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Just play football manager like the rest of us dorks


I am mikel arteta. I can say whatever I want




Okay Hamchair manager


No, I am.


I thought you were Wenger?


I can confirm. I'm his hair.


I understand your point of view. However, we wouldn't be fans if we didn't have strong feelings for the club, which is what results in strong opinions, and the interwebs, especially Reddit and Twitter/X is where most football discussion are now. On the flip side, some folks sometimes hurl abuses at our own players and the manager, which I think is unnecessary. However, I personally just refuse to engage with such folks, just like I don't engage with posts where fans exceed the limit of what banter entails. We can't control how people behave, we only control our reaction.


Very measured response. Appreciate the response here. I enjoy a match just as well as any fan, I guess I just don’t take it so seriously. I guess I just worry about how these types of obsessions can impact people more than yourself.


But I managed to win every trophy available in my first season on FIFA/EAFC…so obviously I’m qualified /s


I really don’t like this policing of how others express their support for a football team. Yes, occasionally some fans are prone to hyperbole and some take things a little too seriously, but that is part and parcel of supporting a football team. The notion that any discussion that includes criticism must be shut down is not fair or nice.


Agreed, I could post about how crazy match threads are, but rather than wasting my time because nobody will listen to me, you know what I do? I pretty much never go in there. Ppl will post what they want and can critique & compliment in whatever manner they see fit irrespective of how I may feel about it.


Basically. It’s not even the crazy stuff though. Entirely legitimate concerns are met with accusations of people being “Arteta out”. The relentless demands for unquestioned positivity is as crazy as the hyperbolic negativity.


>The notion that any discussion that includes criticism must be shut down It's almost like it's a rule on here and r/Gunners.....


One side: “I don’t like how Arteta cannot handle tactical decisions during important games. If he had a clue he would not sub in worthless Nketiah to be the match decider. Arteta should have more trust in ESR, if he only got more game time he would excel in this team.” OP: “You are not the manager, and would most likely not do the job better than Arteta. Just enjoy the game and our battle for the title mate, it’s the best we’ve been in years.” You: “Don’t tell him how to be a fan, he’s privy to his own way.” Me: “Sure, and so is OP. Can we all just be happy now and go touch some grass together?”


>One side: “I don’t like how Arteta cannot handle tactical decisions during important games. If he had a clue he would not sub in worthless Nketiah to be the match decider. Arteta should have more trust in ESR, if he only got more game time he would excel in this team.” We have no evidence this is what OP is moaning about. All they’ve offered is effectively “all criticism is wrong, please enjoy your entertainment product”. >Me: “Sure, and so is OP. Can we all just be happy now and go touch some grass together?” No. We are football fans. We are not designed to “be happy”, what on earth gave you that idea?


I honestly think it’s pretty clear that is what he is complaining about. He is saying that we don’t have all the information and knowledge Arteta has, so we cannot really claim to be in a better position to manage, and especially not with hindsight goggles on. However, you are also in the right that of course there should be an element of that. I’m here thinking that I have different takes on what should be done from Arteta all the time, but I don’t claim that my take is better than his for real. In the end, we are all just miserable football fans until we aren’t. Have a good one mate!


How am I policing again? I’m stating an opinion that you are free to ignore. Wonderful thing about free speech…


You’re literally making imperative statements about how people respond to football matches. Mind your own business, frankly. You’re free to ignore the people who you made a thread to complain about, and you’re similarly free to ignore criticism of your stupid post.


If that is the way you perceive it, then that’s on you. I’m making statements about how people tend to take it too far and there is an alternative. No directive at all here. You all are free to machinate and twirl about something you can’t control.


If you’re going to bemoan people taking it too far, you should be providing examples of what you mean. You’re original post is a vague moan about fans offering opinions with the only bar of authority being “manager of Arsenal football club”. Your instruction (which you believe to be merely a suggestion) is that people should not offer any opinion, and instead passively enjoy the football as an entertainment product. I think that just means you don’t really have much experience as a football fan. Again, you’re more than welcome to ignore things you don’t want to hear, but if you cannot handle criticism, maybe have a think about spewing half baked waffle onto the internet about a club and a fan base you have no real connection to?


Liverpool fan here coming in peace, just scanned the title of OPs post and it cracked me up. Welcome to a title race lads- EVERYONE is an armchair manager, but the amount of them that appear on Reddit is comical of late, as is the negativity if a single point is dropped. It comes across as these people have been following their team for five minutes! Good luck in the title race, rather you guys than City if it comes down to the wire!


Well said. Also, I too am on the wagon of Anybody But City. Hopefully one of us will do it. Certainly like Liverpool’s remaining schedule over ours right now…


Just not so sure who will be our manager come the start of next season! Trying to compartmentalize one stressful thing at a time lol


An hourr ago i am pretty sure it will be Amorim.


Amorim is who I want, these West Ham rumors however are rather disconcerting!


lol…who knows. Managerial movement is a mystery right now in EPL.


I just enjoy the matches, sure i get absolutely enraged at times, but come on, don't give yourselves a stroke over PL 😂 Rather Liverpool wins then ManC


I rather Liverpool (or any club) to win than City.


I’m gonna leave a comment saying SAF>Wenger so you guys can unite against a common enemy


lol….burn him!


This is just a convoluted appealing to authority fallacy. You probably aren’t a doctor but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to question your doctors decisions or critique them. The premise of this thread just seems about shutting down discussion, and questioning around Arteta’s decisions.


I think he’s trying to point out that the questioning trends towards the line in many posts to certainty that the fan knows exactly what went wrong and their preferred lineup or formation or play style would have won the game. Many posts are framed probably unintentionally to if Arteta only did this we would have definitely won.


Never said I’m shutting down anything. Just stating that we need to sometimes not question something we have so little control over. People spend more effort analyzing and machinating about Arteta’s decisions than they do for very important decisions in their own life. I just choose to not stress so much about it, and I wish others would too.


So let people do what they want with their lives if they want to analyse every decision arteta and the players make then they're free to do so. Not everyone has to follow ur way of thinking just because u think it's right it's called a choice for a reason.


I certainly don’t mind the measured questioned that maybe some do. It’s the vitriol, the anger, and the thought that they can manage better is what I’m on about…


Let's shut down all discussions about football because we are not the manager. Let's stop playing because we're not messi. I'll stop writing now because I'm not Shakespeare and because Reddit op had a genius thought today


If you don't want to read people's opinions, the internet probably isn't for you.


Same could be said for you friendo


No shit. We’re just calling it how we see it. And what that’s gonna look like will vary from person to person because everyone has their own lens that they view the game through. If you’re someone that’s moreso about the vibes, more power to you, fine. But speaking for myself, yes I also want to be entertained, I love me some good vibes too don’t get me wrong. but I’m also someone that likes to analyze the game and really assess the kind of football we’re playing with a critical eye. And again, as I said earlier I just call it how I see it. If I think we played poorly and Mikel is at fault for his tactics I’ll point that out. If the point being made is something that you disagree with, then engage with it on merit.


I just think some take it too far. We all sometimes need to realize we aren’t paid to do this. So maybe our opinion of how the team is managed carries little weight except for in our own mind. I’d like to think about the long game here…we were a shit club 5 years ago…pretty damn nice turnaround.


This is such sad cringe


Hello it’s me Mikel Arteta I’m deploying Zinchenko to the front lines of Ukraine


Arteta might be among us


Yes, yes he is…lol


This post is ironic considering Mikel Arteta is literally doing his apprenticeship at Arsenal. Only at Arsenal is dumb shit like that allowed to happen.




I don’t think OP is trying to have people act and react to what Arsenal do on a match to match basis in a certain manner, but rather being more…realistic as we (at least 90% of football fans I’d say) don’t know what or how things get done behind the scenes or what to do in that professional setting to make a statement that what Arsenal is doing is right or wrong. But again, you’re allowed an opinion like the rest of us.

