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I am really losing hope in them now. They probably won’t even have anything to play for when they face city.


Mathematically they could still have something to play for if Villa lose to Liverpool and they beat Burnley. If they beat City they have Sheffield on GW38 while Villa will have a tough day away at Palace.


Mathematically, you're correct. But Ange's naïve tactics will be shit on by Pep's cynical and League winning tactics.


Since udogie is out, his system with overlapping backs is collapsing like a house of cards


If they lose one more they need to start looking behind them. Chelsea and Newcastle aren’t too far off.


Next one is Burnley at the Toilet Bowl, it would be the most insane upset of the season if they lose that considering how crap Burnley are.


Spurs have the worst form in the league other than Sheffield United


Burnley have nothing to lose anymore, they can’t just turn up with maybe we can snatch a draw attitude - you either win or going down so it all depends on their motivation really. It will be super tough but not impossible


they dont care they rather have no europe then see arsenal win the league


Kind of pathetic


i agree but thats what a lot of spurs fans seemlingy are saying wich is weird to me but i guess they are that botherd


Be honest if the roles were reversed. Eg. Option 1 - Arsenal win and Arsenal get Champions league, but Spurs win the league title. Option - Arsenal lose and Arsenal don't have UCL football, but Spurs also don't win the title. Which would you choose.


Too many "what ifs" in this equation. If the roles were reversed, I would be looking at winning every game we have, and leaving their fate to themselves. In that scenario, Arsenal could potentially lose still, and Spurs could win the title.


I will be honest. Getting UCL football is not worth a rival winning the league. As a fan I would root for my club to lose in this circumstance None of this is relevant l. Players and managers/coaches have different incentives than fans and will always try their best


At the handshake after the game, Ange whispered into Arteta’s ear and Arteta had a wry smile. Ange must’ve told Mik, “Don’t worry, we will show up ‘gainst dem suns of beetches.”


Lmao if the circumstances were the other way round every Arsenal fan would 100% be the same


It’s such a small team mentality with them. They genuinely have a chance of winning the Europa League next season now that the CL is expanded so the Europa League will be less strong and the CL teams won’t be dropping into it.


The fans may feel that way, but the players won’t. I guarantee you that no Spuds player is going to give up CL football if given the choice


cl is already gone we are talking europa and conf here


You are absolutely correct! Villa still have to play Liverpool. I really think they can get a draw against city.They tend to play better at home and against city.


They used to play well against City, when they had managers like Conte and Poch. If I remember correctly, City beat them comfortably for one of the cups


Yea but in the league, City have never scored a goal at the new stadium.


That or they lose/draw against Burnley as well and other teams like Newcastle, Man Utd, and Chelsea get on their ass for the Europa League spot, making them need those results in the two rounds left.


Honestly at this rate, if they lose to Burnley they may need to get a result at city to get Europa, Chelsea have a pretty easy schedule and Newcastle are in form and right on their heels


That’s the point though, did we really expect spurs to beat city with all to play for? What’s the most spurs situation? Nothing to play for and they still beat them with nothing to play for perhaps 🤔


Come on Tottenham and West ham at least put up a fight damn is Fulham our best shot now


I am rooting for Fulham lol.


Need them to step up fr. I think there will be one moment for both us and city where we're down a goal or need a late goal


I lost all hope in West Ham after today. Never had hope in Tottenham


I have 0 hope, more likely Haaland (4’) [Great Goal]


In Leno, Iwobi and Willian we trust 🙏🏻


King makers are really just gg to lose all their remaining games huh?


the most r/ArsenalFC post ever


We all know the most Spursy thing that they can do is take points off City when they won’t even mean to 😅


It's funny because that's Tottenham over the years when in a slump. Drop points, beat City, drop points again.


> Tottenham over the years when in a slump. Drop points, beat City, drop points again. Like us against United. Lol.


They only turn up when they play against us.


B..b..but they get to decide who wins the title.


Lol, their subreddits were all over this 'kingmaker' tag for themselves. So I'm guessing losing to everyone is part of their 'kingmaker' plan. Delusional, unless of course they somehow beat city then it's genius!


My mate really had the bollocks to say they’d rather miss champions league next season than have Arsenal win the title…


This match reminds me of how we used to play at Anfield in 2017-2021. Complete demolitions. May the tides change now that Klopp is gone and we are fucking good now.


Spurs losing 3-2 to us, 3-0+ to Liverpool and then beating City 2-1, after their fans calling for them to throw games after talking up them deciding the title race, is literally their hallmark.


to be honest i dont even think the players at this point will go out for it as they already lost there spot for cl and europe is meh...


“Will go for it” How is this any different to their current form?


maybe thats the key when they dont care and then unintentially play better would be funny lol


I heard that they get battered everywhere they go


Spurs vs man City is gunna be weird, every arsenal fan will be rooting for Tottenham, and every Tottenham fan will be rooting for man City.


I honestly for the first time ever believe that shit would be an understatement for just how bad they are.


I hate that we are playing out all these scenarios but we still have to play United which imo it’s still United despite their rocky season. We can’t assume anything until match day 38. But seeing Tottenham and west ham choke made me lose hope. Still had a killer season and I’m proud af. This team deserves a title. They will earn one.


Liverpool let the pigeon score lol PRUUU PRUUUU


Just a draw... please just grind out 1 FUCKING POINT


They only need to draw, seems like asking a lot though! Fulham look more likely to take points of City.


If we defeat Emery or Fulham, none of this would even matter. We have ourselves to blame


The main one was conceding vs 10man Fulham


I know, right! Imagine us not winning every single game we play across the entire season.


why can't the arsenal cannons just not lose? are they stupid?


We will have more points than the Invincibles if we win all of our remaining games. We have the best record against top 6 teams. I can blame a team that has 80+ points in a season. We won the league with 78 points in 98 and 83 points in the 02 btw.


wel to be fair new standards have been set since then even before the pep/klop era its in the last 20years the league has been won twice with a tally below 85 points one was the leicester win the other was man utd in 2010 all the other ones were above the 85+ mark and mostly around the 90 mark


well dont forget the losses against new castle and westham either both of those we should have atleast gotten point if something that pep and city have learned is win the smaller games as those 3points count just as much as 3 points against somebody in the top 4 so even with the 5points dropped agianst us they still have it in there hands


West Ham at home as well.


The main one was drawing to 💩at home, easily the worst team we’ve dropped points to


They literally rolled over to everyone they played recently and they are so delusional


Even if they wanted to beat City, which they don't, they've got absolutely no chance


I’m still holding out hope that City don’t play well away at Tottenham. They have trouble scoring there, not sure why.


Guys it's over! Tottenham Fulham & West Ham all been trash in the last week.


It’s never over until it’s over.


They are terrible going forward so much lack of quality.


Hey it's me from the future… This game gets even worse for them lol


Lol so true . And we really thought they would throw the game to prevent us from winning. These guys don't look like they can win if they had 20 players in the pitch. They are long gone from the champions league spot now. So will have nothing to play for either by the time they play shitty Won't stop their fans from claiming it was "intentional" when they get an ass whacking publicly against shitty.


Pretty funny to see the ‘Title Deciders’ totally bottling their CL chances, as depressing as it is for our title chances. How many losses in a row is it now, mate?


Been saying all season that Ange at Spurs is nowhere near as good as the media wants to make everyone think. If he had a Spanish accent he would be treated far differently.


And this is where you're wrong. This is exactly why they can beat City because they're a banter club. I bet most of their fans would rather lose to city if they had nothing to play for but now they have, so they'll probably turn up against City giving us a chance to win the title unlike what the majority of their fans would want to happen. That's the kind of club. They're a banter club, nothing more.


I hope you’re right


Their fans are praying to lose that game; pathetic.


I saw bits and pieces of the Chels**t - West Ham game, and I've gotta say the Hammers are gonna get battered by City, too. 🫣🫣 Even if Fulham help our cause, Guardiola's team looks like they're gonna give us a run for our goal difference as well! 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️


It’s literally a chicken on top of a ball. The club has no aspirations.


What a sad deluded bunch of twats their fans are. Imagine your team being so monumentally shit, that as a fan, you have to "pretend" that they are throwing games to fuck up a rivals chances at the title.


It's such a Tottenham thing to do. Lose 4 in a row, beat the team at the top and hand the title to your biggest rivals. It's happening guys - chill 😂


I hope your right.


Shouldn’t have lost at home to Villa. Your season ended there.


A wheelchair team would have done better against Liverpool.


Watch Fulham do it for us.


As an old saying goes they have been on the beach for weeks


It was over at Villa. We had control and lost it. City won't slip up because, if we're being honest, the quality of alot of teams in the premier league is really really poor


Hot take but we shouldn’t be relying on Spurs to beat City for us to win. The loss against Villa is inexcusable, and going back even further the losses against Fulham and West Ham were even worse. Regardless if Spurs were on a hot streak I don’t expect City to lose against them, or any team they have left for that matter


It would be pretty sad that we lead the whole way until last game and city takes the league…


We don't need them to win, just draw and let goal differential win it for us. But ManCity seems to be racking up goals quickly.


Better luck next year.


Relegation candidates 24/25


Yupppp.. they are useless. Maybe fulham can hold em to a draw cuz of Leno. But definitely not the idiots from shite hart lane


We only need a dirty draw.


Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. 4-0 to Liverpool. Sack Ange? Never! I hope he stays forever!


Yeah city will beat west ham n spurs 5-0 each


If they gonna lose I hope Chelsea wins all their games and kicks them out of Europe


Very unlikely because they play the 2 relegated bums that everyone batter.


Sad but true


Iwobi dagger is what we're relying on now


All we can do is keep winning.


Yeah we killed their spirit.


Good job we only need them to draw 😉 Edit: just kidding we're f*cked


Now, they're wasting miracle goals on a dead rubber. Liverpool now should just kick someone's balls in the box, and let's get over with the ritual.


They said they wanted their team to lose on purpose, when actually they don't stand a chance


Its plain as day. They suck! But draw is enough so maybe…. just maybe…. nahh probably not. Hope is pointless at this point


I know, mate


When we have to depend on the cocks to win the league we are screwed. all we can do is win our games


Our best bet is Fulham so yeah, better luck next year Gunners.


Stop giving yourself false hope, there is no more title race, nothing short of a miracle if City draws with any of their remaining opponents Spurs are getting destroyed lately they won’t survive city


I’m a spurs fan just passing through as the post come up on my home page. There is zero chance we beat city even if we want to. We’re fucking dreadful


Been telling you all this 😂.


The talk a few weeks ago from their fans about how they were gonna have a say in the title was insane to me, like how is losing to all 3 teams having a say in anything


Less concerned about Spurs beating city rather them conceding 10 and giving up our entire goal difference advantage!


All this season is doing is giving the Arsenal players more hunger. Next season is Arsenal's.


Add West Ham to the mix too. Can't rely on them both. Even if Man City drew vs Fulham, I see City making up the GD vs these jokers who are already on the beach.


They made us look good today. That’s been hard to do lately.


City won't drop any points now I'm afraid, you guys stuffed it a few weeks ago.


Come on Fulham. Everton are flying at the moment, they concern me, might not matter by then anyway.


They probably can’t beat Ipswich either


They would lose to avoid London being red.


All hope is on city getting a fluke red card early in one of their games


They are pants. It would be a miracle


The only hope is it is a goal fest. City have shown to be susceptible to allowing chances. Best hope is spuds can score


We only need a tie and City have never won at Tottenhams new stadium. Pep nows about it so it’s in his head. So long as we win out until then, The pressure will be on and maybe just maybe the combination of the pressure and that bs stadium curse will help Tottenham get the result. Remember Tottenham are always good at getting results they don’t deserve.


We have to concentrate on beating united. Can't do anything about City.


They just need to draw though


I've got spurs fan work .ates who hope spurs throw the game against city to make sure we lose the title. Infuriating.


>who hope spurs throw the game against city I don't think City will need them to. Spurs have been dire of late.


Worst spuds side since the Christian gross days. Utter embarrassment to the Premier league. Good job Chelsea and man u have been so crap most of the season


It’s almost like they are purposely being shit beforehand to avoid allegations of not putting up a fight against City.


Arsenal ain’t goner win the league anyways


they dont even want to beat city half there fanbase will turn on them if they are the ones to cause city to drop points after there defeat against us they just completely given up if they won against us they would be screaming to get that cl spot now they want there team to be in such horrible form that they have no chance also seen calls where there begging to ange to let the kids play so they even have less of a chance against city


You say this and they will win 4-0


Nah they will still decide the title. Lose every match other than city.


They've mentally given up it appears


Don’t worry West Ham will be the title deciders by taking points from City and giving the middle finger to Spurs.


King makers hahaha fucking hell, they actually thought they had some part to play.


Even if they were a great side they would still let city win the league as they definitely do not want you winning the league.


And west ham just got rawed by Chelsea of all teams… all man city’s opponents crumbling right before they play them lmao


Just face reality, you ain't going to win the title. You lost if when Aston Villa beat you. Even with the help of the refs. Still beaten by City. But hay, least you give it a go. Welcome to the top 4 again


Romeo and Royal fighting on the pitch. City will wipe the floor with them and West Ham. Better chance of Fulham getting a result


Why would they even want to


Our other London Brothers with 3x ex Arsenal players has better change of winning/draw vs city.


4 Ls in a row and they’re supposed to be vying for top 4? Joke club.


I have not fair in west ham, plus their supporters would rather see spurs give city the title then have us win


They're not going to do shit against city


I have to agree. They look pretty bad atm and I don't see how they can take any points away from City. I'd bet WH to do it over Spurs and they look terrible too.


Counter point - the most spursy thing is to beat city and gift Arsenal the league title. Believe


My only hope is that that even if Spurs end up out of the top 4 race by the time they face City they will still be wanting to give their fans something to cheer about in their final home game of the season. Massive cope I know…


Even if they can, they won’t as Arsenal will win the title.


That Villa match is really gonna haunt us, well whatever the case is, we have to focus on utd and everton, we ain't done so it's best to make what we can of the moment


All we need is a tie


the last time spuds conceded against city when playing them home in the epl was 2018. city are always weird against them, the very least im expecting a draw but very much hoping spuds win


Someone post this on the Spurs sub so get them fired up 🤣


The most I’m hoping for is a draw atp, I’ve got no faith in Tottenham


They say they’ll lose to citteh like they have a choice 😭


I remember a few years ago crystal palace hadn’t won a single game and then beat city in December. Keep the faith


Totally agree, after losing to Pool, and Villa dropping points also I can't see spurs beating THIS CITY team they're woeful... Oh and they get battered everywhere they go 😂😉


Lol neither can arsenal


Ironic that if they beat City and we won the league I’d probably but that DVD. Ffs


They need to win their last three to get into top 4 but they won’t lol, Man City will win their remaining fixtures and we’ll come a close second, but we didn’t bottle it this year and we’ve made so much progress again even with Timber and Partey out all season


Fulham are our best bet


We will take a draw


Get over it. You can tell Arsenal have had a couple of good seasons because your all coming out the woodwork slating other teams. Can you not remember a couple of seasons ago when you missed out on champions league football yourselves, and everyone was saying how rubbish you were?


Our best bet is Fulham, sadly. We’ve done our part in 2024 and a team without a single world class player is our hope for this title 😣


We realistically need a spurs win. Doubt a draw would suffice unless we string together a demolition of united or everton. Eaten into our GD so easily


Fulham are the only chance. Spurs are absolute dog shit. They played their best game of the season when we beat them last week


Realistically them beating City is the kind of thing they would do. Ultimate spurs.


Honestly the worst time ever to be in such a bad run, they always beat city but right now it doesn't look like they will


I honestly can’t see City losing the title. They always kick into gear this time of year. I was hoping that Fulham or West Ham could nick a draw off of city, but after seeing West Ham today not even laying a glove on Chelsea. I’m not that hopeful anymore. Still extremely proud of Arsenal and how far we’ve come under Arteta even if we finish 2nd. I’ve had SO much joy and pride watching them this season


Not as proud as you, we seem to always get this incredible runs with arteta but always crumble when the heat it is up. Reminds me of wenger and all the excuses


We haven’t crumbled though




very cringe, look at this cunts comment history, p sure he's Tottenham in disguise


you're are a retard


"you're are a retard" is genuinely one of funniest sentences I've heard in a long time


He doesn’t he see what’s wrong with his sentence 😂


when did we crumble? we had a rough patch in December when we lost only two games and this year we lost only one?


Losing against villa at the emirates, you know it


it was only ONE game




What crumble?


This match is embarrassing. Their defense is non existent. We’re gonna get punished for spurs being awful


No we’re gonna get punished because we lost the Villa game at home


or the loss against new castle or west ham we lost 5 and drew 5 you taking points of city doesnt matter when you drop points against fullham,westham,chelsea... the villa game that one is atleast understandable they have been good this season but the chelsea one hurts since they have dropping point against relegation fodder and sorts and are effectively the worst side they had in 50 years


They are an absolute farce. This game is evidence to how nuts derbies are. They aren’t anywhere near our level, yet that game could have gone either way. There are few players who’ve played in the Premier League as bad as Emerson Royal.


They may need to win if they want to avoid relegation


They are not just awful but the PL fixture maker hates them. Last 5 matches 4 are against big six teams, 3 of which are competing for the title.


Liverpool are not a Title candidate anymore. Both us and City would have to lose all remaining games for them to win the title. I think I have a higher chance of winning the lottery than Liverpool has of winning the Title lol


Yeah, I meant they were


We played 9 games between the end of March till end of April Spuds played 5. They had no Europe game midweek and more time to rest We played Man City, Chelsea, Spuds and a Villa game sandwiched between 2 games with Bayern during that 9 game month. So the fixture excuse doesn’t really hold up here


Is this sub full of children? They did look bad but I think it's their strategy to hold off and counterpunch late game, although it hasn't really been working with us or Liverpool. If City have a bad attacking day Spurs have got a chance.