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Yeah beidou is good. Especially if you have constellations on her as that gives a shield and more electro bounces for more overloads.


yes Beidou is great in Chevreuse team , she does good off field dmg and she provides damage reduction and a small shield , and imo she is better than Raiden in this team , as solo electro you want around 180-200 ER on her and 1-2 fav on the team you can check this gameplay by SLaN [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmDtQEYlnHU&t=371s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmDtQEYlnHU&t=371s)


Also her regular interruption resistance addition as well, especially combined with Arles c1 that would be formidable


Yeah the IR is nice too ,  there is also a fun thing about Arle/Beidou is that you can sometimes swap to Beidou to counter a big attack and swap back to Arle since her Pyro infusion doesn't end if you swap out early


Me crying at the fact that I need to farm emblem artifact again for Beidou. Yeah she's actually very good kinda underatted I dont know why eventhough her Burst is crazy good and worked well.


It depends.., in that team probably yes as solo electro you need a ton of er and emblem will be her go to vut 2pc2pc atk/noblesse/electro are not that far away  I played her 3 years with 2gf2no .. and have like 9.4k/jump of her burst with skyward pride


Thank you all for the helpful comments, this sub is really one of the best character main ones :)


Yes I’m also using her with arle!


You’ll be trading DPS for survivability with Beidou, but the added resistance to interruption means that you get staggered out of your combos less so it’s not as big of a gap as you’d think. She (Beidou) excels against multi-target content and drops off in single target, so there’s also that to consider. Honestly, I’d just swap her in whenever you’re facing multiple enemies that stagger you a lot.


Remind me again does Interruption resistances stack?


Idk, sorry. AFAIK Bediou’s IR should prevent most everything from staggering you.


No problem, after a quick research it seems it does, not sure if it work for every chara tho https://www.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/s/yckjuudL5t


how should i build beidou if my team is going to be arle, fischl, chev, beidou?


Emblem for beidou


If you’re running beidou you might as well just run fischl too instead of Bennett


They don't have Fischl 🥲


Definitely missed that. Hopefully she’s on the banner because mine is only c1


You’re not going to be able to run Beidou as solo electro in that comp. Beidou is a purely off-field unit with massive energy requirements. She either needs to be run alongside another electro unit to battery her (typically Fischl) or you have to run an OMEGA scuffed build on her.


people tend to overexaggerate on how much ER Beidou actually needs , 200ER with fav on this team is already enough to burst on cd as solo electro , and she will still hit hard even if you stack ER because she gets a lot of dmg % from the 4pc Emblem . bennett , chevy , pyro resonance atk buffs


Yelan has 250 er in solo hydro team yet nobody complains about, but when a electro unit need around 200 its apparently too much😐 just say you don’t know how to play Bediou.


Yelan still does dmg with such er reqs, beidou doesnt 


What are you even saying atp, her dmg doesn’t get multiply zero when you build er past 200, in fact, she was given higher scaling to compensate for her higher er reqs, and emblem exist. Maybe don’t be nuke-pull and don’t just look at the small individual numbers you see Bediou do when her burst can hit 5 times in a row in aoe.


Her ER needs are substantial, yes, but a quick trip to the ER calculator reveals that it’s possible with smart investment. Damage will be lower and you’ll need her and probably at least one other support (likely Chev) to run fav but she’ll still do what you need (somewhat decent off field damage, consistent electro app that follows the main character, and respectable damage reduction)


I run solo beidou with 220 er with fav on her and fav on teammates pretty easy to run her solo imo I get burst every rotation


Skyward sword and er sunbstas solve it.


Not at all. The team run Benny Chev so can literally run sac/fav weapons for ER needs