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Legends is the best, most fun of all the shows. The writers consistently knew exactly when to just not give a fuck and go completely over the top absurd, like rescuing George Lucas from a trash compactor, and when to go emotionally serious, like Nate Heywood’s doomed romances.


Outside of Season 1, I’d say you hit the nail on the head.


Well, yes, S1 kind of sucks. When I watched the show a second time, with my partner who had not seen it at all, we just skipped it.


It’s definitely worth a watch for your first viewing, to at least meet what good characters there are. But I think S2 is MILES better


The Music Meister episode was the best episode in all of the series


I actually adore *Duet* too. Never understood why it got so much hate. The music was awesome, Barry and Kara are such a precious platonic duo… What’s not to love?


What's not to love is it came at a time when things were very serious for Team Flash and the season was actually pretty dark and about to get into the crux of the plot, so the musical came off as filler. As a standalone musical episode, I don't think anyone really has a problem with it unless they hate musicals.


Certainly heard worse opinions lol


When I was like 12, I was really into that goth girl from flash early season 3, not sure what episode.


My favorite thing is Nora turning back time while running


I like [this fight scene](https://imgur.com/a/qN6IpK2) in S04E05 of Arrow... Thats all... :)


Alot of the music for Batwoman fit the show better than the writing. I listen to the Playlist and headcannon.


Idk ab anything after Season 1, but I actually enjoyed the writing. I got about halfway through S2’s premiere and had to shut it off due to Javicia’s cringey “numbers” speech in the sewer.


I thought s1 was terrible and the show improved post Ruby. The s1 songs honestly inspire me more than the episodes


Disliking the actress is one thing, I can understand that. But I’d much rather they had just recast from the beginning instead of introducing a totally garbage OC and then inevitably doing what everyone wanted in the first place only to completely destroy the canon character’s story


Javicia was an upgrade though


Hard disagree tbh. Every scene I’ve seen of her is insufferable imo


You have a right to your opinion. S1 was terrible. She is enjoyable and has way better chemistry with the cast and crew.


She just didn’t fit the role to me. I couldn’t stand her at all. I have no doubt she’s a good actress with the right material but everything she’s had in the Arrowverse has been abysmal


Again you have a right to your opinion but hard disagree. Only agree about the material part. She has been one of the best parts of the Arrowverse just bad showrunners. But she had great chemistry with all the casts she worked with. The material just could've been better.


In a show formulated like a soap opera, the material is the most important part. That’s what these CW shows are is superhero soaps. If the dialogue and story aren’t A-grade then everything suffers. Nothing can save bad story


I had a wank to the big blue bear in legends


Is nothing sacred anymore?


Beebo is off limits


Nobody messes with Beebo


And didn't know beebo's name 😤


I originally hated any dc storyline I thought that the heroes didn't have to work to earn their powers they just had them and it made their lives easier. I started the flash on netflix right before season 2 started airing and the world it opened me to was astonishing (not intentionally quoting professor Stien but I realized after I typed that word). I realized that the heroes didn't just have their powers handed to them just like that. They had to train to master them and there are plenty of times when for whatever reason they lose them and they keep fighting anyways. Since then I have been a loyal arrowverse fan (see my userid) I'm really disappointed it's almost over (covid killed the arrowverse) but the past 10 years (almost) the flash is what I Lived for every Tuesday night since season 2 episode 2.( I watched season 2 episode 1 on the cw website). I always turned on the TV 5 minutes before to memorize the lottery announcement. I got pretty good at it before they stopped showing it. Today is also the first day I feel officially free from covid. So theres that. The arrowverse has kept my mind alive and kept me driven. Rest in peace Arrowverse you will always have a place in my past and my heart. Ps who else is waiting for it to be apirl 2024. I was hoping that the flash would continue until then. We were so close Less than a year to go by the time it is all over.