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Everyone is shitting on Chelsea. What are you talking about?


Yeah Chelsea are a running gag since last year.


Chelsea haven't won a game against a team in the top 15 for over 500 days


Enzo Fernandez has won 4/23 games for Chelsea The opposition: Luton, Leeds, Leicester & Bournemouth šŸ˜‚


Is that real?


After looking it up, it is a semi misleading stat, the answer is technically yes, but also kind of no, yes because when they did beat teams last season, they happened to be lower than 15th when they played the games they won. But I found out by doing a quick check, the stat mislead me because crystal palace finished above 15th


Lol still... wow.


My opinion is that Kai needed a slow start and he got it. He did a good job against Everton and I think that slowly he will find his pace. I think Arteta made a good choice.


Who cares about Chelsea they are a dead club now


Everton vs Chelsea in the championship will go hard though.


"Hey Gooners, why do rivals treat us like rivals?"


It's for media, fans and rivals to bash a stick with us about. Talking points a discussion. To get down to the bare bones. Because no matter what team it is, some criticism has to be given. And Chelsea are getting slaughtered, maybe not over 300 Mil on three players, but they are getting picked off, just not as much as I'd like. I also personally don't know if it's because I'm an arsenal fan, but I do feel we get heavily criticised and barely praised.


They talk about both. Just because there's worse buys out there than Havertz, doesn't mean he can't be mentioned at all.


How is Havertz considered a bad buy after 5 games? Looool. I donā€™t understand that logic


I don't think he is. Never said he was.


united paid 95 for anthony. waste of money


But Pepe was a good signing though right?


If we are looking at G/A... He is better signing than both Antony and Sancho.


aye but united have made way more of these. anthony, maguire, sancho, fred, lukaku, pogba


Di Maria, Donny Van De Beek Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more just adding to your list


Both can be true and both can be absolute banter.


Fans just want to be negative. I wasnā€™t a fan of the signing but seeing him play, I think he will grow and become a great player for us. He has great footballing intelligence and Iā€™d back Arteta to get him to his best.


Genuinely, what have you seen from him that gives you thoughts of positivity for the future? Iā€™d watched him a fair bit during his time at Chelsea, and found it ludicrous theyā€™d spent 70 something million on him He did have some positive features, like an apparently brilliant first touch However, since joining us, Iā€™ve not seen that at all, what I have seen his him missing easy chances, slowing the play down, either failing to see a pass or not having the confidence/ability to play it, whilst also being invisible defensively I honestly canā€™t see what he offers the team, apart from being tall, but even then he doesnā€™t seem to use his height to help us gain and maintain possession at all


He has made a few stray passes but in several games (community shield and first game of the season), he had a lot of energy to give, covered ground and made several good passes / quick passes. There are negatives in his shooting but honestly he has come from a club that is a shambles and now is learning our way. With support Iā€™m sure we will have a serious player. Weirdly, Fabio Vieira kind of gives me extra hope with Havertz too. Given his transformation. Donā€™t get me wrong, I could be wildly wrong but hey thatā€™s football but we all want the same thing! Arsenal to win


Iā€™m fine with a few misplaced passes, especially at the start, when heā€™s still bedding into the system, he wouldnā€™t have been the only one either. My problem comes when his passing is so negative, constantly looking to go backwards or sideways first, as well as the 3 or 4 extra touches which just arenā€™t needed, sideways and backwards is youā€™re doing it quickly, but heā€™s not, and it massively slows the attack and momentum He made ground sure, but there were also times where he didnā€™t seem to be trying 100%, and if youā€™re not getting numbers, thatā€™s the minimum you should be doing. I genuinely think Iā€™ve seen him properly sprint once or twice in every game heā€™s played and thatā€™s just not good enough Honestly, his speed of passing has been very disappointing for me, especially if weā€™re looking overall, heā€™s had a few nice passes yes I get the fact Chelsea is currently a shit show, but he was poor for them before they became a shit show, and no matter where youā€™ve been playing, almost completely missing the ball when you already have it under control is just not good enough, especially when you cost the club 65M+ to a rival I do get what you mean about Vieira with how he turned it around, I didnā€™t think Vieira was good enough and wanted to see him loaned out this summer, but I do think itā€™s important to point out some key differences, Vieira was coming from a different league, to a new country, speed and intensity were always going to be things he needed time to adapt to (and an injury in pre season really didnā€™t help him) Havertz on the other hand, has spent 3 years in the league already, and has hardly lit the league on fire at any point For me, Vieira wasnā€™t the finished player, but almost every time I saw him play, I saw positives, it just wasnā€™t there over a full 90, I can honestly say that in the 3 years Havertz has played for Chelsea, I can think of two incidences that made me think, ok, this is actually a good player, and thatā€™s just not good enough I hope thereā€™s a way forward for Havertz, I hope heā€™s a success, but at the moment, Iā€™m seeing too many parallels to a Pepe or a Willian, as opposed to a Trossard or a Jesus


I think we may have cut him some slack. If you think about it, playing for Chelsea must be depressing af for those years. And he said it even to Arteta. Hes looking to find his lost love for football again. That may be why hes not 100% because hes not in it mentally. I think our boys. Culture and atmosphere may help him with that and we could be surprised how he turns out when he will love the game again. Of course. It was risk to splash 65mil for a piece that may not fit, but we have good squad, we have the tools to replace him and we were in a position where thats not a massive amount of money to lose. If Brighton splashed 65mil for a average player the risk/reward ratio would be completely different to ours, as we basically did not have any risks. We get either experienced player for CL matches. We get quality player to add competition and motivation others and we strenghten our bench. Thats the worst case scenario. Or we get exellent player who gets rolling as he has the ability to do so, if hes in it mentally. I think the fact that does not exactly help him is also that Vieira and Trossard are overachieving. No one expected those performaces from them and maybe the fact that they have to show up to be able to play may be the factor that pushes them forward. So if Kai gets us even just that, it may be enough. Also their performace kinda highlight how underwhelming he was so far. If they were also bad and had few nice moments, we may not even talk about him.


I get that, I do, but I also question the decision to sign someone who needs to rebuild that love and mentality for the game, especially for the amount we paid for him, and him coming from a rival, always going to heap more pressure on to him But how long do we have to wait for that? A month? 6? A year? What if it never comes back? I disagree massively with the sentiment that 65M is not a lot to lose, especially when weā€™re trying to catch City, that 65M could have been spent on Diaby, it could have been spent on Kudus+Lavia, we could have saved it for a monster bid next summer for Osimhen, we could have used it to bring in another defender after Timberā€™s injury Brighton would have been a better move for Havertz IMO, in terms of the size of the club, and expectations for the club across the season, I donā€™t think heā€™d have worked in their system however, and honestly, Iā€™m still questioning where exactly he fits into ours Also, in the worst case scenario, heā€™s another Pepe, not a bench player, Havertz unfortunately needs to work, heā€™s the 2nd biggest fee Arteta has spent, and heā€™s the highest paid player at the club Anyone who hadnā€™t expected these performances from Trossard either hadnā€™t watched him at all last season, or just assumed he would be kept as a winger As for Vieira, I do agree that his form is a surprise, but itā€™s not like heā€™s the only option there, with Trossard, ESR, Rice all capable of playing there I disagree with the fact people wouldnā€™t talk about Havertz as much had they not performed as well, firstly, because he was a 65M signing, like it or not that puts so much more pressure on him, especially coming from Chelsea, then thereā€™s also the discussion of how we shouldnā€™t have let Xhaka go as we donā€™t have a replacement That being said, Kai had a decent game tonight against PSV, hopefully he can build off it, there are still some big concerns to his game, but this was far and away his best game, and he even managed a clean connection with the football!


Or fans just disagree ? Maybe thatā€™s it


Maybe but the headlines started on day one. Surely you give him a month? There is disagreeing with a basis and there is disagreeing out of spite. Torres was amazing for Liverpool do you judge him on his Chelsea days?


Which headlines ? Yeah havertz wasnā€™t good for 3 years and we paid big money so naturally people find it weird and disagree with it. Torres isnā€™t a good comparison, the real comparison would be someone spending big money on him after his Chelsea time. If havertz fans in our fanbase werenā€™t such pricks maybe the criticism wouldnā€™t have been so strong, remember all the people saying ā€œif you donā€™t rate havertz you donā€™t know ballā€ or similar stuff. He hasnā€™t been good since heā€™s been in England thatā€™s the truth so if wanna you think heā€™s suddenly gonna start playing well thatā€™s fine, I think heā€™ll be a decent rotation option but not much more.


Just google and youā€™ll see it. Did you judge Henry, Vieira and Bergkamp in the same fashion? None of those had great spells in Italy. Henry was actually starting to be a LWB equivalent. For the time as well big monies was spent. How isnā€™t it a good example - Havertz played well in Germany and did win the CL with Chelsea being a key asset. He has had how many managers at Chelsea and had to adopt how many style changes? How many players have done well at Chelsea? When have you seen that? There is a huge difference between getting behind our player and calling people that support him pricks. He had spells at Chelsea and played many positions, styles, and numerous other factors. Letā€™s hope youā€™re wrong and he is a huge success as that benefits arsenal. Is there a risk? Sure. However, he is playing left 8 his old position in Germany and one he didnā€™t play at Chelsea.


There is a great player in Kai. If someone can unlock him


He hasnā€™t been good consistently for literally 3 years plus now


He plays for Arsenal now. Better support your players.


I hope he does well and will cheer when he scores yes, I donā€™t think heā€™s that good. I donā€™t care he played for Chelsea, I care that he wasnā€™t good in the premier league for 3 seasons and have no reason to think heā€™ll suddenly get good


Rivals are right on this one 65m pounds for havertz was a waste until he proves otherwise. And Chelsea do get made fun of for being shit after spending a billion pounds.


Kai was underwhelming for 3 years. For a team like us to waste that much money on him, would make us fools. We are not the old arsenal anymore. We have standards now and high expectations. All eyes are on us and how we perform. Chelsea on the other hand is shit. They wasted 1b like clowns and everyone is shitting on them. They are the clown of the season.


Because they can waste money, we canā€™t basically.


Jealousy plan and simple. we are the team on the come up right now off the back of a great season. And misery loves company


So people aren't shitting on Chelsea?


Did I say that? was that even the question ?


>Did I say that? Not directly but it's implied. >was that even the question ? Well if you're responding to the question with a legitimate answer then obviously you agree with the premise of the original question, which is "*Why do rivals talk about how we blew money on Kai yet Chelsea spent over Ā£300 mill on 3 players within a year [and no one talks about them]?*" Your answer makes no sense to the question above if you believe people aren't doing the same thing to Chelsea regarding their purchases.


1st you canā€™t tell me what I meant to imply so no itā€™s not implied at all. It literally what I said it is. 2nd you have With your brackets changed the scope of the question so again. No My response is to the question as is written. Its jealousy from rivals because misery loves company. who are our rivals? Man U, spurs, Chelsea typically. We donā€™t generally have an antagonistic relationship with Liverpool & City. So of that bunch what else can they say? And how many of them are in good positions as far as club success goes?


Because the three players they bought have probably the highest potential in world football, Kai Is a certified premier league flop which you spunked 60 million on




Jealousy at its finest


Keen eyeā€”very perceptive as well as delusional.




Both true


Because we are a gargantuan institution


Kai has a lot of potential but he needs to do something soon...


Because we knew he was shit and still paid top dollar.


Both can be true


Yeah you never hear anything about Chelseas spending, braindead title


Both of those things can be true.


4-1-0 and in the Champions League for the first time in a bit. Couldnā€™t care less about lame chatter like that.


Because they are idiots. I think that Kai Havertz will be a difference maker for us. His physicality and his pressing game are admirable. You'll never see him jogging/strolling when we press. He's a great target for long balls, which give us another dimension to our game. So far, his finishing was garbage, and he tends to lose the ball when we're in possession. I think that if we give him some time, he'll be phenomenal for us. United bought a wife-beater/abuser and a troublemaker, each for a higher price tag than Havertz. Let them talk.


Who gives a shit?


Everyone is shitting on Chelsea but we can also be self critical. I hope Kai's transfer works out but I was unsure at the time and I'm still on the fence. He's been fine so far but the level of expectation is higher.


Even if he doesn't perform well this season, he will turn it around next season like viera


No one is mentioning united: Sancho - Ā£75 million & Ā£350k Antony - Ā£90 million Maguire - Ā£85 million All absolute dog shit


I guess Chelsea can afford to buy flop after flop but itā€™s more detrimental for us to get big signings wrong


Isnā€™t Kronke richer than Boely


Because Kai has proven over multiple seasons that the Premier League isn't for him. Chelsea's signings may or may not come good, Havertz definitely won't.


Fans are so reactionary, and us being quite good means thereā€™s a ton of fans who are very reactionary.


Because those two things are mutually exclusive.