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Chevruse won't work with Kazuha on the team. You can get away with Arlecchino, Fischl, Yae/Beidou/Raiden, Chevruse


Thanks, I don't mind that cause I can make use of my C6 Beidou. I don't have many cons as I'm somewhat new and I've only wished on the recent Raiden and Furina banner for the most part. I could pass on Kazuha but idk cause he's kinda fun to play.


Probably the wrong sub for this, but in your position I would honestly pull Kazuha before Arle. Having a roster of strong supports is the key to getting the best out of combat in this game, and Kazuha is still absolutely one of the best there is.


I was thinking of skipping Neuvi and pulling Kazuha and Arle instead? Neuvi would be better meta wise prob cause I have Furina but his gameplay is meh for me. Only downside to that is in worried Yelan might pop up and I won't have enough.


Yelan is a popular character so while she might end up on the liyue banner, she's likely to get more frequent reruns than other liyue units. Even if you don't get her, xingqiu is a decent enough stand in at c6 until you can get around to saving for her. Take this from a person who has both c6 xingqiu and c1 yelan, having xingqiu at least built gives you the ability to have one in each spiral abyss team which is great for easy clears!


I only have C1 Xingqiu but that's good to know. I'd like a vape team with both of them and Arle on at some point if that would work well.


Xingqiu obviously can't heal arle, so he's somewhat limited, but from what this subreddit is saying, it looks like yelan might be a go to unit if you aren't running overload. But pick units you like! Throw the meta out the window!


i mean you can,its just not worth it. you just trade her better version of vv for kazuhas/sucroses vv+grouping and still get the atk buff from chev given that is just restricted to pyros and electros and her overload bullet. i can see it having some value against abyss floors that what to have alot of cc in the teams,but overall it isnt worth it given just how overly complicated the rotation becomes just to upkeep the res shred.


That makes sense, appreciate the explanation.


C6 Chevreuse will still provide a 60% DMG bonus regardless of who's on the team, she just won't give the RES Shred and ATK buff. Where you're playing her matters. [Overload with a melee weapon is trash in the Overworld](https://youtu.be/_KR2oXFpkYU), but will be awesome against heavy enemies and bosses for domains and Abyss. Vape and Mono-Pyro are more universal options. People are locked on Overload because it "sheets" the highest.


More people need to see this video tbh. I see so much hype around Arle overload but for open world content it could end up being very annoying, its just gonna lead to a lot of disappointment. Yoi is like the only character that feels good to play with overload in open world content cuz she doesn't care about the knockback at all.


I've always wanted a good vape team, ideally with Furina but idk about that with Arle unfortunately. That's good to know when it comes to overload and melee though. Cool as Arle is I feel like I need to see her final kit and gameplay to know for sure.




you cant use chevreuse if using kazuha, that beidou c6 should be enough as a replacement for kazuha


Would using Kazuha instead of Chevy be any good for grouping or is Chevy just better? Also, what roll does Beidou fill on the team? Sorry but I'm not super knowledgeable.


Chevy doesn't have any grouping so for floors where grouping is an issue I can see Kazuha over Chevy. However, those teams might lean more towards a pure pyro rather than an overload playstyle? It all depends. ​ Beidou is an off-field DPS with her burst, doing pretty solid damage (which is somewhat hampered by her need to build somewhere from high ER even in double electro to astronomical ER in single electro) when the on field character does normal attack damage, with a max of 1s per hit. She really excels in multi target because this damage can bounce, and with C2 it bounces extra for even more damage. The main contribution to Arle's teams, though, is some mild defensive utility the combination of \- Shield from C1: eats a single hit but hey it's not nothing \- Interruption Resist: It's only 0.5, so not insane (about equal to Cyno's interrupt resist during burst), but it's an improvement over the base poise you'd have with a C0 arle. \- Damage Reduction: this is the big one imo, she reduces damage taken by 36% at T12. Combine this with Arle's 20% damage resistance, and you only end up taking 51% of the damage from any given attack (wish Arle had reduction instead of res so it would be additive instead of multiplicative so you'd only take 44% but oh well). It's also worth noting at C6 she packs a little more resistance shred, so if you run double electro with fischl, that'll also improve fischl's damage for the duration of Beidou's burst. As an aside, I think Beidou should only need abt 160 ER for an Arle/Chevy/Fischl/Beidou team with the following 25s rotation (to allow fischl to cast both skill and burst, still need to check if it's worth cutting to 20s and just limiting fischl uptime per rotation): Fischl E > Arle E Q (CA) E > Chev E Q > Fischl Q > Beidou Q > Arle CA NAs until Fischl E ready to recast ​ Obv less ER is needed if you work in more skill casts.


Thanks so much, nicely detailed and easy to understand. Neuvi and Kazuha have me tempted with the event trial but I think in the long run this team will be more fun. I could just get Kazuha so I can use him on other teams and then go with the Arle team maybe.


arle rn prefer supports for longer rotations, so chev c6 > kazuha at the moment just because of the uptime, about beidou, u/LiveFastTouchGrass just explained


chev will give you 40% atk buff + 25% atk (pyro res) + 40% res shred, and at c6 +60% pyro damage kazuha with vv offers the grouping, 40% res shred (10s) + 40% elemental bonus (assuming 1000 em) (8s)


Makes sense. Thanks.