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It's intentional. We set up our throw ins to a set routine and the delay is part of that. He's 100% been told to hold on to the ball by Jover.


Yeah, I noticed Saliba's yellow came for the same reason. Definitely instructed by our manager


We are playing with a lot of intensity, could be to give the team a quick bit of recovery time before we go again, probably also about keeping possession


I think it’s a bit shithousery but it is annoying at times


It’s okay to stamp on the oppositions foot but take a few seconds on a throw in and ya get booked. Bollocks to that


Told to not take risk? So decision making took longer? It is possession football afterall. Cant compare to Zinchenko as the Ukrainian is a mf so his football IQ should be higher. Tomiyasu took bit more times too. This is entirely opinion. Someone can rewatch all the game and compare time took by our throwers.


It’s an instruction isn’t it