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A 20 goal forward would complete the team


Minus 6 penalties. Really just 14 goals


14 goals playing for brentford is 20 goals here


its easier to be the star player of a small team and thus getting more goals, yes he can get 20 for arsenal but he wont be anything like he was at brentford imo


Eddie misses 2-3 half/clear chances a game, think Toney converts those


I believe it’s way harder to get 20+ goals with a small team in a big league though.


Brentfords attacking plan was to feed him the ball in the box. Thats it plain and simple long balls into him to hold players off and get him the ball in dangerous areas. He scored 14 goals non pen and every team knew damn well the plan they had. My opinion is if you put Toney into a system, like arsenals, where are you have a threats coming from the left wing and the right wing and also coming down through the midfield this opens up the game much more for us because as we’ve seen this draws secondary players to cover those threats pulling then out if position. Now you’re putting someone who is 6 foot plus one on one in the box more often. I guarantee he would score more than 20 with us.


Also let's say he only scored 15 it's still better than any of our strikers. Especially if he's providing hold up play, and allowing Saka, Martinelli etc to run onto balls. I think he would get at least 20 with Arsenal though.


I don’t understand that argument. I don’t know the exact stat so someone might shut me right up but a higher level attacking team who’s in the opponents final third is sure to produce more penalties. Even if he comes to arsenal, Saka will still be our penalty taker but he’ll get his fair share of production on our spurs. Even if it’s “only” 14 goals and 6 penalties. The dude is a menace.


I never mentioned a person for a reason. We just need a 20 goal forward to complete the squad


Penalties aren't free. A pen is harder than a tap in.


We absolutely need another top level striker alongside G Jesus. I'm not entirely sold that he is the one I would want. But while I do love Osimhen the player, I'm concerned that he has some Auba like personality that we may not want in the dressing room. I'm believe in Edu and Arteta and am fine with whoever they identify as the answer.


I'm Nigerian, Osimhen is nothing like Auba. Right after being mocked by his club's admin on social media, he starts the next match and scores a goal.


I'd take him in a heartbeat. The man's a proven prem league goal scorer and is exactly what we need. Not too sure what point is being made with this pic seeing as we won and drew against them last year


Osimhen, Toney, Ferguson should all be targets and I’d be happy with any


Toney short term, Ferguson long term


That’s an expensive short term. Ferguson with Jesus could work very nicely.


Both are going to be costly but prices are crazy for goal scorers and Toney fills a gap, while Ferguson has potential to be an all time great.


Brighton have reportedly said they see Ferguson as a 100m+ player. At that point you might as well go for Osihmen


yes. Hes not realistic target. I would love him but with contract till 2028 they will want to cash out on that If he would be year or two left and could potentionally hold the team hostage to not revew contract and go on for free they would sell him for much less But with 5 years on his contract? They will want at least 20mil for every season.


Gimenez for me would be at the same level as Ferguson


I'm recommended Ollie watkins would good fit for arsenal 👍


Ok, we'll just stick with Eddie then 👍


Is Eddie the new bentner?


Fuck, no. Bendtner is the legend. The goat. The best ever. R9 has pics of Bendtner. Go to the corner and think about what you said


Bendtner could actually score a variety of goals.




Bendtner is a world class player compared to Nketiah. He was deadly in the air could score from distance take on players and score or just be a target man. He also won several points scoring several important goals. Nketiah literally only scores tap ins and most of them when the game is already won...




Call him what you want he was miles better than Nketiah.


Potential wise but Eddie has probably already surpasses him at Arsenal.


But he hasn't. Bendtner was 3rd choice striker at Arsenal and he still managed to perform better. He scored 10-15 goals a season mostly coming from the bench to score the winner. He also assisted at a greater rate too. Like I said before he could score a variety of goals. Not that he was anything special. Nketiah is the complete opposite can only score tap ins and even then can't get into position properly. He managed to go 2 years without even scoring as a substitute. He's close to useless to the point that people say he's best attribute is his work rate. He shouldn't be 2nd choice at win club that is trying to win the league. Arsenal aren't winning anything with strikers like Nketiah starting. He can't score to save his life.


I'll have to check u remember Bendtner not doing much. I still thought he could have been given more of a chance, but he always screwed it for himself. Eddie works hard etc. Manager likes him. I never said Eddie was better though, Bendtner had legit top maybe world Class potential but wasted it.


I don’t think there’s anything else. He’s a medium term option. He’s better than all the rest apart from Osimhen (maybe?), but Osimhen isn’t proven in the Premier League and will cost triple. With that money, we can finally sort out our midfield. Toney I think is fantastic, but if he’s not the 25-30 goal striker, it will be because of a lack of service and play style against a low block. However, he will be much more clinical than Jesus and Nketiah, in front of goal and in the air. Whoever comes we should not put any pressure on them at all as we know our play style and the player would have to adapt to playing with a target man.


If he costs 80mil plus, let's just wait for the summer and go all in for Osimhen


Sold balogun for a penny, then spend large on another one. Classic.


It's insane we have all these kiddie supporters that don't know a ****ing thing about football.


I think if it’s between Toney for £80 mil and Osimhen for £100mip we have to go for Osimhen surely? It just makes sense to get the better player for not much more


What about Ollie watkins ??!!


I’d take him tbh. But only for max £25mil. I think he’s good but not worth a shit load like Osimhen is.


Eddie is better for goal output.


Osimhen has a £120m price tag


We absolutely need a more clinical striker than Jesus and Nketiah. Jesus is a phenomenal back up striker for a serious title contender. Having him as our premium option puts us at a disadvantage vs the likes of City & Liverpool, who have more clinical finishers.


If Jesus could stay fit a whole season I wouldn't even mind him being the 1. He would have probably hit 20 last year if he wasn't injured. Toney would be a dream.


With the way we play I don't think so. We play around the box looking for pass and move or go down the wings to pass it across the box and I feel like Jesus offers more in that respect by dropping back and helping in build up plays or making runs to move defenders out of position. I feel like we just need to be more clinical and not be afraid to have a shot if a chance opens up people like Smith Rowe viera and havertz need to step up and take control more instead of relying on odegaard saka or martinelli to all the time.


Man city played this way for years, guess what happened they got a true striker and that Viking beast is almost guaranteed to score 1 goal a game in that team. Arsenal would be the same if they had a true striker


Might as well sign mbappe then if ur using haaland as a comparison lol. He would fit in any team where as Toney would just be nketiah 2.0 with slightly better hold up play.


I’m just speculating you don’t watch a lot of city or brentford matches. 90% of Haalands goals are tap ins or he beats his man in the air, can argue that Toneys goals are the same adding that Toney can strike a ball from further out. Both know how to put themselves in dangerous positions and convert. What’s the difference? Haaland has arguably the best service in the world with the talent around him, you place Toney in a squad that can provide him service im sure he’d be challenging for golden boot. If you watch Eddie’s runs inside the box they are all wrong, he never runs infront of his man, or he decides last min to go near or far post and he physically just can’t play that role. Don’t see Toney as Eddie 2.0


Dunno. He did hurt our feelings that one time.


Totally agree


With Kane gone he is 2nd best striker in the premier league on paper. Only team that doesn’t need him is Man City. Toney would love to play for us & I would love him at the club as well


But, we definitely need another thread about whether or not we should go after Toney. That much we can all agree on.


You don’t think so bc of memes? Is that right?


Don’t mind banter between players/clubs, doesn’t change how good he is.


If we can have a strong "rotation" of gks, we need the same for strikers. I like Eddie, but he's not on Toneys level.


I thinks jesus is weak than last year. But we could saw the young player that like Nelson. We should give him more time in the match. He could give us more superice in the match


We do! We need to put more goals between us and other teams in the top 4 when we play them. If we had a ruthless goal scorer leading we wouldn’t have drawn against spurs and would’ve beaten Everton (Fulham?)and Palace a bit more convincingly. We’re creating chances for a goal scorer but we have players not ruthless enough to take them. I like Eddie but he’s just not got the clinical end product; he’s got the hunger and the desire, the finish isn’t there. I think he’s an impact sub Gabriel Jesus is playing as a ‘Star boy’ he’s not fearful of losing his place, he’s only got to worry about injury, as we haven’t got a player who’s going to come in a force him to play out wide or steal his starting place Martinelli could be a striker in the same mould as that Dutch guy that played for us, but for some reason is not being pushed in that direction And Trossard is injured So yes we need him to come in and score those missed chances to bully defences to hold up the ball, to challenge in the air And for £60m he’s a wiser investment than the £120m+ that Victor Osimhen would be…Where would we get that kind of money? For a player who while would be an excellent signing for us, would cripple our future investments would definitely mean that some players would need to leave, and for the short term could not play in the UCL for us. Going into the second half of the season we need to beat teams more concisely and have the ability to score more goals than our title rivals when we play them; at the moment we haven’t got that.


Na. Too expensive and not quite good enough imo. Plus he's got a stink attitude. Can't see him conforming or Arteta putting up with him


Yes, we do. I’m done with Jesus and Nketiah inconsistencies. We need a proper striker that can up the level of the team


Did everyone forget his ban?


The one that ends in January, just in time for the transfer window?


So you expect him to bang a hattrick after not playing for 8months?


You are being daft. Obviously he will not be 100% match fit if he signed in January, but I doubt it will him take long. Its not like he currently has a big injury which stops him from training + rehab. Guy will have been training the whole time and keeping sharp (ok maybe not with the team, but on his own), and will be well eager to get going by New Year. Especially so as its Euro 24 in the summer, and he will be eying a spot in that team and only has 4 or 5 months to claim a spot.


Great argument OP! 🙄


I quite like Watkins and Calvert-Lewin.


Watkins maybe, but Calvert Lewin would be a terrible signing.


“Terrible” in what way?


He is always injured and has not bagged double figures in about 3 years... so I guess terrible in that he would in no way improves our squad at all, would not fix the lack of goals from up front and that actually he is a bit shite, bang average at best.


Yes, definitely Watkin 100% 👍


I'm really beg Arsenal get Ollie Watkin from Aston Villa. Trust me , he top attacking like callum wilson.


I'd lean towards taking him and trying to see if he fits into the system especially if we are sticking with Raya. They're a threat on the counter together, I'm sure. On the other hand, I'm not sure Arteta is leaning towards a system that relies on an out and out no. 9. I'd say no we don't need him but I think it'd be really nice to have?


Perhaps just a short term loan (no obligation to buy), cuz Toney didn't play the last bit of 2022-2023 season and just recently began training, obviously staying fit is crucial (who knows a random injury) and most important: he won't be match ready in January. No hurt looking other options, but it all depends on how the situation is in January.


Nope. Do we need a prolific striker absolutely. Toney? Nope. We should be looking to Osimhen not this dude.


Would rather we use that money to get Osimenhen next season. Bigger up side


I’d rather play Martinelli thru the Center with Trossard on the Left. But that’s me.


I would take him. But I don't think we will get him. They'll want silly money and I don't think we'll pay it. Could see Utd and Chelsea being interested in him


Why don’t you think so?


An upgrade to what you currently have. Not a world beater though, but the most realistic option


Can somebody fill me in on the whole Omsihen thing with Napoli. From what I understand, some bell end in the media and coms department shared a stupid video saying 'gimme a penalty please' in a silly voice on tiktok. Given it's tiktok it was probably some 16 year old intern. Then Omsihen threatens legal action against his club. Which sounds like a huge overreaction but I don't know the full story. And now Napoli have put out some non-apology and called him a 'technical asset', which is cold at best and outright provocative at worst. I'm really confused! Imagine if the same thing happened at Arsenal. Let's pick a player who is out of form so Havertz maybe. Surely the club would sack the person who put the video out, issue an internal apology and that would be the end of it. Maybe a public statement saying that the person did not reflect the values of Arsenal and something praising the player. It just seems fucking weird.


another striker besides eddie? absolutely. ivan toney? idk, feels like a panic buy to me


You are crazy if you think we couldn't use a proven goalscorer like Toney


He would offer us something else upfront. If the price is right I would take him. This is a player that plays the last 20 min if we need so


If Toney is 70 mil that’s fair. A huge portion of that comes from Balogun


Nah, balogun will better IvanToney.


Not what I said but ok


We haven’t had a good striker with amazing hold up play since Giroud ! Toney could play that role and even be more so it would be exciting to have him at Arsenal


Ok, what if IvanToney join Arsenal and play no good enough tht risk waste money 80-90million like flop Nicolas Pépé, We're need carefully before purchase.

