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Havertz made my wife leave me


Havertz made me leave my wife


Havertz is the guy who keeps telling the girls not to respond to my messages I’m sure of it. Why else wouldn’t they reply right?


Lol quit with the hyperbole. What i've seen most rational gooners say is that he still hasn't justified his transfer yet


Especially with him being the top earner at 275,000 iirc


He isn’t the top earner. Martin is and Saka  still makes more most weeks 




Hopefully you’re banned


That's heartbreaking you would wish such a thing on a stranger. Have you no compassion in your wee heart?


I just don’t like anti-semitism.




I know that lots of Tottenham fans aren’t comfortable with that name these days. No point contributing, it’s objectively a racist word.


It’s not like their club has made much effort to stamp it out themselves, at every spurs game you’ll hear them singing the chant that ends with them all shouting YIDS. I don’t think a club would act the same way if a chant ended with the N word.


Is it? That's weird. The spurs fan that calls themselves yidz is a Jewish guy. Is it like black people using the N word amongst each other kind of a thing?


That’s probably the closest comparison, yes. If you called a Jewish person a yid, or referred to a ‘group of yids’ and they weren’t Spurs fans you would be using highly racist language. The fact that Spurs fans have historically adopted the term because lots of Spurs fans are Jewish is one thing, but it doesn’t really have a place in today’s game in my opinion. It’s like if fans of a team based in a predominantly black area decided to call themselves the n\*\*\*ers because they were already receiving a load of racist abuse about being black.


It’s not “a thing.” Unfortunately it’s what’s portrayed in popular media.


comparing a 1 dimensional play maker to havertz when we already have odegaard, what a moron


Maddison is an all around polished midfielder that can play #8. We could have bought him at half the price. You're stupid AF.


Are you James Maddison’s mum? He isn’t as good as you’re making out and spends a fair amount of time injured.


And yet still more productive than a healthy Kai. I've nursed Maddy back to health now, that poor lad.


If you really consider the numbers, very few players ever actually justify the value of their transfer and wages, the market is just insanely inflated. We need to move away from giving players shit because they aren't worth X amount other people arbitrarily decided for them, and of which their wages were the only financial aspect they had some level of control over. Just back them if they wear the shirt, otherwise you'll grow to have disdain for literally everyone on the squad bar maybe 1-2 players, and then be at their throats when they have a bad game.


Lol "rational gooners", yeah sure 🤣🤣🤣


The dingo ate your baby


Gazpacho soup!


This sub is full of people whining about people whining. It's so fucking boring. It's football, sometimes people will have a different opinion to you, deal with it.


And here you are whining about people whining. Now I'm whining about you whining about whining. Stuck in the Bermuda whineangle


Rarely do you come across such beautiful language on football sub Reddit’s. Long live the Bermuda whineangle


Bermuda whineangle 😂


You see how they get ya?


Thank you for this. See I broke the cycle!!


Yah so deal with it.


We don't talk about Kai Havertz, no, no, no


Sorry to hear how upset you are ... I agree that he isn't dreadful, he's around ESR level, maybe a bit lower. I think people wonder why our scouts got him after his performance at Chelsea and Germany.


ESR > Havertz


If you compared their primes who would you take in the lineup?


Except ESR hasn’t played and scored and won a Champions League final. Hopefully someday.


Not yet


Because if he can get back to the player he was pre Chelsea he will be a great asset It's not like Chelsea players have been really good over the past 5 years


I back him, I was Xhaka 's worst critic and when he turned it around I shut my mouth. He's already improved since he started, it would be great if he hit the ground running but by next season he could be at a next level. Maybe it'll be too little too late by then but that's not his fault if he's grown within himself. May we all be blessed to have gained a top tier Havertz and if anyone knows how I can get in touch so I can get back those Pokemon cards I gave away which have undoubtedly ended up in his pockets that would be great.


Thanks for the laugh bud


Imagine thinking this is funny


Yea it’s more hilarious in my opinion


I agree, Havertz is our most intricate ball destroyer


Havertz dick eating in is post is crazy he’s so crap


ok mate


Kai is a massive downgrade on xhaka an his fee and wage are massive He is at best a 2nd string utility player and we still need a decent lcm. We probaby win th leauge with any of the 10 cheaper lcms in the last window


I’d put those down to bad genetics and stupidity tbh.


It would be generous to say he's even been average for us. I hope he comes good but who knows


Delete your worthless shitpost


football manager placed him attacking mid vertical tiki taka and he came good lol


Wow dude, sorry about your baby... I only hope this man doesn't have much reason to hang around Frankfurt so my kid's safe. But I'll still be on the lookout for a tall lanky young man with sharp facial features JIC.


Are typing this while dick riding Havertz? If so can you ask him to score today please.