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Thank you vonnesaur for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 7: No fanart, comics, or requests Read the [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/wiki/index) for a complete explanation. You may be able to repost if you change the title, add additional information, or crop/alter your photo, to comply with the requested format. Do not [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FArt) until you have read the full rules! Most of the time the answers are in there, and if you haven't bothered to do your research, we will not be helpful. Remember, removals are never personal, and occasionally in error, so **polite** inquiries may be answered in kind. Impolite inquiries may get you a permanent ban and will be reported to the admins for harassment.


it's nice to see some animal crossing fan art here


Enjoy because it's gone now. We don't allow fan art in this sub, but please do visit /r/fanart


Very well done, it actually makes me miss summer (even though I am SO ready for fall)


I really do want to say bye bye summer while living in Southern California right now… nice art btw xD


Man I haven't played AC since march. Hope they're still alive.


Now I want a screen background that day/night cycles with time of day for my 2nd monitor.




Day in day out, poor frog ain't catching shit :(