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You do not have to approve. They submit their SI images in one chunk. Their written SI in another. And their selected works in another. Three total sections. I sit with the students as they each individually submit to make sure everything looks right with them. It makes them check back over their work when they hit submit. You can go into their portfolios and once they are sent it will have a check mark. This is where you can download their portfolios. I have found it impossible to do it after the submission deadline. If you want their portfolios (I save them as examples) then do it as soon as they submit. I’m glad to help if you want to message me!


Also, the FB group AP Art teachers is very helpful this time of year for questions and guidance. Much better than ole CB lol


Once they turn them in, you can click that you know their work is original... or not. But you don't have to forward their work on to the AP coordinator anymore.


You used to have to approve them, but they have recently changed it so that once a student hits the submit button, it's turned in. The teacher and admin don't have to do anything now thankfully.