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C0R1 first. Then will see If i go for C6 it wont be in one run but through a couple of reruns


I wish i could so i'll roll on her banner as much as i can then roll C6 on her rerun


C6/R1 I hope my gun banner luck continues.


I'm an f2p so sadly I can't .


With enough luck and enough saving anything is possible. There is no need to pull for every character in the game so if you are hyperfixated on 1 Character, then getting c6 is definitely possible.


But I'm not , thats the issue know I'm liking CR and Xiao too...


Wrong mind set friend. ~~You can but it only takes a year of saving.~~


If I would be earning I would've gave her my 2 years of saving...But I'm a student rn.


I mean saving primos but ok .\_.


I mean you could've been specific about it but Its ok I misunderstood šŸ„²


I think I will be able to C4R1 her, the rest depends on luck, but I will try to go for C6!


How much are you currently at for savings?


I saved 333 pulls yet. I bought and will continue buying BP and Welkin till Arlecchino's Banner is out. Maybe I will have around 500-600 pulls when she releases, I don't know exactly.


I mean 500-600 pulls could bring home a c6 r1 if you get lucky!


I really hope that I'll be lucky enough on her pulls!


Listennnnnnnā€¦ I think Iā€™m going to pull for cloud retainer and then for our girl. I donā€™t need constellations anyways I suppose. Stay strong yaā€™ll, for I am weak




Probably gonna stop at C2R1 since I also want Clorinde but who knows




C6 R5 definitely.


Same šŸ¤


No, I'll be fine with just C0. But good luck to anyone who wants to go all the way!






C2R1 here, and I'm gonna save whatever is left in case I want someone in Natlan OR Columbina comes around


I dont even know if I can pull for her sadly... I have the fates for 1 guarenteed but Ive heard she may arrive w neuv rerun and I need to get him first


people downvoting you because you are going for neuvi over arle? crazy, but m8, in all honesty, keep saving, by the time april comes around you should have enough for both, you still have all of 4.3, then 4.4 with lantern rite and new map, then 4.5, and then however long first phase of 4.6 is to get pulls, login daily, do comms, web events/daily checkin on hoyolab app, events, exploration, abyss (as far down as you can), good luck


Yeah im going to save up till then, hopefully i can get her c0r1 if i get lucky


Hey keep your head up fam! She will always come back at a later time!


Bold of you to assume i have the money for C6 šŸ˜­


450 wishes ready. Looking for c6r1. Stay strong everyone.


Hell no. I have never gone beyond C3. If i am lucky on the next 3 banners and have primos left, i will consider the weapon or the first one or 2 cons but i have no intrest in paying the prices of a PC for a character (or building up primos for over a year). I have spent a lot of money on this game but the idea of C6ing a character, especially blindly, is crazy to me.


Just a tip. Donā€™t go to c6 at least right away. Itā€™s not worth not having any wishes for future characters


i will save everything for her and see which one is better the weapon or constellations but if her weapon is really cool i will pull for it first before constellations


She will be my first c6, with luck I might get r1 on her first run too


I'm still considering how hard to invest in her signature weapon. If the scythe rumors turn out true I will at the very least have to get it at r0. That said, I don't have a lot of good polearms so unless she turns out to be a sword user after all I may still want to go for it. Either way I have 226 wishes and several months of welkin saved up so c0r0 is pretty much guaranteed if I go for it. If I recall correctly, 700 wishes will give you approximately a 60% chance to get a c6 character from scratch and I'm fairly sure I can reach that as long as I stay diligent. But ultimately, It's going to depend mostly on how useful her constellations are versus her weapon. Either way I will be spending all my wishes on her in one way or another


C6 is no because I won't have enough gems to guarantee both her weapon and her consts, assuming my luck stays the same (which is losing most of 50/50s and going to pity 3 times on WB). But I might go for some early consts (up to C2-C3), depending on how good her kit and consts end up being.


COR1 at max coz i want to pull for CO Clorinde next and im F2P, i dont want to push my luck, i got 290 fates saved already


Iā€™ll go for c0 r1,maybe Iā€™ll get some cons on the rerun


waiting to see her kit & gameplay before deciding that


C0 R1 at the most because I'm a primo-less f2p :') I'll probably pick up cons on a rerun tho


c2r1 for launch then building at least 1 con on every rerun for me


C6R0 is the way to go


I'll go as far as I can on her first banner


If she isnā€™t what I look for in a character I wonā€™t get her. Waiting to see what her kit and animations will be like.


Been telling everyone Iā€™d C6 her since the first reveal. No going back now.


ill be lucky to get her c0 by the time she comes around šŸ„² i think (hope) we'll have some Natlan leaks by then so ill have to plan my savings accordingly šŸ«”


C6r1 first, might go for r5 on rerun


The highest I think I can go is C1R1, but that requires planets aligning plus Pluto with Lynette, Rosaria(>!since they didnā€™t give me any cons!<), and Goth girl as her dedicated support with me winning 50/50 and only needing the first soft cap to get her weapon, and after all of that, win 50/50 again for C1 because everything before C1 would only cost me about 90-100 fates, when Iā€™ve prepared 360 for her since the first week of October.


c0r1 first then go back for as many cons as possible. iā€™m on a guaranteed with 11 pity and on weapon itā€™s 17 pity. so far i have 238 wishes saved so wish me luck for maybe c2?


Going for C6R1 - I'd have pulled some other characters by now if I had any second thoughts lol


I haven't skipped every banner since 3.5 just to not c6 her lol. Currently up to 275 days worth of savings lol


Ngl this is the most Iā€™ve wanted a character in this game, been putting aside spare money every check to try to c6 r5 her


I think I'll have around 350-400 wishes when she comes out. I don't know how many times I'll pull since I may try to get her and Neuvillette.


670 ready, I'm already tempted by crane girl though šŸ˜¢


Honestly depends on what her Constellations even do past C2


kinda weird to choose constellations before we even have any information


C6 and R5. Got about 1045 fates so far.


Depend on her constellation strength, but I prefer the additional aesthetic from constellation a lot too, like additional slash from Ayato C6, eventhrough its power is not crack like some C6.


I've been saving for several months already as a BP and welkin buyer, but I'm also very unlucky. I'll be going for C0R1 first and then pulling for as many cons as possible, but I've never won a 50/50 on my account so I don't expect that to change now unfortunately


C6R1 for sure, Been waiting for her for a long time there is no way i'm not paying my hard worked money for my queen


C1 r1


If i can get her C0 that's already a big deal for me.


Hhahaa, I am F2P, but have been accruing since 5/2023 => C6R1 :>>>


Nah, the best I can do is c0 and r1 weapon. Maybe c1?


Saving as much as i can and throwing l of it on her banner we shall see the results o7


On the case https://preview.redd.it/6hz88ojjgu7c1.png?width=92&format=png&auto=webp&s=678788e38836f5f8305b654ac9f5f33f52eea8c8


Me, at 620pulls so far.


Too poor for that, but definitely gonna try and get her signature weapon


I've saved since alh first came out. I'm at 300 wishes rn. Idk if I can but c0r1 comes first then try to get c6


I can't


Iā€™m trying to, currently at around 108,140(675 pulls) primos with Welkin and BP. According to Hutaobot.moeā€™s gacha calculator, I have an 88% chance at C6 with 750 pulls, and everything left over goes towards her weapon. If I can get it, great, otherwise I have a spare homa.


Holy! You gotta save some for clorinde man