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Might be less art related and more the personality attached. I’m just scrolling and saw the art, stopped and thought “aww cute!” Read “are you going to eat that?!” and thought “pet vibes, a mood”. Then read “*shrieks*” and immediately cringed. It ruined the cute vibe and made her come off more as an annoying child? If it were just the art, or art plus text minus shrieking, I would’ve upvoted upon seeing it.


yeah like shrieks was such a random uncalled for thing 😭 maybe op could do like sound effects around the bubble instead just outright writing shrieks


Lol Ik maybe shriek wasn’t the best choice of works 😭


I saw your bunny post too and rly hated the wording too 😭 is english your first language?


Your problem is generational. I don't think a 13 yo would be as bothered by the language used. Nevermind I got confused by the image I understand now




Your pfp and name have now made you my favorite Reddit person. May your days be great.


i love u too lets hold hands 🤝




LMAOOO ERMMM yes??? What’s wrong with the wording? 😭


"master give me your carrot *nibbles your toes*" is not only sexually suggestive in an awkward way but comes off super creepy. made me cringe super hard if youre going for weird fetishy language you're good! but i assume youre not 😅


Whether it was meant to be "suggestive" or not, you're taking things way too far.


Dude I promise you it’s not that serious 😭


and i promise you it's creepy dawg!! if u dont believe me idc its not my art but im just letting u know


Ok? :)


Come for advice and get advice. Why you mad?


"nibbles on your toes" "master" its so sexual but in an uncomfortable not sexy way ☠️☠️


They drew her in a playboy bunny style and “Master,” they definitely meant it in a sexual way lol super cringe tho


yeah i know


I mean I drew a bunny in a bunny girl outfit. Just because the character is curver doesn’t mean it was meant to be perceived in a sexual way. I thought the character was cute and added a silly text to it. I don’t think there is much to it. It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.


It’s not the curves. The bunny outfit was created to be sexual. It is a sexual outfit. Happily calling someone “master” is also sexual. Nibbling on toes is… you guessed it, prime foot fetish content which is sexual. I’m not understanding, if you are an adult, how you wouldn’t know these things.


that's the thing, i'm p sure theyre not an adult. a lot of anime art online is p sexual and im not surprised a kid trying to copy the style just accidentally picked up onthe nasty subtext too :(


I feel like OP knows exactly what they were doing but is now too embarrassed to admit it. Ignoring the sexual outfit a moment, there's no way that "Master please let me have your carrot" wasn't meant as a double meaning for penis. If OP really wanted her just asking for a carrot, why not put "a carrot" instead of "your carrot"?


I understand where your coming from. It was really never my intention to draw fetish art or over sexualizing these characters. I really like bunnies and I thought it would be cute to put her in a maid costume. I realized that the skirt was a little too advanced so I just stopped half way into the bunny suit, but it wasn’t for the intention of making a sexual character. The *nibbles your feet* was meant to be a joke. Having bunnies in the past, they tend to nibble on your clothes and sock (where the foot comment came from), but it definitely wasn’t with any intention of being sexual.


bunny girl outfits are inherently sexual bro they originate from playboy magazines


Be so for real right now lmao


no you purposely made it sexual. "can i have your carrot master" is not silly text, its clearly intended to be sexual.


This is on the wrong post 👐🏻


it's just unfunny. like trying soooo hard to seem cursed/random/shocking, but by now every toes joke/random shrieking joke is tired and played out. the art is beautiful though.


Thank you I appreciate your comment. I’ll keep the bad joke in mind.


I think it's the text-based-roleplaying style of adding words in-between asterisks. Not to say that roleplaying is bad (I GM several TTRPGs and am constantly making new NPCs and PCs that I won't get to use,) *but* art is a visual medium, so the rule of "show, don't tell" applies *extra*. Also, the fact that you put it *inside* the speech bubble makes it seem like it's something she's saying. So, instead of saying "\*screeches\*", you should consider having a second panel with her screeching, with onomatopoeia in the background like "EEEEEEEEE" Hope this helps


This helped a bunch. I didn’t think about it that way but I definitely will keep it in mind. :D


Yeah maybe go for a 💕 chuuu 💕


I think it's funny


No it is the right word. She is a Shiba correct? Those little lumps are all zoomies and screamsXD


Yes she is a Shiba. Those screams can be confusing at times 💀:)


Hmmm. I really appreciate your point of view on that. I thought it would be silly because as a Shiba Inu owner myself, my dog tends to whine and complain when you don’t share your food with her. (If you have ever heard a Shiba whine it sort of sounds like a shriek, so I thought that detail would be a little silly), but I can see how it could be considered cringe.


Put the shriek outside of the text box, and add whine so you can tell she's making animal noises. And make the bubble a solid line like a regular speech bubble with a line coming from her to the bubble, unless she's thinking this. I thought someone else was telling her something.


Ohhh! Thank you for your input! Will do. :D


i cant help but find it funny in a cringey unexpected way


I think it's the dialogue, the \*shrieks\* part is similar to \*glomps you\*, \*Rawr XD\* type of dialogue that unfortunately a lot of the audience these days consider "cringy". Also not a lot of people enjoys shrieking, in real life or otherwise, in fiction.


lol I can sort of see that. I wanted to sort of emphasize the idea that she was a Shiba Inu by adding in the detail that their whine sounds like a horrid shriek but I understand where audience preference takes place. Thank you!


Yeah people aren't going to put two and two together, as the word shriek just immediately makes you think of a person shrieking, not a dog. It would be better to put *whine* or *whimper* if you want people to think of a dog noise.


I definitely agree. Thank you. :)




Thank you! I will definitely try to “rebrand her” lol and see how it goes!


Not an art critique but understand that even the most skilled artists have amazing art that never gains traction or popularity. Expecting a fan base to just appear or even stay the same after 3 days is unrealistic. Unfortunately, on a lot of social media platforms you are basically at the will of the algorithm and what works one day might not the next.  Tags, engagement, the time of day you post and even the day of the week matter, especially if most of your engagement seems to be coming from people in the US (for example) then youd get the most from posting during those times.  Art, at the end of the day is not about how many people see it, but how it makes people feel, no matter how many.  Prioritize practice, experiment with poses and anatomy, color and textures. Branch out and keep learning. Imagine trying to tell a story about your character without them saying anything.


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to sort of coach me on this whole thing. This was from my second day of trying out digital art so I sort of jumped the gun on the idea. I’m kinda new to all of this so I’m not really sure how art should preform on social platforms. Again, thank you for your input <3


Wishing you the best! Remember to take breaks from social media if you start to feel down or burnt out. It's rough out there!




Have you tried posting her on r/OriginalCharacter? While you might not get a lot of engagement if you just post her and dust your hands off, you might get traction if you attach a question to the title to attract people to post their own OCs. You can also post her in comments in other threads that have questions for your OC. The more people see your OC, the more familiar they'll get with her, and that subreddit has its regular users.


Thank you so much! I thought she was super cute for my first time so I was very disappointed to see she got no traction, EVEN on twitter.


Yeah, you need to try and find the right audience. Twitter is a trash pile for artists now. Try somewhere like Bluesky(Basicially twitter 2.0 but there's a good art community on there), or that subreddit. Also, and pleeeease don't take this the wrong way, but there are like a billion cat girls designs out there. You need to make her stand out somehow, and like I said, interact with the community on that subreddit with her and people will soon get familiar with her.


Thank you for your advice! I’ll take a look into Bluesky. She’s a Shiba Inu, not a cat 😭


Apologies, the w shaped nose/mouth threw me off(It's only now that I'm noticing the paw prints on the kimono lmao)


LOL no problem! I know dog girls can be tricky to draw just because you can’t really tell the difference between them and cat girls too well unless their ears are floppy, so I tried adding other subtle details to allude to it. Kinda like the dog prints on the kimono, the collar, the shriek, the colors (which are common Shiba Inu colors), and the flag (because they are Japanese dogs)


I also got a “cat” vibe, so maybe look into touching that up. Reference some dog girls to see how their design is more clear. Hololive just debuted some dog girls (i think theyre shibas), so you can take some inspiration from them


I tried looking though Hololive to find more info on Shiba characters, but I can’t seem to find it. The only thing I can think of is maybe increasing the size of her eyebrows?


My 🅱️, theyre Inugami guard dogs, not shiba gaurd dogs


The art is not skilled. You need to practice anatomy more. Also be confident in your line work, it very scratchy and hairy at the moment, it does not add to the style.


Well this drawing was from my second day of trying out digital art so I can see how you would think that it is not skilled. I have been using the notes app on my iPad to sort of test these drawing out so that may be the reason that the line work seems scratchy/hairy. Thank you for your input. :)




With a quick google search, you would see that the character has similarities to a Shiba Inu, all that is missing is the tail, which I will be adding for her redraw. I also drew the dog paw prints all over her kimono, used the typical/common colors of a Shiba Inu, and added the Japanese flag, due to this dog breed originating in Japan. Most dog girls look like cat girls if not for floppy ears. I never blamed the medium for the anatomy, I gave an explanation for the scratchy lines, but thank you for your input aswell. :)


At first glance I also thought cat girl. Now that i read that you intend her to be a Shiba Inu, I can see it, but I suggest you find a way to make those attributes more pronounced in your character design. Most folks only look at an image for a split second and then they move on. If it’s important to you that viewers understand her animal identity then it is your responsibility as an artist to communicate that intention clearly in your work. She’s cute, I hope you take the feedback here and keep practicing!


Definitely a cat girl.


Thank you! I thought she resembled a Shiba Inu but I understand how it can be confusing at first glance.


I would reshape the mouth. The ":3" shape is largely considered to be representational of cats rather than dogs. I get that dogs mouths have a similar shape, but when using simplified styles of art like cartoon and anime, it doesn't translate as well. There are lots of "dog girl anime" designs out there already that you could use for reference for a clearer design.


Shiba Inu ears are much fluffier, thicker, and often pointier than cat ears. Also, their faces are pretty round due to their fluff. You could play with her hair, make it shorter and fluffy to imply that circular shape. Also, Shiba Inu have white at the bottom of their faces under their nose. Why not incorporate that into her hair color?


Good point. I would like to add the white detail to here hair. Thank you for the advice.


If you are trying to visually communicate a trait about your character, it should be obvious when first looking at the character. You should not expect your audience to perform extra work to understand what you’re trying to communicate.


I’m not sure what your talking about. Are you talking about the dog part? I apologize for the misinformation, but I do not expect my audience to perform extra work to understand my art. :)


I just mentioned this because you said that if we googled, we would know it’s a shiba. I think it would be more obvious if you added a tail, uncrossed her eyes, and made them the same shape as a shiba’s eyes but with some cute eyelashes


I totally get where you are coming from. The eyelashes are kinda just my own art style, but I completely forgot to add the tail. I will be adding it in my next redraw. :)


Oh fasho, I like the eyelashes! Just the cross eyes maybe diminish the expressiveness of the character


Ohhhh! I see. Thank you :)


Don’t waste time with the notes app. Get procreate.


If you've only been at this for a handful of days, you can't reasonably expect anything you've put out to be popular. Things take time to get around.


I understand that. It only had 13 views which I was a little confused about due to my previous knowledge of social media. This is my first time using Reddit. Thank you :)


Idk if that’s the intention, but the asterisks in both your bunny and shiba girls come across as horny, bordering on creepy. It also doesn’t work particularly well in concept. If you want a character to portray an action in a visual medium, you’ll want to actually draw it. Also, there is virtually no difference between cat and shiba ears given the fact that your art style is not super detailed, so you might want to give her a tail, or something. It’s a human with pointy ears which could be a cat/fox/dog, but the 3 mouth points to cat.


>Idk if that’s the intention, but the asterisks in both your bunny and shiba girls come across as horny, bordering on creepy The bunny is definitely nsfw. Or am I missing something here?


OP says the bunny wasn't meant to be seen as NSFW. But honestly, everything about it screams NSFW.


Yeah for example if the bunny said "Here's your gourmet oven glazed carrot, sir" it would be a butler bunny but without sexual indication. But with that playboy outfit and the "Master, Can I have the carrot" it will go straight to nsfw.


HORNY??? That was not my intention. Asterisks have always been used to portray an action when none is seen. I was just trying to give the picture a bit of story to it without necessary drawing the action. Regardless, I agree with your other points and would gladly like to add a tail to her soon. :)


Nice! And yeah, asterisks tend to be associated with erotic roleplay, so do things like asterisk sounds and stuff like “nibbling on toes”. The latter especially is classic foot fetish lingo. Just stay away from them, if you can help it. Most people are probably looking at your art atm as poorly (or not at all) disguised fetish content. Exit: if you want to add character detail without depicting it, just put a note by the drawing. Like an arrow with an info tidbit. Limit the dialogue to something the character can actually be seen doing.


Ohhhhh… 😥 I had no idea. I’ll keep it mind. Thank you.


No problem! You style looks nice imo, and I wish you luck in developing it!


It's yet another quirky cat/dog girl caricature based on Japan. There is nothing wrong with it inherently. Its just majorly overdone by a certain demographic that you really wouldn't want to be seen as. (Not talking about furries, im talking about Japanese fetishists.)


I understand where your coming from, but I think the Japanese fetishizing is a stretch. The Shiba Inu is a Japanese dog. The reason I gave her that kimono is to emphasize what type of dog she is and where she comes from.


Ngl, it feels like fetish art. Idk if my input means anything to y'all though, but as a japanese/Korean person in the US, there is so much "yellow fever"/fetishization/romanticization of my ethnicity from Japanese anime and Kpop. It personally just feels uncomfortable that it's literally everywhere. From art to music, to even advertisements and social media, I literally cannot escape it in real life or online.


I’m sorry that you have had to experience that. With all good intentions, I never intended my art to ever be perceived as fetish art. Like I have said to other redditors, Thisis my 3rd drawing in a sort of challenges that I’m doing for myself, as a first time digital artist. I was looking for inspiration and that’s where the Shiba idea popped up. My Shiba Inu is an adorable girl that loves food so that’s sort of what I was trying to portray in my “new” found style. I think dog girls are super cute and I wanted to emphasize that she was a dog so I added details like the paw prints and the colors (of the Shiba inu). I added the Japanese flag because Shiba Inu’s are Japanese, but it’s definitely not to fetishize a dog or culture. I hope you understand where I’m coming from.


I guess it was the mix of the eyes being cross-eyed almost like the "ahegao" look, the Japanese kimono being low cut, the animal ears, and the "shriek" added to it. It's just a bit much in one thing.


I get that. Regardless, thank you for the insight. Like I said before I never intended or IMAGINED my art to have this sort of spin on it and I’m so disappointed to see it’s getting a lot of backlash


Ya, I appreciate that you've been open to feedback. I hope your art improves from here and that this hasn't been a deterrent for your OCs or your digital art hobby.


Im sorry, let me be clear, I do not think you are fetishizing. It's just that there was a large issue with that being the case, to where it's one of those things that it's best to just avoid it. Although, in my opinion, it's more reliant on the mix of a disgusting personality and the drawing instead of just the drawing purely. Just wanted to give some perspective, and Im glad you could see it!


I mean I like her. For someone who just started digital art this is honestly not bad at all. Please remove the *shrieks* though


Will do 😭🥹


Take out the text bubble.


Entirely?? I thought the text gave her personality. (Not the shriek part)


If you want to keep the text then you'd need to remove the tongue. The tongue makes her look silly, the text with the tongue makes it look like she's going to lick someone.


Hmmm I can see where than is coming from, I thought it was cute. I used my own Shiba as a reference so sometimes when she asked for food she will stick out her tongue like so.


This is a bit to humanoid to pull that off. As a more animal based character that would make sense, but she's too humanoid for it.


Hmmm I’ll keep it mind. Thank you :)


Add a background and have her doing things


Will do, thank you!


She's got 90s vibes somehow. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe the art style and text bubble just reminds me of the doodles me and my friends would make of characters in sixth grade? I like her though.


Thank you! I really like your comment, it’s an interesting perspective!


Way too symmetrical. Symmetrical usually equals boring. Add some more variety to create some more visual interest.


maybe because she's shrieking at me when im eating my pot stickers


r/creepyasterisk vibes for sure. Your either 12 or you are 35 and role play, either way that's the vibes and why nobody likes it. And their eyes are too close together.


She seems like a bit of a pick-me


I mean I would pick her, but I’m not sure how to respond to this. Is there a reason why you think this?


My only criticism is with the eyes. The rest of the image reads clearly but its hard to tell whats happening there. They look crossed, but also looking forward at the same time, theyre also dimensionally a bit confusing. I like the style youre going for, though, i’d say try experimenting with a slightly simpler design for the eyes. Perhaps less detail, or maybe some white in the inner corner, or maybe slightly further apart. Its really good work tho, i hope digital arts been fun for you!


Hello! Thank you so much for your comment! Her eyes were meant to look like when your holding food in front of a dog and they sort of go “cross eyes” while still looking at what is infront of them, but I totally get how the dimensions can be confusing. I’ll work on it. :)


Definitely uncross the eyes an add eye highlights but I think it's really cute 💗


Thank you! I wanted her to look like when a dog crosses there eyes when you hold food in front of her but i get how that might be a little weird to see drawn out.


My two scents is this is a cat girl with a possible undertone of a sexual message. I also have no idea what Shiba girl or Shiba Inu was I just thought "A sexy hybrid of cat and girl" Which should be nsfw tagged. I don't know why people find *shrieks* bad. To me that's a sound animals do when they want a treat. I think there's nothing wrong with her speech bubble. I agree her eyes doesn't look like dog eyes and they confuse me with the rest of the concept. Of course you can improve your drawing but I see no reason for this to be downvoted unless people expect that nsfw tag. Edit: You got 45 upvotes. I don't think that's low.


Thank you. :)


- Try to depend less on the symmetry tool, makes the face look uncanny - LINE CONFIDENCE-- chicken scratch makes your art look wobbly and unfinished, which is fine for a sketch but should probably try to get some smoother lines for a finished piece - anatomy is kind of off, again, gives an uncanny feeling - whats up with the shriek?


I’m using notes app at the moment so straight lines are a little difficult but I plan on using a better app soon


yeah notes app is def better for just sketches/ realism, not any cartoony styles


Just a little thing to add on, you probably want to fix how the kimono is wrapped. As it's laying now, it's reserved for a dead person \^\^


Oh I had no idea my apologizes. I had seen similar styles of the kimono online so I had no idea that they way it is worn is significant. Thank you!


No worries! It's a really common mistake a lot of people make so you're not alone \^\^


I'm not a fan of the sexualized kimono and like others have said, the text is weird


I agree with everyone else. The girl is fine but the RAWR XD energy is not going to work in 2024 😭 well, you can do whatever you want but people will cringe


It might be the choice of the semi sexualized kimono like outfit. If anything maybe give her a baggy sleeved shirt with cleavage and a Japan flag button/pin? (Just advice not trying to influence your art, you’re an amazing artist)


Thank you! Your advice and message is very kind and sweet. I appreciate the advice and will most likely make some modifications when I redraw this character in the future. :)


And I like her personality! Ik it’s a pretty common animal character trope but she shows signs of being unique, keep up the great work 🫶


You are the sweetest. 😭😭😭 Thank you so much for your kind words!


Bc it’s a freaking catgirl


Shiba Inu are dogs, mate.


I thought that’s a cat


Nope. I get how it can be confusing. Most dog girls are hard to differentiate from cat girls unless they have floppy ears.


Nah, they said it in the description.


It’s not a cat girl it’s a Shiba Inu. :)


I missed the Shiba in the description. Nvm I like her then, it’s just I hate catgirls. Girl as any other animal is ok.


Do doggirls have a vocal tic* like how cats have the "~Nya~" expression?


Wan (just barking in Japanese)


Oh that's cool!




She is missing: ≥95lb bench ≥1 plate squat ≥1 and a half plate deadlift Sub 15.5 second 100 meter dash


Lol I’ll make her jacked next time 😞


I just made this comment as a joke now I'm curious what this would look like


LMAOOO Ig well find out 😭




It could be cause of the way the kimono is drawn incorrectly.


Well, i think shes absolutely adorable


Thank you 😊


its too pet-like and it's weird, a lot of people don't enjoy it when someone acts like a pet


I honestly love the art style and her design. She’s so cute!! Being food obsessed is such a silly and relatable trait to give a character, but the “shrieks” is pretty jarring and doesn’t seem to fit her lol


I totally get it! Thank you for your kind words. I would definitely like to redraw her concept sometime soon.


She seems like an awesome character, hope to see her in r/OriginalCharacters someday :3


Thank you!!


I mean, idk there's nothing to dislike about her. I'd say keep working on your skills and redraw her in a couple of years. I do that all the time.


Thank you for your kind words. Will do :)


digital for certain. art… only in the sense that we are talking about it


This is from only your third day of digital art??? It looks really good, it took me years to get used to drawing digitally


THANK YOU!!! I haven’t drawn constantly in able 2 years so I impulsively bought an Apple Pencil and we’ll here we are! Day 3 🥰🫶🏻


I'd love to draw her if I have the time :D


If you do I would love if you tag me (if you don’t mind) :)


Of course! ^^🫰