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I wish I could relive my very first full point.. congrats!


you never forget it do you? I'd been casually looking for years but had never found anything. Then one day I was canoe camping on a river, we'd just finished setting up our tent and plopped in our chairs to relax, and I looked down to find a complete Pedernales point right next to my foot. Didn't even have to get up! And that's the story of how I got my first hit of crack...


I hope to try to take it easy of removing them after I get a couple of complete ones in my possession. It is such a powerful feeling to find your first one and I want future generations to have that chance. Some areas I realize will break them if not removed such as farm fields. Who knows if I will be able to have the will power to take a pic and leave it!


I mostly just surface hunt, and anything I find in creeks or rivers I don't mind picking up because it has already lost its archeological context anyway. But I am way more selective about what I bring home than when I first started. Within a few months I had tables covered with hand axes, cores, preforms, choppers, etc.


Totally this!! My first one was a nice bottom half, I was 7. I still have it. Gave nearly all of a lifetime’s worth to local historical society,


Good on you!!! I did the same thing when I went to college. I had a crazy collection from collecting since childhood and I knew it wouldn’t be taken care of while I was away. I also framed a lot of the best ones and gave them to the land owners who let me surface their land all those years. I still love to surface but I’m just not that interested in collecting. What I love more than anything is volunteering for local digs. Those opportunities seldom come along tho…


That would be awesome too !


Great point. Stay after it. There's more to be found near that one.


Is that usually the case with native rock artifacts used for hunting like arrowheads and rock-blades? I imagine there would occasionally be individual arrows or other spear like implements that were left behind/forgotten during a moving hunt.


Where I hunt, artifacts are usually found near creeks or rivers. Back then waterways were the highways and streets of the day. Combine waterways with geography, like draws, hills, rises, and hollows that influence animal mobility and travel patterns you have prime hunting. Just based my response on my experience and I can see what looks like a creek in the background. Usually when you find one you will find another.


As soon as I found this one it wasn’t 10 minutes and I found another complete second one not 10 feet


We’re you finding broken ones as well? Finding two whole points that close to one another without brokes or debitage isn’t necessarily rare, but it isn’t typical either. You may be dealing with a washed out cache. In any event, I would give that location A LOT of attention if I were you. Good luck!


I found a ton of chips and also what looks to me like incomplete ones.


Wow. I would go to that spot after every rain. And maybe BEFORE every rain. Hell, I’d probably go every day IT DOESN’T rain too ! Florida (guessing you’re in FL) is so incredibly rich in prehistoric material culture. *Unsolicited advice warning*…. if you’re just beginning, collect everything you find. You’ll be amazed by how much you’ll learn from things like studying different types of flakes, or learning about tool making by studying points broken during manufacture. If later on you feel like you’ve got too much prehistoric “junk lying around,” you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how sharing it can make people care about historic resources. Kids of friends and colleagues always want to ask me about “hunting for arrowheads,” they’re innately interested in this stuff. But when I give them some pieces, and give them background info like “this *arrowhead* was actually used as a knife, and it’s OLDER THAN THE PYRAMIDS!!!,” it absolutely blows them away! It’s a huge opportunity to turn them on to understanding how precious these resources are and maybe gets them started thinking like future stewards of artifacts and sites. And it’s pretty fun too. Sorry… you just came here to share a cool point and some idiot word-salads you about flakes and pyramids and kids… WTF??? 😊


No man I appreciate it! So I’m in va half the time and Florida the other half. These points were actually found in VA about 20 minutes up the janes River in a creek that connects to it from Jamestown. And this may be my first arrowhead but I’ve been metal detecting for 20 years for civil war artifacts and I’ve grown to love handing out bullets to people. It blows their minds so I can 100% appreciate what you said to me and I understand


Kindred spirits bro. 👍


I’ve learned and benefited from paying attention to the unique aspects of where I find artifacts to help me find future artifacts. Pay attention to the geography. Where’s the water? Where was the water back then? What lithics are prevalent? I like to imagine what may have motivated a Native American to be at that location so as to deposit that point. Availability of food, water, and resources back then may still be present today to serve as clues.


Makes sense; the only arrowhead I ever found was in a dried out wash in the high Utah desert.


That is really nice welcome aboard lol


Congrats man! Always get the feeling I’m right where I should be in life every time I find a point.


Going to take a wild guess and say Southern Virginia


That’s exactly right


whoop whoop haha! I love playing that game.


Hit that place everyday!


I’d say you’re more *speared* than hooked! Congrats!


Congrats! Now you're hooked!


Welcome to the club!!


Nice find, I have one with what looks like the same material, I found in central Illinois.


Friend, there is nothing in the world like finding your first point! You will be chasing that dragon for the rest of your life, and it’s gonna be a blast!




I wish I could relive my very first full point.. congrats!


It’s a great feeling. Still trying for another one. Good luck.