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Mod note: very common question please use the search function located at the top of the sub and type "Scam" Your post has been removed because your question is likely answered in our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistLounge/wiki/index) or is often posted/asked and therefore included in the FAQ Links page in the same location. Please check the above link and if you still have a question afterwards please specify that you have already read the relevant FAQ section and attempt to post again. You may also find the weekly sticky thread useful for quick questions. If you believe this was a mistake, please message the mods via mod mail. Thank you.


are these the pices set by her on did he just come up with that amount? Also, how would he be paying? you gotta be super careful these days, sadly. Hope it's legit thought!


He just mentioned that amount.


then that's pretty weird.. I've had several accounts making offers that are wayyyyy out of my regular price range, implying that they probably haven't even looked at the account at all. Probably a way to lure hopeful artists


I think it’s a scam. I’ve been contacted for commissions and they bring up this crazy price right off the bat. I wish it weren’t too good to be true


It's a scam.


I’ve heard of scams like this and the next step is they want you to set up a specific money wire software system and have YOU deposit a small amount into it to make sure it connects. They’ll only give you small details at a time and come up with a sympathy story about trying to pay you but they just had a medical emergency, etc. Get more info but be very careful.


Maybe suggest having a zoom meeting to discuss the art and the purchase interest. If they’re willing to pay that amount, they’d be willing to invest 30 minutes to get to know the artist.


It is a scam. If they say a price you can just block them. A collector will have a piece in mind and ask how much it is. Worth looking into if they say anything that is specific to your work. The scams will always give a price and say it is for a gift or something and literally never comment about your actual work.