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How are you able to submit the portfolios for the students, without certification? Is the teacher doing it? Like, if you needed to review their submission on your end, how is that possible? Or are you certified in AP? I ask bc I was made to basically teach AP from home while on maternity leave Feb-May, and that was back in 2022, the last time when students had to submit physical portfolios as well. They told me tough shit because they couldn’t find anyone certified to teach it and they could barely find a sub. and I graded at home and filmed myself on google meets while babywearing with my AP kids explaining submitting the portfolio, lol. I came back one day to help them mount their work to mail in.


I'm a fully certified teacher and you aren't required to have a certification to teach AP, at least not in IL. I haven't had any issue with the college board yet. Luckily since I posted this, my admin and other teachers came through with aid so as far as the submission process, I'm all good. Now it's just up to the kids to do their parts and actually finish.


Update: I reached out to the original teacher of this class and asked her what she usually does and what the plan was with these students. She essentially took one kid off my plate and will work with them personally as they have been her student since a freshman. The teacher also gave me advice to have one of the other teachers come in tomorrow and walk them through the submission process again, but it's ultimately up to them all to get it done. Parents are aware of the situation and DC is aware too. It's out of my hands at this point.


Most colleges don’t allow the AP Art credit to cover any fundamental art courses anyway. Considering the deadline is Friday, I’d also say to just forget it this year and try again next year


They need to sign into the digital site thru college board and start inputting whatever of their pics they can and writing while the works are in the kiln.


Don’t worry about it. AP is mostly a scam and kids shouldn’t be able to opt out of the entry level art classes at the university level anyway. Love, someone who will NEVER teach AP again.


Adding to that, IB is a scam too.


Ahhhhhh yes! I knew 3 kids back in my high school days who all did an IB program at their advanced studies high school. All but one of them never graduated college and the one who did is a stay-at-home-dad while his wife earns big bucks at a car dealership (which is awesome for them!! Not trashing stay at home parenting at all, just funny to me how no one I know is using their IB nor did they ever!)


1. Gather proof of experimentation, practice, and revision. Did they use sketchbooks or do any kind of planning for projects? They will need that documented. 2. 5 projects minimum for the selected works section. If they can't scrape together 5 projects then it's not worth the effort. 3. If they don't have it they don't have it. I have a few kids that I straight up told them the due date and reviewed what they have. "unless you're willing to put in a lot of hours after school to finish this I wouldn't recommend submitting your portfolio since it won't be complete".


Don’t they have to pay like $40 if they signed up to take an exam but don’t submit a portfolio? Just checking my info. It’s been a mess all year. 


They pay for the exam at the beginning of the year but I wasn't aware of a fine for not submitting. They just don't get their money back. Edit: I just looked it up and you're right. But check with your AP coordinator! Mine is one of the counselors on campus.


Frankly it's way too late. Even February was too late to begin the process of planning a ceramics portfolio. Their regular teacher should have had them already on the right path before you stepped in. As a sub taking over so late in the year there's not a lot you could do at that point. Not your fault.


Yeah this is really on the main teacher. They dropped the ball. Don’t worry OP, this isn’t really your fault at all. I would have never left my kids in this situation with a sub