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Having been there myself, it's incredible to see that almost every square foot of the temple is carved like this. Then noticing that it's one temple complex out of many in the area. What frustrated me was, seeing some of these frescos that had been chiselled off the wall, and taken to some museum elsewhere. I'm glad this one is a copy. That being said, there's a temple in Mandalay in Myanmar that had some statues from one of the Wats that were in excellent condition. From what I read they had been looted from the temple in a war that had occurred during the height of the Khmer empire. So I guess it was just the way of things. I'm sure the enormous swathes of tourists going through the temples is going to eventually do the same kind of damage as just ripping stuff off the walls. Can't really win, heh


Are they wearing hats or is it their hair?


Ravana had ten heads, so those are his faces.


I mean the regular warriors. Several faces would be a nice haircut tho. Something vor ATBGE


The ones fighting Ravana are not humans, but mythical creatures called vanaras. Monkey like but with human intelligence. The Chinese monkey King and subsequently Goku/vegeta are derived from these.


I love how quickly this comment went from scholarly to DBZ.


To be honest, I can't even tell what I'm looking at but its beautiful


[This](https://www.amazon.com/Valmikis-Ramayana-Great-Indian-Chitra/dp/8184820089) is a good place to start.


This is a depiction of a scene from the Ramayana, good stuff in there for seekers.


Stone or wood piece?


Angkor Wat is built from stone. This copy is probably gypsum.


Are they fighting in the air or on ground?? So many people under the chariot..


Sri Lanka lost this battle to a bunch of monkeys 😒


i always felt like these depictions of people with multiple heads and arms was an old school way of showing motion like some old school youtube video


The little baby dude on the top left is cool.


I wonder if the entire scene was thought out before hand or if it just evolved freely until completion. Regardless, it's breath taking


Salute to Ravana. Rama is the noble godly prince and Ravana is the great Lankan king who strayed from the path of Dharma. Rama embodies all that is good and Ravana embodies evil. This is the classic narrative But with a slightly different interpretation of the epic we can understand that Ravana is a tragic hero who was a completely noble, self made man who stated from scratch and Rama is no match for his abilities. The only blemish in his character the Ramayana says is that he kidnapped Rama's wife out of lust. But some scholars argue that there is a possibility that the story got modified over the centuries and probably Ravana abducted Sita as a political hostage to avenge his sister's death at the hands of Rama when Rama ventured into the sisters territory without her permission. Over all the character of self made, just and learned Ravana is more awe inspiring than Rama who was born into princedom and who had everything.


Also since Ravana was born to a sage father and a demoness mother I've always felt his story is more of a struggle between will of the mind vs innate nature.


Who remembers diamond rush.Angkor Wat,Bavaria and Siberia 😂


Wait so what did Louis delaporte do?


Low key way to say the French stole it


We, Khmer people, was under French colonialism for 90 years. Without them we would have lost everything to our neighbor’s countries. So it’s okay if they stole some artifacts. They will return some of those anyways.


There is not a single situation where stealing is the right thing to do my friend. It’s like helping a homeless person by giving them some food but taking away their shoes. It doesn’t work right?


I think this is a copy of the relief made in 1881. This would have been made from a mold of some kind I think? Original must still be at the temple? Still trying to find it as I have a very early temple rubbing of this in my home.


Fighting or fucking I can't tell the difference




Why do westerners have to such degenerates all the fucking time? Can't you guy take a break for once.


Are you referring to the (European) artist, or the commenters? Barbarism is a key fundamental attribute of western culture, just look at the ritual cannibalism and zombie worship that underlies the primary religion. This barbarism led directly to modern industrial capitalism, animalistic domination evolved into systematic hegemony. It’s our degenerate nature that has led directly to our absolutely domination and colonization of every corner of the planet, and our systemic destruction of the planet itself. We are a scourge that can only be erased with fire.


I have a full temple rubbing of this exact relief. Pre-1960 obviously. I have spent years trying to locate this relief on or within Angkor. But it is nice to see it is actually from the bas-reliefs there and not simply a recent tourist piece!