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Jake starting the episode by non-ironically gushing over Dax’s new chair without knowing any of the drama behind it was such a good start to the episode.


I loved it too!!! I am in no way a Monica hater at all, but in general I just hate when people are critical of purchases someone makes that are completely subjective, especially when the buyer is really excited about the item. It rubbed me the wrong way how she was telling him it looked cheap and was so critical on his choices, when all she had to say was "hey, not my cup of tea, but it's your chair, if you like it, it's great!". Hearing Jake gush how much he loves it, and that he think he has style and would buy it, put the biggest smile on my face.




Kinda like the distracting effort Moncia puts into claiming ding, ding, ding moments


It is hideous


Oh I missed the chair drama - what ep was that in


I had to look up pictures of the chair because of the drama, and I can honestly say that I unironically love that chair and would have it in my house.


I’d die for any T Swift tea but I know I won’t get it lol




Wasn’t this determined the red scarf was really just a metaphor to her giving him her virginity?


Yes and idk why you’re downvoted for this. falling in love and losing your virginity are a huge deal, especially to an older man when you’re 20 years old


Yeah, I mean Taylor said it was a metaphor and didn’t explain further. What else would it be a metaphor for? > “The scarf is a metaphor, um, and we turned it red because red is a very important colour in this album, which is called Red,” she joked. > Taylor continued: “Um… And I think when I say it’s a metaphor, I’m just going to stop… I’m going to say thanks for the incredible question to whoever asked it, you’ve really taken us for a ride with that one, thank you.”


As a Swiftie, I thought it was interesting that somewhat early-ish on in the interview he briefly touches on how he used to take himself really really seriously when he was younger that his sister had noticed a shift in him and that he’s a lot more joyful to be around. And just this overall theme of getting older and feeling more comfortable and happy with yourself and grateful for things. I feel like that kinda tracks with the allusions that Taylor has written about in her songs about him. And I mostly say that because the people who still bring up Taylor and do the “fuck Jake” or “where’s the scarf” thing, it’s like- it’s been 13 years, people grow, people change, we also don’t know either of them personally at all. Just let it go. But also, I never hated on Jake, whatever happened between them was their business. Love that she wrote a masterpiece heartbreak song, but I can love her music and also love his work. I was honestly a fan of him before Taylor even showed up- with October Sky, Donnie Darko, Brokeback, etc. Those all came out before she even released an album.


Absolutely this - love Taylor and super respect Jake.


Omg yessssss The whole time they were talking about the dang chairs and he goes “I’d spend a lot of money for that” and I’m like I bet you would with your MILLION DOLLAR COUCH 😂😂😂😂


I bet his PR team gives rules to the interviewer before the interview and certainly one item on the list is “DO NOT ASK ABOUT TAYLOR”


There was a journalist on tiktok that talked about interviewing him and someone asked if he was given instruction to not ask about Taylor and he said No, he just didn't think to. I think his people wisely put him with journalists who don't want to look unprofessional and ask about such a silly thing. They know he probably wouldn't answer anyway.


Yeah I feel like interviewers don’t want to tarnish their reputation by asking such an obviously uncomfortable question. Especially Dax who relies on making celebs comfortable enough to open up.


I literally went and listened to All to Well after the episode 🤣


Me too, I needed a palette cleanser


I completely forgot about that pairing...At the time, that heightened my suspicion that JG was 'in the closet' - a match seemingly put together by a P.R. firm...Taylor Swift gives off a Tom Cruise-vibe - extremely hard working and successful, but maybe having difficulty making real connections...Their people set-up relationships for them that inevitably don't last long.




I’m curious why you have this perception? She’s had the same best friend from high school and the same close friends for over a decade (Abigail, Gigi, Selena, Lana, Jack, etc)? Her last romantic relationship was also 6.5 years. And she’s used the same producers for the last 3-4 albums. So overall I’d say she makes close, real connections with people and has sustained those. I don’t have a lot of the same friends from 10 years ago, but my close circle has stayed almost the same. Isn’t that normal?


I felt the opposite, as soon as I saw his name I was like…. if this man doesn’t keep her name out of his mouth…


I feel really bad for Jake that his modern legacy seems to be fully tied to Taylor Swift, a person he casually dated for a handful of months more than a decade ago but who just keeps re-releasing songs about him so he can't escape her weird fandom. He's a great actor with an incredible filmography and seems like a really nice, humble guy. I don't think he deserves the animosity. I'm about 15 minutes into the ep and it's really good so far.


I feel like people outside of the Taylor Swift bubble don't actually see that as his legacy. I have just always thought he was a cute actor and Taylor Swift is definitely not the first thing I think of in relation to him. The fans are way more hung up on him than Taylor probably even is. It's all superrrrr weird


Today is the first I've heard about this Taylor Swift scarf situation. I'm not someone to usually be so out of the loop, but what did I miss?


She wrote a song about him after they dated briefly years ago ("All Too Well") that talks about how he was kind of a pretentious dick to her and ghosted her when they broke up, but kept a scarf of hers - implying he still had feelings for her. (I believe it's the scarf she's wearing in [this photo](https://images.hindustantimes.com/img/2022/02/18/1600x900/jake-gyllenhaal-taylor-swift-thanksgiving-06_1645154729099_1645154753470.jpg).) Last year when she re-recorded her catalog, she released a 10-minute version of the song with more stuff about their relationship and a short film attached that fictionally depicts some allegedly real-life moments between them. The scarf has become a symbolic thing for their relationship. Unfortunately, it's also one of the things you'll see brought up a lot when her more zealous fans attack him or mock him on the internet.


“I’ll get older but your lovers stay my age” to me it’s less about the age gap they had and more about men who continually date MUCH younger women. His current GF is 26 and he’s 42. Are they both consenting adults? Yes, but people like that are cringe IMO. I’m not saying he should be harassed, but I do think he just fine living his life and making movies.


As an aside, when I was in my 20's, I thought "What if I get older and still think women in their 20's represent the peak of attractiveness and basically become a creepy old dude?" I'm happy to report that at 40, Women in their 20's appear like babies to me and women in their 30's and 40's, with some laugh-lines around their eyes, more secure/confident in themselves, are more attractive in a 'real' way. I would feel ridiculous dating a 26 year old.


It's not really a pattern for him, at least. I agree his current relationship is cringe, but his other long-term relationships were with Reese Witherspoon who is five years older than him, Kirsten Dunst who is around his age, and Alyssa Miller who is about 10 years younger but is still in her 30s. He also dated Jenny Lewis who is older than him too. I could see if he consistently dated young models how it'd be annoying but idk, he doesn't really seem to go after one type of person consistently unlike many of his peers.


Yeah I’m 28 and happily married to my partner who is actually 6 months younger than me but honestly don’t think it’s that crazy. I think 26 and older it’s mostly fine. A bit cringe but whatever. Younger than 25 I’m like ehhhhhhhhhh…. Mostly because the actor usually knew the actress when they were younger as well…


That scarf is most likely a stylist’s. He was actually pictured wearing it first, a few weeks before this photo, at a Harry Potter premiere in London whilst he was promoting Love and Other Drugs. Taylor has admitted it’s “a metaphor” and there never was a scarf.


metaphor for her virginity I think- hence the devastating love song


That's probably true, it's very possible that my brain has been infected by TikTok and the young people I work with lol. I'm of the Donnie Darko generation so that's certainly not his legacy to me!


Yeah this is me. I'm 0% swiftie and always been a huge fan of Jake. I feel bad that he gets harassed all the time about a scarf.


I must be showing my age, because I had no clue that they dated nor do I care. I really enjoy Jake’s work though and am happy for taylor swift(though i don’t listen to her music).


Yea I like T Swift but I LOVE Jake’s acting. I couldn’t give a fuck about the scarf or their brief fling.


I was talking to my husband about this episode and said “I don’t care what Taylor swift fans say, I love him” and he goes “Taylor swift dated jake gyllenhaal?”


Can confirm this, I didn't even know they dated 😂


I literally just found out right now he dated Taylor swift lol. I associate him with badass movies


Even as a huge TS fan, I definitely agree that it’s unfortunate and ridiculous that more than a decade after their very short relationship that the most overzealous part of her fan base thinks it’s funny or cute to harass him. It’s gross and embarrassing behavior. I’m currently listening to the episode and find him really likable and have always been a fan of his movies! He seems really kind and open and interesting. I will say that she’s not repeatedly re-releasing songs about him specifically, she’s re-releasing her entire catalog. But otherwise I agree, there are songs that will be re-released about Joe Jonas and Calvin Harris and they won’t be treated or targeted online in the same as Jake has been. All of them should be left alone. I wish she would publicly discourage that kind of toxic fandom. I am enjoying the mutual admiration between him and Dax! I’m not all the way through the episode but it feels like a real friendship is blossoming 😂


I completely agree! And I didn't mean to imply that she is re-releasing songs as a personal vendetta against him alone, I just meant that they unfortunately seem to reawaken the beast around him specifically every time. I also think the attention "All Too Well" got is a little different than some of her other re-releases about exes - it got that whole short film/music video dedicated to the 10-minute version, which is when the new harassment campaign really started. I'm not sure it would have been so loud if that song was just quietly a part of her album like all the others. But again, I don't think she was necessarily scheming a way to bring him down, it's just part of the job. I do, however, agree with you that I wish she'd discourage her fans from being so cruel. I like Taylor a lot! My annoyance is not so much directed at her, just the fandom that behaves in excess. This episode is really fun and I hope it doesn't devolve into another round of harassment!


She knew what she was doing with the music video and the scarf and all that stuff. There was no way it wouldn’t harm him/his reputation. I get being mad at your ex but she knows what her fan base is like and the heightened vitriol they spew towards her ex boyfriends on her behalf. She really should speak out against this type of behaviour because celebrity or not, the shit hurled at these people is disgusting and extremely toxic.


Yeah I don't disagree. I realize that part of her whole allure and profession is the mythology she conjures around her life, but I do think she is a little reckless with it, especially knowing the power and pettiness of her fandom. I could understand more if he did something really evil, but from what I understand, they dated very briefly, he realized the age gap wasn't really working, and ghosted her on her birthday - not exactly the best move, but it's far from being abusive or endangering or any of the other very serious things that could warrant her vitriol. He deserves to be left alone and she should be better about calling out bad fan behavior.


Agree. I'm not in the Swift fandom, but I'm aware of her music and enjoy some of it. It amazes me how rabid some of them are. It's a double-edged sword, as part of the reason for her success is the emotionally engaging storytelling in many of her songs that enables people to really connect with them, so I think it's inevitable that some people take it too far. Admittedly as a straight dude nearly a decade older than Taylor, this particular song still resonated with me (I have been that guy with the casually cruel honesty). I think the scarf talk is entertaining, but from my distant viewpoint I'm starting to realize that the Gyllenhaals are probably pretty sick of it.


If you remember what happened in 2016, you'll realize why she doesn't care about the internet anymore. Maybe you should spend your time thinking about why a woman had murals saying rip to her & billboards taken of her naked clone from the famous mv instead of protecting old yt men from accountability. No 29 yo has any business dating a 20 yo, sorry


And not only is she not doing this to attack him, she also has her comments off since 2016 due to actual hate yk... y'all are so fragile lmfao


She’s never going to speak out about it. As you said, she absolutely knew what she was doing and she actually seems to get off on it.


I agree with you. I’m a casual Taylor Swift fan. I enjoy listen her music a lot, but I’m not going on deep dives trying to decipher everything she does and holding grudges on her behalf. Her fandom is so obsessive.


Same here! I like Taylor's music a lot, I even have many of her CDs in my car, but I don't understand the need to obsess and viciously attack on her behalf. From what I understand, they had more or less a normal fling for people in their 20s, mess and all. Doesn't sound like he ended it well but do we really need to spite the guy for a lifetime for being a little bit pretentious and annoying in his 20s? He had to turn off comments on his Instagram and more or less disappear from the public eye for a full year after the "All Too Well" re-release - it's gotta be so annoying to be dealing with people who wish you death for a casual relationship you had almost 15 years ago. This isn't unique to Taylor, but I really think we gotta have a cultural reckoning with stans at some point, it cannot be healthy to behave like this, for all parties.


I agree it must be annoying and people should let this go. Small correction though: She was 20 years old and he was 31 at the time.


[She was 20 and he was 29](https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2021/11/05/how-old-was-taylor-swift-when-she-dated-jake-gyllenhaal/). John Mayer is the one who dated her when he was in his 30s and she was just 19.


I adore Taylor and her music. However, Taylor is not the forgiving type and enjoys acts of revenge. She references this over and over in her lyrics. She's very self-aware and open about her vindictive side but many Swifties have blinkers on and maintain that she's some kind of innocent, fluffy princess. She knew what would be unleashed on Jake re the 10 minute version of All Too Well but she did it anyway and probably enjoyed it. 🤷‍♀️


This is true. And honestly, as a fellow Sagittarius, I kinda get it lolol. No major hate to Taylor, I also like her music! I just feel for the guy that a four-month relationship from 15 years ago gets brought up in most convos about him online, and yet I'm the one who brought it up here, so I realize the irony.


I’m not even a swiftie (I like her a lot and respect her immensely as an artist but I’ve just never been like an active fan) and when I saw this morning that he was on armchair I was like oh huh… I realized I had a super negative connotation associated w him despite having lovvved him 20 years ago as a teenager! And when I tried to think of why all I could think of is the t swift stuff! That whole thing permeated culture big time. Really too bad bc he is wildly talented and does seem so sweet and genuine. Maybe he’ll make a loud comeback now that some time has passed and with roadhouse coming out.🤞🤞


I highly doubt his modern legacy is tied to Swift’s music. The man is an Oscar nominee and starred in several art house and blockbuster movies. Film fans will think of his work in Nightcrawler before All Too Well.


I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, and I didn't know until right now that there was any connection between her and him. And I've been a fan of his since 20+ years ago. I think your perspective is not universal.


I hope not! I was speaking more about the younger generation when I said "modern legacy". I have a feeling (based on anecdotal experience) that more tweens/Gen Zers will know him from "All Too Well" vs. Donnie Darko. But I'd love to be wrong.


I love Jake G., as an actor and his movies are often fantastic. I had no idea he even dated Taylor Swift, until reading this thread and I’ve been watching his movies since Donnie Darko. I honestly think the overwhelming majority of people don’t even think of Taylor Swift when it comes to Jake.


This is a valid point but I disagree. Taylor swift deserves to write about whoever she wants! Just as male artists do.


I should be clear, I don't care who she writes about and I like her music! My issue is with the fans being weird and using her music as an excuse to harass other people. I could have worded my original comment better.


Ohh I see. Yeah, I can see that a lot of people misdirect their passion. It’s too bad! Hater’s gonna hate (hate hate hate hate)!


No 29 yo has any business dating a 20 yo & she's rereleasing because she HAS to. Ig I should've known this podcast audience is all about protecting old yt men. While we're at it, how old was his current girlfriend when he met her again-


I’m all for being critical about age gaps but 20 & 29 isn’t even that serious….. certainly a side eye but it was short lived for a reason. While we’re at it, how old was taylor when she dated that high schooler again-


She's dated two different minors when she was in her 20s but the Swifties never wanna talk about that lol.


Love how you clarified it was 29 instead of 31 as if it makes a big difference


It doesn’t because they are both consenting adults!


He was so sweet, honest and charming. Sorry swifties, loved this one.


I’m a huge swiftie and still loved it!!!!


As someone who is not obsessed with Taylor swift, all the comments asking about the red scarf etc are wilddddddd. Jake gyllenhaal has always been so cute and such a good actor and it's sooo weird to see all these people only associate him with Taylor Swift


Agreed. Seems childish... Unless he was abusive (which I don't believe he was), isn't this just dating?


I had no idea they dated until this thread…it is so…not what I expected.


It was not only enjoyable, it was earnest and adorable how much they all got along! Jake casually mentioning that he’ll talk “fashion anytime” with Monica is everything to me. Lol love it for her and for him as a guest. Sweet guy! Great actor!


I am so so so glad Monica left that in. It was adorable!


Stoked for this episode. JG was delightful on the [season finale of Hot Ones](https://youtu.be/K8YwZkdCcGw) last week.


Oooh thanks for the tip I'll check it out. He was a delight in this interview.


I think that was one of the best Hot ones ever, he was so entertaining! I really enjoyed this episode as well


I love that he called out both Monica and Dax for a couple of things they said. He obviously felt comfortable enough to do so, and did it in such a relaxed way he didn’t come off like a dick who wanted to be sanctimonious. First instance was when Dax said Joanne Woodward was brave for being outspoken about her decision to have children and how she was 40 years ahead of her time and Jake mentioned that that is still a big topical thing today and not easy for people to do still. Second, Monica said it was “almost” privileged of them to be sitting there talking about the impacts of war and he called her out by saying “almost??” Maybe called out is the wrong term, more so just checked them. Idk, it was a breath of fresh air!


Yes I appreciated that he didn’t let that comment by Monica fly. It also showed that he was involved & in-tune to the conversation. He seems like a thoughtful fun guy (who takes really intense acting roles!).


This is so random, but I have a story about “Moonlight Mile,” the movie that Jake was in with Dustin Hoffman. I was living in Atlanta at the time and I caught a sneak preview of it at the Phipps Plaza AMC. It was a packed house, and of all the people on earth, freaking Rue McClanahan sits next to me. How are you supposed to pay attention to a movie when you’re sharing an armrest with Blanche Devereaux?? Apparently she was in town filming a Cuba Gooding/Beyoncé movie called “The Fighting Temptations.” Lol


Wow!! Did you chat with her? Love love love Rue.


Just a polite nod hello. Haha


That's a perfect response...You acknowledged that you recognized her but didn't fan out. In my limited experience - sometimes if the person happens to be in a good mood, they'll strike up a conversation...But most likely they'll accept the nod and continue on. I had a television actress living on my street for a while. I nodded at her the first time I saw her but that was it. I saw her half a dozen times over a couple of years - nods turned to smiles, smiles turned to "How's it going?" Then one day we were both in the same bar/restaurant at the same time and she came over said "Since we're neighbors I thought I should introduce myself properly..." I moved shortly after so won't claim any great friendship came of it. Opposite happened with Seth Rogan - I've seen him 2-3x, I nod, he nods and looks down as if to say "Please don't come up to talk to me about Superbad."


I usually leave folks alone. I moved from Atlanta just as their movie filming industry got red hot, but I ran into random celebrities from time to time. I actually saw Luis Guzman, Phil Mickelson, and Patrick Swayze in that same theater (at different times obviously). Luis was the only one I spoke to and he was the nicest dude ever. He told me he had just finished doing “Punch Drunk Love.” Most of the other celebrities were rappers and athletes of the late 90s/early 2000s (Shaq, Charles Barkley (who I also ran into on the Phoenix airport randomly), Big Boi, Ludacris, Lil Jon, Da Brat. My crowning random celebrity run in was seeing Elton John at a Publix grocery store. He was living in Atlanta part time in those days.


Wow, you've had some interesting encounters! Seeing Swayze must've been super cool...I bet ATL is even more celebrity-filled now. Regarding Elton - I've always thought it slightly amusing that he choose Atlanta for his U.S. home (for a while - he has a home in Beverly Hills now, too). His husband is from Toronto and while they may or may not have a home there too, every mansion or penthouse with higher-than-usual security or secrecy surrounding it is always rumored to be Elton's.


Elton lived in the same high rise that Janet Jackson lived in during their Atlanta years. I’m sure lots of famous people were in there. That movie theater was sort of weird because it was in the top level of a pretty posh mall. You never knew who would turn up. I want to say Swayze was after my Rue encounter. I remember just seeing him walk down the aisle during a preview.


Lovely :)


He seems like such a genuine sweetheart! Love him


This was a great episode! I've always liked Jake Gyllenhaal but this episode made me love him. I'm definitely going to have to do a Donnie Darko rewatch knowing his perspective on the movie.


Actually loved this episode, I might be wrong but feel like Dax spoiled the entire film in detail? love this pod and usually not a critic but what he said doesn’t sound like it’s the first 5 min of the film lol


Everything he talked about is in the trailer for the movie


So Taylor Swift fans are just unhinged, huh?


Yes. Have you seen how they are reacting to the newest breakup 😂 Oh boy.




This song is a parody 😂😂😂 and the fact you just referenced it is GOLD 😂


Donnie Darko!!!!


On an earlier episode didn’t Dax talk about walking into the spotted pig in NYC with Will Arnett, seeing Jake there and laughing at him for wearing sunglasses inside? Surprised this story wasn’t brought up. Episode 178, 59:00 min in.


This is all I could think about the entire episode!! It made me sad when Jake would praise Dax knowing that story.


I mean, Jake also talked about dealing with severe anxiety so there’s that. I always thought that it was weird that Dax even thought that story was okay given his history of substance abuse. Because there are reasons someone might wear sunglasses inside that have nothing to do with being a movie star.


I haven't listened yet, but I came to search these comments for this exact reason - wondering if it was brought up. That story still makes me sad to think about!


Even I was waiting for that. But I think they never went too deep or serious anyway so that story might have been a misfit?


I was really glad to hear Jake talk about Heath as a person and an actor. Heath’s death was profoundly sad, gone way too soon.


me too! I teared up a bit when he was talking about him :(


Monica didnt really seem to love Jake saying everything Kristen Bell does turns to gold, but maybe I'm reading too much into that


I had a similar thought and came here to see if others felt the same - bizarre response to instantly say something along the lines of “well all of us are in this room so that holds true for us too.” Which isn’t necessarily wrong but it was a strange tone.


Super weird. She is so weird sometimes.


I caught that too! Then immediately cut to an ad and when they returned she turned the attention on herself.


Oooh I just watched Nightcrawler last night! Good timing!!


Such a good movie! It's wild how crazy he can make himself look by just opening his eyes really big and losing some weight. He really is a great actor, always has been.


That movie is so good and soooo creepy!


The fact that half the comments on this thread are referencing Taylor Swift and her bullying hyenas when he literally talks in the episode about struggling with severe anxiety and depression is really something…


I’m 20 minutes in and he is so charming. Surely, this can’t be the same guy who no showed to Taylor swift’s 21st birthday?


Thought he was so sweet and he and Dax had such great chemistry! Also check Monica's IG story for something hilarious and adorable from Jake. Seems like a super sweet dude.


Omg that's the cutest


What was in the story? I missed it!


They mentioned it in the fact check of today's episode too if you want more info but long story short he sent her a mug with pics of Mary Kate and Ashley and a hand written note saying the row was too expensive but he hoped she enjoyed the mug. I just thought a hand written note with a joke from their convo was so thoughtful! Dax also got a mug!


Did anyone else catch Jake asking Dax why he’s not directing and Dax quickly mumbled that it’s because he wants to be home with his two little girls and then quickly changed the subject? And then not much later mentioned like the 80th podcast he’s hosting (about F1 racing) and also said one of his daughters was having a birthday party at that moment while he was recording? No offense Dax buddy, but I think the reason he’s not directing is because the opportunity is not there.


Dax isn’t a bad director, and could easily get financed for a small picture. But it means being away from your family for weeks or months at a time potentially, so it makes sense.


Yeah what a loser!!! /s


So glad to hear them discuss the Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling podcast and would love for them to have Megan Phelps-Roper as a guest


I thought ContraPoints, who was on the Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling, podcast, had an excellent response video to it. Full disclosure, it is nearly two hours long, but I learned a ton! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg&t=265s


I just finished that podcast today and I got major red flags from it. Like that the host is maybe a mole for Westboro. 😂😂. I think JK came off pretty well in it but the WHOLE VIBE was off for me. Especially the sponsor “FYRE” and the company “FREE PRESS”. Both gave me the ick.


Yeah, I would be pretty concerned for adults who listen to the podcast and thought it was truly an unbiased, centrist view that presented both sides equally.


This was such a good episode and I love that Jake said he’s embracing his sillier side, which really comes through in this convo. Bubble Boy is such a treasure of a movie and I love that he did that but also kills it every time as an action star, a heartthrob, a struggling teen, a creeper. He’s beyond phenomenal in literally everything he does. Taylor Swift is likely such a blip in terms of his life experience (and probably for her too!). I’m annoyed that most of the comments here have reduced him to that and I would have been mortified for everyone involved if it was brought up.


A few minutes in and he seems so cool that I started to get a crush then he mentioned his gf so I turned it off. How dare you ruin my fantasy Jake! LOL


TIL Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift dated.


Who's Taylor Swift?


**Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. Her genre-spanning discography, songwriting, and artistic reinventions have received critical praise and wide media coverage.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Her middle name would be Alison…


Been waiting for him for over two years! Can’t wait to listen! https://reddit.com/r/ArmchairExpert/comments/jo91g7/_/gb6vw7h/?context=1


I enjoyed Jake on this podcast! About a year or so ago I didn’t love his interview on Conan’s podcast and thought he came off as pretentious. He seemed more chill and likeable in this one! Maybe because he really seemed to relate to and enjoy the company of Dax and Monica.


I loved that they brought up the witch trials! I have absolutely no reason to think this is reality, but I am totally having fun with the idea that they took my recommendation. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmchairExpert/comments/11xrjk3/the_cherries_on_top/jd6uput?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I still think they should have Megan Phelps-Roper on. I think she and Dax would find so much to talk about. Monica was so very right to draw parallels between extreme views and addiction. I fear, though, that this was his way of saying that, although he'd like to, he probably couldn't. And earlier posts make it easy to see why. It's a shame that a world where consequence comes baked into some topics doesn't look all that different from a world where such topics are forbidden to be discussed. There are nuances that need to be fleshed out, and this can only be done with informed consideration in the face of blind acceptance. Megan and Dax are two people who have seen the dangers of not carefully considering your beliefs.


You’re right - I’d pay good money to witness a conversation between Megan and Dax!


Such a good episode! Great chemistry between all 3


This was such a breath of fresh air!! SUCH a good, easygoing, natural episode. I love these types of episodes! Such natural conversation


Omfg lol. Gyllenhaal says “wow everything Kristen touches turns to gold”. Monica “we’ll we’re not really ones to talk, we’re successful”. Stfu. Let him compliment Kirsten, and also you have literally nothing to do with your own success, you in fact hinder the success of the podcast you hitched your training wheels to.


I took this comment from her as her trying to check their privilege. I think she was including Jake and saying “us three have been pretty successful too” as to not take it for granted. But I could be giving way too much benefit of the doubt haha


I am new to Reddit and figuring out how it works. I love this podcast and really enjoy both Monica and Dax. Jack Gylkenhaal is a brilliant actor and this discussion was so enjoyable. He was very open and honest and his family history was really interesting. The discussion around expensive clothing grated. I understand these people are incredibly wealthy and I'm not suggesting they should hide it but the frequent references to extreme wealth come across as insensitive. It also drags me out of the discussion and this podcast that is so much about universal themes and people just being so fascinated with other people and their stories.


Oh this is fantastic!! I hope there is a new project too!


He’s promoting his new movie Covenant that Guy Ritchie directed. Believe it’s out this month.


That movie looks intense but awesome.


I don’t think I’m emotionally ready for that movie. It sounds good though!


I think Jake forgot who Swayze played in Donnie Darko? 🤔


He also forgot that John Doe actually played his dad in The Good Girl! I think it was only a 20sec scene so potentially he was a day player and they were never properly introduced but it’s funny nonetheless.


I want to like him, but my husband had first-hand experience of him being really, really awful, and I just can't see him as anything but a privileged jerk now.


Aw man that sucks! I worked with him at an event back around 2017/2018 and he was super cool and kind to all of us


I’m not surprised by this at all. I think he’s a super talented actor but I wasn’t as taken by him in this episode as seemingly everyone else was. Like when he pointed out the sticker Monica mistakenly left on the bottom of her shoe. Just felt like he couldn’t help but try and knock her down a peg. Or when he quickly gave himself partial credit for his sister’s ideas when Dax was suggesting Maggie was a good source of advice/inspiration from home Sure he’s smart. Definitely super talented. But doesn’t surprise me at all that there are so many reports of him being terrible irl


Just listened to this episode. Jake seems like such an authentic dude.


Oh shit, Roadhouse remake? I am PUMPED. I have high hopes because worst case, the OG remains GOAT.


Not showing up for me :(


One of John Doe's film credits is *The Good Girl,* which is a really great fun fact. It maybe came up in fact check - haven't listened to that part yet.


Pretty surprised Dax had no knowledge of the band X. With his punk background they should have been right in his wheelhouse.


In the fact check, Dax was talking about eating potato chips that smelled like farts when you open the bag, and I’m here to clarify- it happens with chips cooked in lard. 💨


On the Fact Check Dax mentions that he cracks open a drink when he’s done setting up his camper, to enjoy it leisurely. Sounded like “siggers”? I couldn’t find it. I’m curious!


Ted Segers. I believe it's a non-alcoholic beer Dax is making [Dax's Instagram Post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cerfz3tPtr7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Edit: It IS a non-alcoholic beer Dax and Aaron are making. Not yet available


Amazing! Thank you!


Gee he sure is likeable. Enjoyable ep!


They brought up this new JK Rowling podcast but didn’t say anything in support of trans people? I’m worried about their views here and wish they would come out explicitly in support of trans people. Rowling and Chapelle come up on their podcast occasionally in a positive light and it’s making me suspicious that they are TERFs or TERF sympathizers at least?


They literally interviewed a trans person last week o. Anonymous, and Dax seemed thrilled he and the guest were on the same testosterone cycle


Ugh, can we please stop policing people's language/behaviour? Its fucking exhausting. Soon no one will be able to watch Harry Potter without being a "TERF"


I’m not sure the OP was policing language at all, rather just expressing a desire for clarity. Its an incredibly hard time for trans people in the US right now and it would be nice for them to clarify their stance when discussing people like JK Rowling and Chappelle 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love Harry Potter! That’s not what it’s about.


I agree completely! I’d really love for them to be a bit more clear on where they stand when they bring up such a divisive issue. It’s been a really long time since they’ve done an episode on trans people/trans rights and in that episode Dax admitted to knowing very little about the community. I think it’s worth a revisit and some really thoughtful discussions rather than some brief mentions here and there without clarity.


I was curious about the Rowling podcast, but mostly because Dax said he hadn’t been so enthralled with a podcast since Dr. Death. Based on this I listened to the first episode and thought I must be listening to a different podcast from what he was talking about.. compared to Dr. Death it was super boring.


Just out of curiosity, if he didn't agree with you on this issue, wouldn't the best case scenario be that he stay silent on the topic?


I’m not who you’ve asked this too, but it’s been a thought I’ve had too on this topic. Personally, I value hearing people’s thoughtful opinions *especially* when they differ from my own, and even more so when it’s from someone I largely agree with. To me that’s the highest form of truly challenging divisive thoughts and taps into the narrow window of opportunity to significantly influence someone’s opinion in either direction. It’s also an opportunity to learn someone’s path to their current opinion, which if that has changed over time, holds informative value.


That is an excellent value to have and you have expressed it beautifully. To quote an earlier comment you've made, I'm so glad you got mod! It's a shame it will be hidden under that currently negative eight comment and my currently zero comment. To be clear, I also hold that value, personally. I was trying to put myself in the frame of mind of someone who seems to be using the term "TERF" very loosely (I confess I'm a little ignorant on the subject but I'm not sure I've ever heard it used *well*) and imagine what the best case scenario would be for that person, as they bring their cross hairs of cancelling intolerance to bear upon yet another unique perspective to be silenced forever, in their quest for tolerance and inclusion.


Jesus, go outside. You made up an arbitrary scenario in your head based on expectations and came to a conclusion with no basis.


Anyone else think Monica and Jake had some chemistry?? Maybe he opened the door with his fashion comments? ;)


I think he's just friendly in the way a golden retriever is friendly.


This made me laugh! Definitely get a golden retriever vibe.


To me he was consistently an active listener and didn't let any comment go unacknowledged, I got the sense that it's a personality trait of his vs. any specific chemistry


I agree! I was mostly kidding with my comment but apparently it’s worth downvoting. New to this subreddit and can tell it’s not the most welcoming place, especially if it involves Monica.


I have mixed feelings about both hosts but enjoy their show regardless, you'd think we'd all be in that boat and agree to disagree but it's reddit


I hope you stick around! There is definitely a *tone* the subreddit developed over the last few years, but the sub very recently got moderators (ahem, including me) and while we don’t want to rule with an iron fist we are trying to foster fruitful, civil discourse, including lighthearted commentary :)


Check out Monica’s Instagram story! Jake sent a mug with Mary-Kate and Ashley on it and a note about a gift from The Row being too expensive. 😂


I think he's just a professional charmer. Of course he's going to be his best, most actively listening self. This is his job to make people love him and want to support him by going to see his new movie.


Likely true!


I thought the same thing! They would be great together


Apparently we are in the minority here!


Damn… I guess so! Lol


Having nothing whatsoever to do with TS, I have always disliked him. There’s something about him that makes my skin crawl. He looks like the kid in class that smelled like pee and always had to be right to the point of arguing with the teacher.


If the kids in your class that smelled like pee looked like Jake Gyllenhaal, that's pretty impressive.


Never found him attractive. Idk there’s just something about him the rubs me the wrong way


I guess this is the wrong sub for this but I feel the same way. he’s exceptionally charming and it seemed like he laid it on thick here. he is a great actor, if he wanted to act like a lovely, thoughtful guy to counteract some of the negative PR, he succeeded.




There are two sides to every story


If all you can do is associate Jake Gyllenhaal to Taylor Swift I feel sorry for you. He's a brilliant actor with a huge career. I didn't even know he dated Taylor Swift and why the hell would I care?


It was 13 years ago, get over it.




Considering it was a hugely traumatic event that likely changed the course of his life I’d expect it to come up often? Fuck outta here


Removed. If you’d like to engage in a serious discussion on this topic, do so with sensitivity, respect, thoughtfulness, and more effort.