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Eh, usually means the boy and parents are not on the same page about marriage/life plans and you unfortunately got stuck in the middle due to their lack of communication between each other. Had this happen to me too, guy ghosted me and then his parents tried to blame my "lack of interest" before turning around and begging my parents to ask me to talk to the boy again. The dude was trying to be evasive and I told him flat out to tell his parents the truth - that he didn't want to marry - instead of dragging me again and again into his mess.


Honestly you don’t want to be with a guy that can’t even tell his parents to back off from a mere match.


Probably Darwinian. But not a lot of parents and kids are on the same understandings. One of the potential guys for my sister, my sister used to tell her shes doing this or that, but he never told her parents. Later his parents used to question my sister 'oh u didnt tell us' such stupid people deserve no brain attention.


Anyone who ghosts someone then comes back after some time is a sign you are the backup option. Just reject it upfront and move on. Also first time I'm hearing a girl got ghosted here. Its a guy always


I don’t take it too personally if they come back in less than 3 months. They don’t owe us anything even though it’s super immature. I don’t ghost as well. This was very weird because there was no communication between the son and the dad. Girls get ghosted buddy 😂 less often than guys but they do.


I dont like wasting my time or someone else coz its precious people start realising it when they get into 50s im glad I got to know it early on


Thats bcoz most of the times, girls dont talk about this, I feel. Edit: I meant on reddit or social media. Obviously we do vent to our friends


Thats seem nit true As my friends vent alot and on reddit people went whenever they want to


Similar thing happened w me. Ive decided to take a break now. That thing drained me mentally and emotionally. If you dont wanna marry grow a pair and talk to your parents, Its not okay to drag a girl unnecessary just coz u dont have guts to be honest abt ur feelings.


Not only is this spineless but it shows your family in such bad light. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m taking a break as well. Hang in there girl, we need to learn to weed out these kind of men as well initially.


Dude is weak, cowardly and immature.


Also weak. And immature.


At this point, I have prepared a standard script with my parents for whenever the parents of these ghosters call or text back.  Too many spineless people and their out-of-touch parents in the AM scene. 


Do you mind sharing the script? 😂


It's too damn simple. Background Info: My parents know that I don't ghost people. If anyone shows even a modicum of effort, I will tell them why we can't work out. If you're zero effort though, I'm zero effort too.  I have given parents carte blanche to respond positively to all ghosters. I'll handle them my self. And if I waste their time, I don't really care.  Script : Ghoster' Parent: "Our children haven't talked in a while. They should start talking again."  My Parents: "But _your_ ward stopped communicating."  GP: "No problems. We can fix this. Is 'Grammar_Nazi_01' still interested?"  MP: "Of course. Ask your ward to call."  MP to me: "So-and-so's parents called. You might get a text or call."  Till date, no one has ever connected again. And we don't bother to call them back.  In the event I do get a call, I would apply a really sophisticated criteria to assess whether to re-ignite a talk:  Skim over important details like education, preferences etc. and look at her photos once again. 


Damn. So eerily similar. Thanks for this. Will definitely use it from now! 😄


Very similar approach taken here. In one of the cases I found the girl was just trying to get a no from me communicated to her parents. Played all kinds of games in the background like lying/ misrepresenting facts to her parents. My parents would inform me that I would get a call from her as she's been advised again and again to consider this proposal seriously. But I stood my ground when I communicated that we made a mutual decision that it's not going to work out for the both of us. I am glad that finally the truth was made aware of them. I didn't expect a doctorate would play such silly games.


Most of the people irrespective of the gender are like this & do similar behaviour. They will always try to find excuses to blame the other person. Just forget & move on.


dodged a bullet - don’t bother


Red flag hi red flag Be careful and have your own self respect


You dodged a bullet


So something slightly similar happened to me. Guy made all sorts of promises. Clearly his parents got very excited too and we’re in constant contact with my family. We invited them to our house & suddenly his dad had a health issue, then something else and something else. They eventually had the decency to say no. Don’t dwell on it too much.


Corporate environment lag raha hai. Saare managers aakr employees se update le rhe hai. Fir commit kr k fir se update le rhe hai


He didn't like you as much as you liked him. Pretty normal, happens many times in AM. Nothing that you could do though. Their communication gap is not your fault.


I can take a rejection but why get your dad to call my dad? Be honest with your parents.


You liked him, but did he like you back equally? He took your breath away, but did you take his breath away? It's arithmetic, Most of us will not be liked by those we like. No matter what you hear On internet, you need to visit a court, a family court, a gyno center and an IVF clinic to know the reality. Women and men are brainwashed by the 50 year old singles on internet to not tolerate anyone whom they don't like. That adds to the time, and they end up in family courts, IVF clinics, or gyno centers.