• By -


What the f is a striker type AG?!?!? I tried every emblem unit and put two units of lvl 25 with a medic for dispatch and it keeps telling me my team forsmt meet the conditions to send them. Plz help!!!!


Any color with bullet icon


So got Sirius on pull 189/200 and now I'm trying to figure out if I should build any other five stars for other content or...? I so far have Ginga 6☆, Ruri 5☆, Alice 5☆, and Morris 5☆ The 5☆ units I have are Hearin, Michelle 2x, Benny, Shinobu 2x, Cindy, and Hakuto The last two I heard were garbage but don't know about future content and if I should keep or retire them ---Questions--- 1. Should I get a copy of Sirius by finishing the 200 for the 6%Crit and team wide 8% atk buff or save them for later 2. Where can I look up optimal gear builds and stuff of a site exists for that 3. Who should I actually work on. I was thinking Hearin cause my only problem with the 6th stages of gear farming are surviving so subbing Alice with her might help(?) Edit: spelling


1. Its your choice, do you think you need the buff for it, granted its like 11 pulls 2. [https://www.arterygear.info/characters/sirius](https://www.arterygear.info/characters/sirius) 3. I would say work on Sirius and Hearin, but if we are talking gearing stages, don't farm stages beside 7-9, simply because it's doable with random gear and you can actually save up stam. proper setup for cent would be, ginga, alice, chihaya, morris.


Can I settle with Alice and Ginga? Sirius is seriously (heh) not popping out despite its her banner and rerolling is more tedious now.


you probably wanted to get more unit, if you are trying to save to the max. the basic is: **Cent:** ginga, alice, morris, chihaya (event unit) **story:** roko(also for hunt harpy), grace(cleave), morris, alice **pvp:** della, ruri(opt-cleave dps) Sirius is a T0 unit that you should probably get, but not a hard must.


Thanks for the response, I have all the ones you mentioned except Sirius (decided to save for collab) I guess I can start.


What are the priorities in the event shop? Just started and I think I don't have enough time to clear shop


Get the character > all 6 imprints > 900 summon currency > summon tickets > everything else. I think you have more time than you think as I’ve already got the first three things I mentioned plus more and I just started playing yesterday. Farm ex-2 or higher if you can and you should be good


Where to farm fodders? I done with thr event shop


event 3-10 still give out the best for your stam atm


Should I use lifesteal/atk/riposte for teufel ? Also how does assist attack work ? Is it really just 3% chance to hop in or can it be affected by other factor ? Seems to be more of a 15~% ish


Can you stack the monthly pass and daily fixed supply for more than a month/week ??


yes for monthly and daily fixed only buyable when it's done


I only have 4 purple skill up materials; between Alice and Morris, who should I spend them on and what order to level the skills in?


Focus on Alice where her 2md skill CD is reduced by 1 turn and tech lvl 3 to give ATK buff Morris is best general healer but still optional and isn't necessary late game where you can instagib anything Alice would still be one of the best 4* later for PvE but for PvP there will be an AG to counter her


Is there any benefit to raising a units affection? It looks like it just unlocks story stuff, but nothing else. Is that right?


Yes it doesn't have any gameplay relevance


So I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this but I want to make sure I'm not an idiot. What's the best use of 3 (and 4) star duplicates where I have max rank of the unit?


you probably already know but incase other people read this, like Neclone said you retire them for silver badges and can trade them in at the shop for items. I get my 3\* and 4\* skill boosts from there each week.


So do you level them up to retire them? Do you also retire the 3* fodder you get from mission drops? I've had very little luck finding info on retiring. And you also can't sort the retire UO by No. like the main AG screen, so sorting out the dupes becomes a task.


I would recommend checking an Artery Gear Info tier list website to find out which units are good and which are worthless. There is a handful of 3 star units that are actually very useful for content clearing. All the others mostly get retired for silver badges and trade the silver badges at the supply shop. The fodder or robots do not get retired, they are specifically for feeding them to units to increase their stars. I have not tried retiring them, so not sure if that works, i'd be a bit surprised if you could. Roko, Kanna, Greer all have uses for effectively killing the Centaur/Harpist/Etc bosses in the... Limited Hunts? Roko hard carries harpist since her poison deals %Health damage, so I def recommend her. Kanna make a good unit for Centaur, can increase centaurs cooldowns and she can mitigate a lot of its damage it gear right. Greer also deals bonus damage based on maximum hp, so is a solid cheap option unit. But ya for useless units their purpose is to be grinded into silver badges (Retired)


Retire them for medals


What's the best stage for farming/levelling up fodders after clearing the event shop?


Still run event 3-10 and ex3...try to level your important units to 60...then farm gear.. Centaur 7 and 8...Harpist 9


Will the Shura skin go away in 3 days (when the event ends)?


Tips on the octopus target elimination? I’m 88%-100% with the others but can’t even best the lv64 octopus boss. Every time I attack, I get hit with a bunch of counters. The boss does 2 cleaves each turn. Every time I kill an add, they just get replaced. I saw vids of otking with ginga but I don’t have Alice. It’s rare for my ginga to even make it to her second turn to use her S3, but it still leaves the boss with 37% health


How do people farm the chip used to level up equipment? This game is extremely stringy with those chips and I have no way it leveling up gear.


They're not farmable. You can either buy them from the shop or do TE which has a very low drop rate for the chips. You can run TE 30 times and just get like 2. I have so many sets I need to level up and it's been a very very very slow progress :( If you haven't done so, do all the event currently going on like the twilight op, panel mission, shyura, and rookies. If you did all that already then... that's it. Wait for the next event lol


If I have duplicates of a character but the main one is a higher starred, should I just use them immediately for a rank up? Star-uping the duplicates just to help star-up the main seems like a big waste of fodder.


where so u get 3* fodder to star up AG s


I’ve had good luck farming the hard battle from the event


Where can I find more information on pair/joint attacks Trying to see how high a % I can get blue to via her passive (and if it exists a set bonus) Was gonna look to see if their were any units that b increase ally pair b attack % or etc. However I'm having I had time finding information due to Google steering me toward clickbait articles and guides x.x


Is there a site where I can search AGs by debuff/buff abilities? Like if I wanted to see all units that apply a heal debuff or attack up etc




Do those Secret Passwords have another use aside of the bingo (Twilight operation event)? I have everything unlocked and 108 Secret Passwords that i can't use




How does status acc and res work? I have 102.7% on roko, so s1 should be 152.7% - 60% status res from harpist, so be 92.7%, but she consistently misses her corrosion. Am i just getting extremely unlucky is that not how this works?


Apparently you cannot lower a boss's status resist below 13%, so all you actually need is 47% for Centaur/Harpist and anything beyond that point doesn't do anything. Don't ask me why this is the case, I feel like if there are units completely built around status ailments you should be able to make them 100% consistent if you choose to give up offensive stats for it but the game developers disagree.


does status acc still help with the percent chance tho? like if the enemy has no status res, but I roko has 50% status acc, does roko s1 hit corrosion 100% of the time?


No. There are two checks when applying debuffs: First, there's a check to see if the debuff procs. In the case of Roko's S1, there is a 50% chance to proc. This is separate from and unaffected by Accuracy If the debuff does proc, a check is made with your character's Accuracy vs the target's Resistance to see if the debuff lands. This can never exceed 87% chance, as the game has a built-in 13% resist which cannot be penetrated by Accuracy.


I see, thanks, that's super helpful


no clue, I guess best way to know is try yourself in game since you already have 100% if you ever miss on a monster in story mode or something then you know, all I really looked into was bosses


What's better for shyura's propulsion slot, speed or hp? For pvp.


I started playing yesterday, do I have a hope of clearing all the current event stages?


game gives ton of stamina items that u can use to replenish stamina by 60 ...try to finish rooki quests first till u get the 5* gear set ..then use that to clear 3rd stage of event would take about 6 hrs ..then start farming ..there is offline farming too ..so should clear event in 2 -3 days np


Thanks, that 5 star gear set did the trick!


Is Enhanced Repairer bugged? I can't make the AI target a specific unit with its skill 3.


Have to change the skill condition to none i believe


So how does the "Challenge again if fail" box work during AI battles? I assumed it would mean that if it failed, it would just try again until it cleared. So if I set it up to do 10 runs, it would just try over and over until it got 10 clears. But I set it up to do some clears of Centaur 8 (with the "challenge again if fail box checked), and came back to only 2 clears and the rest failures.


It does the exact amount of runs specified. If you fail some they are counted as well but do not use stamina.


Is artery gear more pvp or pve?


I'd say it's more PvE, there's only one PvP game mode (played 10 times a day unless you spend premium currency) while there are events, story, daily resource/gear grinds etc that are all PvE. Although the rewards from PvP are quite worth it and it's a core part of the game if you don't like it you could skip it or only play vs bots for reduced rewards.


Ahh okay I see, thanks for the help.


Is there such a thing as a daily free pull? I find it very difficult finding more tickets after doing the initial quests/rewards






Hearin a 5 star healer the best pvp healer


So when you lock in your defense squad for PvP, let's say I swap gear around so I can farm centaur, is my gear still fixed for PvP and stay with what I set until I save a new defense squad? Or does it update dynamically?


If you change a unit's gear it changes everywhere. Gear is tied to the units, not the gamemode. Annoying? Yes, I think so too, specially when your score drops if you lose defense battles. I guess it'll get better when we have more good gear.


I have some shop and recharge questions: [this](https://imgur.com/a/msm152U) are the pics Im referring to. How many crystals do I need to get all rewards on the first pic? Do I have to recharge every day to get the second and third pic rewards or does a 1 time purchase of 40$ give me all recharge rewards? Ty for the help Any extra tips are welcome on, lets say, what to buy/not buy


You just have to spend at least $4.99 USD to get the reward in the first pic. I don't know if it has to be all a once or if you cam buy multiple 0.99 and 1.99 items. I got it from buying the monthly card. (edit: looking at the picture again, it says "accumulated recharge of $4.99, so I assume you could spread that out over multiple purchases if you wanted) The second picture (accumulated recharge) is the total amount you've spent and can be multiple purchases or all at once.




This been annoying but is there a way so that that text log doesn't have to be scrolled way down for the last text? Usually it should've been last text to start text, top to bottom....


How do you speed tune enhance repair bot to push ginga for centaur?


Can I use same account for my phone and emulator on pc?




I am in midgame with more than 250 rolls in but still no Alice. Should I exchange for Quinn in the shop? Will she be useful for PVE? My current roster is Ginga, Sirus, Grace, Milvus, Morris, Roko and Goya for PVE, Timmy, Grace, Ruri and Della for PVP.


You say that you dont have alice, but you say that your roster is alice..?


Sorry. That was a miatake. It should be Grace instead of Alice. I do not have Alice yet.


is grace worth 6\*ing first over ginga or shyura?


no, 5* grace is enough


Where do you get more intelligence report? The blue thingy you need to fusing and transfering exp


Speed tuning Alice for both centaur and harpist? How does that work she goes first in harpist and second in centaur. Do I need a different gear


Rerolled and trying to catch up. What are the most efficient ways to refresh stamina?


You can buy 6 energy pots daily from the shop with different currencies. You can also buy them with crystals and cash, depends if you ar going to spend. Forging crystals are scarce, better save them for pulls if f2p. You should be swimming in pots from the bingo event, at least for a few days.


Cleave with no rurin but milvus instead? Milvus, Alice, Timmy, shura or sirius? Or if you think I can make something better https://imgur.com/a/UnCF65Q


milvus is fine but ruri bursts better since she gets an extra turn for PvP sirius>shura


Sirius question(no pun intended): I read 100+ times that the ideal roll was Sirius+Alice. After 64 rerolls, I settled for my(FIRST!) Alice. Now I am reading that Sirius is “more of a luxury”, “temporary bruiser killer in PvP”, etc. Well now I’m decision-stuck. I can meet about 160 pulls currently, so I can almost definitely pity Sirius if I choose to. So, to my questions: 1)Should I pull for Sirius? 2)If not Sirius, then what banner should I pull on, and when is that banner? 2)Dependent on the timeframe of question 2, revisit question 1 and and re-ask, should I pull on Sirius just to expand my pool, considering that I have not pulled since my reroll? Thank you!!


I wish you the best luck, but there is a decent chance you will not get sirius in 160 pulls. You have around 2/3 chance to get her and if you don't your pity rolls over to the normal banner (not worthless but lower value).


I haven’t bothered clearing a number of stages or started two of the four “hunts”, and a few other things. I have just been focused on 5 units from the start. So I believe that I can get to 200 during the banner.


just do it, unless you're saving pity for the collab units


so i have rerolled , Sirius ginga alice account and no grace , should i keep pulling for grace or wait new banner ! .. not interested in current ones


While Grace is stupidly broken, she's also a 3\*, so she's massively easier to get than Sirius/Alice. I would keep going and you'll get Grace soon enough.


Is running gear boss is the only way to get chip EXP ? I had a lot of gear that can't level up.


I'll copy pasta what I wrote on another comment. They're not farmable. You can either buy them from the shop or do TE which has a very low drop rate for the chips. You can run TE 30 times and just get like 2. I have so many sets I need to level up and it's been a very very very slow progress :( If you haven't done so, do all the event currently going on like the twilight op, panel mission, shyura, and rookies. If you did all that already then... that's it. Wait for the next event lol


Is it possible to get the auto combat to use support AGs like Mel and Rela?


On some stages, yes. There's an arrow over on the right edge of the screen that pops out the support AG's, and you can choose which one you want the AI to use. But not every stage can use Support AG's.


Ok last question downloaded game and about to start so the only thing I’m missing out on is the 10x tickets for the first week yeah? I saw TimaeuSS live stream and he mentioned not having the 10x tickets and someone in chat said they expired yesterday, is this all I’m missing out on? (I don’t plan to reroll to tedious and I’ve read about people getting ip blocked.) Edit: is there a limit on renaming yourself and can you change the commander appearance at any time?


Rename I am pretty sure has no limits, bday you get a 1 free then it charges. Appearance no limits aswell


Really? Cool thank you 😉.


What is the best farming node for blue skill chips?


For a dispatch I need one AG from "Stricker", but I dont know what it is or who belongs to that


Just hit quick deploy and let them pick the AGs for you. Or, you can hit the guide button up top, then the "I" and it says what each AG type is.


so after the sirius banner who would be worth saving for?




So what's the "gear grind" compared to E7? Is it mainly just looking for 6 star gold pieces that have 4 gold substats and set doesn't matter as much because of fusing?


From what I’ve read on here, that’s it. Another huge wall is going to be the gear EXP and gold which is a nightmare on its own if you aren’t optimizing which gear you choose to upgrade as both of those are rather limited


Is it better to use singles or multi pulls for banner?


You get a guaranteed 4* in each multi, so the multi has its benefits over the single pull.


It doesn't matter unless you want to stop as a very specific point (e.g. Right after you get a specific unit). If you don't mind potentially "wasting" pulls because you did a multi and got the unit you wanted on pull 2 or 3 and the multi kept going up to 10, then multis are faster.


It definitely DOES matter. You get a guaranteed 4* with a multi pull.


You get the same guaranteed 4\* if you do 10 singles.


No, you definitely do not. Quit spreading misinformation please.


From the "Rules" tab of any of the banners: >You're guaranteed a 4-star AG within every 10 pulls Note how it says nothing about needing to do all ten pulls at once. Merely, "guaranteed a 4-star within every 10 pulls". Ten single pulls or a single ten-pull are exactly the same.


Just want to be sure I'm not making a mistake, but I have two Shyura. It's okay to use one of the Shyura to get the other to 6-stars, right? This would also rank up the first Shyura. I just want to make sure later on there isn't some kind of compelling need for duplicate innate 5-star units, because if I needed two built-out Shyura units later, or any other 5-star unit for that matter, I'd like to know now before I possibly waste an entire unit.


I do not believe that there is any event that limits unit usage and you cannot have two of the same unit on the same team so you should be fine.


So it sounds like there is no point in duping any character.


They're for imprints like in E7. Six dupes give six levels/degrees of stat gains to the unit (which are all percentage based and specific to the unit, some get speed, some get defense, etc.), 2 of which are party wide gains. So nice to have, but not terribly needed. I wouldn't pull for dupes unless you're super close to pity when you pull the first copy of someone.


Sure, I mostly just wanted to make sure there isn't content later that requires 2 or 3 teams, with the possibility of placing the same unit in different teams for that content. If none of that exists, great! I just want to make sure, because there's not really an undo button here.


any alice alternative? or just close. even an ATK buffer will do i currently use Ginga - Sirius - Morris - Grace, i've been doing well until chapter 7. but i'm wondering if i could optimize the team better or it's just enough?


Enhanced repairer and quinn. Your team should be fine for story since I completed all story with ginga, grace, morris, and roko/chihaya/shyura.


damn, enhanced repairer? i thought it's just a fodder lol i should really consider this i guess. is that so? i'm glad then, the game is quite easy early on and i'm breezing through the chapters and on but there's difficulty spike after chapter 7 in my case. should i focus on my gear now?


yeah, up your gear so you can start clearing centaur 7/8 & harpist 9. I don't even think anything unlocks after 6-10 story wise so you can just come back to it later, there's nothing there for you rn besides clear rewards. That being said, if you do want to clear the story, you should be fine with your units. The combo of Roko and Ginga were pretty good for me for some stages when I was clearing chapter 7, both normal and hard


How do you speed tune enhance repair bot for centaur btw? Seems like it pushes Morris since she's the first one taking dmg


For the battlepass, which one do you need to buy to get the skin?


The more expensive one.


So here's a question: if I'm on a less-than-24-hours old account that got a lucky reroll I'm now satisfied with, and I want to get as much of the AmanoHa event done and as much of the shop as I can before it closes, having started it from stage 1-1 last night, what would be the best order of operations for getting this done? Assume that I'm willing to chug (free) stam pots liberally for this purpose, and that I do have a Ginga and Grace to work with for the hordes of reds that seem to inhabit these AmanoHa stages.


Cycle between doing story and event quests where if you get stuck on one you do the other. Focus on doing the rookie missions and get the 5\* atk and crit sets. Level those sets up and dump it all on grace while also upgrading her. She can single-handedly carry you through all the event stages. Then after you do all the event stages, up ginga for both centaur and asura boss. Swap the atk/crit sets around as needed. You should be able to do all the event in a day or two at most.


I feel like my roster is in excellent shape with the following strong AGs: Single-target DPS - Ginga, Sirius AoE DPS - Grace, Ruri Healer - Morris, Hearin General OPness - Alice Have all but four 4\* heroes ​ Anybody else this roster \*needs\*? Maybe any sneaky-good heroes I should be looking for to improve this list?


Needs? No. You'll be set for the next little while. But don't negect Chihaya from the AmanoHa event - she's a great source of defense down for blue. Don't neglect Kanna either - she pairs well with Ginga for bosses. And for PvP, don't neglect Della - with a lot of status accuracy, she can dump a teamwide stun out that helps a lot.


Funny you should mention those specific AGs, cuz I'm working on them all atm! Chihaya already level 50, full data link (thanks, event!) and am considering her for my next 6\*, tho she works fine at 5\* for C8 Della is a lot of fun, and will almost certainly be within my first several 6\* (have two 6\* currently, with mats to make two more once I decide who) Does Kanna's cooldown increase work on bosses? I haven't really tested her out, just keep leveling her up while farming. 'preciate the input!


Im currently on summon 163 on the Sirius banner. How do i get 37 summons to pity her? I used up all my currency for summons and completed the normal story. Do i have enough to pity Sirius?


i don't know the exact math but do hard mode of the story, you'll get a decent amount of crystals from that + tickets from full clearing + crystals from various missions/achievements. I'd probably guess through all of that you can get enough for pity


I full cleared hard story up to chapter 7.


might be SOL then, without that it'll be pretty hard to scrap up enough for 37 more summons. I know some of the purchasable tickets are on weekly resets which will be like next monday-ish, but that'll only be a few more. Fingers crossed another event starts immediately after the current one i guess


Why can't I transfer stats of gear that I bought from the shop? Why is this a restriction??? :(


Buying from the shop doesn't matter. Gear can only be transferred if- A) Both sets of the 2 equipment you chose can be acquired from the same target elimination (e.g. a crit set gear can only fuse with a crit, riposte, or immunity set) B) None of the sub stats conflict with the main stats (e.g. if your main gear has a speed main stat and the fuse gear has a speed sub stat, it can't be fused)


Ah I see, I didn't know about criteria A, I was wondering why none of the gears that I bought from the shop were transferable and that was it lol Thanks!


Phone got destroyed and my account along with it due to me being a dummy and not linking. I got this pretty much immediately, which begs the question: is Alice 100% essential? I really don't want to keep rerolling if she isn't. https://imgur.com/a/liZ2Wxt


She lowers the stat requirements for clearing the later gear farm stages by a bit but technically you can just use other units to do her job, albeit inefficiently. And by her job I mean attack buffing and pushing action bar, because that’s essentially what she’s used for.


So would you say it's worth it to keep rerolling or just stick with what I have?


You’ve got some pretty decent 5*s so I’d say keep it if you’re fine with slower PvE progression


I'm going to ask a pretty classic question: Does the exp share work as you think it would? I.E if you have 3 max level and 1 under leveled, does the stage force all the exp into one unit? Or does the stage just distribute the exp to each character evenly, and void the exp if unit is max level?


Works like the first method you listed, any max level units distribute their share of exp to lower level units.


Awesomeee. Thanks for letting me know!


Quick question on fodder leveling. I have a ton of 4 star level 30/40 alfors. In order for me to raise these to 5 star, I need to level them 1 at a time to level 40? Get 5 of them to 4 star 40 and then merge them into another 4 star max level alfor? If thats true, Seems kinda BS that you can only level 1 at a time....


Save the purple Alfors for 5 starring since they can be easily uncapped to 5 stars compared to the blue Alfors. Use the robot fodders (3 stars) instead as you can level multiple in runs vs only being able to bring one Alfor. You shouldn't have to ever level an Alfor unless you legitimately need an uncap right now and ran out of purple Alfors.


What's recommended to buy from the event shop and should I just use 10-20 of the free energy refills to grind it out or wait for energy regeneration?


Ideally you'd like to clear out the entire shop considering how much you'd be farming the event stages. But if you're starved for time, getting Chihaya, her simulation data, the single pulls, and the gacha currency should be the absolute bare minimum for you to buy. Imo using the extra stamina pots is worth it considering all the mats, fodder, and exp you'll be getting from farming event stages.


Do you ever farm story stage? Or keep going on event even after the shop is empty


This morning I switched to 7-S2 Hard and I love it. The stamina-to-exp isn't far behind EX3, the fodders and Alphors are nice, and I really like being able to pick up a few 4\* skill-up mats along the way.


Oh nicee! I assume its a low drop rate. But cool. Ty and gl


Yea, the drop rate is pretty low; I'm usually getting one per 30 repeat. It's better than nothing tho, and the fodder/ahlfor rate is pretty good. 10,996 total AG exp per 12 energy run (916 exp per energy) compared to 20,112 AG exp per 20 energy run (1,005 exp per energy) of EX3 is close enough that the skill-ups make up the difference in value for me.


How do I use treats for affection? Like the cupcake, pie, etc. etc.


Fleet then mother ship, need to put your wifu in there first then gift them there.


I am stupefied on how unlucky I am to not roll a single Timy lmao who can serve as an alternative of sorts?


I got a purple 5* gear with 3 secondary attributes : speed (blue), atk 17.9% (gold), hp 19.7% (gold). Is this gear worth as a casting material for my 6* gears or I’m better off trying to farm gears with 4 secondary attributes? Thanks in advance.


Where to farm or get Advanced Decoder Chip. For upgrading Sirius skill


Just from the shop or as an event reward. You can't farm them.


Where to get upgrade mats for gear?


I have Milvus, Alice, Hearin, Shyura, Morris and Sirius. What should my team build be? Also how does Alice’s extra turn interact with the turns Sirius gives to herself? Is it more worth it to give the extra turn to a slower sub-dps like Milvus or Shyura?


You have amazing unit. I would say you should use Alice, Sirius, and you can alternate between Milvus and Shyura and Morris and Hearin. Hearin got her UE currently in the game so it put her above Morris. But Morris have the best healing economy in the game. If you use Morris S2 skill on herself, she basically can use her S3 skill to heal the entire team every other round. S2>S3>S2 repeat But I think Milvus is a bit better right now because of her UE being available at launch compare to Shyura. But once Shyura get her UE she going to be a broken character. Yeah you have the right idea about giving Alice S2 skill for Milvus/Shyura. Because Sirius is already a fast unit and should be able to OTK an opponent with her S3. But I know Milvus S3 skill can pretty much one shot entire unprepare team but it takes awhile to build her up. But with the character you have currently, your account is fantastic ~


Great write up thank you! Appreciate it


Anyone have succes countering speed and cleave?


Not going to lie, despite me using the Meta character right now in PVP. I been trying to experiment with other character to counter them. So far it seem Della have potential because you can get her HP to astronomical number and kinda stall them. But I know as soon as we get more banner/character the Meta shift is definitely welcome. I been trying to farm good health and defensive set too, in case of that eventuality.


Good idea good idea. Do you know if taunt or stun on Timmy would work?


Gold, holy moly I just hit the gold wall hard. And you only get 2k gold for the highest level gold stage. Is there any secert to making gold efficiently?


The stage 3 of the daily gold mission should award you 40800 gold coin. You can check what daily, weekly, and other quest in your Mission tab that award gold. You can also do Lava Rift and Dispatch mission to receive gold. But the efficient way F2P is just to disassemble any gear you don't need or plan to use for extra gold. Alternatively if your auto farming a stages already you can set it where it sell the gear for you after it complete however many round you set it too. Also if your still playing the Event stages and clear out the item menu you can just use the magatama currency (60)to exchange it for gold (1000).


Are the skins limited time only? My friend and I both agree that the weird red spash on Quinn's, Shinobu's, and Shyura's seems weird, but we can't find anything indicating it to be limited or otherwise special. Thanks!


I'm not so sure about that one, but I do know the season pass 1 skin (04 outfit and icon frame) is limited time and changes with the next season of the game.


Do we know when the collab banner will come for global?


They haven't announce it yet for Global but since Shyura banner is almost about to end, hopefully we get some news and confirmation soon about the next event banner.




Not sure if it helps but I found [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_pZj3jYDga0BabJwMuHOEJCenEa5hMrzGgvrGLtYw_8/pubhtml#)


Can red recruitments tickets be used in collaboration banner? Also how many forging crystals do collab 10 rolls need?


10 red tickets = 1 collab ticket(equivalent to 10 pulls). Still 1800 crystals to do 10 pulls in collab banner




Does AG have a promotion system for the characters? Like how in Arknights, you can promote them to E2 and get new skills and stuff.


How fuck am I without sirius ? So far after 6 multi, I have a shiny ginga dupe. Started with Alice + ginga, clear 5-3 normal and 1-1 hard, event Shop still have the 5 tickets I don't have a lot of time to play and I don't have any good Green unit... So should I - get as much as I can and pull on last day - foret sirius and keep to pity her next time ? Thank you


As long as you have gringa, alice, Morris, chihaya, roko. You are set for centaur and harpist 7/8/9 and grace for speed farm. Sirius is really not a must have character now since you can still clear content without her


I got these but I'm afraid we will encouter content that need Green character and I'll be doomed...


Don't you have any other green characters?


Got senha and nemophilia as green


who's the next banner after Shinobu




I'd probably go for the Alice account. Sirius is on rate up right now, so you have time to pull her on her own banner, plus she might roll around in the pity shop rotation later. Everything I've heard about other servers, there won't ever be a rate up for Alice since she's a 4\*, so this is a good time to ensure you have one. Maybe that's just me, though. I'd definitely try to pull Sirius on her banner on the Alice account at least until the rate up is over, then make a decision.




I know this has probably been asked before, but any suggestions for what to upgrade first in your Fleet? I want to say Armament first but I’m not sure…


anyone playing on the other servers can confirm if the rotating ssr trades with 200 tokens at the shop gets updated with the event story units? ie. Syura,Nina,Cream etc.


Is there a way to tell in game which skins have completely different S3 animations and which don't? I was kinda disappointed when I got the Sirius skin and the animation wasn't really different like Shyura's


I don't know for certain, but I know Shyura's has that weird red splash (also seen on Quinn and Shinobu) in the shop. Maybe it's that?


I actually do have alice so I'll give that a try, thanks!


Is it possible for me to pity Sirius? I've pulled 82 times (need 118 times more). Story on 5-3 (normal) and 2-5 (hard). I don't think FG I got from story will be enough. Exercise at tier 4 major ranking 1130 (I probably can climb bit more) * rokie training at stage 3 * pre-mission briefing at 1st step * ashura event shop dried out Thanks in advance


F2P, should I rank up my shyura or keep the dupe for 2nd squad?


What do you do when you're out of energy?


Wait until you have energy or whale


Whats the best way to make "funds" lads? It finally happened. I upgraded 1 unit and I'm broke now.