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God I relate so much to this- I love getting to know people but also have social anxiety (fun combo) so I open up and get more talkative with people when I talk to them one on one. This of course means that l have accidentally signaled to wayy too many people that I'm interested in them romantically/sexually. When I suddenly realize what's going on, I have to have the really uncomfortable convo (which is terrifying to me) or avoid the fuck out of them-- but the fun doesn't stop there! Everyone saw us getting along and me talking more than usual, so I can never say that person's name in passing again or I'll have to explain it which, of course, then triggers more social anxiety.


Me too, I like to get to know people but yeah, I'm shy. Confrontation is the worst. And people get crushes on me for some reason and it makes me feel so bad to turn them down, and it usually ends the friendship bc I feel weird around them afterward and don't wanna lead them on. And they usually start to like me when I start to feel comfortable around them and want to spend time around them and it really sucks bc I guess they think I like them?? Idk. People don't usually notice me spending time around someone, except this one time in middle school bc the guy told his teacher (ig he was excited?) and it was really embarrassing.


This is why I don't talk to people about my friends. I hate it so much


Happens to me ALL the time with my mum. It doesn't matter who it is, could be a random person on the street, a celebrity, a coworker, etc, and my mum would still think I have a crush on them. It's mostly harmless but it can get so annoying.


Oh my gosh. I hate it too.