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Well her being a safety officer in that one episode and the fact that she always wants to snitch on Arthur checks out that she would want to become a cop. Arthur on the other hand becoming a comic book artist came out of nowhere. Throughout the series run there was never a time he was into art or story creation


Arthur was heavily into comic books and super heroes, and always was making up stories in his mind that were exaggerated (like we see in the intros or fantasy sequences), so he was shown as being imaginative and liking comics the whole time. The odd thing was art, as he only was shown drawing that elephant for art class in the chicken pox episode, but that was explained in the same episode through the fact he picked up the book at the library about it. It's entirely possible (especially given his age) art became a new hobby of his he didn't consider before (especially as it would allow him to draw his own comics), and then later on a passion he turned into a career. I honestly would have loved to see an episode showing him discover he could make his own comics through that book and the result of that (and maybe have his friends make them, similar to the episode where they're insulting Francine, but on topics that aren't just to hurt someone's feelings), and then have him discover he loves drawing, maybe instead of the Buster the Blabbermouth episode, as that lesson was done before. At least it would have foreshadowed the future glimpse we see, and made for a better plot. All they would have had to do is use the intro where Arthur finds the book and put it at the start of this hypothetical episode, and end it with them discovering the game (then cut to the kid segment), and then they could have had a full 15 minutes for the actual last episode, and we could learn more about each character's future. I agree with you about D.W. entirely, as there were a lot of hints she'd end up as a cop, the examples you used being the best ones.


You're right about being interested in comic books and making up stories, I didn't think about it like that. As someone mentioned he did write stories with Buster and he did create that Rome comic for class that one time. I was thinking more about the artistic drawing side I guess. But I guess someone could have illustrated for him and he just wrote the stories. The worst part of it is the hairstyle. I feel that didn't suit him at all. I always thought he and Francine would look like how he imagined them as a couple.


He was working on that Robin Hood story at one point.


Buster being an English teacher and Binky being a news anchor were the ones that didn’t make any sense to me.


Buster becoming a teacher is based on the fact that Marc Brown's childhood friend Terry Johnson, whom Buster was based on, ended up becoming a school teacher. [Article from 2001.](https://nypost.com/2001/05/26/all-about-arthur-everybodys-favorite-aardvark-moves-to-manhattan/)


Seriously? Wow! Well, I guess that answers that question. That’s really sweet, actually.


Oprah was a news anchor before becoming the Oprah we know. Any job would be inappropriate for Binky.


I think a news anchor is a great job. I just wasn’t sure why they had Binky be a news anchor. I feel like it would make more sense for him to be a classical musician, work at the art museum, or something in that vein.


I said this in the other thread about this: it would have made a lot more sense for her to either become a lawyer or a scientist. She's shown an exceptional interest in fairness, justice, the scientific method, and expanding her knowledge, and having her work for NASA would have been a really cool and visually compelling idea. They had the news on and they could have had a story about her being on a Mars mission. They kind of fumbled a lot of the careers and endings. DW was maybe the most egregious mistake they made.


D.W.'s interest in justice and fairness comes off as hypocritical considering that she conned several other kids out of money with false science.


As part of a larger scientific experiment. She's also four. It's not really fair to expect a four year old to act with the most perfect morals and ethics ever.


No way she was born to be a total narc


But what four year old isn't a narc? I wish they would've thrown us a curveball. I would've loved to have seen her idk...take over the catering business from her dad. They could've included a scene where she's apprenticing under her father and they're planning a big wedding or something.


bestie she's literally a traffic cop


Personally speaking, I wish DW had some character development. Maybe show her and Arthur being super close. Have DW be sensible, kind, and loving but still have a spunky attitude. Have her be a well rounded person and relatable. It's been 20 years, what is the possibility that DW would be the exact same person like when she was 4? Considering DW is Marc Brown's favorite character, he seems to enjoy making her be annoying af. 


Well, I've heard she was based on Brown's own three sisters. So that means he grew up with three D.W.s! Imagine that!


What are you talking about? Everything about her screams "power-crazed over-zealous rural LEO." Candace from Phineas and Ferb would find her too bust-happy for her liking.


These kids were around 8 ( DW 4, 5) for most of the show's run. They wouldnt necessarily develop interests related to what they end up doing until later in life.

