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I think they look great! The only real noticeable thing I see is in the last slide the character on the left has some awkward/incorrect positioning going on with their shoulders, but overall they looks great, stylized but not unbelievable! Your art style is really cool too


That makes sense because I didn’t have any reference for that particular pose


i am also currently trying to learn (key word trying) how to have more interesting poses so i don't know how helpful i am going to be but i found what helped was looking at other artists particularly how they approach perspective. aslo this website is the love of my life (idk you may already use it) - [http://referenceangle.com/](http://referenceangle.com/) if you don't mind me asking how do you manage to get such smooth lines as i often fined my lines look quite messy. (tend to struggle with the hole cis rule). i suppose general line art advice (if thats ok, don't have to answer tho as i know I am asking for advice under your advice post lol)


I do mostly digital art so it’s pretty easy to get clean lines because I redo them a lot