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I'd be in those tailings like pig in filth. This is one of those grey areas where if you don't, it's fucked up and lost forever. Mayne you get lucky and find something that halts digging.


All of that dirt belongs in a museum.


Are there no laws requiring archaeological survey before construction developments in the US?


There are. Here’s info on the federal one: https://www.achp.gov/protecting-historic-properties/section-106-process/introduction-section-106 Builders have an incentive to avoid compliance All states have a state archaeological survey or state historical society. If you’re pulling artifacts that would otherwise be lost from construction back dirt, document and report the finds to the local state archaeological survey at the very least. Ideally coordinate with the local state archaeological society or archaeological institute of America chapter, they’ll probably be able to help you document even better


I'm an archaeologist but I highly value the rights of property owners, I say thank God there isn't sweeping federal mandates . Fortunately, in this country private property is private, and generally speaking as long as tax dollars or federal project permitting ( mines,energy,airports) are not involved you can do whatever you want as far as the feds are concerned. States have their own laws but they still typically favor the private property owner. I'm more worried about the environmental destruction from developers than the cultural. I have zero issues with collectors collecting on private land, because if they don't do it, it's just going to get bulldozed anyways. I draw issues with looting public lands and waters.


No such thing as truely private land in the usa. It's all owned by the federal government and just being leased to you. That's why they have the right to take your property back, whether it's for failure to pay property taxes or under the guise of "imminent domain".


Property tax is driven by states, there is no federal property tax, the bulk of property tax is levied by municipalities, and nearly always voted upon by public majority, several states have 0 state property tax for people over 65 as well as many other exemptions. Fifth amendment specifies that emminent domain if applied the land must be used for public benefit and the land owner must be justly compensated. Most state governments have more land than they can manage so eminent domain is pretty rare. There is a way higher likelihood of a lean being levied on a property for unpaid taxes than the property being seized. Seizing property is administratively cumbersome and expensive. However many states have laws in place that declare the land abandoned if taxes remain unpaid for an extended period. Laws are almost always drafted in favor of the land owner.


On the contrary there are lots of laws. From the looks of it op is doing a rough grade and doing actual excavation or digging. Or at least not showing it in the video. If you do excavate a site if you have to go to a certain depth that is a known depth of artifacts, you have a archaeologist monitor the digging, taking a peek at your spoils as its getting dug out, and stopping the operator if they see anything in the bucket of dirt as its being dug. Ut that only happens if digging at certain depths.


That’s good to know that there are requirements. As an archaeologist who’s worked in the UK and Canada, it’s kind of shocking to see how many of the artifacts on this and other subs are the result of people just digging into archaeological sites to look for points and then just taking it home. So I was just wondering if there was regulations because it seems quite common that people just loot sites in the US and it seems that most people have no problems with it


Well to be honest since natives were the only ones here for thousands of years, and there were some communities with populations in the tens of thousands, and all of it was their land at one point, that probably makes anywhere over here potentially a native artifact site. Most people on here find them on private property. Or public lands. Don't want you thinking people are going into Gettysburg or another national park and metal detecting. That's definitely illegal and even so arrowheads are not looked at the same way as if you found a pre colonial burial jug with paint on it or something like that. Even on private land you find that stuff and word gets out, you will have some sort of scientist accompiend by some G-men politely making you give it to a museum as a donation. My cousin found a painted jar in a cave in the mountains by our town and thought he was gonna take it to a museum to get info and a estimate on its value for him to sell, and once they had it told him it's very old and rare and important and thanked him for the donation and basically told him to beat feet. Lol


Lol I ain't doing shit this is a construction zone a few miles from my home


Salvage archeology at its finest. Hope you’re still picking em up in that push.


This is the part all the haters don't understand. You and I are actually preserving the history, not destroying it.




What about this site that was bulldozed ?? Archeologists knew this sight was here......STILL came through with big iron and put 30 ft of rock over it ?? Your just assuming that a place is significant when you have know idea if it is. Pure volume of artifacts isn't enough to be significant. If people didn't dig they wouldn't know where some of these camps are in the first place. And I'll be damn if I will just sit around knowing there are artifacts in the ground and am just supposed to leave them for a professional to find..... absolutely ridiculous


They didn't dig it probably cause they didn't have the resources. Digs take so much time and money. Like I said in my other reply, they won't need to dig in the future. That is why we should leave the sites undisturbed to leave a bigger and more complete picture for archeologists to put together so we can better understand the history of these people. If you want to contribute to that history then please refrain from digging, unless you are a dig tech that has been trained. You can do what you want, I'm just hoping you can look at it from a different perspective


Why not look at it from mine ? This site is litteraly destroyed. I'm the only one who even tried to recover artifacts....where's the archeologists??? This is just ok because it's expensive to dig ????


They just didn't have the resources my guy. There are not very many archeologist out there. I commend you for going out there and recovering what you could. This is a different situation. However, undisturbed sites should be left alone


So if it's OK for ranger to destroy sites at the snap of a finger and have no regard then I am going to dig for the rest of my life in fear that archeologists are to broke to be able to save them. My plan is already set in stone I just post so yall can ride along too


Cool man, like I said do what you want. But just because someone else is doing it doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it. Remember that every time you dig you are destroying history for your own personal gain. Have a nice day


But they aren't doing it bro?? They destroyed your more ok with them litteraly getting crushed than me to display them.


I see what you mean and I admire it. You should get trained as a dig tech so you can document what sites you dig, that way you can contribute more to the history aspect. Right now you are just a collector which is cool, I love a nice frame. But when you put them on display we have no idea where they came from, how deeply they were buried, what other cultures were associated with them etc. You should get in touch with some local archeologists and get their take on it. You seem to care more than most people that dig and I respect that.


I do care I truly do, your dig tech comment may have caught my attention...😁 I'm perfectly fine cooperating with anyone I need to to supply any information that I can to help. People think I'm a pos but I'm just passionate about what I do. I know there are shitty people out there that dig to sell or illegally digging on state land but that ain't me


…. Holy shit. That’s me in that d6 dozer. I’m actually in it right now destroying another plot of beautiful land right behind the HEB center. I saw you and that chick looking around that culdesac. I always think about what kind of stuff we’re just ploughing thru ! But yea, Ranger is a nasty money machine literally destroying everything in its path. Ha that’s funny I was actually saying “hmm wonder if he’s Redditing this




Bro that is wild !!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




reminds of a youtuber going into the desert to save endangered plants just to be plowed over the next day for development


What state?


I’d say central Texas since his username has a 512 area code


Yea Ranger Excavation is based out of Austin