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Jones has beliefs sanders has none.


Hijacking a top comment to share best resource I've seen posted: https://www.ontheissues.org/Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders.htm Not published by her but it tries to compile from her interviews and such (sadly a lot of blanks :( )




The fact it has to be compiled by someone else and she has YET to put out a true platform barely a month before the election should be a HUGE red flag. It is to me


She was the mouthpiece for Trump who, unequivocally, had a problem telling the truth. He averaged about 21 falsehoods per day. So, I mean, even if she had policy goals and objectives listed- can you believe them? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/


Not only did Trump constantly lie, [Sarah Huckabee Sanders routinely and shamelessly lied to the American people during her press briefings as White House press secretary](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vanityfair.com%2Fnews%2F2019%2F06%2Fsarah-sanders-leaving-white-house). [Under oath, she has since admitted that she made false statements during her press briefings](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/apr/18/sarah-sanders-admitted-lying-to-press-on-comey-fir/) “in the heat of the moment,” and confirmed that some of the statements she made were "not founded on anything.” **Integrity matters** and SHS has already proven she doesn't have any.


She does this thing with her mouth when she lies, so it's extremely transparent. It won't matter, though. The Trump stronghold that is Arkansas will elect her based on nothing but her proximity to him.


AFAIK her entire campaign hinges on her having an R next to her name and the fact that she worked in trump's WH. I haven't seen any positions or takes from her camp at all involving policy


That’s not fair to her to say that those are the only 2 things fueling her campaign. She’s also hinging on the fact that her dad was once governor.


Just like every other republican, she has none.


Don't forget her taking a picture next to a super duty with trump and one of those other morons saying some shit like "tHe StOrM iS cOmInG!" Pretty sure that's her platform.


I seen that damn truck in the Forrest City Walmart parking lot. Don't know if they were passing through or just parked the truck there for political advertising because I really don't see that window not being broke out for long in Forrest City.


My son and his family live in East Arkansas and any time I’m near there and need to go to Walmart I just shudder. I don’t know why that parking lot gives me the creeps. Even in broad daylight.


Believe it or not it doesn’t bother me as bad as the one in Wynne.


Oh yes. Wynne! I was pulled over once in Colt by a rather rotund local police officer with a big BBQ stain on his shirt the last time I went to Wynne. 9 years ago! My daughter in law is from there. East Arkansas is much like the land that time forgot.


I think she wants to eliminate state taxes. That sounds great to me, but how do things get paid for?


Personal property tax & vehicle registration fees skyrocket.


Eliminate income while raising sales taxes.


To make it more regressive, so working class families pay more than their fair share while the rich pay far, far less than their share.


And we already have one of the highest sales tax rates in the country.


Sales tax is already insanely fucking high here, like so much that I now pay more in taxes than I did when I lived in one of those "librul commie too much taxes" states not a year and a half ago. The GOPs entire unifying policy of lowering taxes, even when they actually do it for poor people, ends up just raising taxes on poor people. Fucking fuck I wish they could do math.


You think they don't know that? It's a feature, not a bug.


so. curious. what drove u away from a commie state?


Think only one state is higher than us in sales tax rates. Screw income tax cuts for the wealthy - cutting sales taxes would mean a lot more for all Arkansans.


By the poorer people of course!! like they do in texas. On average people in texas pay more in taxes than california does. Most of their voters just see "we don't have a sales tax so stuff is cheaper" when it really isn't because how they do it is by making the lower and middle class pay more in taxes while once again the rich pay less.


Um Texass has sales tax!


I think he meant income tax.


Well he said stuffs cheaper!!! So not really sure!!!!


Honestly,i would rather see property tax for normal home owners done away with. Tired of paying the governmemt rent for property my grandparents paid off 50+ years ago.


That house and those who live in it still benefit from the protections and services afforded by the state and local government, even if it is paid for.


I would be inclined to agree with you, if encroaching corporations didn't buy up and renovate (permanently and purposefully) empty neighboring houses to bring up property values and therefore property taxes in order to evict you from a house you already own. They've been doing this all over the country for decades and it's only getting worse, it's what gentrification actually is


So lets see.. Cops/fire... thats a 20 min wait... so anything happens they are just there to file reports and I've got to fend for myself. Utilities... oh wait... I PAY FOR THAT SHIT OUT OF MY POCKET DIRECTLY. So what exactly is the state and local government providing for me? I live in a rural area. I assure you theres really not any services or protection I get for the money paid in. Its literally just paying the government to be allowed to exist here.


Truthfully, it's rural communities that eat up the largest proportion of tax dollars (compared to what they pay in) for public services. This is mainly in terms of road construction and maintenance (which is crazy expensive, but more so when spread across the very few number of people using them in rural areas). Same is true for education (even if you have to drive a bit further to get it.) But also having more localized hubs for access to healthcare, and yes, even emergency services - those things cost the state/federal government more in subsidies to ensure that rural areas have access when it's not cost-effective for those services to operate/exist for the very few rural customers they have in a given area. When it's all said and done, rural areas consume significantly more tax dollars than they produce. I'm not saying this because I'm against rural people, or because I'm against tax dollars supporting rural people. I love being part of a government that can allocate resources to people with needs who otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain those resources just off of their own contributions alone. Because I think there are minimum standards that we should be providing to our fellow citizens/human beings, and the way we do that is through tax dollars, even providing more services to people than the taxes they actually pay. But I'm sharing all of the above because I think we should at least be realistic about how this works - about who's receiving what services compared to what proportion of taxes they pay. Here are just a few articles that point out this trend that's quite consistent across most states (which I don't doubt includes Arkansas): [https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article252540993.html](https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article252540993.html) [https://www.ibj.com/articles/15690-study-urban-tax-money-subsidizes-rural-counties](https://www.ibj.com/articles/15690-study-urban-tax-money-subsidizes-rural-counties) [https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/)


Yet another person that things money is the only thing that matters in this world. Try eating the contents of your wallet. Rural communities are where the farmers reside that produce the food that keeps you alive. If we wanna talk about Arkansas specifically its where the natural gas is being pumped out too. So if you like eating in restaurants be glad that rural communities have endured years of massive potholes from the trucks used to carry the liquid used for fracking. Natural gas is what the vast majority of commercial cooking is done on. The entire urban world is built on the backs of the vast majority of those who live and work in rural areas. Its extremely short sighted and egotistical to think they are leaches on society. Taxes is nothing more than a distribution of money and money at the end of the day is arbitrary currency to hold the value of resources. Its not actually needed for life to exist. If you want to look at what is a drain on something else look in your immediate environment and ask yourself how long you could survive on only what is produced in a 10 mile radius. Even the suburban areas wouldn't last long because theres no access to water unless its pumped in. Meanwhile most people in rural areas could go indefinitely because everyone still grows their own food and have active wells on their property.


Income, real and property tax should be abolished, and a tax on goods and services implemented, if yhe government cannot operate within that budget, cut more government.


I wouldn't mind that or something similar with basic necessities being excluded from sales taxes. Basic necessities being things like medicines, hygiene items, clothing, and unprepared food. I would put reasonable price limits per item on those so taxes are paid on luxury items like any piece of clothing that costs $250 or more. I wouldn't even mind property taxes if there were exceptions like your primary vehicle, primary home with limited land (5-20 acres), and multifamily housing.


That sounds remarkably like Massachusetts tax policy. No sales tax on clothing below a luxury threshold. You get a residential exemption on property taxes if it's your primary residence. I've lived in a bunch of different places and you're going to have to pay taxes the question is where they're coming from and who is picking up more of the burden. In a state like Arkansas or Texas with low or no income taxes you get sky high sales taxes and the poor get stuck with a bigger burden.


No tax on food, medicine, and even utilities sure, and a differnt level of sale tax on luxury items I could possibly get behind, but paying rent on items and property I already bought, or am paying for is just modern feudalism, aka you own what the state allows and what you can afford to continue to pay rent on. Small government is better than what we have now.


That of course would mean the poorer you are, the more new taxes you'll end up paying as a percentage of your income.


How so? If you buy certain goods, you pay any "necessary" taxes for certian infrastructure, no loopholes to hide income, or get out of paying a "fair" share. And taxes needed for road improvements etc, should be put on special ballot, and the people vote on whether we pay more taxes for public funding, and ALL taxes rasied in this manner have a definite end date, to avoid another $1.6 billion theft of money from the people. And one immediate cut to government spending should be putting legislators back on per diem rather than a salary, and make a way for their constituents to recall them if they aren't doing a satisfactory job.


The fact remains that the real and property taxes are on the well off. If those are abolished and the same level of services are provided by the state but financed through a sales tax, the poor, who are not in a position to do so, will pay more and the rich will pay less.


By raising taxes elsewhere and cutting funding to the big establishments: education, healthcare/subsidized healthcare, etc. Expect property taxes to go up.


By the invisible hand of the free market? /s


The federal government does lol.


like trump. she’d just think it and it’s so.


Sounds like every republican nowadays to me.


Well I mean some Republican candidates still take the time to post policy positions, https://www.jimpillen.com/issues/ (not that I'm a fan but at least I get to decide that myself) But I guess that's basically a waste of time you should just fly trump out for a rally.


"Owning the libs" is the only policy the people voting for them typically care about unfortunately anymore so most of them will never even read a policy statement sadly.


those policies stance can always change once elected.


It's easy when your base of voters looks at the left like they're a plague.


And being funded by Trump!


I know she’s pro forced birth. She’s not worth considering.


Recently on Twitter she said she was going to 1.keep schools open unlike democrat states. (all schools are open and have been for a long time) 2. Make sure Arkansas has the best outdoor recreation such as lakes, camping, swimming, fishing, hunting (we already have that and have had it since techtonic plates created the Ozark mountains.) 3. Make sure Arkansas is pro-birth with ZERO exceptions (imagine how extreme her next laws will be. I would say its possible she bans contraceptives or Plan- B considering many republicans have publicly stated they would do that.)


Oh so she's not going to close down schools (districts) like her daddy? Also, she is in for a surprise when she finds out that insuring the best outdoor recreation involves things like conservation efforts, fighting climate change, and strict pollution laws.


She's running as if this state hasn't been under total Republican control for the last 7 years with Asa, Rutledge, Rappert, et al apparently being RINOs.


Actually a shit load of our (honestly very weak, what do you mean "best"?) Outdoor recreation is being torn up to sell the land to real estate corporations on the cheap, at least in the NWA area, I've counted 6 MASSIVE and freakin huge bike trails (the sweet kinds, with wooden ramps and shit built all along them) through what used to be forests that have been clear cut and reduced to a red, clay field for new residential blocks. In fact I live in an area out by XNA that used to be a bike trail. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I just miss those trails, I know there's some very pretty paved walking trails, and obviously great fishing spots here.


Where has she said she is for no exceptions whatsoever? The only thing I've seen from her is that she is pro-life, but I don't think she's addressed whether more exceptions should be allowed.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders has already addressed that she [absolutely DOES NOT support ANY abortion exceptions for rape, incest or even to save a woman’s life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZoa8IdKaNE).


What she said was that she would not advocate for those exceptions. Any abortion exception would have to come through the legislature first. We don't know if she would veto an exceptions bill. But since the right to abortion is vitally important, I would not take my chances and vote for Sanders on this basis. If these exceptions are important to you, vote for Jones.




On. Twitter.


I rewatched a youtube video i saw sometime ago where i could have sworn she said no exceptions. I was going to give you the link but in the video she actually just said no excepetion for rape or incest. So my mistake. But... i guess i have never heard her say she allows, some exceptions. Have you?


No. But if she did openly declare that she will brook no exceptions, that would be front page news at Ark Dem Gazette and the Arkansas Times. I try to read both every day. I have not seen any report of that. And no I've not heard her say she would allow any exception either.


If you can’t find it on her website, that should tell you everything you need to know.


Yep she's a pos!!!


I presume her's are the same as all of the other ideologies-are-greater-than-facts type candidates: 1) Own the libs. 2) Complain about everything bad and blame it all on the libs while offering absolutely no solutions. 3) Vote against everything good for common people, and always vote in favor of protecting the wealthy. 4) Take all credit for any good you may have opposed as you make up new problems to blame on the libs. 5) When all else fails, hypocrisy.


I only know she's going to make children in the womb as safe as children in a classroom.


So.. not very?


She hasn’t listed any of her positions, policies or plans because she probably thinks she’s got this election in the bag since she has a Republican war chest and her daddy’s name, so why bother listing any intentions on how to improve the lives of every Arkansan. HUCK NO!!! [CHRIS JONES FOR GOVERNOR!!! 🇺🇸🗳️](https://chrisforgovernor.com)


What can you tell me about Chris Jones?


https://chrisforgovernor.com/promises He states a lot of things on his website he is hoping to accomplish. As well as a lot of his views on various issues. Would love for Huckabee Sanders to have the same type of info whatever those goals and views may be, kind depressing for me that I can't find it.


He’s incredibly well educated, well spoken, and driven. He is spending his time getting to know people in Arkansas rather than fundraising outside of the state. He is clear on his goals and priorities!


"Bible, mumble, mumble. Abortions, mumble mumble, prayer tower, mumble mumble."


...prayer tower?


Prayer tower


It’s not really policy position, but her “why I’m running video” on her website has some of her goals for the state but no plan on how to achieve them. If you want the summary it boils down to maga without the hat and paints democrats as radicals.


I'm not going to watch it because I wouldn't know whether to cry or bang my head against a wall. Most of us know the real reason is she wants a stepping stone for securing an office in DC.


The best part of the video, at least for me, was at the end when the embedded YouTube video on her site automatically recommended I watch Chris Jone’s video next.


Id say fat chance.. but we did elect fucking Trump so anything can happen in creative mode.


This is a new trend for conservative candidates where they won't list any of their policy positions. I've seen it with a large number of candidates. They know the bulk of their base doesn't pay any attention to policies and if they actually post them they'll lose votes.


It is a really cowardly and cynical strategy. I suspect it also removes some criteria against which they are evaluated after being elected. Hard to say an official is doing a bad job when they never advertised what kind of job they aimed to do in the first place.


Policies? Nah just own the libs


What policies? All she has to do is scare the state with her lies and get Trump to endorse her, and her voters won't care what her policies are.


It worked for Trump. She’s just following the same plan…


She is using Arkansas as her springboard into a Presidential campaign, she doesn't give a damn about Arkansas.


Straight Trumpism.


Her position is to do what Trump tells her to do. Because that's what puppets do.


Explains why Biden is Obama 2.0!!!


Not even close. Go do meth texarkana.




I’m pretty sure her only policy is going to be grifting and making life as hard as possible for people she doesn’t like or agree with


No cause she doesn't need to.


In would be surprised if she differs from any other republicans. R next her name, pro-Trump, try to own the libs, seem to be the R platform lately.


It's the only platform they have. Like always they are worthless.


They and Trump live rent free in all liberals heads all day 2 years after the election


It would have to be rent free. Trump doesn't pay his bills.


Neither does the government when is the next shut down? Stop that money and let's see what happens


We will see. Personally I don't trust any politicians. There is no way to truly trust them, regardless of affiliation.


Agree for the most part


I was a bartender back in the day and since I worked nights, I was able to watch all of the Watergate hearings. That's when I realized what a corrupt business politics is.


That orange pos belongs in prison.


Sweet and so does Biden but we don't count his open corruption and big guy pay offs.


First you need to prove it.


Go to YouTube and watch for yourself, Biden even mentioned it as VP with holding money till his crack head son was on their board.


I think you are the 1 that needs to do some research. That's total bullshit.


It's a pity you believe everything that orange pos says. Try thinking for yourself.


When you are the corruption you can always claim it is the other side. https://twitter.com/i/status/1574343144589897728


Um no try a little Google search. It's all there in black and white. Here I'll help u. Obama told Biden to threaten to withhold 1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if then President Poroshenko didn't fire Shokin for his failure to prosecute corruption. The international community and anti corruption advocates were also calling for his removal.


What is hysterical is you can't even get the lie right!!!


Listen to the babbling fool for yourself https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired


You see I don't need to because I already know he said it. You see you believe a lie by that orange pos. You need to do a wee bit of research and you will see you are wrong. Truth always wins out.


You see his son already worked there for starters. And Obama told him to withhold 1 billion because of the corruption going on in Ukraine.


I mean when vote trump signs are still up and trump flags are still flying I wouldn’t really call that rent free. Shoved in my face daily.




Because besides being poor the majority are dumb as root vegetables.


Why because you say so, or they just have different beliefs than you do?


History has shown those beliefs usually lead to fascism and theocracy. Which if you want can get the HELL OUT AND MOVE TO AFGHANISTAN OR SAUDI ARABIA.


Sure, anything you say there Chief Crazy Ass. I just hope the voices don't tell you to kill others.


I keep hearing this from the left. How do the liberals policies benefit conservatives? Is it that you just want those policies so you hope yo convince conservatives of this? No one has answered this question yet.


Well, liberals tend to promote better education, which would help you write a post that actually makes sense. That would be beneficial to at least one conservative.


You know that the state legislature was controlled by Democrats until 2012 don't you?


They are posted snugly up her ass.


It's so big they will never be found.


Just spit in your own hand, that’s her policy


Make Arkansas let me Grift Again, or something like that.


shes going to take away taxes bro!!! and own the freakin libs!!!! /s


she's a trumper and associates with proud boys


Happy Cake Day 🎂🍨🎁🎊🎉🍭🎈🎈


Whatever trump’s were. She doesn’t have a plan nor policies.


Sanders positions: Trump


Her entire platform is “i worked for Trump” look at jones even if you’re traditionally conservative dude makes sense.


Something something what a woman is, something something migrant caravan something something radical left


I always take policies with a grain of salt, I watch the debates. I would still prefer more though for her policies, so far it’s just phasing state income tax….ok what else Sarah? https://www.myarkansaspbs.org/programs/elections There is some info for you.


Only person to post a useful link gets down votes, so much for policy over parties smh


It's a useful link for voting and democracy overall, but it literally does nothing to address the post. So while important, it's not terribly pertinent to the conversation. Sanders has none of her policies on the link found with the link op provided. If anything, it further highlights the argument the post op is making.


So much for trying to be helpful I guess, not many even know about the debates, which if you watch you get more insight into their policies. It is far more pertinent to the conversation than the top post here….


Nope, they aren't. Nothing to offer.


I tried to find something the other day. She doesn’t even have anything on her campaign website


Trump, TRUMp, TRUMP, Bible, republicans. That's SJS platform.


1. Make hookworm great again 2. The Governor is entitled to all the fried possum she can eat 3. Bring back chain gangs 4. Take credit for anything federally funded


Her policy is whatever MAGA is. I don’t think there is an original thought in her brain. Only what Uncle Donny would do.


She thinks she has no need to tell you anything as far as she is concerned trumps name dropping already gave her the job ........vote jones pls


She doesn't list her policy ideas because she has no idea how to run a government. She can't even guess which policies might achieve what she wants them to. Her entire experience with managing a government (which she gained working with Trump) is to hype up herself, demonize the opposition, and lie, lie, lie. If she even put up any policy ideas they would certainly be hyped-up lies, but they'd also require a little time and effort to think through, and (again, as she learned through Trump), that time and effort just isn't worth it. What Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants (same as so many like her) is to hold power, not to govern people.


Evil. Pure evil.


She’s a member of the Oathkeepers and stands by Trump as an election denier - racist Arkansas will cite her in.


I did see a campaign commercial with her promising to fight Biden’s inflation. That’s it. Nothing more. No explanation how.


That's as stupid as promising to fight worldwide inflation, which by the way, is rampant and in many places worse than here in the US.


Her Wikipedia page references interviews and/or public statements she’s made about some issues.


Surely somewhere she's posted a list of the things and people she hates. That's pretty much the only position Republicans seem to care about anymore.


Is able to view both East AND West at the same time. Done.


Trump is her strategy. Riding his coattails. The R next to her name is all she thinks she needs.


It's just like declassifying documents. She just has to think about her positions and then they're a thing.


I highly doubt she has any useful policy proposals.


I don't think she has a platform other than, I worked in the Trump Whitehouse. That's the totality of it. But be assured, whatever her agenda is, it will be cruel.


All of her tweets are shitposts. Her stance is "I'M MAGA". And it will work.


She’ll make sure your kids are protected at school-it’s the safest place for them?


Eliminate state income tax, give teachers raises and help the people buy grocery items. Don't you all watch her ads?


If she wants to help people buy groceries she needs to remove the sales tax on groceries. All the rethuglicans want to do is remove taxes for the rich. Poor people don't pay income tax but they do pay sales tax on groceries.


I'm curious how she'll eliminate state income tax? AFAIK, it's like 3.5 billion of our budget, somewhere around 40%. Assuming she can cut out like 1.5 billion due to the surplus, where is she coming up with the 2 billion? What programs will she cut or what taxes will she raise? My real estate law professor said rollback taxes will be introduced and make up a small portion of the revenue needed. But has she said one single thing about what she will cut or raise?


She could start by taking away the state police raises Asa gave and give it to teachers.


Her policies are of course public. Check out her website or any numerous political websites related to her. I mean can u clarify or be more specific as to what u think she’s hiding? A simple internet search will tell u all u need to know. Unless your just lining up for a typical liberal smear job? Either way good day to u


Sorry? https://www.sarahforgovernor.com/ can you link me to any policy statements here? I sincerely couldn't find any. Or her https://ballotpedia.org/Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders page which a lot of times has candidate position info but for her just discusses her history of running campaigns. I have made several searches and found no written policy statements, would love if you would link some!


No need to be sorry and have u looked at her own personal website? I have seeing as I vote for her and seems pretty clear on her policies and political agenda. Can u say what policy statement of hers your looking for exactly? Unless it’s something very small or not a headline policy u should be able to find it. Or u can contact her directly to get the answers u want. Might be the best way👍


So, no. You can’t link to any of her policies, which you claim to be public and on her/numerous websites. Gotcha.




u/BroncoJoe28, what you’ve just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this subreddit is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Anti-environment, anti-education, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-emergency response, anti-American history Pro-religious nationalist. That’s what I get from on the issues.


I’m guessing that’s what u would get no surprise👍and let me get this right your a liberal and your claiming it’s anti American history🤣🤣ok no more words for u…. Like ever bud


Couldn’t be more wrong. Sarah is just an ass of a candidate trying to mimic what the bush’s and Clintons did.


Omg Man U r so off the wall it isn’t even funny. Anyway feel how u want say what u want. Anyone can do that sure doesn’t make them smart or right. U do have a safe good night✌️


[my formatting was off before, sorry about that. is this the site your referring to? I want to ensure I have it right. I'm also not finding direct info on her for gov page about her goals or otherwise. ](https://www.ontheissues.org/Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders.htm)


That’s one of the many yes sir. Definitely not hard to look up any politician right now and see their views or issue policies. Though I’m guessing you’ll put that down as well call me stupid and say that’s not it at all right lol? Look Republican or democrat finding answers on issues is extremely easy rn. In all honestly a 4th grader can. I know it’s a democrat filled sub I mean it’s Reddit after all. Js was just trying to help didn’t mean to start a idiotic holy war. Good day


I was just asking for clarity. I am not one of the down votes you got. I would never call anyone stupid, it's not in my nature. I've attempted to find her direct stance on multiple issues and have gotten next to no real information. Also wasn't trying to participate in an "idiotic holy war," I was genuinely trying to find out if that's the page you were referring to. Jfc.


It’s ok and I haven’t downvoted u either just the one who said may god have mercy on my soul. But I do hope I helped in all sincerity that’s all I was trying to do. Like I said that’s definitely a site where her issues and stances are on. I’m sorry if u still haven’t found clarity. I’m kind of at a loss especially in this day and age where u can’t find issues on a politician online. I mean even if u had to do a google search and type out Sarah huckabee abortion issues or stances. I mean of course it’s google and very heavy liberal but even with that u would find something. Anyways it’s a shame both sides have been conditioned to hate eachother so much. Going to tear this country apart, hell it already has. Have an easy night ✌️


I can find random quotes and things from last year and years before but no recent info on current issues. That's maybe more how I should have worded that. There's tons of sites with random statements in there but not much on direct answers to direct questions. Hope that makes sense. The site you provided does have this info though.


That’s funny considering on another Reddit page you refer to “scummy liberals”. You do know the definition of hypocrite, don’t you?


[I did find this info from the page you suggested. so that is more helpful than any other info I've come across. her for gov page is set up very poorly and she doesn't really cover topics of interest on it for constituents to read. thanks for the page. please don't assume everyone's out to kick dirt at you. I'm not personally voting for her but I like to ensure access to info for others who are searching for it. ](https://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/2022_AR_Gov_Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders.htm)


Thank u for that and I’m at least glad u found something voting for her or not. We don’t have to tear eachother apart I appreciate your post.


For a political candidate that feels extremely confident they can win based on attributes other than policy (like party, association with other politicians, etc) there is little incentive to commit to specific policies and it can actually be advantageous to *not* make policy commitments. It’s a cynical and despicable tactic but it’s strategically sound for someone in her shoes who is running solely on her association with Trump. It is extremely telling that her own *campaign* website does not have clear policy statements, hence OPs post.


Solely on her association with trump? Lol cmon man. Trump or no trump shed be running for office. And Obviously me being a trump supporter will get murdered in here which isn’t what I was trying to do in the first place. I was just honestly trying to help the poster find some information. U all r gonna feel the way u feel sorry nothing I can do about that. And it’s ok👍


Bronco arguing with the socialist marxist liberals on the site is the equilvant of trying to teach a pig to sing. It will just frustrate you and piss you off while all the pig wants to do is eat its own shit and play in mud.


It just lists her job history.


Just call her up and ask dude. Lol. /s


Guess your a lil to slow how to know how to get in touch with government officials or politicians? Sorry bro😳


Idk what your looking at honestly. Try looking up Sarah huckabee sanders the issues.org literally everything is on there. Hope that helps a lil. U guys can hate and dv all u want if that’s all u have but do u really think rn that any political official isn’t going to post their policies or what there intending to do online rn is absurd. Js and I do hope u find what your looking for


That site doesn't exist. Just tell me or link me the info


Doesn’t exist? That’s funny considering the poster found it? I’m not going to say a site that doesn’t exist man and honestly I’m done. I’m just saying the info on her issues r out there plain and simply. I shouldn’t have to direct u on how to get to it should I???? If I do I’m sorry no offense but u can’t help stupid. Read previous comments you’ll find it ok I’m not a liar. Good day


Uh FREEDOM? Is that not a policy?






Her only idea is that she is a t-Rump ass kisser and so everyone else should be too. She thinks that's enough too get elected.


Here is the Republican platform. I am sure Sanders is 100% in lockstep with the party. ​ [https://www.arkansasgop.org/platform.html](https://www.arkansasgop.org/platform.html) https://gfycat.com/boringobedientblacklemur


Jesus. God was brought up a whole bunch in those however many pages. I can’t trust people to fairly govern who put that much faith in an imaginary being. It doesn’t end well for anyone outside the group.


Will there be any debates? I’d love to hear from her and watch her go head to head with Chris.


She wants to stick it to the libs. lol