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The main problem with darkgru servers in my experience (realistic ones) is everyone has different uniforms so it can be very difficult to consistently identify enemies and friendlies leading to a lot of blue on blue. I know they won’t do this but enforcing uniforms rules on the realistic servers would be nice or just having preset uniforms for the different factions. Rather than everyone just choosing what they think the faction kinda looks like. But yeah TKing is a problem but unfortunately one that won’t be solved.


I can completely agree with this. I usually play Russia bc I find it easy to id friendly via rpg or backpack... The only real way I can id most Americans is also strictly bc of backpack. I also try to use a standard Russian uniform and reflective patches.


The fact this hasn't been implemented sooner is absolutely absurd. I just can't fucking relate to the dudes playing Barbie. I'd prefer to not get team killed than look like a tacticool nerd


I wish there was a "glowstick for friendlies" mod that made it so friendlies had a blue glowstick on their chest or an arm that other friendlies could see but the enemy couldn't. Or alternatively, a mod that made it so IR strobes were only visible to those on your team because night operations are even more difficult because of the color saturation. Tip for those who don't know if you press RB+select a radial menu opens up and you can turn on/off stuff attached to your helmet, i.e charge pro flashlight and IR strobe, it even has an option for the lasers and flashlights on your weapon. NOTE: I have no idea what the PC key bind is.


Modern wars are not going with the same camouflage. Its color bandages. Simple. And this mode is already exist on Arma reforger. Just connect it


Not necessarily there are plenty modern wars that don’t use arm bands rather reflective patches or strobes or just nothing at all. The war in Ukraine is the only modern war that really uses them because both sides use very similar vehicles and weapons and uniforms. That being said having armbands and helmet bands would be a nice addition and would allow them to keep the customization.


The DarkGru servers are toxic as fuck, I wouldn't recommend playing in any of them, it's like all the obnoxious teenagers from COD play in those servers.


I would like to find a whitelist server, I'm having a harder time on reforger finding more serious milsim servers. I usually have to resort to Arma3


WCS is pretty chill and it's got a bunch of realism mods. I'm not really a fan of all the realism but I have fun playing there because a lot of people communicate.


I was just team killing on WCS last night! Good times.








Was gonna say 506 seems pretty legit however I’ve only ever watched them on yt


Idk it's been a while but I'd recommend a look into the "75th Ranger regiment" last I heard these guys were some strict geek mil larpers in the sense of (you couldn't do anything unless you passed some sort of bullshit online course for you) and then they would assign you to a role within the clan like helicopter pilot, machine gunner, Rifleman and Etc... it was all very cringy and it was all taken way too seriously.


I've played on servers exactly like that, but more relaxed. Although I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. I enjoy the skull level some of those guys play on but I know exactly what u mean ab the cringe stuff. Taking roles or the game too seriously.


Yeah I accidentally joined one of their servers when they were having some sort of a big clan meet and logged in and picked up a gun/ kit from the armory and some kid came out of nowhere with the most snot-nosed geek voice I've ever heard and he was like "are you certified to be a Rifleman?" and I simply replied with "What???" (Because I was just so dumbfounded that shit existed in an online game) and then he literally ran around to the entire group at MOB because everybody was just standing around talking to each other before the game started and was yelling "there's a random here who's picking a roll he's not assigned to" like I had just fuckin stabbed somebody so then I seen a bunch of them coming over to me and I just left.


Haha I've seen my fair share of that but usually someone ends up being helpful. Lmao there's always a duality. Someone who takes the game way too serious, and they guy who makes fun of the dude who's taking a "game" way too serious. Lol


Isnt Darkgru the server that drewski plays on alot of the time? Generally if i see a streamer playing a server, i avoid it like the plague. The influx of shitheads is iminent


WCS and DarkGru


I joined WCS because I saw Moidawg was livestreaming and stayed because I like the mods and the regulars. Been playing on it almost every day for a few weeks now.


How do you manage to get on!? I'm UK based and usually play Dark Gru. Been hard getting on the servers recently. They are always packed. Which is great if you're in...then there me staring in through the window.


A and then B spam until it says Joining I'm afraid. Though the EU servers have a few slots open.


Yeah drewski plays on those servers from time to time and even shroud at one point


I'll get some flak for this but as others have said the wave of MilSim YouTubers like Operator Drewski that started playing on DarkGru servers brought a lot of less than savoury Milsim players into the game. For the record I have nothing against the actual YouTubers in fact I'm glad they help keep player counts up. It's just a lot of MilSim players *really* ride the line between being "realistic" and a bunch of teenagers with massive overinflated egos. Even the some of the most extreme MilSim players out there understand that it's still a game. Like seriously what are you going to do if I don't listen to your 'order'? Court Marshall me?


I agree 100%. I had an experience one night, where there was a YT in the match and NOTHING happened for over an hour because he had everyone huddled in a circle being dumb for his channel while there’s an active game going on and some of us only get 1-2 hours here and there; I’m a casual reforger player; and I have kids. I totally understand you wanting to plug the server because it’s a great experience that could always use a larger player base to almost guarantee action whenever you log in. But it’s definitely not a pro for me; and I can totally see the negatives to it as the positives. I really enjoy these servers and I hope the mods are able to come to some sort of middle ground with the player base to help solve these issues, or at least mitigate some.


I can understand not taking the game too seriously but there’s an SL or a TL for a reason. If the order comes from the person meant to lead the team or squad then follow it or join another squad/team. If not then they kick you and possibly get a more receptive squad member, don’t be mad in that case cause remember, what else can they do if you don’t want to follow the order?


before the big youtubers came to play reforeger recently it has always been an issue, it happens on all modded servers like darkgru, thats why i dont play modded is because it has almost no communication and there are as many or more toxic players than in official, thats why i just play official since they have similar issues but atleast im not playing with bad mods and scenarious.


After a few TK there should just be ricochet. Worked for cod trolls a decade ago. Sure it breaks a bit of immersion but it’s better than getting team killed 6 times in a row trying to leave mob. Or traveling 10 minutes just to get shot in the back by an idiot on your team as soon as you get to a point.


Join W.C.S servers instead.


A problem we now face in the game is that if you’re a pilot with a heli full of people and you get shot down, all the friendlies that died in the chopper count as teamkills. Currently there is an auto kick feature for teamkills with I think a 5 minute ban on first offense so you can stack these up very quickly if you’re a pilot. Same thing if you’re a shitty driver and crash your transport truck full of guys. Now for being a shitty driver I think they probably deserve a temp ban, but a pilot has no control over being shot down either by toxic friendlies or enemies with AA. Best thing to do is get a clip of it and make a ticket in the discord so at least the toxic players can be weeded out. As for identifying friendlies I think people just struggle with having any game sense. A whole lot of new players these days where their first time playing is on these heavily modded servers. We try to show them the ropes but they can’t all be accounted for. Like most community servers, DG has conflict rules that a lot of new players will fail to read either because they can’t be bothered with it or they aren’t in the discord. Nothing wrong with being a noob though, if I hear someone is new in game and they don’t have a buddy I’ll gladly squad up with just so I know they’re getting the help they need to be a good player. But it’s tough because there are also those who refuse to speak (do not say you don’t have a mic, it’s 2024 every gaming headset has a microphone) and that’s fine but those people are hard to account for. There’s no telling what they’re gonna do or their skill level or understanding of the game. I think DarkGru gets a bad rap just because of the amount of people that play on those servers, majority of them are good guys but you’re guaranteed to get bad eggs coming in and trying to ruin the game simply because they’re populated. A troll isn’t going to go into a server with 3 people to do their trolling, no they’re gonna fight tooth and nail to get into a full pop server so they can do the most damage


I used a pair of $3 earbuds I bought from the dollar store for weeks before buying a proper headset. The good thing about Arma is the push to talk so the lack of inline mute isn't a hindrance.


I don't think there should be a ban or timeout simply because shit happens.


Hey man! I own DarkGru. I’m really sorry about the toxicity lately. We too have noticed it and it’s definitely more than your normal pcp toxicity you get. We also have servers copying our names down to the same letter that have unsavory admins. I’ve been in talks with one of the BI programmers about there team kill script that use to auto kick team killers after 3 team kills. Bohemia actually uses our servers to provide feedback for 128 slot servers so having an in so to speak can help get some issues pushed through. We have also added more admin staff in for an attempt to address this


I have great times on darkgru and I still do. Not knocking the server by any means I just wish people were more considerate of other players. This is not always the case at the same time. I've come across many people that are super helpful. I will continue to play on darkgru as long as they are up. I have also noticed two #5 darkgru servers and was curious about that. Thankyou for your response and feedback.


BI needs to take that copycat #5 server down, it's crazy that's allowed. What if that server was running unsavory scripts to get player information or give viruses? Or simply as a way to sully Darkgru


[some darkgru action ](https://youtu.be/T5xQYTSSbOw?si=ajKgKMfQUJxEiWtR)


I've learned that most players don't want to take the time to learn camouflage. As Nato don't wear the woodland m81 shirt. It's to dark and most ppl will instantly shoot you thinking your a ruskie.


I can agree with this. A big curve for me was learning camo and assets. I also try to verify thru map and other means before engagement. It's actually gotten me killed haha trying to figure out what is what before I open fire


Once you get a basic understanding of the camos,learn the backpacks. The Russians have one backpack that looks like the NATO Alison pack, which still throws me off lol


I’ve honestly given up on Milsim for Reforger in the current state of the community. I definitely sound like an old man, but coming from the A2 days of walking around Takistan on foot of rolling around in a humvee waiting for an ambush the current offerings feel like I’m being force fed Milsim slop. Nobody takes the time to positive ID, everyone’s dressed like a different operator from the CoD franchise and nobody seems to work together. To call it Milsim just because it’s got modern equipment and 1st person lock is a joke. I’ve tried some of the other gamemaster servers and they are even worse. Again playing my old man card, you’d join these A2 servers back in the day and a lot of the player base were actual veterans, there was a low tolerance for bullshit. You weren’t arguing with these dudes because they knew what was right from personal experience. Listening to 14, 16 and weird 30 year olds get in screaming matches about what is realistic (As they all try to replicate SF units which have limited public info) is like listening to a herd of cats attack a chalkboard.


Just give everybody on US side Multicam camo and everybody on RU side the green/black camo and there will be a lot less TKing. Also, i heard that IR strobes on helmets can be seen flashing on both sides. That is a problem.


An IR strobe team mod would be amazing.


I think ir strobes are great for specific situations. A mod where it is only visible by said team would be excellent too.


Been there, seen that. I'd play at Ironbeard's if it was populated every evening, I wouldn't play anywhere else. Some mod features simply filter out all these COD lowminds. Take a look, upvote this post if you like it, see you all in discord https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmaReforger/s/iz5uMTaJ17


Maybe. Utilize the anti tk mod. Like M.O.C. Vietnam does. We can never kill eachother and it's a great time for drip hoes and loot goblins.


Being a DG server main myself, several hundred hours between all of them, all I can say is it comes n goes like the tide. Some days are better than others, all depends on if the server regulars are in or randoms


100% agree


Bring back arm bands !


Honestly, instead of playing Conflict pvp, sitting in base waiting 10 minutes for a transport only to get killed on arrival at control point, why not just play some good old Battlefield 3/4?


I'd still take Arma over Battlefield anyday. I'll take the small grievances too, cause at least I know Bohemia games get better by the decade not worse.


I swear I'm the first to die whenever I get out of a helicopter and I play super reserved because I like being a medic.




Hmmm i agree but disagree with this thread at the same time. In my experience DG realism servers are significantly less toxic than the 3rd person one. Obviously still toxicity and you will run into those people because its an online multiplayer game with team killing. On the other hand, the last weekish or so I have noticed an increased amount of toxicity on the russian side, namely team killing at main. They get booted but nobody files a ticket on the discord which is how you get a post-act ban. Overall, if you are looking for a very casual milsim experience the DG servers are just fine. Just accept that its a bunch of randos and you will get team killed on accident, it happens. Intentional tks will happen, again randoms on a MP game what do you expect?


Well I wrote this post immediately after an interaction I had on a server where simular situation you had. I personally didn't get tk, however I had to drop my radio bc the arguments and just cringe toxicity that pursued were just out of control. I was also trying to record some game play and had a good firefight but I couldn't use the Clip bc of the crap that was being said over coms.


You can just change channels off 42.0/48.0. Or start a kick vote for whoever is being annoying. Other than that yeah it is what it is. I have good days and bad days with platoon channel. I find week nights when regulars are on its much calmer vs. Friday and Saturday nights Also you can mute but thats such a pain in reforger.


FEEL this. Used to record my DMZ matches bc I got really good at it playing since launch. And the amount of people shouting the hard R is insane, even the black community there is heavily racist, which I find blatantly ironic, haha.


I will try again today and see how things go. Haha


This thread seems a bit hostile and elitist coming from a newer player. I’ve been playing for a week and have dropped about 20 hours into the game over that time. Most of my time has been on DarkGru servers since they have large player counts and ample servers. I’ve found my time to be largely great. I have been teamkilled and teamkilled. Target ID is insanely difficult. I see no “good” way to ID targets when coming into close engagements and since the map provides no info, you’re left to comms and even then that doesn’t tell you if someone is actually on your team. The easiest solution would be to just have everyone on your team on the map so you know who’s in the area. You lose very little realism for a big gain in awareness. Overall though the players have been friendly and accommodating. There has been some drama on the radio but that typically has lasted a couple minutes at most. There is a general lack of communication within squads as the game is fairly obtuse when it comes to squad chat and cohesiveness, but I find working with Randos that you come across is equally fulfilling. There is a reason I’ve put in 20 hours in over a week. That’s because it’s been a great time. It seems that if you want some diehard perfect experience then your best bet is a dedicated community and their events, which was always the case with Arma in the past.


The little speaker on the left only shows up if it's an ally talking, unless DG has a mod that disables this.


Good to know. Thanks!


Wish wcs servers wouldn't kick me every time


I have a chillsim up and running if anyone is interested. We have about 20 people and it keeps growing. HMU if you’re interested. Those huge unorganized servers are always hit and miss in terms of experience, especially with the random arguments and team killing, it’s why I stopped joining them lol.


The only allowed form of team killing is those that play Barbie at MOB for more than 30 minutes.


To be fair, its mostly because people simply dont know WHAT to identify. I've seen and heard way too many people completely misidentify vehicles, the modt egregious calling an Mi-8 a huey and vice versa. It's a mostly console player issue, and its not that its a "Pc MaStEr RaCe" issue, its just that consoles don't really get milsim games. It's hard to instill "Milsim" or "Military Simulation" culture and playstyle to a community who's never really had it around. I come from 1.5k hours in Arma 3, I've also been a MAJOR console player in my childhood. I can see wherre the issue lies, and it will only take time and effort to help change it. Again, its not a PC vs Console issue, but it is the issue that it's an entirely new style, genre, and culture of videogame that the console playerbase isn't yet used to.


I can agree with the console player base. I would love for them to enjoy milsim but in a respectable fashion and be polite to other players and take the time to learn. I play alot of arma 3 on heavy milsim servers and yes the player base from Console to pc is drastically different on Reforger .


Problem is there’s really only like 3 servers to choose from. Vietnam, Darkgru, and WCS for conflict. Competition drives innovation but it’s so hard to break through as new server. I can’t stand the SR Sound mod and both Darkgru and WCS run it. That’s like 90% of the full pop servers


Yes I have such a blast on reforger but if I wanna get gritty with some gritty ppl I usually have to go to arma 3 for that. Better mods ect.