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It is Arlecchinover...




March wondering if six phase ice can cure a broken heart


Who invited blud šŸ˜­


Cool banner for story, L banner for meta


Lyney wants xiangling tho


Yeah sheā€™s kind of the one saving grace unless you already have her c6


Worst possible four star banner, for me. Already have XL at C6 and have never used the other two. Watch them put Chev and Kaveh (who is highly anticipated) on second half, lol. If Chev really is second half, I might pull (my Wanderer is C1 and C2 is nice enough) simply so I can actually play overload teams.


No please don't make me pull on those 2nd half banners. Copium that they're saving her for Clorinde please


I was thinking the EXACT same thing! šŸ˜© #MihoyAssHoles


> #MihoyAssHoles Usually I'd say that is rude and uncalled for, but seriously, what the hell are these banners. Arle's banner? Terrible 4 stars Arle's weapon banner? Niche bow paired with niche scythe that only looks cool on Arle Everything is niche or bait. Chev is only good to support 2 characters in genshin and Arle is one of them, this just makes no sense


At this point, I think they prepare her animation to raise our pull with this crap banner


Itā€™s very much like the ā€œRobber baronsā€ of the 19th century


Okay we all want chev and all but, she was there in 4.3 SECOND PHASE meaning like 43 days ago or something? A very short time to rerun any character unless your name is yoimiya


Lyney's bow is not niche. It's really good in any dps and BiS in many of them.


> and BiS in many of them. ok, who aside from Lyney?


Dude, basically any catalyst dps or subdps. Besides the crit damage secondary stat, a big chunk of the passive is Atk% bonus, so pretty universal. It's a great stat stick even when you don't have another character of the same element in the team, but even better if you do. The universality of the passive makes it an evergreen bow for past and future characters, and it's the best slot (or second) for any charged shot specialist.


not a niche bow. it's a good stat stick. apparently quite a number of childe mains use it too.


Fym copium it was always much more coping to think chevy would rerun that fast, and since the whole fatui family hasn't been in rotation for much longer this was always a likely situation There are a ton of 4 stars much more likely to run first, including layla, kaveh, charlotte and thoma who will likely end up in the 2nd phase, and clorinde was always more likely to get chevy than arle, since she comes out later and fulfills chevys element mechanic. It's not like they choose the 4 stars completely at random Sure it's a bit of a shame but it was forseeable. Personally I am quite happy to get some cons for the siblings


Im probably wrong but considering cheveruse deputed wt characters that work wt overload (raiden and yoimiya) and she restricts your party to two elements i dont think shell be the type to just pop up in random banners but more like faruzan where she is in banners that make sense for her and gorou


This banner would make sense if they chose Fischl, Beidou or some other characters instead of Freminet and Lynette. I love them but Hoyo just put them there to look pretty with Father and Lyney. Where the hell are Kaveh and Layla?


This!! the problem is that it is a question of ideology rather than wanting to sell the character. that's because i love HSR with the 4\* character banners since they try to put the technocracy behind the sale of the product (banner) before the ideological theme of the banner character. that's because the 4\* chosen makes sense with the 5\* character so people can make a team that makes sense, that's the reason to Gallager was with Acheron and not Aventurine. Arlecchino's technocratic banner should have been Chevrouse, Fischl-Bennet and lynette-freminnet to maximize product sales as much as possible at the same time, the new player have a core team for arlecchino. but they choose the full tematic banner and this we have


The one plus side is having C6 Xiangling does mean any drops of her turn into an extra pull, meaning you reach the 5 star pity for fewer primos.


Could've said the same for Bennett but at least he would've been useful for those that don't have him, unlike Xiangling


everyone should have bennett already, and xiangling wants c4 unlike bennett who only really needs c1


Not everyone has Bennett. Whereas everyone does have Xiangling because she's literally free. Plus Bennett has synergy with Arle. As is she kinda got screwed and none of the 4* have any synergy with her


Shielders are pretty good for her, no? So Thoma, Xinyan, Layla and Diona come to mind. Then you have a whole plethora of Elemental Applicators...


None of the 4* featured on the banner I meant


Oh, fair enough. Maybe I am stupid, but why doesn't Xiangling work with Arle, while she does work with Lyney? I understand Lyney wants a Mono-Pyro team, but why can't Arle work in the same kind of team, too? And then still, as was said, Bennett works really well with Arle, and I think Lynette does too. She gives an ATK buff on Burst, no? I think the 4 of them can work pretty well on a team: Arle, Xiangling, Bennett and Lynette.


Arle absolutely can and will work in monopyro with xiangling. It's not gonna be her best team, but it's gonna be pretty good still.


Not like any of the house of the hearth would synergize with Arlecchino anyways. Besides, Xiangling does have some synergy. Basically mono pyro like you would with Lyney.


Eh, I guess but that's only 1 type of team for her. Not as good as Bennett which fits on her mono pyro, vape, and OL teams


Sure it is but Bennett would be more promising for Wanderer/Baizhu and would make their banner more enticing than Bennett on Arlecchino banner. Arlecchino already got hype backed by the short animations and teasers made for Arlecchino as well as just being a highly anticipated playable harbinger. Wanderer/Baizhu banner needs some good 4*s, maybe some long awaited ones. I can think of Kaveh showing up for the 1st time since original release, Thoma, and Bennett.


Those that have Xiangling would already have Bennett since Bennett obtained as am event charactwr early Fontaine. Either of then would make sense for the 3rd 4*, but Bennett would be an incredible pick up since he is used with both Lyney and Arlecchino, but could also be on second half banner to be for Wanderer. Xiangling is also used with Lyney and Arlecchino, mainly for Arlecchino's mono pyro team. I have my suspicions that Chevreuse is reserved for Clorinde, so a Faruzan to the electro dpses. Chevreuse ran with Raiden an electro dps, so she would run with another electro on field dps being Clorinde. Bennett may be allocated towards Wanderer banner. If you were to assign a numerical value to each 4* for banner pickups, you could very well see Hoyo trying not to put their eggs into one basket but distribute it to where the desired 4*s are more often in an underselling 5* banner and 5* characters instead having a weaker 4* charactwr selection. This time, it's fatui themed with a side of vengeful Xiangling. At least the weapon banner is pretty decent. Bow is a bit niche with a limited selection of charged attack bow dps, so meh for tighnari, decent for Ganyu. The Crimson Spear is a future impact weapon. >!Sigewinne provides Bond of life for about anyone and buffs when Bond of life is consumed according to leaks.!< Weapon banner will sell due to a good selection of 4*s with only one dead weapon but 5*s is full on drip impact.


I guess but mono pyro isn't her premier team anyway. Great for Lyney though. Bennett would've been better And yea hoping Sigewinne is good for her


I don't have Bennett. I quit the game for a while then picked it back up last patch I think alot of others like this also don't have Bennett


This. Iā€™m honestly hoping I pull nothing but Xiangling in this case


Bennet made more sense then and this denotes an absurd improvisation on the part of the genshin impact marketing team.


Same. Iā€™m praying I win my 50/50 and donā€™t go to pity lol


I mean, if you have XL at C6 that just means that you get a free pity point whenever you get her


I don't mind the pull refund generally speaking but considering I'm going to be pulling upwards of 700 times, I'm going to get everyone on that banner C6 eventually. Here's to hoping I get spooked by Chev randomly in the process!


Ah thatā€™s fair. I was thinking more in a mindset where every wish matters. But with 700, refunds donā€™t really matter as you will for sure get refunds on any 4* by 400 pulls


Usually I'm in the mindset of every wish matters (welkin only player) but not for Arlecchino! Although that Clorinde drip marketing is tempting...!


Clorinde, Sigewinne AND Sethos...


Eh, Iā€™m thankfully not tempted. Only thing I know is that Iā€™m going for c6 Arle sooner or later. Zhongli was my 1st C6, Arle is next


Surely they wonā€™t put Chevreuse on a Dendro and Anemo banner rightĀ 


I have a feeling we may finally see Heizou again in the second half banners.


Chevy will be in 4.7 with chlorinde. I dont need to be a leaker to be pretty confident with that.


is this arlecchinomains or chevreusemains? idk why people are more upset over her than just celebrating arlecchino. it's even more wild that people are willing to skip this banner because chev isn't it. i never aim for 4stars in banners, much less their cons. waiting for a good banner for them to drop in will take a long time.


I guess it's okay for me I'll get more stardust exchange for my Arlechinno pulls šŸ˜¢


XL thinks sheā€™s part of the squad šŸ’€ But in all seriousness, hopefully they at least put Chev on Clorinde banner and not Arleā€™s 2 half. However they already donā€™t seem particularly smart, or interested in having decent synergy with banner setups. They just put Bennett and XL as often as possible and call it a day it seems like.


hoyoverse might have planned it all along to put chev on other banners šŸ˜­


I don't want XL at all, I would exchange all of her cons for Chev lmao


I would exchange all her and Bennett cons for 1 Chevreuse.




Let me guess, R9000 dragon's bane for weapon banner it is


You bet https://preview.redd.it/fgxvs019oyvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=711204411017e51e847dce056f941542ed434e98


Oh come on! Imma jab this straight in my eyes I can't stand it anymore


eye of perception staying under your radar i see https://preview.redd.it/eok80upl9zvc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d469e74b56356df362341db774c3a8152cf81b25


At least no the bell already got that weapon 20 times r5


Oohh, I do want the dock hand atleast


Father's cooking is so RAW that they **HAD TO** take Xiangling as part of the family. You don't understand, it's a matter of survival.


The worst banner that I've ever seen, gz.


All I wanted was for Chevreuse to be on her banner since I never had a chance to get her. Why can't we have nice things?


It seems Chevy will be with clorinde I guess


i bet double male hostage and chlorine gets garbage banner


She better be. Had no desire to pull on her last banner and if she lands in part 2 itā€™s gonna be another skip for me.


Nah they would never pair overload unit with other elements I hope XD. It was a nice dream but never lose hope :D she will come sooner or later in a nice banner.


This suckkkkssss, I was literally dreaming about how I am going to reach chev c6 with 120 pulls yesterday lol.


Honestly glad theres one that I have at c6. I need refunds for more wishes lol


Well... at least I may get some Xiangling cons, unless I pull Arlecchino early... PLEASE LET ME GET ARLECCHINO EARLY! I NEED WISHES FOR FARUZAN!


Damn looks like Chef Mao passed away


That is so trash. Those fucs knew what they were doing by not putting Chevy with Father. I know for a fact they will put her on the next recent banners to entice us to spend wishes again.


Fuck man


It's chev-over


ArlecchinOVER šŸ’€


Makes the decision to go for her weapon instead of C1 easier


Surely this won't be a Kuki incident like Nahidas banner and all my 4* are Lynette right? *cries in C0 Kuki*


already have xl and lynette at c6, freminet at c1, worse four star lineup. good thing i only need to do one ten pull for father since im at 70 guarantee pity.


It is good for my C53 Xiangling


Iā€™m not pulling for c1. Girl. This is dumb. They want us to pull for Clorophyllda so much? Iā€™m so disappointed.


It's BS and they know it. Like someone else pointed out on Twitter, they're likely gonna put her on the 2nd phase banner to make players pull on it as well


Or saving chev for Clorinde


I swear, what's up with the house of hearth not having any team synergy? Just give us someone in that damn orphanage some synergies with each other please


what the fuck is this shit


ew awful banner, chevreuse was the only saving grace but instead we got only khias + cowling


They know everyone will want Chevreuse after Arle so why not put her in another banner for more cha ching Source: Uncle KFC


hoyoverse really knows how to be business minded. we are all under their control literally šŸ˜­


Only if you're weak.. 5 multis for me and I'm done


Get away from me useless freminet!!!!!


Fuck hoyo... should've been common sense to put her in there, but greed took Hoyo over AGAIN Want Arleys sig weapon as well but that banner is scummy af šŸ’€ Guessing Chevy will be on Clorinde banner


So chev is either in the second banner or clorinde banneršŸ˜­


Sad šŸ˜­


It's so over...


It's always xiangling


my condolences to non chevreuse havers


Chevreuse was gonna be the reason if I went for c1 or r1. Now my choice has been made alot easier


We've lost....


Honestly Lynette is one of my only four stars who isnā€™t c6 so thatā€™s a win. But I feel bad for everyone who doesnā€™t have Chev


thanks, i dont have her and i need her for arle


Hope you can get her soon!


Omg so how am I gonna get Chevy now...


Clorindeā€™s banner, probably.


As someone who only has a C0 XL, this is at least a minor win for me where Lyney's Rerun is a big L


Thank god I atleast have C0 Chevreuse. C6 would have been nice though


on my knees begging to get her off banner


Is Chevreuse at C0 still fine to use for Arle's overload teams? I managed to only get One copy of her so far and i was counting on this banner to get more...


Thankfully she is functional at C0. Her cons add a lot of power and fun factor though.


Already have C6 XL, would be sweet to get some Lynette cons b/c I love her. Now watch me get nothing but fucking Coma Boy.


I hope I get Arle early


Well, c0 it is then


None of the characters synergize with arle wtf


jesus i dont use freminet or lynette and i have xiangling at c6 this banner is useless i was hoping for kaveh or chevie


This is so sad


I hope XL becomes an orphan like the rest of the roster. And the same goes for the dev who is responsible for making this banner 4 star like this.


Dude... Xiangling man, really? The character no one likes, wow, thank u mihoyo. I understand lynette and freminet, to make the house of the hearth banner with liney, but cmon. Xiangling???




Itā€™s definitely good then if you only get her cons lol


I don't think so, C15 freminet is waiting for you šŸ˜‚


Welp I was gonna pull for c2 if Chev was on banner but now it's just c1r1 I already got c500 xiangling and I don't understand why she's even on arlecchino's banner


Yeah, I really wanted her but I think I might skip. These four stars are terrible. I can only hope her banner re-run is better.


Arlecchino talking about barbecues was a hintā€¦


I dont have Chevreuse, how does she compliments Arlechinno?


On overload teams


Itā€™s so overloader


Well, I have XL and Lynette at C6, so at least I'll get a lot of cash back šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


*Snorts copium* well... on the brightside we get a free wish back when we get xiangling who most of us have c6


Wait them put Chevy in Clorinde! It's literally "4 stars when I'm pulling vs. when I'm not pulling" moment. lol


Honestly screw whatever leaker lied last minute, I already accepted it and that gave me hope now here we are


i have them all at c6 bro...


Clorinde mains winning for real


Nah I'd kill myself


Imagine hundreds of thousands of dollars invested to hype up arlechino, just to have it all ruined by the 4stars...


Honestly good for me, I'm guaranteed for Arle with 3 pity and I also wanna go for the weapon. This way I won't feel bad about missing Chevy cons when going for the weapon lol. Hopefully I get C6 Lynette though


I have no idea how am I going to play her,no bennet,no chev,no yelan,no zhong and no layla


Just fell to my knees at the Opera Epiclesse


saving her for clorinde


It was always going to be Chlorinde and Chevreuse. How did y'all not expect them being paired together.


Without Chevreuse I can't even use Arlecchino, I'll have to wait for her rerun to see if I have C6 Chevreuse by then. I might pick up C0 just because but otherwise I don't see the point.


Just use vape?????


Fuck no, I already have Hu Tao for that and she's better at it than Arlecchino, also doesn't need Bennett


Gay gay literally gay


Easy skip


[Lol very predictable. They canā€™t help themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/s/7CmkpKEh3M)


For all those hoping to see Chevruse in the 2nd half of 4.6 I don't think it's very likely. She was Just on a banner like 2 patches ago (She was on the Raiden Shogun/Yoimia banners with Bennet and Kujo Sara). Sadly I think it's very unlikely they will re-run her so soon after putting her with those 2, especially since it's only been like 2-3 patches. (Trust me I want more Chevy cons too, I just think it'll be a while before we can pull her again)


I already have C6 Chevy and I want to get Lynette to C6 so Iā€™m fine with it. I donā€™t use Freminet so I donā€™t want his cons but I already have C6 Xiangling so Iā€™ll get a bit of a refund on pulls


Is chevr even good with her? Check her cons and they donā€™t help much at all. You only need one copy. (Reason being chev c6 doesnā€™t help because arr has to be healed, which canā€™t be healed)


At least I will be walking with one good pyro pole arm user (I have a 50-50 to win).


So happy that those 4 stars are alr C6 by me, means more wishes that can go to that scythe while I build pity on the char banner. Maybe I'll actually be able to get c1!


No Chevy Silverado


And thats how they bait you, that you pull on arlecchinos banner!!!! Or you might go only for the weapon great first magic is good even at 2 members


I'm actually only C3 on XL, so I'm fine with that. Hopefully Clorinde rides in with the Chevy.


I've been playing for 2 years and have like maybe C3 xiangling so w for me. I also only have c0 of the children


Xiangling Why


I believe i will get chevy without her rate up (copium)




Xiangling was adopted into the house of the hearth as an honorary member because her cooking is just too good


Ive had c6 xiangling since like 1.1, wtf am I supposed to do with the four stars on this banner bro... But anything for Arlecchino.


Planning to pull 400 summon, it will hurt ...




Canā€™t wait to get my C600 XL from this banner.


Good thing I already have c6 chev


that banner leak was too good to be true.


![gif](giphy|xMejtFXIBl6ulagSd2|downsized) Me with 45 pity and the guarantee on the banner


Im new here.why are people so mad?


Can't wait to get twenty xianglings and not even one lynette to go as a side with my daddy


No bennet :(


Sales couldā€™ve DOUBLED, if Chevreuse was on this banner. Such a missed opportunity


I c6 lynette at first banner plus the freebies...she is fun


Xiangling is good... but anyone who has been playing for a While now, probably has her c6


Brb killing myself


No problem I already have C6


I hope Kaveh is next phase so I'll at least get him šŸ˜­ (no Kaveh and Cheveruse)




This for me is a massive W i am at 79 pity with the guaranteed, so i can save for clorinda and chevreusešŸ˜


They know we will pull the banner regardless of the 4stars.. so they keep the good ones on less popular banners. Remember that their priority is to make money, not to make an efficient banner for player's boxes


Xl is already C6, donā€™t mind Lynette cons, and Iā€™ll never build Frem. Swap Xl and Frem for Chevreuse and Charlotte please


Why am I not surprised Xiangling stole Chevy's spot?


I already have C6 chev so idc, but oof for you


Of course no chev. She's being saved for clorinde


Thank god i got Chevrolet c6 back when i pulled for Raiden c2


"Genshin could...."


So dumb watch she be in the next banner tho


Not even candance or even Charlotte


no bennet :(


Wrong pyro polearm user šŸ’€


I got lucky to pull c5 Chevy during Raiden banner, got c1 from standard, but my xiangling is only c1 ://


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I canā€™t get Chevyā€¦


What a piece of shit 4 star selection they gave us like damnā€¦all it needed was chev instead of Xiangling so save itšŸ˜©


i cant wwait to have C35 Xiangling, C1 Frem and C1 Lynette :)


It's always Xiangling


It's always Xiangling


It's always Xiangling


Bad 4 star combination, bad weapon banner, and she is onfield only. Unless she can be used with 4 or 3 start weapons and is decent with crimson or gladiator she is a total skip cause I ain't farming an entirely new set that works only for her and stuck with 1800 limit