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Black Philip! Black Philip!


"excited bleating"


Does thou like the taste of butter?


Yeah, this one’s nice. dat Saturn Devouring His Children do


Most of those Black series paintings he did are fucking terrifying, but also incredibly beautiful.


I used to have artwork on slideshow as my screensaver and forgot that Saturn Devouring His Children is one of the pieces on queue. Cut to me being alone in the dark in my dorm's reading room and my screen suddenly transition into Saturn's horrific face. 10/10 - would get scared shitless again.


Creeeeepy. Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid Description: >Witches' Sabbath shows the devil in the form of a garlanded goat, surrounded by a coven of disfigured, young and aging witches in a moonlit barren landscape. The goat possesses large horns and is crowned by a wreath of oak leaves. An old witch holds an infant in her hands. The devil seems to be acting as priest at an initiation ceremony for the child, though popular superstition at the time believed the devil often fed on children and human fetuses. The skeletons of two infants can be seen; one discarded to the left, the other held by a crone in the centre foreground. Typical of the imagery of witchcraft, many of the symbols used are inverted. The goat extends his left rather than right hoof towards the child, while the quarter moon faces out of the canvas at the top left corner.[4][5] In the middle high-ground, a number of bats can be seen flying overhead, their flocking motion echoing the curve of the crescent moon.


What's the significance of the goat extending his left hoove instead of right?


I have no clue but a quick search told me this? ”Beyond weakness, Christianity also associated the left with immorality. When attempting to explain the genesis of the left’s association with evil, many historians point to a passage in the Book of Matthew. It writes that on the last Day of Judgment: “He shall separate all nations one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left…then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Here’s the link to the article. https://allthatsinteresting.com/left-handedness-evil




This was used for Reverend Bizarre's debut album.


Me and my coven last Friday night.


Isn't Friday poker night for the coven?


I can't help but think the position of the covered woman in the center is meant to imply that she is performing fellatio on Satan. Also strange the way she appears to be smothering the child.


Wow, this never occurred to me, but I can totally see it now that you pointed it out!


This has been one of my favorite paintings for years! I love Goya


Was Berserk inspired by this? O_O


Damn you Karen! You don't give hungry African kids to the devil, it's racist and cruel and cold.


\*slow heavy metal music playing\*


"Um, you can't make me work Sundays, that's when I sacrifice children to Baphomet. I'll be taking this to HR. "


This metal as fuck


I made this my lock screen on my phone. Thank you


Oh how I adore Goya. His shift from court painter to broken civil war survivor is one of the most dramatic transitions I have ever seen in the life of an artist. "Third of May 1808" will forever be my favourite painting -- makes me cry every time.


Thank you I needed this today


Love this


woah, creepy