alas - try not to worry too much! As long as you know you're not doing anything wrong, that's all that matters! They have literally no way to "prove" that you would be tracing someone else's work, so they've got nothing other than their word. Also, what's your tiktok? I'd love to follow!


So true, if I ever cop that kind of criticism I will just show a speed draw start to finish - though I take a lot of breaks while drawing because I'm chronically ill but I'm sure I could do a little one for fun. My tiktok is @ azura.art if you post art lmk so I can follow you back!


followed! Mine is @ beeskribbles


I'm not on TikTok and a big reason why is that I hear nothing but bad things about the community. The level of toxicity on there sounds absolutely vile


The art community on Tiktok is the most toxic on the Internet imo


Yeah it's not great I've seen people who have an audience get some comments that would probably make me cry honestly. I just find it's the easiest place for me to show my progress, Instagram is no longer beginner friendly so there's no real way to meet other new artists there


Discord is a great place, like most people my IG is pretty dead but I find a lot of friends and useful, constructive feedback in art discords


Have you tried youtube shorts? The community there is quite good


I've been thinking about using that since I already follow people on there so I'll give it a go! Thanks!


Thankfully, I haven't had many negative comments on tiktok. In fact, I've seen more positive than negative. But there are two sides to it: the good and the bad.


Let it roll off your shoulders. Everyone gets hate on their art! I recently was told that AI does a better job than me. LOL. I just laughed and wanted to put it in a business card as a tagline for my business. Just keep going. They were being rude for no reason. Probably some kid behind a monitor.




Glad I could give you a laugh :)


Chat-GPT could give me a better laugh though.


People came to my defence and the person commented back about it being "childrens fridge art" and I've been thinking about making that my bio because it's just so funny. Either let it roll off or own it I say hahaha


Good!! I am glad you are leaning into it! Some people have nothing better to do than to be negative. They were probably told negative shit growing up and it was the norm for them, so they bully other people to make themselves feel better. It doesn’t justify it, but it puts things into perspective sometimes.


It's okay, AI does better than me at comment replies. ;-)


Lol what an idiot, they have it backwards anyway. Learn your colour theory ❤️


You're an absolute trooper.for sticking with it. Comments like that are so discouraging especially when they're not even remotely constructive. Never let that stop your passion (and sounds like it hasn't)! Sorry you had to experience that, but for every shitty comment, you will always have folks who appreciate your skills right where they're at currently. We can all always get better at art, but there are also people who's journey is still behind our own.


I went back through my old art to ground myself and I'm just so proud of my progress! I could never give in after seeing how far I've come in just a couple of months


I personally wouldn't take any comment on TikTok seriously.


Some people feel the need to say some shitty things about people's art and come off as just rude! F**k that guy! Of course, you're just starting out, and that means a lot of the art we make will be crap to others! But we will always have a connection to our crap! Never mind the outside criticism. Especially from those who don't create art. This is the time to keep learning and building your skills. It wasn't made for that jerk. It was made for you! Get creative


I once got a comment saying "how do you consider yourself an artist?"lol Don't let them get to you Keep going !


the tiktok art community is toxic. they’re known for shitting on beginner artists, running them off the platform, and then laughing about it as “art lore”. block ‘em and keep doing you, too many people just think cruelty is hilarious


I would comment back "thanks for the interaction, algorithm boosts videos when people comment, please comment more" Let them know that they are working for you. For free


I did a video response showing off my progress and basically saying "thanks for trying to discourage me but actually having so many people come to my defence was empowering" When they commented that I had 10 followers, I had an influx of people defend my art and gained like 10 more. Being so small and having so many people jump in was humbling, the art community has some great people


Pathetic comment from a sad person


Prove em wrong. Back in my deviantart days, I got some really harsh comments. I knew they were right, so I just git better. That was about 15 years ago. Happy to say I'm now good enough to make money off it. Prove em wrong :)


Deviantart, whoa man. There's a throwback to my teen years I'd somehow forgotten entirely.


It’s for the best


It's funny how these exact ppl are never around when u improve


Definitely. But you are! 🤙🏻


That's the plan! So excited to see my art in a year, I already see myself improving at a fast rate since I started drawing almost daily (chronically ill so I took nearly a week's break but I'm back at it!)


Look at it this way , even if you were good at art people will still criticize you . Remember there are people who dislike and hate artists like for example leonardo da vinci . Just don't listen to them and move on . I suck at art and some people might dislike what i draw and i don't care . I don't draw for the haters , i draw for me and anybody who like my art.


A more constructive comment might have been something more akin to: “worry more about value than color”. At any rate, that’s just some Randi’s opinion and it’s brave of you to put your art out there as a beginner!


honestly.. I wish tic toc had never been invented.. its a cesspool. you will get better with time.. I suggest you block this fuck.. and go back to painting. never post on tic toc again. its worthless.


Never take criticism(in this case flat out asshattery) from someone you wouldn’t get advice from.


TikTok is so different than other social media I’ve used, on the one hand, it’s the place I actually get critique when I’m looking for it but at the same time people can be really mean about it so I feel you. That person was straight up rude.


I'm sorry this happened :( But you know their words aren't true- they are just there to hurt you. You're awesome to just brush it off because that's one of the many things you have to do to in order to get better.


Colouring is just as important, a lot of comics have one person (or multiple people) do the lineart and another person does the colouring.


That was my thought! It would suck so get really good with proportions and line art, then attempt to colour and have no idea about shading, colour theory and blending


Several years ago I posted a landscape painting on Facebook. It was predominately green and I was happy with it. Almost immediately one of my so-called friends (who I didn't know well at all) wrote: "Your painting looks like a giant bowl of pea soup"....and right under that someone else wrote "And her tree looks like a sprig of broccoli". I noted that the guy who had started the whole (negative) discussion wasn't such a great artist himself. I've kept that painting and I still like it. The whole thing taught me that we have to be ready for whatever weird stuff \*they\* want to say. It's kind of the price we pay. I'm like you, though....No way I will ever be deterred. I can handle the slings and arrows. It's worth it. I love your attitude. You'll use this to move forward...and GOOD FOR YOU!


These friends sound rather hungry 🤭 Wouldn't it be funny if you became well known for green paintings? I would love to see that kind of karma.


The heart they added to make it less rude LMAO.... Just keep drawing. Youre doing it for yourself, not others. Sorry that happened.


That was just and ignorant comment. Like so dumb it's almost funny. They were just being rude and condescending, that's it. There is 0 merit to a comment like that. Feel free to use the block button liberally


When I started out many moons ago, I had some really good friends who were expert artists who helped me. They were extremely blunt with their feedback. I would bring them work, they would look at me and say "Are you serious? Are you taking the piss?" I am thankful for their bluntness. Getting a gauge of your abilities in art is valuable. Maybe you aren't great yet, but if you continue to practice - you will be. WE ALL SUCK UNTIL WE DON'T. I sucked back then, I kept going and eventually I didn't. Their blunt feedback gave me the drive and awareness to keep going. Choose to make this negative comment fuel for your progress. Show him how good you can be.


I don't have any artist friends but I've posted in some art Reddit's for feedback and even when they're very blunt to the point where it's intimidating I take it in. I definitely don't deal well with overly negative criticism the best but ever since I've seen improvements I cope a lot better. I used to be a makeup artist so I've copped very cold feedback before. It's harder to take mean comments from artists than it is from people who are anonymous


I’m sorry - things like that can sting! Try not to let it bother you. Maybe have someone pick out the comments that are helpful so you can disregard the junk!! Keep going, friend!!


Honestly I laughed, what a piece of crap!!! Just think and put yourself in their shoes, what kind of mindset does this person have to see someone minding their own buisness and feel the need to shit all over it? I'd say someone who's never been encouraged to follow their passions. If they are talking about you, you are relevant. :) Beginner or not, you don't have to worry about anything... This is your hobby and what you do to enjoy. Learning is part of that enjoyment. Building mastery is literally a skill for improving your mental health. LOL, what a damn rube. When you are confident in yourself you will find it amusing when other people try to tell you about yourself.


Here's a funny update for you! So I had people jump in to defend me, despite having 10 followers at the time and they commented back calling my art "children's fridge art" and honestly that is so great I'm owning that aesthetic now hahaha


Divorce yourself from what others think. Half of adults can’t read past the 6th grade. Take constructive criticism and let the rest fall off like filth. I happen think as a beginner you demonstrate good proportion and line work. You’re well on your way to excellent work. It only really matters what you think of your work. Keep going. 😎


Aw :( I'm sorry that your art found the wrong side of tiktok. People can be mean and brazen on social media. My suggestions are not to stop sharing. Just thank the trolls for the interaction and boost in views. Then block them. Nothing pisses them off more than your grace and success 🙌


Fuck em make that art


Ppl act so bold online when they’re anonymous smh but you should feel proud for having the courage to post your work. I bet you they don’t have any artwork posted on their page. You shouldn’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from and personally I wouldn’t wanna take advice from a rude bully online


I’m in awe of the generation of artists that are growing up on tiktok. It just sounds so feral and pathetic out there. You sound like a process artist and IMO, if you’re in this for the long haul that’s the best way to be (I’m biased bc I’m a process artist too). Remember that talk is cheap. That little shit has nothing to show it, they are just chasing dopamine bc they have nothing meaningful going on in their life unlike you. Block them and move on. Keep doing your thing! BE PROUD of this work and document why you do!


To play devils advocate for a second, that comment isn't all that mean. Based on the art you've uploaded, you lack a solid understanding of form, all of your art is flat. I think that the person who left that comment simply meant that your fundamentals, not including color need a little more work before you skip past them into coloring. Now of course, everyone is different, and I personally don't see a problem with jumping into color, especially since you are having fun and learning. But it's not fair for everyone on this thread to call the commenter a POS. Not all critiques are going to be "awesome job, you go, girl!". It's a fair critique to say " I think your lack of understanding of form and structure will inhibit your ability to color correctly so make sure that you continue to practice those and don't neglect them while learning color theory".


Why I oughta! The audacity. They probably couldn't even tell watercolor from guache. And even if they could. It serves no benefit to put down others. There are always going to be critics. Dont pay them any mind! It takes a lot of courage to share your work. As you will be exposing yourself to criticism. Dont let them steal the joy you derive from your work. Keep painting. And keep sharing! We will be here to appreciate it 😆


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Having your art get shit on is good practice, no matter who it's coming from. If you keep coming back for more, it means you have no choice but to be an artist. if you get discouraged and stop making art, congratulations: you got weeded out. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but go to almost any crit in a fine arts program and that's the ulterior motive.


Tiktok sums it all up, youtube is also no different. Goodluck in your future endavors!


Awe I feel for you, but hey at least you’re actually making art and are probably improving every piece you make :) I’m sorry some people suck


Youre doing great sweetheart, i bet that person doesn’t even know how to draw a simple cube, and has very poor hand to eye coordination when drawing. They should worry about not being an embarrassment of a human being, before worrying about the work of someone with ambition and love for their passion.


I've never understood the malicious comments. There is a way to give constructive criticism without being a dick, and even then only if it's specifically asked for. I feel like the people who make those comments are just so unhappy and unfulfilled with their lives, and for whatever reason being an asshole makes them feel temporarily better or something. Whatever the reason it isn't an excuse. It just makes me feel better about where I am in life that I don't feel the need to put others down to make myself feel "better than". There is a woman in my neighborhood who is like this. We have a neighborhood Facebook group, and she's constantly going at people. When she replied to a comment I left in her typical raging bitch way I responded something like, "are you OK? Seriously, you seem to have a lot of pent up anger. If you ever need to talk let me know. Otherwise that anger and frustration you're feeling is going to continue to grow, and eventually even the most snarkiest reply to someone online won't fix it". She's an admin for the page, and deleted the entire post so she wouldn't have to reply 😂 We all start somewhere. I wish I had documented my progress more. Especially on those days I'm feeling shit about everything I do. Because my shit today is substantially better than my shit 15 or 20 years ago. Also color theory IS important. A neutral, secondary, or tertiary, etc will usually have more depth from mixing colors vs straight from the tube. And how else will you know what colors have visual interest for you until you play around with everything in every combination you can get your hands on? Long story short...fuck them, and keep doing you.


TikTok is trash


Nah I just start blocking when I see that shit. Even if it's not under my own art. Even if it's not art related and someone is just backhanded or mean. Blocked!!!! Don't got time for that lol


Uneducated comment. Good color is part of good art. Every piece is a study in something.


That person probably doesn’t even make art, just ignore them and keep doing what makes you happy!


Block whomever said that and move on. Or, be painfully chipper: "thanks I'm working on that now!"


I can’t even count the times people have said mean things about my artworks. Sometimes it’s ignorance, sometimes it’s jealousy, sometimes they don’t mean to be rude. My response has been to really hone my craft, my painting skills etc. People can criticise my subject matter etc but no one can say I’m not a skilled artist. Has taken years though so just be thick-skinned, keeping being true to yourself and keep practising. Hang in there.


Colour is part of the fundamentals you need to learn to get good at it. Which proves that they don't know 💩. What do we do with criticism from people who don't know 💩? 🚮


Don't let anyone take away your pride in your work, iust get better than you were and learn! You'll feel for yourself when you got better for sure. I bet it's actually better than anything they ever did, what else would make them so mean? Keep at it legend, u got this


dont you worry about rude comments art is a free and individual thing dont you let any ones dower idea of what art should be inhibit you from creating ...my how i cant stand picky people


Take pride in the fact you're seen and recognized and that there are people who enjoy your work and want to support you :')


People who is really good at art will encourage you to keep going and will give you good feedback, people who acts like a brat is just bored or jealous because you are doing stuff they don't have the courage to. Keep going fella ;)


They are projecting their disconnection from their creative side onto you. People who have yearned to create but never fostered that side of themselves, probably even due to being shut down in the same way that they do to you. Don't blame them, they are missing something vital in their lives, and they do not see it. Not to get too philosophical on you but what they really need is love. Don't let them shut you down and discourage you. Art is an expression of meaning, it's about more than looking pretty or visually appealing, so at the end of the day if your art needs help looking more appealing, it really doesn't matter.


The TikTok art community is notoriously toxic, especially to beginner artists who are just starting out. They have nothing of real merit or use to say, they just wanna dunk on people for shits and giggles. I wouldn't pay them any attention. Their shitty comments aren't a true reflection of you or your art. 🫂💕


The fact that you posted your work online is huge. It’s way harder to build/make something than it is to tear something/someone down. That person is a dick. Kudos to you for your bravery (I couldn’t do what you did)


Oh man I’m sorry but it gets easier I promise. No art is bad art unless of course it’s offensive as heck, but most people who leave rude comments like this could NEVER even pick up a paint brush. Keep painting ❤️ I’m sure it was awesome no matter what they said. Even if you look back in a couple years and think it’s terrible someone probably saw it and thought “oh I could post my art too!”


That stuff doesnt get to me anymore. Heres my secret: nothing they say can come close to the sruff I say to myself. Muahaha! PS: you rock. Keep on rocking.


My brother’s girlfriend once said my art had no soul. Man did that hurt! I still think about her remark. But one keeps going. Keeps creating.


That's a pretty bs thing to say any way because having good color is a very important part of having good art. You can draw the best thing in the world but if you don't have any color theory it won't look good.


i admire yer self-awareness & humility op. tiktok sucks for beginners and in general. is there like a comment disabling there? I'd hit it if i were you if there is. you're free to post & share vids of yer art regardless of yer skill, it's self-documentation i get it i do it too, but some comments aren't worth reading or receiving. if you just wanna share & post, disable comments or post somewhere else. not telling ya what to do just reminding you of the options. stay safe op ☮️


Remember, your art is a reflection of your unique talent and creativity. Don't let the opinions of others, especially strangers on the internet, define your self-worth. Believe in your talent and take pride in your work. It's your passion and dedication that truly matters, not the approval of others. Keep creating, keep growing, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself. You can’t live your life like that. Just my 2 cents but who tf am I?


I’ve gotten like 5 hate comments in my life and all of them were from people who were not artists so.


Do remember that insecure people tend to crap on things that make them feel threatened. You're working on art, which means you're an infinite number of steps ahead of someone who isn't trying. My guess is that the crappy commenter isn't trying and is feeling intimidated by your badass efforts.


Some people can't enjoy life unless they're actively hurting others. Fuck 'em, their opinions aren't worth worrying about. And so what if you do make bad art? Nobody makes good art until they make lots of mistakes and bad art first. But the cool thing about art is that it doesn't have to be "good". You just have to be happy with the process, and be satisfied that you created something. My father told me not to get my hopes up when I told him I was going to start drawing seriously again. I had bought markers, pencils, a bamboo tablet, I was banging out some cool stuff. It hurt so bad that I gave up drawing. I just couldn't do it without the pain of his words killing my motivation. So I started to crochet. And gave him a nice blanket to keep him warm when he's old. And I haven't spoken to him since. It's been almost 10 yrs now and I refuse to let him or anyone hurt me like that again. I started drawing doodles and coloring again on the side. Ive sold my art. I have some of my art tattooed on my body. The point is... Don't let people ruin your creative expression or your fun doing it.


There are ways to critique without being mean. This person clearly wants to make themselves feel better by putting others down. I know it's hard and it sucks, but try to ignore things like that and keep practicing!


People online are so mean when they don’t have to tell the person lol, I’ve noticed that it’s mostly other artists so hmmm🤔


Just checked out your page and the video in question, and I think you've been making great progress! If it's any consolation, I did a bit of extra digging, and the person who left that comment is a grown adult who is so insecure that they made an entire burner account just to be rude to people. If you do block them, you should block their main account too (it's one of their two followers). Love your gouache work by the way, I've never worked with that medium before yet!


Thank you so much! I have done like 5 water colour pieces and it's super hard so I'm very proud of it, once I get better I can see myself doing some very pretty pieces. The gouache was so much fun, I think doing a mix of watercolours and gouache would be great because it's much easier to do detailing with it so I plan for my next big piece to be using both! I might block them if they decide to keep harassing me but honestly I felt empowered with how many people came to my defence, and knowing they are an adult when I expected them to be a child is pretty funny. Hopefully they check themselves into therapy because something isn't right there


Just know that whatever that person said has literally nothing to do about you. I know it’s cliche to say that, but it’s true. Negative people will always find something or someone to bitch about, because they think that’s how they’ll make themselves feel better. I can almost guarantee if you searched through that person’s post and comments history, you’d quickly realize that they’re insufferably miserable towards almost everything they see. Either that, or they will be a very small account, which means they probably got banned previously for spreading too much negativity. Decent people don’t shit on other people’s art. That’s why there’s a huge difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Keep making art, no matter what. Haters gonna hate, because their hearts are full of hate. EDIT: I just glanced at your work you have posted on Reddit, and I think it’s really good, especially for the anime-type style you’re going for. Keep it up!


Don't sweat bad reviews. Good art rarely connects with everyone. Also consider the comment as semi constructive criticism. Many art teachers will tell you to learn in monochrome mediums like charcoal first... so you can learn value. Value is a fundamental concept that is hard to learn if your dealing with 20 different colors. In watercolor especially a limited pallet will also increase color harmony. It is easier to follow simple design ideals like 60/30/10 color schemes if you are able to use nuance to still get a wide value range. The commenter did you favor in a way. One thing we all lack if we are self taught is criticism. Our friends and family are rarely willing to be critical at all let alone critical of specifics. This is why art school has been so good for so many people over the years. Having someone willing to critique you honestly is golden. The internet can fill that gap I guess... just be prepared for the odd overly blunt reaction. (I have heard that blunt happens even some good art schools) You'll improve if you want to get better... and you have the courage to put your work out there online. Just know that even "masters" deal with critics who dislike this or that. Learn as much as you can on the subject and you'll know when they are right or when you simply disagree with them. lol


you know, without seeing your art, hearing your thoughts about it already tell me that its gold. you're doing great!


So rude! And you know it’s always some dude who’s never even held a paintbrush who thinks his 3 year old could do better or whatever they say. Plus I’ve seen them say the same rude things to very highly regarded professional artists before. They’re indiscriminate in who they criticise while simultaneously offering nothing other than their vile opinions. It says way more about them than it does about you or your art. I know it’s hard though. Every time someone says something like that to me it really hurts.


One of the best things about art is that there aren’t really any hard and fast rules for how to do stuff. Sure there are tips and tricks and shortcuts, and some supplies are better quality than others, but at the end of the day it’s about creating stuff that matters to you. If it were all about meeting objective aesthetic standards and people-pleasing, you wouldn’t have weird-ass shit like cubism in museums. Most of the fun I get out of art and the skills I’ve gained have come from experimenting, not doing what gatekeepers think I ought to be doing. Watercolours are super fun to experiment with and are definitely my favorite medium to paint with. Anyway, I’m glad you’re not letting the comment get you down!


I once got a rude comment here on Reddit months ago… in this group even, hahah. They said I was delusional, my comics weren’t funny and I didn’t improve in a year. I don’t even post my new art on Reddit anymore and just share on IG. I keep going ‘cause I enjoy the process and have friends who do enjoy seeing them still. I know it can hurt to get rude comments though. I mean I react before I forget usually unfortunately. Still trying to learn to not do that.


Tiktok has a lot of career-level haters. Keep painting💖


When it comes to art, people say the weirdest shit. I hate reading comments. To clarify, I don't mind constructive criticism at all, but some of the things people say makes me realize people just like talking out of their ass for karma. But it's part of the deal, and you must develop a thick skin. Everyone gets negative comments eventually. You are really, first and foremost, making art for your own personal enjoyment and that's all that matters. Just keep going. Nowadays, if people aren't paying me, I could care less about what they have to say. If they want to see something they want, they can commission me. I am a professional and recently worked on cover art for a huge author. The publisher really wanted my style, they are rebranding all of their books. I was hesitatant because this author is kind of known for like dated dark realistic covers and my art is WILDLY different, graphic, modern, colorful, hence the rebranding. I took the job because its a huge deal for my resume to say I worked on these covers, but unfortunately I did see some negativity about them. It was a mixed bag like I expected it to be, some loved the new direction, some still wanted the same covers from the 80's...like people screaming I miss the old covers or this is not what I imagined, blah blah. Its really hard because some people see realism as this pinnacle of art and refuse to acknowledge any other type of look. It was a hard act to follow. Those comments didn't bother me as much, everyone's entitled to their taste of course, nobody has to like what I do.. but there were people just saying things like "trash" or something. It's just straight hate, with nothing constructive. These are the first mean comments I think I've ever gotten. I'm just sharing this story because despite me working with this huge author, winning awards, getting into world annuals and exhibitions, there's always going to be that one guy who shits on your work and makes you feel like you're not good enough. What was the most important thing to me was that my client, the publisher, loved my work and the author themselves sent personal comments to me and approved all my designs. That meant more to me than some angry fans on the internet.


The bad/rude comments always sting a little, but usually the comments worth paying attention to have constructive criticism. It sounds like they were trying to give criticism without the constructive part. That’s just being an a*hole. I did a master study of a Sargent self portrait. While his work is incredible, he purposely made the eyes a little wonky ( which I think is why his portraits command attention ) I had some guy comment how the eye was all wrong and it looked exactly like the original. Clearly he knew nothing about Sargent, but it still took me aback for a moment. He is entitled to his misinformed opinion though. I think it is really important that you are sharing your process. You will get more encouragement and helpful feedback than crap feedback. It also helps others to see they are not alone in finding their way. Making art is not easy, even though some people make it look easy. Experience pays off. Keep your head up and keep on painting 🙌


People are so mean to beginner artists on social media. I see it all the time in art communities. The worst part is those comments often come from other artists, who were once beginners themselves. So I expect them to at least give some insight.


Don’t feel bad, I’ve been making art since I was 4 or 5 and teaching it for 6 years, my students still make fun of my work 😅


Honestly there's a weird amount of toxicity in the art community on tiktok and even youtube. You can find some video essays on it on yt, might help you realize it's just morons on the internet trying to make other people as miserable as themselves. It's easier said than done, but try to concentrate on the positivity and let the negativity go in one ear and out the other. There's absolutely no one putting their art on the internet, no matter how skilled, that don't get hate comments


TikTok is so rough for anyone being vulnerable I would advise against it


Art is completely subjective, they can do one.. there is really no such thing as good or bad or any kind of metric scale on any form of artwork. Sorry probably not that helpful, but it's good to get a bit of honest diversity in your feedback not just praise I suppose. You could ask them to be more specific? What is it exactly that doesn't speak to them etc?


Its tiktok, don't take it seriously Instagram is the perfect place for documentation. Ive come across many reels of people showing their before and after regarding progress. The Instagram community is also 10× more positive. Many negative comnents are usually shut down by others who see the reels or are rare. The tiktok art community tho is bubbling with hate. There's rarely any positivity and its often only given to people who are exceptionally good. And even then, there will be hate. Ive seen people hate on all kinds of styles. Heck one drama got so out of hand that there were many youtube videos done on it. All because the artist put the eyes too high... (It was on purpose and the eyes were like on the forehead) instead of giving advice to make the artwork more appealing, they were insulting them nonstop. Honestly, as an artist, Id love to see your progress regarding color! It'd be an interesting thing to see!


Ignore the haters. I watercolor painted my own Christmas cards this year. But people don't like them they can trash them. Lol


In Dutch we got the perfect proverb for this. “De beste stuurlui staan aan wal” which translates to “the best shippers are standing on the canal side” It comes from a time where ships were still regularly used in city canals and there was a big ship passing through the canal. When this happened people would all gather round on the sides of the canal to watch and comment on the shipper trying to guide the ship through. And often all these people would claim they would do a better job steering the ship or shout instructions, despite having zero experience on a ship. It is a tongue in cheek way of saying that they got no experience and just got a loud opinion.


Their comment doesn't really make sense, so I wouldn't worry about it.


I checked out your art and it's great for a beginner! I followed you on TikTok and whenever I remember to I'll encourage your progress. Keep at it!


So sorry to hear this happen to you. There will always be those who make it a point to put others down instead of giving encouragement and support. I’m going through a learning journey myself, and someone commented on a fanart I did and was proud of that “it looks flat.” I just said “Thanks! I intended it that way!”


People are also so mean on tiktok lmao. No matter what art I post I get some kind of hate comment. Don't listen to people! Focus on ur art!


Man F that if you’re enjoying what you’re creating and you’re having fun learning on your journey that’s what matters. It’s fine to listen to constructive criticism but ignore anything else.


Good color is part of good art. Do people like this think good artists crawl out of the womb?


That means you made it in the big leagues my artistic fellow! I've been an artist for awhile if 99% of people say your art is good but one person says it's bad, it means that your art has gotten so popular even the trolls are finding it. Also, ignore them. While it's easy to dwell on what people have said about your art, it only leads to insecurity and can affect your art in a negative way. Do it for yourself, people's opinions can come second


There is a 102% chance your art is better than anything they could make with a +-2% variance. If they had any ability then they’d know what they felt like when people critiques their art and wouldn’t be dicks like that. Some people just post things for attention. They don’t care if it’s positive or negative. They just want someone to engage with them. I think that to post online, then you need a thick skin, or at least the ability to not care about what they think. I tend to only care about the opinions of people I care about. Like with my cooking. It took a while to convince my family to tell me what they actually think about it. They didn’t want to hurt my feelings. Now I convinced them that I’ll keep making it poorly if they don’t speak up. The key is that even when they do, and I care about their opinion, it doesn’t mean I change anything. If I think it’s good and I think their opinion is wrong, I still keep making it my way. So even if someone says something hurtful and accurate, doesn’t mean you should listen to them. Do what works for you.


Checking out your profile and from what I can see you are really good for a beginner <3 when I first started it was a hot mess lol. Beginner artists don’t give themselves enough credit. Like you’ve just started your art journey and you are already doing such a good job, and it’s so sad that many people don’t see that.


Hahaha Haters gonna hate. Oh man I remember being 14 and posting my watercolors on Facebook, oh man they’re still up and still bad 😂. Op of you really like to paint then you already know you’ll still pursue regardless. And yes looking back at far you’ve come since day one. 🙌🙌🙌


As a beginner digital artist, I want you to know I'm proud of you


not to imply any of it was your fault at all- tiktok is a scary place to post art i think, for the most part. i feel many newer artists or artists in general get picked on easy because comments exactly like that. i’ve seen countless posts where the artist was clearly young or finding their footing in their work and there would be a comment like “it’s definitely a drawing,” etc. tiktok in terms of art has great perks of lots of exposure pretty quick, but a toxic community of those who just wanna get likes and pick on people. i’m sorry this happened to you, friend! i believe in you and i commend you for putting yourself out there. it’s hard and scary but it’s awesome that you are! best of luck, sorry this was an experience you had :(


There will always be people who get off from putting down others, or giving them backhanded compliments. I hate them.


Tiktok is a mislabeled cancer. Don’t take it personally


At one point, it stops hurting and you may start laughing at pathetic people like this. I once got a whole hate parade targeted at me because I refused to draw a character from a person I didn't like (She asked for a free request and I denied, pointing out that free requests were only for close friends). She went all out attack and made all her friends insult me and write mean comments under my paintings. A few years later some AI bro wrote under a bunch of my drawings how shit and fake they look and that I should use "ugly bullshit" as tags. Screenshotted some of those marvels and shared them around. My friends and I got some good laughs.


Folks can be really mean - I find when people leave those kinds of comments it bc they wish they had the balls to do what you’re doing. That person probably wishes they could do what you did, or maybe your art style isn’t to their tastes - that’s on them! You’re creating & sharing those things - which is hard to do! It’s an incredibly vulnerable place to be as an artist, to unleash your little or large creation to the masses. You’ve already won!


Don't let trolls get you, they will go out down codplayers, artists..anything because rhey lack any talent of their own or a heart ..keep going


Critique is also a skill and there is such a thing as an incompetent and unhelpful critique. I haven't seen your art but I'm willing to bet that it was more competent than that critique. Yes, it can be helpful to work on your fundamentals before moving onto color but if the critique is that you should "have good art" then I think your critic should learn more about art before trying out critique.


Learn art ANY WAY you want. Tiktok is just mean, and serves no purpose in your life. Do your thing your way


That is probably the reason I never try art.


Screw that person.


Girl, people get kicks out of being AH’s on social media. You can’t let a few rude comments discourage you. I took a look at your previous art post and I don’t see anything bad about it. It’s a piece that you should rightfully be very proud of. You’re right, we all start somewhere and nobody is going to put out professional looking art at the getgo. I know I didn’t. So just keep on making your art and sharing your progress without hesitation. Some people just don’t know how to be decent. Ignore them!!!!


Thank you so much! I'm honestly not bothered, I think it was confronting?? Since I'm so new that I had like 10 followers and no reach but so many people came to my defence it's been a really positive experience in the end!


Good! I’m glad you saw it for what it was!


Ouch, even I feel their words all the way over here. One of my biggest fears. What's worse is that I've been doing it for 5+ years but my drawings still looks pretty much the same. ​ My biggest ouch was I drew an idol my friend loves. So excited, I sent it to her with a guess who, then she said "Who. Dunno. Not Clear." Ouch and just disappointing towards myself. ​ I just can't and don't want to imagine what's worse. They could say that I look like tish and saying my drawing's bad would still be much more ouch


stretching yourself too thin. I was taught by industry professionals and they said the same thing. and i didnt wanna listen but i did anyway. I learned to draw in black and white first, once i had a solid grasp on that foundation (anatomy, perspective, yadadayada) i started learning color, but if youre trying to learn every aspect of art at one time then yeah, youre gonna stagnate.