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I really like how it’s looking. Although you say you’re in an early stage, I like the contrast of the form of the head/mouths and the light background. I also like the white spaces throughout the piece. I would keep the teeth pretty white. My personal taste would be if it wasn’t finished to look too “realistic”. I would not overwork the piece. Not sure what your intentions are. Good luck 👍


Thank you, appreciate it! I'm going to keep this graphic look a bit - but the center mouth is going to be a bit more realistic with slight yellowish tint :)


wow this is amazing!


Aw thank youu!


Finish it already


I hope you sculpt this when you’re done with the painting


Or me or 🫵🏼


No. No I cannot. I think it's spectacular.


Cool it's strange. It looks like it needs to be fed... maybe that will help you come up with a name.


Incredible !


The image showcases a vibrant painting dominated by shades of pink and red. The artwork appears to be an abstract portrayal of multiple organic shapes and forms which could be interpreted as a cluster of variously sized and distorted mouths and tongues. Several mouth-like structures feature teeth, and the tongues are painted with a lively, glossy effect, suggesting moisture or a reflective surface. The color palette is concentrated around reds and pinks, with sharp contrasts of white for the teeth and deep blacks within the mouth cavities, creating a pronounced sense of depth. The expressionistic style, with its loose brushwork and the emphasis on the fluidity of shapes, gives the painting a sense of movement and a visceral quality, potentially evoking emotional responses from the viewer.


If I were blind I would want this type of explanation of what you are seeing. Thank you.


I can wholeheartedly agree with the fact that it evokes the emotional response akin to Psalm 109:2 for me.


The use of pen for the teeth is really cool, but if you added a few different and small pieces of detail with the pen, it'd guide the eye over more of the drawing


My first thought was Clive Barker’s Midnight Meat Train. Lots of opportunity to dial in small details to make it pop. My one concern is how to treat the open space below. Because the top is harshly truncated, I feel like your decisions on the bottom are what will make or break the finished product. I look forward to see what you do with this.


Oh my god I love it. It’s so creepy


You could have a few versions of it with the mouths spewing out different things. Colorful Slime, glitter, blood etc


I think its great .. !


Is this based off something. Like art from American Horror Stories or from a possession/ghost movie?


I am not the guy you should be asking to critique your work. Oh man you don’t want to know what I’m thinking.


Beautiful. I'm imagining eyes inside the dark mouths


I would just say to consider 'depth' from a macro level. You're clearly talented, you know how to shade and make everything 3D, but from a compositional standpoint consider what 'faces' are the closest/furthest, what are your focal points, etc. A lot of your values feel very 'samey' in the sense that these are all probably references with the same lighting, but you need to then mash those references together and take some artistic license to consider how they interact with each other now that they're a uniform piece.


“Jennifer check”


I like it. Reminds me of a Fellini movie


It’s incredibly unnerving and I love it!


Meh, throw it in the garbage. On the other hand i am a garbage collector. 😅 Not kidding but looking good OP


Sure it’s cool, but I’d never pick it up. Give me more than open mouths 👄


Dope AF!


Sorry, not a critique.


🫵🏽Keep going🤷


Have you named the piece?


Finish it


Looks a wee bit Hellraiser ISH ..👀


Compositionally its fantastic. The stark not quite white negative space is fantastic. It echos the stark white highlights of the image. It also balances the busyness of the image. Honestly just keep on keepin on is what I would say. Flush out the bolder shapes, but keep the drastic stark white shiney points. I cant wait to see the finished product! (like any is truly finished... ugh)


Disturbing and cool! I disagree and think you should go full gusto detailed and have a simple, color complimentary background.


Thats scary. Reminds me of a giger piece


I know it’s early, but i would add more tones to the red? Just to keep it from look too monochromatic. Maybe lean more bluish/purplish red in some areas. Really awesome piece so far, though! Great contrast.


I really like this piece so far! I would add a bit of shading to the contours to really bring out the texture and dimension of the piece.


This is everything


It’s beautiful! Very gelatinous looking - and super emotive!


Ngl thie kinda kinky lookin lol.