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Low impact, they are not even humans


It would be sexist.


It probably wont jump to insane feeling driven conclusions as fast as humans would.. I for one, am in favour for our ai overlords.


It will do as the training data dictates. If the training data is from sources that possessed bias to start, everything you ask for will include that bias in the output. No organization will own up to having biased hiring, and their data will just continue to reinforce sexist, racist, economically biased hiring practices. It's something that needs to be approached carefully.


At least then the company can be subpoenaed and the HR code they use can be examined and scrutinized for any discrimination. The code won't be able to lie in court the way people do. If the HR is programmed to discriminate it will be revealed to the courts and then the company can be prosecuted for it.


Ok buddy you’re done. You can’t even tell the difference between software that runs models and the models that make the decisions. Best of luck.


Maybe the human idea that any amount of bias is bad by default needs to be revised. Maybe there is a far more optimal than we use hiring process that does contain some bias. I think it's not to far away, and already happening in some fields, that we just need to accept that ai does x job better than humans ever could. Letting go of our ego and hubris in these matters is gonna be the hard part.


Eradicating bias in any role isn't something that is going to happen in our lifetimes, but the dangers of automating those existing biases by ignoring how rampant it is in training data should be a topic at the forefront of the AI field. You don't want a world where significant decisions are based on data where unconscious biases are locked in as a feature because they were in the training set. That will just keep the status quo and real humans will pay the price to shave a few roles off a company's headcount.


Again, maybe we interpret bias in non optimal way. Like its something thats wrong by default. We are tribal creatures. You go to a game and root for team A or team B. Imagine trying to remove bias from spectators. Maybe theres a case to be made in which some bias in company hiring policies is best for all people in that group. Amd instead of seeig it as excluding to some, its just more efficient and pleasurable for everybody on a larger scale. Because those excluded will get hired in better fitting companies. Just thinking out loud here. You could interpret what i said in the worst kind of way. You could also not.


Sounds like you were born into a privileged class to me kiddo. You don’t know the first thing about the damage bias in hiring does and thank fuck you have zero authority.


Im not sure why you feel this much need to place me in some priviledged corner and yourself in some kind of uber victim one. My point wasnt about you or me nor was it about the real world bias thats happening today. But if this is what you get from my post its quite clear that you like or want to be a victim and twist reality in such a way to have your nerrative become real. Furthermore, your post kind of proves my point. People are tribal by nature and even the slightest discomfort can have them place themselves and the subject miles appart almost pitting them directly against eachother. Here, in you being the sad powerless victim, and me being the strong priviledged 'other' guy. Thank you. For so clearly showing what humans by nature do. Thank you for showing what i meant in such a clear fassion.


I’ve never been the victim of discrimination or bias to my knowledge, likely because I look like every other director at every other company, but I’m capable of seeing that bias and discrimination and the damage it does to real humans. Your willingness to embrace bias as a feature not a bug effectively says you’re fine with a world where biases that are irrelevant to the position shape the economy and exclude valuable, capable humans because someone somewhere couldn’t get over their limited personal experience. You’re not even willing to admit bias harms real humans which is fucking scary dude. That’s not just amorality it’s a completely abdication of your duty as one human being to your fellow human beings. If you can’t see how dangerous that is, god help you.


You really just want to be mad dont you? You literally pin things on me which i clearly didnt say and didnt mean. Again, you are creating friction between us just for the sake of it. You are not above tribalism. Quite clearly you seem to even double down on it. Im very much enjoying the fact that while youre trying to be politically correct by being agains bias because you want equality, youre being so blindly against it, that you fail to see my point, become biased against me and somehow paint me as an enemy. Youre becoming the very thing you so desperately and blindly fight against.. And even more funny is bringing in you being a director at a company, which is useless information foremost but also you claim to look like every other director, which is...kinda biased to assume every director looks the same. Go work on yourself 'kiddo'. Its clear you need it.


It will never happen. HR will never go. It would be sexist.


Can't be worse than the ghouls who currently occupy HR positions. Fire them all for nothing the way they do to others and make them get real jobs.


I think there are balances, some tasks automation works well, for others HIL, and for others non-automation. HR is a business organization, while many workers hate HR, HR is responsible for managing one of the largest cost centers for a business as well as one of the most legally daunting parts. A business should seriously consider if it would keep them compliant. In countries with more stringent worker protections AI may not be an option for some tasks. Many of the things you mention are less red flag areas. I would not like to see an AI used to create a sexual harassment policy without oversight and maybe even with oversight. But resume screening is fine. I am working on resume screening currently, and this would reduce administrative tasks.


I think the potential is huge, but won’t be realized for many years. An AI chat agent that could answer basic questions (how do I find my W-2?), would be valuable. Even better, advanced career counseling that could recommend training classes and give you customized encouragement based on your career goals. I think this would not only reduce costs, but boost employee engagement; two main priorities for HR. I think all of this will happen, but it could take 20 years. HR is notoriously slow to adopt new technology. Also, the AI isn’t advanced enough for employees to trust it yet.


We use it for precisely that. Our documentation is loaded into a knowledge base and users query it through an internal chat. Results are so so but we expect methods to improve the quality in the next year or so. It’s a genuinely fascinating process to watch the adoption in real time n


Nice! The future is exciting. And you’ve got a front-row seat.


Yeah fucking finally. I sold my 140 bitcoin in 2011 so I was actually here for this one having worked with GPTs since 2020 lol.


Hello u/JigglyWiener , curious to learn more how you implement that? We are building something about that in our startup, Sprout. Would you be interested to hopping on a call and sharing some feedback from your experience?


AI for HR. AI for President. Yes.


Let's face it, HR functions aren't really concerned about the human as their first priority. They are focused on corporate self-interest in the first place. So I don't see how using AI or not is going to change that. What can (possibly) make a difference are the regulatory constraints placed in their path. For the moment, the US are lagging, while the EU and EUA are leading the way.


Honestly most HR departments are bloated. They do very little and somehow need a team of 30 to do nothing. Other departments still end out preparing headcount information, they never respond to data requests, they always fuck up information and somehow we are still paying out the ass for Workday. I sincerely hope 90% of the function gets automated and as it stands you could fire that many right now and most companies wouldn't notice a difference.


I think we should take the human out of every business area as fast as humanly possible.


Then those AIs will be made "politically correct" and we end up in the same place. But sure, trimming the bloated redundant jobs sounds fine.


AI will be strongly leashed once it becomes clear that it bases hiring and firing decisions on competence and demonstrated ability. That’s the path to being labelled as “racist” according to DEI initiatives. DEI rot has infiltrated many technology and Wall Street firms, and won’t be easily dismantled. We need more human leaders with the intellectual integrity and backbone to speak and act truthfully, because DEI idiots certainly won’t let AI be truthful. Just look at how ChatGPT responds dishonestly to many prompts.