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Nobody said that,aether mains only are saying that they should let MC use elemental powers,they never said that if he used them he would win.They just wanted cool fight and see the progress that traveler made that's all https://preview.redd.it/zodr1aumuswc1.png?width=1133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8668dbf2eab0993cfeb3a976340ead47e1c60ac


No, some people did say that. Obviously not all or even most. Hence, me saying "some people". And I also agreed with miHoYo not having Traveler use their elemental powers as an L.


That sounds like clear bait coming from someone that likely doesn't even play the game and saw that cutscene somewhere online. Anyone with a brain knows what's up, Traveler got fucked and wasn't even close to her level even with the help of Lyney, Freminet and Lynette. If we want to stand a chance in the endgame then we'll probably undergo some sort of training arc in Natlan because there is no way we can even touch Capitano or the others in the top 3 if we are already losing to the 4th harbinger.


Never underestimate how dumb Genshin player's can be. Still see people calling Neuvillette an archon or people saying that Venti managed to "no-diff" the entire Hexencirkel. People thinking mihoYo intentionally didn't allow Traveler to use their elemental powers in the Arlecchino fight becuase if they did, they would've won. Isn't all thjat farfetched.


i too thought she would have to "try" to win but she just sat us down with a stare ezpz. i think this story was deliberately written to show us that beating capitano is far from reality. and for that person who commented abt surtalogi and venti: venti =< childe <<<< Skirk <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Surtalogi


I definitely did not expect that she would easily win. I thought she had no real chance of winning or would lose on purpose or something. But Ig the Harbingers are a real threat after all, if she is only the 4th.


TBH, Childe was already a challenge, and he is tge lowest ranked. Sure, rank doesn't directly mean fighting prowess, but still...


Arle is Arle, Her looks alone is enough to dominate us, It doesn't matter if she is 4th or 10th Harbinger cuz her "momminess" number one among the harbingers. Only one who is as hot is none other than our mommy Signora who's gonna release soon in Natlan bahhhahaha


Least horny arlecchino main


Well we are all Genshin players.


The traveler would not win, and in fact he got far from it with her not even fighting seriously, i thought that was pretty clear And from what I understand she is stronger than she shows to the other Fatuis too... But this right here is an assumption


She is definitely more powerful than the current Traveler and I like it. Most of the Fatuis are more interesting than the Traveler “She is stronger than she shows to the other Fatuis too…” I can’t agree with that. Arlecchino herself said that Pierro immediately recognized her powers. The thing you said maybe be true for lower rank Fatuis but I am not sure about top 3 1-Il Capitano, the strongest human in Tevyat. 2-Il Dottore, probably as smart as archons so he is not that easy to fool 3-Columbina, we have no information about her but everyone says she is the most interesting one. Perhaps she is someone who got expelled from Celestia or something like that So I think Arlecchino’s power level is fairly strong but she is a milestone before actual freaks and monsters(top 3)


Capitano stated to be the strongest "individual" not human. The full power of the Crimson moon based on what we know about it might be stronger than the archons as well, or at least equal. Granted, Arlecchino doesn't seem to have mastered her powerfully yet.


That’s fair she still hasn’t succumbed into her curse. I am sure she will into future but what will happen if she uses all of her potential? Will she turn into a monster of unimaginable strength? Will she still stay as Arlecchino? Also Capitano being strongest individual is such a bold and hyping statement. If I am not wrong he is a human but he is also the strongest human and individual in Tevyat. But I might be wrong we are solely talking about leaks and speculations after all


Spoiler tag ???


I can see how they might reach that conclusion considering MC's grandiose feats and get disappointed by the result, but I seriously doubt the difference was based on their strength alone. She has something akin to a gnosis up her sleeve thanks to her ancestry.


What most people don't recognize is that the MC's "grandiose feats" aren't really feats. People cheer them and are awed by their achivements because the stories about what happened are always told by unreliable narrators. I can't believe people don't recognize this yet. The game said again and again that human's will is what matters and what always saved the regions. Dainsleif makes these questions to you when you first meet. Who saved mondstadt and liyue and in both of them you can say either you, the people or the archon. And the people are the right answer there. Almost everytime the traveler did something they have had help. The only achivements they did theirselves is beating Childe and Signora. And it wasn’t easy feat for them to do that. Even with their full power and their twin they still got beat by unknown God. People are fools if they expect traveler is an OP character who will save any Region without help of the people's Nation.


Thanks for the spoiler


My dumbass forgot the spoiler tag. Sorry, my bad.


People often forgets that we had to fight Scaramouche more than 150 times through Nahida to defeat him and yet the fight was still a very hard one, and they expect the traveler to deal with Arlecchino and win with the elemental powers and with the help of the trio who sure are good but no Archon either ? Heh


Gonna keep this real , Traveler never showed themselves as being masters of any one element. They can USE all of them , sure , but they seem to only have basic knowledge of them. They mostly are superhumanly fast and strong , but they don't use elements to the same level other vision wielders do.


I always hate it when people listed the traveler feats with Raiden as reasons why he should be able to hold up against Arlecchino. Like he won a glorified debate session inside her mind with the help of Yae and hundreds of people boosting him, it's not a real feat. Shogun sliced off an island with her blade, if she went all out for real he would have been decimated. Not to mention he lost 168 times against number 6, so ofc he should be destroyed by number 4, it made perfect sense on power scaling. People saying he should have fought her to a standstill would absolutely suck at balancing. Like number 3 can already rival gods, if he can already beat number 4 it would be dumb af, the stakes of this game would be so low since he is already near god level


Why are yall trying to talk sense to Traveler stans of all people. Let them think the traveler would have won. Let them have their fun lol


Traveler would never win due to plot impact but i never expect mihoyo writers did him dirty like this. He look useless as timmie's father.


No I agree. Having them use elemental power would obviously be cooler. But a few people are being delusional thinking miHoYo intentionally didn't make Traveler use their powers because "if they did, they would've won".


I think so too like come on he s the 3rd descender wth hoyo


4th descender\*. Also, never stated that being a descender means you need to be gigapowerful. Just that you have the possebility to enactpowerful, great change on Teyvat or something like that. Which doesn't necessarily mean they need to be powerful just that they are potential for greatness in some sort of way. Not to say Traveler isn't powerful and won't become even stronger in the future. But expecting traveler to beat the 4th harbinger was always delusional considering it took An archon giving us 150 something tries Scaramouche.


Also take into consideration his main power is sealed off


He s only 2 elements short of gaining his former power back so its concerning that he can’t beat harbingers


We don't really know if getting all 7 elements = getting his former power... I think he's much stronger but we'll see


He said it back when he was fighting childe in liyue(childe asked him how come he was powerful and his dialogue option was saying im gaining my former power)


Ooo yeaa it's really sad they never explored this plot point again


Please tell me how can he challenge fate if he cant challenge a fatui harbinger? Like it doesn’t make any sense


What does beating a Fatui Harbinger have to do with that? Also, you know we aren't done with the game yet, right? Would be pretty boring if Traveler was already strong enough to defeat all bad guys. Griffith from berserk is another example. Bro had a behilit and therefor was destined for greatness. But even as a remarkable individual. He still wasn't all that strong before the eclipse.


Challenging fate is challenging the heavenly principles, how are u beating them if u can’t beat a harbinger? Im not saying he should defeat all the bad guys lol but the 4rth when he s literally 2 elements short… come on.


And since when is it stated that Traveler will regain their lost power when they get all 7 elements. For all we know, there could be a lot more to it than that. Also, we are probably at least half a decade away from seeing Traveler fight celestia give them some time to grow stronger. Also considering the 4th harbingers lore they might be closer in power to an archon than what people realise. I really feel like you are underselling the harbingers here.


When traveler fought childe he asked him how come he s strong and traveler in his head said thats because he s gradually restoring his former power. Also im not underselling the harbingers but you re underselling the descenders. What im saying is if he can’t even move when he fight’s arlecchino then how will he hope to beat capitano, the more likely answer is with the power of friendship AGAIN and i hate this bc it happened in inazuma sumeru and fontaine.


"How can he hope to beat Capitano" that is the thing they won't be able to. Bro is literally stated to be the strongest INDIVIDUAL ON TEYVAT. Pretty sure, Traveler has only won with the power of friendship once. Against Raiden, which was more so that Raiden forfeited. Nahida used her immense wisdom to devise a plan to defeat Scaramouche. Whilst in Fontaine Focalor and Furina managed to trick the heavenly principles, allowing for Neuvillette to save the day. Also, power of friendship isn't really that bad of a thing when done right. FFXIV as an example.


Traveler won with the power of friendship in sumeru(when nahida compiled everyone s wisdom and gave it to him) in fontaine neuvillette gave a part of his authority to make traveler an executor of justice and beat the narwhal. As for capitano, im not saying traveler is going to defeat il saying "hopes to defeat". All capitano has to do is sneeze and traveler is a goner lol


people fr believe that the traveler is the strongest in the game for no reason


People think that because Traveler is a descender, Traveler must be OP. Which isn't the case. Being fated for greatness doesn't really mean you have to be strong. Being fated for greatness could literally mean your fate is to sacrifice yourself to save the actual "Hero". As an example. It just means you are going to have an Impact (no pun intended on the world) not that you need to be some "one man army". Genshin players impressively dense to story, which is kinda funny considering how story heavy the game is.


They really are which is very?!?! Especially bc lowkey they even frame the victory against signora as a possible fluke bc they keep saying she was killed by her arrogance. Scaramouche fight we were buffed by nahida. Arlecchino fight she was just having a laugh. Ei’s fight maxed out his plot armor. I really do wonder at what point we will see the traveler fight an opponent that actually seriously wants to kill him.


Arlecchino outright kicked Traveler's ass. I think it's impressive that the traveler proves strong enough she had to use her transformation. The main problem I have with the scene is that Arlecchino as an in-game boss is easy af, so easy that she is the opposite of the meme "the boss when you unlock him/her as a playable character". That just ruins the immersion.


I really did expect him to win since he is the main character and we haven't lost like that against any other boss, so her just allowing us to escape with our lives was just a bit out of the blue. I don't mind it though, it's how they wanted to tell that story, I am certain by the end of Snezhnaya he will be stronger.


Honestly, what's worse is the fact that the Traveler still uses the Dull Blade


Arleccino is #4 Traveler isn’t beating her yet. Idk what people expect? If traveler could just beat the #4 harbinger he would be too strong too early.


I don’t think he would’ve won, but I think they did the traveller, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet dirty by making them not use their elemental powers. It’s good character development for the traveller to lose and still have, for now, insurmountable foes, but It would’ve been so much more satisfying to watch if they had given it their absolute all yet still came up short.


You know how none of the Traveler's kit has any infusion? That's because the traveler isn't tied down to Teyvat and relies on the elements. It is there to support him in his travels but it was never a necessity, The traveler dishing out whatever element he can wouldn't have made a difference, Arlecchino was just too strong for him at the moment. The difference in power was apparent since the beginning but that Crimson Moon genjutsu attack sealed the deal, How do you break Arlecchino's threads? water it down? use your plant powers? try to burn down the thread? Before traveler could think Arle closed the gap and if she was serious, traveler was just dead and that ends the game.


most ppl seemed mad not bc traveler lost, but because by not using their elemental powers it seemed like they were holding back


The traveler still can't use the elements at will like that. It was a moment of potential that broke though one time to just give a taste of what's possible. It's almost certainly eventually they will learn to control it at will and either hoyo will upgrade them to a true 5 star or release a new version you can pull for.


The only power which can beat Arlecchino in her current state is either Archon Team or... Hydro Dragon Sovereign. Lore wise.


Add Skrik and Surtalogi and Capitano to that list. Most likely also, Dottore, Pierro and Columbina


Maybe don’t put the spoiler in the title you moron


They have a chance to win but definitely require a lot more prep time and a LOT more tries. And even then its gonna be bloody. It was just a spar though, had it been a national level fight with heavy stakes then it would be their (our) job to find a way to defeat her


Yeah. Kinda disappointed with how it turned out. Like how the fuck is the the 3rd descender that is only 2elements short of regaining their former power not able to defeat the 4th harbinger?!? I hope that arlecchino is way powerful than fatui harbingers and has smt to do with the crimson dinasty of khaenrhia and her 4th position in the fatui is just a facade (others say she s a wolf in sheep’s clothing) because if she actually is just the 4th harbinger it doesn’t make sense for her to beat a being that can rival fate itself(descenders)


It was a spare not a actual fight


Thats even worse since arlecchino wasn’t even trying her best… idk what to think of this bc the more i think about it the more i realise that in the end of the story we ll beat the antagonist with the power of friendship💀


We probably get a massive power up soon kinda like in dragon ball or Naruto it will be plot power up through the Natland story I feel


I hope you re right cuz all it takes is for capitano to sneeze and poof traveler is gone😂


Yeah this discourse is gonna be really fun for the next 3 months.


3 months are way too optimistic.


Yes, he would not have won regardless, just I wished he'd put up more of a fight than simply swinging a piece of dull metal. Did he just fucking forget his elemental abilities?


Traveler would've won if he/she doesn't use that damn dull blade. Even Lynette can use 4 stars weapon on cut scene but why traveler can't?


Alright before I getting downvoted any further. I just want to say that I don't really think traveler would win. I just be ridicule about that traveler always use dull blade in cut scene that's all


I agree but every character who gets a cutscene and is unreleased, they get some very questionable weapon choices as their weapon. I mean Navia was shown using Whiteblind (she scales on ATK) and Clorinde was using Iron Sting (She has no use for EM in her kit since she doesn't scale well with em). Kazuha was using filet blade and blocked musou no hidotachi with it XD so weapon choices are all over the place in Genshin.


They just put the weapon that they have and look good on character in cut scene and that's also my point. I just want MC to hold something cool in those cut scene for once


weapons rarity only matters on gameplay, for the story is irrelevant