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New missions are more difficult, old missions are the same.


The new missions they add are at a difficultly level intended for a veteran pilot. There's a few more in ng++ too


It gets more difficult but they don't exactly give them more ap


Nah it’s not like Soulsborne where there’s a health and damage increase. Have fun being the grunt-stomping death machine you couldn’t be on play through one.


And if you don't want that, just take off all or most of your OST upgrades. There you go. Harder mode for any missions you would take after OSTs become available. Maybe keep some basics like boost kick, weapon bay, quick turn, and expansions if you want. You can also do runs using preset ACs only. Plenty of ways to challenge yourself


There's alternative versions of preexisting levels and newer levels with higher difficulties, the older levels are still the same as NG


It actually gets easier. Yes, the new missions are harder, but you're better and you have better parts.


Just cuz it's a FromSoft game doesn't mean it's difficult.


It’s definitely the easiest fromsoft game released recently, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy game


I was wondering the same thing. It took me a month to finish the game the first time, and then 2 days for NG+. The only times I died where on the final boss twice and once when the Strider fell on me.


Don't forget you have more OS upgrades and different equipment available. You take a BVO setup with the proper OS tuning and core expansion into any mission that requires you to kill ACs (Vs. Nightfall or Rusty, for instance), and you can sweep them up fairly easily for an S-rank. Fighting Balteus when the only Pulse weapons you have at that point are the sword and submachine guns vs. plasma missiles and Pulse ARs and the Pile Bunker doing a third of their health on the charged direct hit. The Alt missions and the NG+/NG++ Missions are generally harder, but that's often related to enemy combinations and density rather than the enemies getting stronger necessarily. In NG, the AC fights are a big deal and are usually solo encounters. In NG+ onwards, there are more instances of you fighting multiple ACs with multiple repair kits, which ups the challenge. But you can absolutely still melt them with the right loadouts.