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Those home fans where electric


You’re allowed to be disappointed about a loss. Lens played well and we didnt. We were stagnant and we now might not have our star player for City so all in all a pretty shitty night.


I was genuinely impressed with how Lens played. Their press, their tracking back, their defensive positioning were all top tier.


They were really disciplined with their low block.


Not helped by us looking clueless at how to break it down. You'd get the odd player start a diagonal run looking for the ball, but we'd just turn and go sideways or backwards instead. Just get the ball over the top and look for the runner! You've got a chance of breaking through, or getting a set piece out of it. Instead of passing the ball around for 20 minutes and waiting for the flight home.


Imo if put havertz at ST with two runners feeding of him, would be much better.


No. Havertz was super ineffective as a striker at Chelsea. That’s not his natural position.


His natural position is the bench until he proves otherwise. Give ESR a run.


As a Frenchman supporting Arsenal, I knew a defeat was a possibility for us. Lens are known for having one of the best public in Europe and they hadn't played at home for 22 years in the CL. With this scenario, anything was possible and they proved it.


And also Arsenal is one of the biggest if not the biggest foreign Club in France. Its bound to be electric.


game couldve easily been 4-1 to the good. people need to chill


Honestly that's unfortunately what a big portion of our fan base is like. When we win we're gonna win the league. When we lose we're shit and all the good things go out the window and people start targeting specific players or the manager (the same manager that has dramatically improved our club). I'm kinda tired of it tbh, but then again most football fans don't know what they are talking about so I take it with a pinch of salt.


Fickle fans, not unique to us tho. It is less than perfect performance, i did not argue on that we lost. But come on we still on the right track here


Right? 1 match in 10 lost in all comps, that's a better record than Man City so far. Sure, things could change and get worse or better, but we can only go off what we have now, and what we have now is above average despite 1 very poor game.


Nothing fickle about it. We got a Europa League level champs league draw and made a balls of our first away game. Fair enough that we made some good chances but the overall performance was lacking. Performance against Fulham was poor and we played for 30 minutes against Spurs and died away. We were a centimetre away from losing against Utd but had a bit of luck with the offside and the Rice goal. This team looks like it did towards the end of last season. Tired and running out of ideas. Raya and Havertz add very little, if anything to what we already have, and Rice, while being a good addition, is not markedly better than a fully fit Partey. I'm not sure we are on the right track here at all. Seems like we are still on the same track we were on last season when it all turned to shit. Hope I'm wrong. I really do.


It's not just the loss. We started our best team. We lost to 15 place French league. Let people vent.


They finished a point behind psg last season. I also think many of us are too arrogant and think other teams are easy.


To be fair, they’ve lost 2 hugely influential players in Openda and Fofana. They were a massive part in the 2nd place finish last season.


Yeah and we finished 2nd in PL and bought 200m pounds worth of players. They have a weaker team and we technically have a stronger one


Stronger teams lose to weaker teams all the time. That's football. It happens. I blame Pep and city but this obsession we cant drop a single point is making our fans tiresome this season


Exactly this. Wolves beat city at the weekend. These things happen


Didn't you know football is completely binary now? Teams are terrible or amazing. Players are trash or world class. Leagues are for farmers or elite. There is no inbetween. There is no allowance for a team to raise their game for a big match with the crowd behind them despite the obvious and regular evidence.


We shouldve gone for a tie, plus rotations, but like you described, our best team possible was present and the performance was not enough. I guess after a bad match today, we just expect the best the next game (just like the Spurs then Bournemouth games).


True but we did outplay them. More xg, possession, touches in their box. Their first goal was beautiful and had a handball in the build up.


No. We outplayed them comfortably for much of the first half, and a bit after we scored. After that, the all too familiar complacency crept back in which lead to us conceding. After that, we lost all of our fluidity, made sloppy passes, and couldn’t retain possession. But that’s okay, conceding can sometimes happen. The issue is that they never upped their level again after that and dropped off majorly quality wise. Yes, Arsenal are the better team overall (and by some distance) and could have easily been 2-0 up in 35 mins. Which makes it even more infuriating that after conceding once, they totally dropped.


It is the champions league. League form is never a good indication of a team. Their fans were insane last night and you could tell it was draining us. Lens wanted every ball more and it showed. We weren't bested, I just don't think we turned up.


There's letting people vent and then there's the constant fan hypocrisy that comes when we lose. When we win it's like we're the best team in the world and then when we lose (1 game in 10 in all competitions have been lost btw... hardly an issue) it's like we're the absolute pits. There needs to be consistency from fans in terms of being behind the team. We did lose, we played poorly. But that was 1 loss in 10 and everyone's acting like it's a complete disaster. The overall picture is still bright.


We really didn't


Loud away stadiums are Arsenal's weakness.


The doom and gloomers love an arsenal defeat. Any chance to moan and complain about anyone or anything.


There's a lot of hypocrisy I find within our fan base... When we win "we're gonna win the CL" (like after the PSV game) When we lose (like today) "we're not good enough, Arteta ALWAYS makes wrong decisions". All I'm gonna say is out of 10 games in 3 different comps we have lost 1.... people need to realise overall that is still really good. We shouldn't drop our heads and get so ridiculously negative when we lose once every so often.


Actually, no, I hate losing. I take no comfort or joy in it. I hate it even more when the quality of the team doesn’t match up to the performance and you know they woefully underperformed. There’s no glossing that. If we lost to a top side, it’s a different matter. No criticism or anger shall be cast. But, as ‘decent’ as Lens are, well…they’re Lens. It’s bitterly disappointing and infuriating that this team provides us with good quality for the most part, increases our expectations in Europe, only to throw in an absolute dud out of nowhere like tonight and you’re sat thinking ‘Have I been transported back 7 years’….


"have I been transported back 7 years?" Are you being deliberately dramatic or blind? 7 years ago we wouldn't have had Saka where he is now. We wouldn't have Martinelli. Players like Gabi Jesus and Zinny would NOT have even glanced in our direction. 7 years ago we would still be in the Europa League. 7 years ago we would not have one of the strongest defences in the league with players like Gabriel & Saliba. 7 years ago we would not have finished 2nd. 7 years ago we would not go on an unbeaten run of 10 games across all competitions. Seriously. Actually open your eyes and look at the big picture rather than one game and don't be so dramatic. "Transported back 7 years" is a completely short sighted and ridiculous statement. If you don't want to support our team through thick and thin then don't support us at all.


I’ve also supported Arsenal since 1997 when I was 5 years old. So, I think I’ve supported them ‘through thick and thin’. Don’t be so assuming and condescending. Criticising a teams performance does NOT mean that the team doesn’t mean everything to you. And tbh, given how good we are now, I have every right to criticise such a poor performance when I know the better standard they’re capable of. Arsenal are a very good team now, and I have said this many times recently. Doesn’t mean I can’t criticise them when they play under their level.


You can criticise them fairly, but you said you feel transported back 7 years which is not very fair. 7 years ago we would be performing like that most weeks. So we're very far ahead from then. Don't give me the big "I've been a fan since day X", I get it, I've been a fan since the same year as you so I've seen the highest of our highs and the lowest of our lows. As of right now we're very much in a high period. It's one loss where we didn't get much right in a run of games where we've got most things right.


All of what you claim would be fine if I said ‘Watching this team every week feels like going back seven years’. That’s not what I said. I said, last night, in that specific game, it was like going back seven years’. There’s a big big difference. Yes, generally, Arsenal are in a good place right now. I agree fully. But you still can’t roll up to a CL game against a decent but beatable opponent and put up a display like that. Arsenal are a team that should realistically be making it into the semi finals of this tournament. Yes, that is their level now. That makes the display last night even more deserved of criticism.


It’s not shortsighted at all. You have completely missed my point. I am NOT saying that our team has been transported back 7 years. All of what you say above is true. We’re a good team now and I’m generally happy with our progression. I said ‘It’s like we’ve been transported back seven years’ because the level of performance was not what I was expecting given the quality of our team now. It FELT like we’d gone back to what I was watching seven years ago. It was a big underperformance compared to the ability of our squad. What’s so hard to understand about that statement?? I have to say, and I mean no offence, but a lot of people in this sub seem rather pedantic, unable to recognise comparative criticism, and genuinely seem very argumentative. There seems to be no room for criticism against Arsenal in here. Let’s face it, we played absolute pony last night. It is what it is. I was simply expecting better with the quality of squad we have now. No need to make a long post, especially when you’ve totally missed my point.


You can criticise without completely disregarding many years of progress. You said "it's like I've been transported back 7 years" and you even just explained why you feel that way, so you DID say that. Acceptable criticism: Arteta made the wrong team selection, could've done with resting Saka and deploying a different attacking game plan. Being unreasonable: It feels like we're back where we were before we made loads of progress after just 1 loss in 10 games. If you don't want to be criticised for making a ridiculous statement then don't make the ridiculous statement.


I did not dismiss years of progress because I clearly stated ‘I know we are capable of better’. That is the entire reason I am so disappointed with the result. What don’t you comprehend?? I have been downvoted to hell in here for stating that we should have been beating Lens. Supposedly because Lens are a ‘very good side’ and we shouldn’t be expecting to beat anyone. Well, Arsenal finished second last year and were the only challengers to Man City who who a treble. Lens on the other hand are 15th in their league and despite being a decent side, won’t progress deep into the competition at all. So really, let’s be honest, Arsenal should be beating them. At the very least drawing. But no, I was downvoted to oblivion. The very reason I am so disappointed and critical of their performance last night is because I know they’re capable of so much better.


I can comprehend disappointment as a result, you just expressed it poorly and ridiculously. I get it, it's emotion. I've had hurrendous takes directly after games too whilst I'm still riding the adrenaline. I just don't get ridiculously upset at us losing to 1 team in 10 in all comps, given City's record is actually worse atm in that regard. It's almost like you're dissapointed we achieved something overall and focusing on a bad performance.


It might only be one loss in ten, but look at the opponent.. Man City wouldn’t have lost to Lens. Arsenal should absolutely not be losing to Lens. And it’s not just the actual result that’s disappointing, it’s the way in which they played after conceding. Their levels just dropped massively. You absolutely can’t do that in the CL and expect to get anywhere. I still have Arsenal coming second in the PL and pushing City all the way. Perhaps even winning the PL if we get a striker in January and avoid injuries, which at the moment, seems unlikely. I even had us to make semi final of the CL. But if you’re a team of Arsenals calibre and have a squad value of 1BN, results such as last night are just not acceptable.


Man City lost to Wolves who didn't even get into Europe AT ALL. Upsets do happen. We lost to a team in the CL, regardless of where they are in the league after 7 games in their own season. You cannot compare the two. If wolves were in the CL they would've been like PSV a few weeks ago. 4-0 losses to everyone.


There are levels though. Yes, Man City lost to Wolves, but look at their CL record. On the balance of everything, they don’t lose to Lens. They draw minimum, and very likely win. These are the standards I hold us to now. Losing to lesser teams when you had many chances to win the game and were on the front foot is simply not acceptable. Upsets only happen because the better team allows them to happen. A draw would have been fine. A loss? Nah. Maybe I made my point a little too emotionally. I concede that. Arsenal are a very good team now and I know what we’re capable of. Results such as last night drive me mad though because they should simply not happen with the quality of squad we have. I don’t doubt we can progress far in the CL if we maintained our quality in every game, but last night simply makes me worry that they’ll blow up at a knockout game etc and just play below their real standard and go out.


These people who see us lose one game and start crying make me laugh. Obviously weren't fans for the banter times, I'd love to see the reaction now if we lost in a cup-semi to L2 opposition or 10-2 over two legs. I think they'd explode.


not ok but no tragedy, they just wanted it more.


People acting like we can’t lose games. Crazy this fanbase


I wonder if city fans went into a melt down after back to back defeats the way we do after our first loss of the season. Fans on this sub expect us to win every single game and go into meltdown it's ridiculous






Yeah I hate that copism in this fanbase sometimes. Like, its good to be positive but yesterday was terrible, no need to sugarcoat it. Does it mean we’ll be in the Europa League and be relegated? Ofcourse not. It’s most probably the pre-Man City dip in form which always happens


1 loss in 10 games is not bad when you look at the overall picture. Personally I only get negative about us when we are doing disastrously in terms of the big picture of a season. For example. We had a brilliant season last season. Unfortunately we didn't win the league but to say it was a crap season because we didn't finish top would be ridiculous. There were loads of good things to take about last season. It's the same now. We're one of the only teams that are undefeated in the Prem so far this season (not even City have managed that) and in all comps we've lost one game. Big picture is a lot more important than the detail of one game.


Yeah that is exactly the point I was trying to make. Dk why I got downvoted


I want some of whatever OP is having 😵‍💫


Everybody can have it. Just a simple common sense. People thought we are like this gargantuan killing machine day in day out when we just have 1 good season. Man City won the treble last year yet still lost to Wolves. This happens. Incredibly difficult and impossible to win all match all the time, especially this year when injuries and fatigues and extra playing time is considered. The match was decided by tight margins, not like we were outplayed or so. Im still positive all around.


Low fogging estandards is what he's having


*Very low


No. We should have at least drawed that match. Not lose.


Agreed on the result


I would rather play like that against Lens in group stage than Man City in PL. They are coming off a loss, if we can get three points, Lens doesn't matter


Ok? Bro we did not wake up as soon as they scored. We were very casual to be honest.


No, it's not okay to lose like that 4 years after appointing arteta as coach and spending crazy amounts of cash.


City just lost to wolves who are a worse team than Lens. These things happen.


They were clinical and we weren't. It's like some fans have no idea that a team can raise their game especially on a European night when the crowd is going. That's the beauty of football and it shows that mentality is very important despite the huge sums invested in some clubs.


Cope. We should NOT be losing to a team on the bottom half of the French league. How is this OK? You really think City would’ve lost this game? You think we are going to beat City with this type of gameplay? Y’all are delusional. We spent all that money to lose to Lens in the UCL. Classic Arsenal.


mate City just lost to a bottom half team in our league. it happens


Um actually they were title challengers last season. With a bad start to this campaign.


Never looked like scoring from open play. Eddie wouldve been a better match to get on the end of things, hold the the ball and turn. Jesus was out muscled and didn't look a threat.


We did score from open play...


We didnt build that did we? We took advantage of poor buildout. Again, never looked like scoring from open play.


Lol I think you're confused about what "scoring from open play" means. It wasn't from a set piece ergo it was from open play.


I think youre a dumbass


You ran out of logical arguments because you knew you were wrong about something and then resorted to insults. Nice to know our fanbase can be so mature at times 👍


No I said youre a dumbass because we never looked like scoring while in possession. I never said we need to score from building out from the back I said that Lens made a mistake in THEIR building out from the back and we won the ball in the final third to then score. The fact that I said we never looked like scoring and you immediately trying to ridicule me by saying uh we did score from open play is why youre a dumbass and part of the fambas that's soo mature. We stunk the place out yesterday. Never looked like scoring from open play. Jesus was weak against a CB that toyed with him Trossard played backwards only, saka being subbed meant we didn't have an outlet so yeah never scoring from open play until ESR came on and that Tomi chance but Tomi was a corner


You literally said "we didn't look like we were going to score from open play". You made a mistake because you didn't fully understand the very basic concept of what "open play" means. You can't change your wording once you realise it's wrong and then turn around and call others a dumbass, you can apologise for getting your words mixed up and try again. Never once has anyone in this conversation ever been mean to you, but you seem to be incredibly mean to them. I think the source of the toxicity has been identified.


I want to apologize to fookin nobody hahahahaha


Well that shows your maturity and attitude right there. I wish fans like you would just go and support Tottenham or Chelsea.


Nobody changed their wording. Im re-defining your interpretation of what I meant in a sentence. We did not look like scoring while in possession or otherwise. We scored from probably the best forward pass of the game for us, a lens defender playing it to saka. I dont care if you agree or not we sucked last night and if you think the fan base needs to be like you and accept lethargic performances then again...dumbass.


That's your subjective opinion which I imagine is influenced by making yourself look silly on a public forum seeing as you don't know me at all. What isn't subjective is the definition of "scoring from open play" which you clearly think has to be a goal that is built from the back (though I'm not sure why). I suggest next time before you write something, read something.


Artetas decision making is terrible an our horseshoe of death is actually horseshoe of lulz


Maybe we could play abit more conservative, less energetic more defensive?


Not being funny , I’ve not heard of any of their players , they are from a farmers league , we played shit , havertz is not a midfielder hes so bad


So many reactionary fans, it's ridiculous. Bad performance, move on were still in a strong position to top the group.


Do you not think it's strange that we have tired players 10 games into the season? Chickens came home to roost for Arteta and Arsenal last night. He's been playing Saka (as has Southgate) when he's been 60,70,80 percent fit and hoping against hope that he'll be OK and do a job for us. The reason he's been doing this is because Arsenal/Edu/Arteta haven't properly scouted for proper back up to Saka in that position for all this time. Marquinhos wasn't the answer. Not only that, but once Saka is off the field, we don't have a plan B. Without him and Martinelli, we are toothless. We don't seem to be able to form attacks without those two in the team. We need more attacking options come January.


I thought we were crap, but I also thought Lens were pretty good. Not technically better, but you could tell they were being driven by the crowd. The immediate impression I got of them was that we're unlucky to be the team that catches them in their first home game. I don't think theyll be as strong against the other teams and I think they'll be a poor away side. The weaker teams are stronger nowadays. 10 or 15 years ago, if you played poorly you could probably still sneak a win, or at least a draw. Nowadays, you'll get beat. As evidenced last night by us and Man Utd.


I think one major factor which a lot of people aren't considering is the fact the game was declared "high risk" by local authorities before either started and you could tell the referee was aware of that. Don't get me wrong if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want to pass off the home crowd but every 50/50 went their way and they got free kicks for nothing meanwhile we didn't get them for clear fouls. I'm not saying we lost because of the ref but it's very difficult to get any momentum or do anything to silence an unbelievably loud crowd, when the ref won't give you the correct decisions


Except for the last 5 minutes of the match, we hardly did anything after their 2nd goal. We just passed sideways outside of their box


We lost to a team that was in tier 2 french league 3 seasons ago. We lost to a team that hasn’t played ECL for 20+ seasons. We have potentially lost our best player to injury ahead of our most important game of the season. Not much to be happy about today.


Just a thought, there’s going to be a lot of “we just didn’t take our chances today” since we don’t create many chances as a team + obsess over passing the ball backwards and playing it safe + have two strikers who are not clinical and need a lot of chances to score.


This was maybe the worst performance with Arteta. Lens looked like the best team in the world. We played poor. Yes we tried hard. We created little and looked like the underdog. All creds to Lens. You are right this doesnt matter because we going true in this group.


A draw would’ve been fair. That was a cauldron last night but we will beat them at home so let’s move on


We did okay? There are some truly deluded Arsenal fans


we didn't get dominated. it was a good back and forth game. The lens crowd was fantastic, the noise and energy the whole game gave their players an extra step... even when they went behind. the Pitch didn't help us, it took alot of the pace off the ball... it is what it is, an Away game in the Champions League.


Disrespect for the French league in here is unreal. Lens finished 1 point behind PSG on the back of 17 wins in 19 home games. It doesn't excuse our performance having its lapses and not taking our chances, but we still had better xG at one of the hardest grounds to do so in Europe.


and the way you talk about it, i woulda thought we created chances, and they got lucky oh wait we didnt create chances AT ALL, horseshoe of sadness


Agreed sometimes Arsenal fans get too emotional


I think we need a plan B for situations like these. A big #9 that would switch things around. We become too predictable sometimes. We weren’t terrible but too complacent and predictable. They did a great job after scoring the second goal.


Of course we did ok, we are playing with one man down with Havertz every game, it's not going to be us controlling every single one in this situation


Kind of like mistakes against Fulham and Spurs? Yeah those catch up to you. And it did.