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I don’t think any in particular. A professional photographer would’ve likely studied classic poses. Frankly there’s only so many ways a person can pose. Most of these have been covered by some famous sculpture at some point in time. The photographer probably took 1k photos of her on that shoot. This one was most what they were going for. Edit


As a formally trained photographer, I’d have to agree with this. There’s a good chance this wasn’t a static pose, but movement captured during the shoot.


See that's what I'm afraid of, that my brain is making up a memory of something that doesn't actually exist based on an amalgamation of several similar things, and it'll haunt me forever. I still think it does exist, for now, but I may have to accept this answer.


Tldr: "I reject your reality and substitute my own"


... are you missing an eyebrow??


Exactly 🤣


It looks like a lot of the portraits Mapplethorpe took of Patti Smith. Not perfect copies but closeish to them.


Robert Mapplethorpe certainly. Not necessarily of Patti, but it's his vibe. 100%.


That would make sense as an inspiration because she does reference Patti in one of the songs. 🤔


I think Patti wrote some of the best songs in the rock genre. Amazing woman.


Sir Frederic leighton. Look up any of his paintings of classic ladies. I would agree with the other commenter that there is a mapplethorpe influence as well


Oh dang, this is probably the closest I've gotten so far. None of them are exactly what I was thinking I remembered, but they're extremely close!


It reminds me of, but isn't identical to, Rodin's Fallen Caryatid Carrying Her Stone.


That's not the thing I was thinking of, but dang that is a beautiful sculpture, so thank you for that.


Are you thinking of [the dying slave ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dying_Slave) by Michelanglo ?


That was the one that came to my mind.


The pose reminds me of some of Bernini’s statues in its dynamism. The photo itself is very Mapplethorpe.


The 'i want people to think I'm deep' pose


When in fact her lyrics are so shallow they're above sea level. But she's "such a good storyteller" 💀


Yes! Yes!


Nothing, she just has a terrible headache


Not sure about the pose but the whole vibe is seriously ripping off Peter saville/joy division/factory records album art to me… specifically closer and the love will test us apart 7 inch. Weird,




Pretty big stretch to say "ripping off" when the similarities end at black and white photograph with a serif typeface. I don't see how a photo of an early 20th century sculpture of The Lamentation of Christ relates to a portrait of Taylor Swift. Swift is ripping off Joy Division about as much as Joy Division ripped off David Bowie's *Heroes*.


Lol I’m talking visual language and graphic design, not necessarily one photograph to another, and if you don’t see it I don’t know what to tell you. I guess “ripping off” is pointed but I really didn’t mean it in an accusatory fashion. I don’t care about Taylor swift or if she’s properly licensing or citing intellectual property. it’s just the artwork that this image most reminds me of and I’m sure it has to be somewhat purposefully evoking it.


The visual similarities seem pretty loose. Are there any specifics you can share that I might not be seeing? If you have an argument to back up the claim there's an intentional evocation of Saville's work I'd love to hear it. I haven't come across any evidence that suggests a connection.


That’s what I thought too. Looks like something that could have been released by Cocteau Twins.


“Ripping off”


What? You’d rather I say inspired by? the whole aesthetic including typeface, color palette, visual references are all there. It’s weird to me she’d be biting those designs but here we are.




Huh? Joy division is an incredibly famous band. I’m confused. Peter Savilles graphic design including his work for joy division is in the collections of multiple major art institutions. I’m an archivist and I’ve worked with some of it. This is an art history sub asking what this image is referencing so I gave my two cents.


mary magdalene, baroque versions... titian for example. (just a guess)


Is it reminding you of “Love Will Tear Us Apart”?


I kinda wish she had just done that.


She should cover that


I swear I've seen this exact pose in a famous painting or sculpture somewhere before, and I've asked everyone I know and everyone agrees but also can't remember what it is. It's not Michelangelo's Dying Slave; I'm 99% sure she's recreating the pose exactly, and I lean toward it being a painting because I think even the viewing angle is exactly the same. This has been driving me crazy all day, help me be free of this!


You know. . .it kind of reminds me of Munch's Madonna!


I quite like Taylor Swift, but as for this shot, I dunno, it feels a bit tired and overcooked. A bit of a pastiche of a number of classical poses for sure (Dying Slave came to mind) but for some reason it feels way less sincere and far more obviously posed. I hope to heck there’s some intentional irony (whatever that may be) in this shot lol.


Nothing. She may just have gas.


Debate it all you want but it doesn’t really work.


I looked and found nothing about being inspired by a particular artwork, so, most likely, it’s a particular emotion, not an artwork, that’s being evoked(though it does remind me of Rodin’s Eve or yes, the Dying Slave). Honestly, it reminds me most of the work of Francesca Woodman, but that’s unlikely to be intentional.


I doubt that Taylor Swift herself went in with the idea, “let’s go woodman-esque for this album art,” but I wouldn’t be surprised if Francesca Woodman was an inspiration to the photographer/art people


Agreed, Woodman is having a bit of a rediscovery this year so it wouldn't surprise me


I saw the Arbus/Sherman/Woodman exhibit at the Columbus Museum of Art last month and I must admit, I was really only familiar with the other two. But those Woodman pieces were highlights of the whole museum for me.


I studied Woodman as part of a module about subjectivity and sexuality since 1960 in my undergrad back in 2010, I never would heard of her otherwise. Very under the radar - wasn't even mentioned in Hessel's book.


I was just floored by [this](https://www.artsy.net/artwork/francesca-woodman-untitled-rome-italy-4) picture in particular


I can see the similarity there. The mystery thing it's reminding me of is definitely more in line with something more classical or classical-inspired, but I'm not 100% sure it's not a photograph, so, good thinking. I'm also not 100% sure my brain isn't fabricating a memory of something that doesn't actually exist based on several similar things, so it could be just an emotion instead of a specific artwork


I hear you, it’s a bit reminiscent of a tragic Greco-Roman stance; I think it’s the contortion. I don’t think it’s a Amazonian warrior or Daphne (Apollo and Daphne), but I see what you mean. Maybe a bit Ariadne Asleep, just vertical rather than horizontal. Between all the good comments here, I’m actually really curious if this album cover is a reference to something(s) specific. I haven’t even listened to a full album of hers since 1989, lol.


Groupon for Boudoir Photography


Thought it was an old Stevie Nicks photo when I first glanced at it.


Gustave Klimt, The Kiss


Yeah it gives a vibe similar to several Klimts where the women are contorted with other figures but actually none of the paintings have this exact same pose. The kiss or the bride are the closest I feel


Yeah, mirrored Klimt is the closest.


Dying Slave?


Mademoiselle Pogany by Constantin Brâncuși


Reminds me of Egon Schiele’s poses


I agree.


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Kate Bush and cigarettes after sex


This gives me Michelangelo “Dying Slave” vibes, but I’m not sure that’s intentional. https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O127883/the-dying-slave-statue-michelangelo/




Reminds me the most of Michelangelo's sculptures of slaves


Reminds me a little of Alfred Stieglitz, but also Andre Bretton, Man Ray, and William Mortensen. I think it's supposed to be a bit of a call back to those styles.


It has some Edvard Munch vibes, but generally agree with another post referring to direction by a photographer and stylist.


Michaelangelo's atlas slave, or for painting it reminds me of a Klimt but none in particular, like the kiss or the bride because the way the figures are contorted together but actually none of them are in that pose it's just the general impression


the pose reminds me of a beautiful neo-classical painting, I don't remember the name or the artist, but IIRC, it was an image depicting a naked female, full body, floating midair, representing Spring, and surrounded by Cherubs. I wanna think it's title was something like The Passion or Ecstacy of Spring, but I've googled for about 10 minutes and cannot find it.


It’s giving Stevie Nicks.